Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач

Задача данного издания – познакомить учащихся с современной финансово-экономической терминологией. Первая часть книги в большей мере посвящена вопросам управления, вторая – финансовой проблематике. Темы занятий в основном соответствуют тематике курсов, которые преподаются в большинстве школ бизнеса. Уроки содержат тексты из самых разнообразных профессиональных источников и упражнения, позволяющие студентам закрепить пройденный материал. В конце учебника приводится словарь необходимой лексики примерно из 1000 слов и выражений. Для студентов бизнес-школ, языковых, финансовых и экономических вузов, а также для всех, кто хотел бы усовершенствовать свой деловой и финансовый английский.

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Категория: Иностранные языки
Страниц: 359

1. Нина Пусенкова Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач
2. Предисловие
3. Lesson 1 Motivation Theories
4. Motivation Theories
5. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
6. McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
7. McClelland’s Learned Needs Theory
8. Equity Theory
9. Expectancy Theory
10. Essential Vocabulary
11. Lesson 2 Corporate Culture
12. How to Achieve Excellence by Managing the Culture in your Company
13. Essential Vocabulary
14. Lesson 3 Program Management
15. How Ford Hit the Bull’s-eye with Taurus
16. Essential Vocabulary
17. Lesson 4 Japanese Management Principles
18. From JIT to Lean Manufacturing
19. 1. Batch Quantities
20. 2. Safety Stocks / Quality
21. 3. Supplier Partnerships
22. 4. The Elimination of Variety
23. 5. Shortened Cycle Times
24. 6. «Pull»
25. Essential Vocabulary
26. Lesson 5 Great Managers
27. How Jack Welch Ran GE
28. Show and Tell
29. Roses and Champagne
30. Stick and Carrot
31. Essential Vocabulary
32. Lesson 6 Corporate Strategy
33. Carly’s Challenge
34. Essential Vocabulary
35. Lesson 7 Marketing Mix
36. Four Ps of Marketing
37. The 4 Ps of Marketing or the Marketing «Mix»
38. Product
39. Price
40. Place (i.e. distribution)
41. Promotion
42. Essential Vocabulary
43. Lesson 8 The Past, Present and Future of Marketing
44. According to Kotler: The World’s Foremost Authority on Marketing Answers Your Questions
45. Essential Vocabulary
46. Lesson 9 Strategic Management Models
47. The BCG Growth-Share Matrix
48. Limitations
49. The GE/McKinsey Matrix
50. Essential Vocabulary
51. Lesson 10 Strategic Management Analysis
52. SWOT Analysis
53. The SWOT Matrix
54. The Value Chain
55. Primary Value Chain Activities
56. Support Activities
57. Value-Chain Analysis
58. The Value System
59. PEST Analysis
60. Essential Vocabulary
61. Lesson 11 Strategic Management Tools
62. The Balanced Scorecard
63. Double-Loop Feedback
64. Why Do Executives Love Balanced Scorecard?
65. The Payoff: BSC Customer Profitability Metrics
66. Essential Vocabulary
67. Lesson 12 Management Innovations
68. Delivering Superior Shareholder Value
69. Measuring Value Creation
70. A Case Study in Delivering Shareholder Value – BP
71. Essential Vocabulary
72. Lesson 13 Conflict between Managers and Shareholders
73. Agency Problem
74. Agency Theory and Agency Problems
75. Goal Congruence
76. Conflict Between Managers and Shareholders
77. Essential Vocabulary
78. Lesson 14 Corporate Scandals
79. The Fall of Enron How ex-CEO Jeff Skilling’s strategy grew so complex that even his boss couldn’t get a handle on it
80. Essential Vocabulary
81. Lesson 15 Corporate Governance
82. Corporate governance
83. Parties to corporate governance
84. Principles
85. Mechanisms and controls
86. Internal corporate governance controls
87. External corporate governance controls
88. Rules versus principles
89. Corporate governance models around the world
90. Codes and guidelines
91. Corporate governance and firm performance
92. Essential Vocabulary
93. Lesson 16 Corporate Social Responsibility
94. People, Planet and Profit
95. CSR reporting
96. Criticism of CSR
97. People, Planet, Profit: The Value of CSR
98. Branding
99. Socially Responsible Investment Institutions
100. Legislation and Litigation
101. Employees and Customers
102. Product Improvement / Cost Reduction
103. Essential Vocabulary
104. Lesson 17 Industry Analysis
105. Porter’s Five Forces
106. Porter’s 5 Forces
107. Essential Vocabulary
108. Lesson 18 Industry Trends
109. Global Consolidation Threat: Can East European Companies Survive?
110. Understanding the Consolidation Curve
111. Global Titans about to Emerge
112. Consolidation Strategy
113. Conclusion
114. Essential Vocabulary
115. Lesson 19 New Industry
116. Venture capital
117. Venture capital fund operations
118. How and why VCs invest
119. Winners and losers
120. History
121. The dotcom boom
122. Essential Vocabulary
123. Lesson 20 Global M&As
124. Extinction of the Predator
125. Seduced by Scale
126. The Brand News
127. In-breeding as a Virtue
128. Essential Vocabulary
129. Lesson 21 Emerging Markets
130. Emerging Markets: Has Their Time Finally Come?
131. 1. Historically Low Valuations
132. 2. Economic Triggers – Near Term
133. 3. Market Volatility Change as a Spur to Outperformance
134. 4. Economic Triggers – Long Term
135. 5. Assessing the Long-Term Fundamental Case
136. 6. Conclusion
137. Essential Vocabulary
138. Lesson 22 Macroeconomic Theories
139. The Greatest Economist of the 20th Century: John Maynard Keynes
140. Keynes and the Classics
141. Wages and Spending
142. Excessive Saving
143. Active Fiscal Policy
144. The «Multiplier Effect»
145. Essential Vocabulary
146. Lesson 23 Macroeconomic Landscape
147. U.S. Fiscal Imbalance Biggest Since 1959
148. U.S.: Businesses Are Betting On A Happy New Year
149. The Rush to Invest in Russia
150. Essential Vocabulary
151. Lesson 24 Globalization
152. Globalization
153. Globalization History
154. Characteristics
155. Anti-globalization
156. Pro-globalization (Globalism)
157. Measurement of Globalization
158. Essential Vocabulary
159. Lesson 25 Multinational Companies
160. Are You Ready to Go Global?
161. Automotive MNCs in Russia
162. Ford’s approach
163. General Motor’s approach
164. Summary and conclusions
165. Essential Vocabulary
166. Lesson 26 Foreign Trade
167. The Basics of Foreign Trade
168. Current Account
169. Capital Account
170. Balance of Payments Deficit and Surplus
171. Measuring Imports and Exports
172. Essential Vocabulary
173. Lesson 27 Foreign Exchange Market
174. What is FOREX?
175. Participants of a Foreign Exchange Market
176. Essential Vocabulary
177. Lesson 28 Stock Exchanges
178. Getting to Know Stock Exchanges
179. How Does It All Start?
180. Auction Exchanges – NYSE and Amex
181. New York Stock Exchange
182. NASDAQ (an Electronic Exchange)
183. NASDAQ Small Cap
184. Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs)
185. Over-the-Counter (OTC)
186. There are two OTC markets:
187. Essential Vocabulary
188. Lesson 29 Equity Securities
189. Introduction to Securities
190. Uses of Securities
191. Debt and Equity
192. Ownership
193. Shareholder Rights
194. Buying
195. Selling
196. Types of Shares
197. Securities Markets
198. Legal Nature of Securities: Bearer and Registered Securities
199. Essential Vocabulary
200. Lesson 30 Fixed Income Securities
201. A Stock Buyer’s Guide to Bond Investing
202. Essential Vocabulary
203. Lesson 31 How IPOs are Organized
204. IPO Procedure
205. Legal Requirements in the United States
206. Legal Requirements in the European Union
207. Pricing
208. Investment Banks
209. Definitions
210. Role of Modern Investment Banks
211. The Main Activities and Units
212. Recent Evolution of the Business
213. Possible Conflicts of Interest
214. Essential Vocabulary
215. Lesson 32 Commodity Trading
216. The 10 Commandments of Successful Commodity Trading
217. Essential Vocabulary
218. Lesson 33 Valuation of Russian Companies
219. Company Handbook
220. On the Valuation of Russian Equities
221. The International Perspective
222. Essential Vocabulary
223. Lesson 34 Equity Research Report
224. Aeroflot: Taking Off
225. Summary Valuation of Aeroflot
226. Aeroflot Trading Data
227. Price Drivers
228. Forecasts Upgraded
229. Price Performance
230. Valuation
231. Enterprise Value Compared
232. Future Earnings Compared
233. ROCE
234. Methods of Target Price Valuation
235. Aeroflot DCF Model (Base Case Scenario)
236. WACC Calculations
237. Essential Vocabulary
238. Lesson 35 Successful Investment Strategy: Theory and Practice
239. Modern Portfolio Theory: An Overview
240. The Theory
241. Two Kinds of Risk
242. The Efficient Frontier
243. Figure 1
244. Figure 2
245. Essential Vocabulary
246. Lesson 36 Corporate Finance
247. Corporate Finance for Beginners
248. Balance Sheet Approach to Valuation
249. Cash vs. Profits
250. Cash Cycle
251. Revenue, Expenses, and Inventory
252. Assets
253. Inventory
254. Payables
255. Financial Ratios
256. Bank Loans
257. Sources and Uses of Cash
258. Firm Value, Equity Value, and Debt Value
259. Capital Structure
260. Risk Premiums
261. Cost of Capital
262. Unlevered Free Cash Flows
263. Terminal Value
264. Cash Flows to Debt and Equity
265. Hurdle Price
266. Debt Valuation
267. Optimal Capital Structure
268. Share Buyback
269. Essential Vocabulary
270. Lesson 37 Raising Credit
271. The Credit Process: A Guide For Small Business Owners
272. Quick Ratio
273. Current Ratio
274. Debt Ratio
275. Collection Period Ratio
276. Days to Sell Inventory Ratio
277. Days Purchases in Accounts Payable Ratio
278. Essential Vocabulary
279. Lesson 38 Business Law
280. Business Law
281. The American Legal System
282. Essential Vocabulary
283. Lesson 39 Making Presentations
284. The Art of Making Sales Presentations
285. Lesson 40 Financial Statements
286. Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm on Consolidated Financial Statements
287. Essential Vocabulary
288. Keys to Exercises
289. Lesson 1
290. Lesson 2
291. Lesson 3
292. Lesson 4
293. Lesson 5
294. Lesson 6
295. Lesson 7
296. Lesson 8
297. Lesson 9
298. Lesson 10
299. Lesson 11
300. Lesson 12
301. Lesson 13
302. Lesson 14
303. Lesson 15
304. Lesson 16
305. Lesson 17
306. Lesson 18
307. Lesson 19
308. Lesson 20
309. Lesson 21
310. Lesson 22
311. Lesson 23
312. Lesson 24
313. Lesson 25
314. Lesson 26
315. Lesson 27
316. Lesson 28
317. Lesson 29
318. Lesson 30
319. Lesson 31
320. Lesson 32
321. Lesson 33
322. Lesson 34
323. Lesson 35
324. Leeson 36
325. Lesson 37
326. Lesson 38
327. English-Russian dictionary
328. A
329. B
330. С
331. D
332. E
333. F
334. G
335. H
336. I
337. J
338. K
339. L
340. M
341. N
342. O
343. P
344. Q
345. R
346. S
347. T
348. U
349. V
350. W
351. Y
352. Z
353. Примечания
354. 1
355. 2
356. 3
357. 4
358. 5
359. 6