Книга: Digital Painting with KRITA 2.9: Learn All of the Tools to Create Your Next Masterpiece
Назад: RAW Format
Дальше: Understanding Vector Objects

Chapter 10 - Vector Tools

While Krita is focused on being a painting application, it does offer some vector tools. If you haven't worked with vector graphics before, the advantage is that vector graphics do not get pixelated. This means you can scale them up or zoom into your canvas without the quality deteriorating. The other advantage to vector graphics is that they are always editable. Every curve has points that you can edit at any time.

After working with vector objects for a while, you will realize it has limitations. The nature of vector graphics means extra editing after you create your initial lines. While vector graphics give crisp lines, it can really make your artwork take longer to finish. It also depends on your art style. A cartoon style might work with vector objects, but a painterly style would not.

We will start by understanding how to work with the vector tools. We will then start diving into customizing and modifying objects. There are a lot of options and properties when working with vector objects. Some functions create the objects and fills. There are quite a few options to edit the anchor points as well. We will finally go over the Text Tool and gradient options.

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Дальше: Understanding Vector Objects