Затерянный клан

Разобравшись с тайнами незнакомца, найденного на поверхности Киева, школьный учитель Ион вливается в команду сталкеров Кондора – легендарную группу «Птицы». Спустя три месяца они встречают отряд вооруженных людей, которые требуют от Иона сотрудничества по непонятным вопросам. Слово за слово – и полетели пули за пулями. В небесах властвует крылатая смерть с мутировавшим сознанием, верный товарищ гибнет, спасая всех от худшей участи, дороги назад нет, а впереди – лишь загадка замурованной Красной линии метро. И проводником к ней становится девушка Альбина, которая знает про Иона больше, чем он сам.

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Just like every single discipline of sport, horse riding also needs particular apparel. It does not imply that without the right outfits of the rider, the horse is not going to canter, but the tradition, comfort and ease, appearances carry out a critical role in any disciplines. Especially horseback riding, namely a discipline from distant historical past, has generated specific qualities over time. Breeches are most certainly one of these. Equestrian breeches, comfort and ease, and tradition Equestrian breeches are exclusive horse riding apparel. For the reason that they do not have seams on the inner section of the leg, namely in the area where the rider’s leg meets the saddle, they give you ease and flexibility of movements. This type of method of stitching guards your skin layer from chafing, enables the rider to appropriately seat the horse and experience for long periods devoid of unfavorable results. Breeches might be tight or puffed throughout the thighs and legs, like cavalry breeches. Presently, the most used are tight models of breeches, however, there exists still a large group of individuals preferring the cavalry type, such as saloons or jodhpurs, with straight or slightly extending legs. The last type has become well-known in the Nineteenth century Britain thanks to Jodhpur maharajah taking part in polo in such outfits. What makes breeches exclusive? Breeches are seen as a high waist and grip - short or long. A grip is an added support along with a layer of suede, leather or silicone that goes to the knees or across the entire leg. It ensures considerably better gluiness, gumminess in the saddle, having said that, the model of the breeches would depend on the rider’s tastes. Full grip breeches have this additional strengthening on the inside of the pants on the whole length of where the rider’s body fits the saddle - with the buttocks to calf muscles. This specific type is particularly preferred among dressage riders, who prefer to ride at a trot or canter. By reason of limited slippage and fantastic tackiness, gluiness, gumminess, they make it simpler to stay in the seat. Knee grip breeches have the strengthening on the inner side of the knees. This specific style is specially used by jumping riders since it guarantees freedom of movements even at the cost of a lesser hold. It works at a trot and canter in half-seat. Material for breeches In order for breeches to be as heavy duty as possible, they should be crafted from high-quality materials. Fabric is picked out for a given time of year, that makes it thoroughly breathable, isolating, quick-dry, and straightforward to clear. The material should be slightly elastic and maintain its shape even after a number of laundries.