The White Company / Белый отряд. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Предлагаем вниманию читателей исторический роман знаменитого английского писателя Артура Конан Дойла «Белый отряд», посвященный событиям Столетней войны. В книге приводится полный неадаптированный текст романа с комментариями и словарем.

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1. Chapter I. How the Black Sheep Came Forth from the Fold
2. Chapter II. How Alleyne Edricson Came out into the World
3. Chapter III. How Hordle John Cozened the Fuller of Lymington
4. Chapter IV. How the Bailiff of Southampton Slew the Two Masterless Men
5. Chapter V. How a Strange Company Gathered at the “Pied Merlin”
6. Chapter VI. How Samkin Aylward Wagered His Feather-Bed
7. Chapter VII. How the Three Comrades Journeyed through the Woodlands
8. Chapter VIII. The Three Friends
9. Chapter IX. How Strange Things Befell in Minstead Wood
10. Chapter X. How Hordle John Found a Man Whom He Might Follow
11. Chapter XI. How a Young Shepherd Had A Perilous Flock
12. Chapter XII. How Alleyne Learned More than He Could Teach
13. Chapter XIII. How The White Company Set Forth to the Wars
14. Chapter XIV. How Sir Nigel Sought for a Wayside Venture
15. Chapter XV. How the Yellow Cog Sailed Forth from Lepe
16. Chapter XVI. How The Yellow Cog Fought the Two Rover Galleys
17. Chapter XVII. How the Yellow Cog Crossed the Bar of Gironde
18. Chapter XVIII. How Sir Nigel Loring Put a Patch upon His Eye
19. Chapter XIX. How there was a Stir at the Abbey of St. Andrew’s
20. Chapter XX. How Alleyne Won His Place in an Honourable Guild
21. Chapter XXI. How Agostiño Pisano Risked His Head
22. Chapter XXII. How the Bowmen Held Wassail at the “Rose de Guienne”
23. Chapter XXIII. How England Held The Lists at Bordeaux
24. Chapter XXIV. How a Champion Came Forth from the East
25. Chapter XXV. How Sir Nigel Wrote to Twynham Castle
26. Chapter XXVI. How the Three Comrades Gained a Mighty Treasure
27. Chapter XXVII. How Roger Club-Foot was Passed into Paradise
28. Chapter XXVIII. How the Comrades Came Over the Marches of France
29. Chapter XXIX. How the Blessed Hour of Sight Came to the Lady Tiphaine
30. Chapter XXX. How the Brushwood Men Came to the Château of Villefranche
31. Chapter XXXI. How Five Men Held the Keep of Villefranche
32. Chapter XXXII. How the Company Took Counsel Round the Fallen Tree
33. Chapter XXXIII. How the Army Made the Passage of Roncesvalles
34. Chapter XXXIV. How the Company Made Sport in[333] the Vale of Pampeluna
35. Chapter XXXV. How Sir Nigel Hawked at an Eagle
36. Chapter XXXVI. How Sir Nigel Took the Patch from His Eye
37. Chapter XXXVII. How the White Company Came to be Disbanded
38. Chapter XXXVIII. Of the Home-Coming to Hampshire
39. Vocabulary
40. D
41. J
42. Q
43. U
44. Примечания
45. Примечания