The days purchases in accounts payable ratio is the third turnover ratio. This ratio measures how quickly you pay your suppliers for inventory purchased. Generally speaking, it is advantageous for small businesses to pay for products promptly so they can take advantage of price discounts.
Pro Forma Financial Statements and Financial Projections.
Pro forma financial statements are the entrepreneur’s best guess about what next year will look like for the business. These tools will help you anticipate whether next year’s cash flow will be sufficient to cover all your costs, and if not, how much money you will need to borrow.
For a longer horizon, financial projections permit you to make estimates about future sales levels, expansion costs, or general business conditions and see how such conditions would affect your company’s financial results in the years to come.
The preparation of pro formas and projections is a complex exercise that requires a sound knowledge of financial accounting. The pro forma statements show how an expected sales increase will change the company’s profit and loss statement and balance sheet forecast for next year.