Sister Carrie / Сестра Кэрри. Книга для чтения на английском языке

Роман «Сестра Керри» известного американского писателя и общественного деятеля Теодора Драйзера (1871–1945) – одно из нескольких произведений, которые создали ему имя. В основу романа положены эпизоды из жизни сестры Драйзера Эммы. Эта житейская мелодрама когда-то была расценена американской критикой как аморальная… В книге представлен неадаптированный сокращенный текст на языке оригинала.

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1. Chapter I. The Magnet Attracting: A Wife amid Forces
2. Chapter II. What Poverty Threatened: of Granite and Brass
3. Chapter IV. The Spendings of Fancy: Facts Answer with Sneers
4. Chapter V. A Glittering Night Flower: The Use of a Name
5. Chapter VII. The Lure of the Material: Beauty Speaks for Itself
6. Chapter VIII. Intimations by Winter: An Ambassador Summoned
7. Chapter X. The Counsel of Winter: Fortune’s Ambassador Calls
8. Chapter XI. The Persuasion of Fashion: Feeling Guards o’er its Own
9. Chapter XII. Of the Lamps of the Mansions: The Ambassador Plea
10. Chapter XIII. His Credentials Accepted: A Babel of Tongues
11. Chapter XIV. With Eyes and not Seeing: One Influence Wanes
12. Chapter XV. The Irk of the Old Ties: The Magic of Youth
13. Chapter XVI. A Witless Aladdin: The Gate to the World
14. Chapter XVII. A Glimpse through the Gateway: Hope Lightens the Eye
15. Chapter XVIII. Just over the Border: A Hail and Farewell
16. Chapter XX. The Lure of the Spirit: The Flesh In Pursuit
17. Chapter XXI. The Lure of the Spirit: The Flesh in Pursuit
18. Chapter XXIII. A Spirit In Travail: One Rung Put Behind
19. Chapter XXIV. Ashes of Tinder: A Face at The Window
20. Chapter XXVI. The Ambassador Fallen: A Search for the Gate
21. Chapter XXVII. When Waters Engulf Us We Reach for a Star
22. Chapter XXVIII. A Pilgrim, an Outlaw: The Spirit Detained
23. Chapter XXIX. The Solace of Travel: The Boats of The Sea
24. Chapter XXX. The Kingdom of Greatness: The Pilgrim A Dream
25. Chapter XXXII. The Feast of Belshazzar: A Seer to Translate
26. Chapter XXXIII. Without the Walled City: The Slope of the Years
27. Chapter XXXIV. The Grind of the Millstones: A Sample of Chaff
28. Chapter XXXV. The Passing of Effort: The Visage Of Care
29. Chapter XXXVI. A Grim Retrogression: The Phantom of Chance
30. Chapter XXXVII. The Spirit Awakens: New Search for the Gate
31. Chapter XXXVIII. In Elf Land Disporting: The Grim World Without
32. Chapter XXXIX. Of Lights and of Shadows: The Parting of Worlds
33. Chapter XL. A Public Dissension: A Final Appeal
34. Chapter XLI. The Strike
35. Chapter XLII. A Touch of Spring: The Empty Shell
36. Chapter XLIII. The World Turns Flatterer: An Eye in the Dark
37. Chapter XLIV. And this is not Elf Land: What Gold Will not Buy
38. Chapter XLV. Curious Shifts of the Poor
39. Chapter XLVI. Stirring Troubled Waters
40. Chapter XLVII. The Way of the Beaten: A Harp in the Wind
41. Vocabulary
42. T
43. Примечания