Книга: Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач
Назад: The 4 Ps of Marketing or the Marketing «Mix»
Дальше: Price


What is it that you are selling? A good marketing manager will be particularly interested in knowing what «need» it addresses? Engineers would think in terms of its functional specifications and marketing people would think more in terms of its features and benefits. Manufacturing people will be thinking about how to make it and along with the accounting group they will be wondering what it costs to make (or buy). Hopefully, they won’t be wondering and will defer instead to rigorous analysis.
Denny Doyle, consultant and founder of Digital Equipment Canada, always told me that the product is what you trade for cash. In other words, your customers want your product and you want their cash and all you do in business is trade those two items.
Назад: The 4 Ps of Marketing or the Marketing «Mix»
Дальше: Price