Книга: Власть привычки
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C. Park, E. Iyer & D. Smith, “The Effects of Situational Factors on In-Store Grocery Shopping Behavior: The Role of Store Environment and Time Available for Shopping”, The Journal of Consumer Re-search 15, № 4 (1989): 422–33. Более подробную информацию по этой теме см.: J. Belyavsky Bayuk, B. Janiszewski & R. Leboeuf, “Letting Good Opportunities Pass Us By: Examining the Role of Mindset During Goal Pursuit”, Journal of Consumer Research 37, № 4 (2010): 570–83; Ab Litt & Zakary L. Tormala, “Fragile Enhancement of Attitudes and Intentions Following Difficult Decisions”, Journal of Consumer Research 37, № 4 (2010): 584–98.
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