RAW is not like the RGB or CMYK color spaces. The image information isn’t broken down into components like you might expect. Instead, RAW stores data that can be turned into an image. The data itself is meaningless until another process can convert it into an image.
Many of the options that exist in the LUT Management docker will not appear to do anything. These options are more for how color profiles and settings are calculated between the image and the monitor. Here is an overview of the different settings and Color Engines that are available:
Change the exposure level by holding down Y and dragging your pen up or down. Changing the exposure will adjust the light that defines your colors. This will either make your colors lighter or darker.
If you visit opencolorio.org, you can download some predefined configurations that specific applications use such as Nuke or Sony Picture Works. In the LUT Management docker, the configuration files specify the following properties:
Artwork by Elésiane Huve