Книга: Власть привычки
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На сегодняшний день проведены тысячи исследований, посвященных изучению того, как привычки влияют на поведение покупателей, а подсознательные и полусозна-тельные желания – на решения, иначе не подвластные воздействию привычных стимулов. Более подробно об этих интересных темах см.: H. Aarts, A. van Knippenberg, & B. Verplanken, “Habit and Information Use in Travel Mode Choices”, Acta Psychologica 96, №№ 1–2 (1997): 1–14; J. A. Bargh, “The Four Horsemen of Automaticity: Awareness, Efficiency, Intention, and Control in Social Cognition”, Handbook of Social Cognition, ed. R. S. Wyer, Jr., & T. K. Srull (Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1994); D. Bell, T. Ho & C. Tang, “Determining Where to Shop: Fixed and Variable Costs of Shopping”, Journal of Marketing Research 35, № 3 (1998): 352–69; T. Betsch, S. Haberstroh, B. Molter, A. Glöckner, “Oops, I Did It Again – Relapse Errors in Routinized Decision Making”, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 93, № 1 (2004): 62–74; M. Cunha, C. Janiszewski Jr., & J. Laran, “Protection of Prior Learning in Complex Consumer Learning Environments”, Journal of Consumer Research 34, № 6 (2008): 850–64; H. Aarts, U. Danner & N. de Vries, “Habit Formation and Multiple Means to Goal Attainment: Repeated Retrieval of Target Means Causes Inhibited Access to Competitors”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 33, № 10 (2007): 1367–79; E. Ferguson & P. Bibby, “Predicting Future Blood Donor Returns: Past Behavior, Intentions, and Observer Effects”, Health Psychology 21, № 5 (2002): 513–18; Edward Fox & John Semple, “Understanding ‘Cherry Pickers’: How Retail Customers Split Their Shopping Baskets”, Southern Methodist University, 2002; S. Gopinath, R. Blattberg & E. Malthouse, “Are Revived Customers as Good as New?” Northwestern University, 2002; H. Aarts, R. Holland & D. Langendam, “Breaking and Creating Habits on the Working Floor: A Field-Experiment on the Power of Implementation Intentions”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42, № 6 (2006): 776–83; Mindy Ji & Wendy Wood, “Purchase and Consumption Habits: Not Necessarily What You Intend”, Journal of Consumer Psychology 17, № 4 (2007): 261–76; S. Bellman, E. J. Johnson & G. Lohse, “Cognitive Lock-In and the Power Law of Practice”, Journal of Marketing 67, № 2 (2003): 62–75; J. Bettman et al., “Adapting to Time Constraints”, Time Pressure and Stressing Human Judgment and Decision Making, ed. O. Svenson & J. Maule (New York: Springer, 1993); Adwait Khare & J. Inman, “Habitual Behavior in American Eating Patterns: The Role of Meal Occasions”, Journal of Consumer Research 32, № 4 (2006): 567–75; David Bell & R. Lal, “The Impact of Frequent Shopper Programs in Grocery Retailing”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1, № 2 (2002): 179–202; Yuping Liu, “The Long-Term Impact of Loyalty Programs on Consumer Purchase Behavior and Loyalty”, Journal of Marketing 71, № 4 (2007): 19–35; Neale Martin, Habit: The 95 % of Behavior Marketers Ignore (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: FT Press, 2008); H. Aarts, K. Fujia & K. C. McCulloch, “Inhibition in Goal Systems: A Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Account”, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44, № 3 (2008): 614–23; Gerald Häubl & K. B. Murray, “Explaining Cognitive Lock-In: The Role of Skill-Based Habits of Use in Consumer Choice”, Journal of Consumer Research 34 (2007): 77–88; D. Neale, J. Quinn, & W. Wood, “Habits: A Repeat Performance”, Current Directions in Psychological Science 15, № 4 (2006): 198–202; R. L. Oliver, “Whence Consumer Loyalty?” Journal of Marketing 63 (1999): 33–44; C. T. Orleans, “Promoting the Maintenance of Health Behavior Change: Recommendations for the Next Generation of Research and Practice”, Health Psychology 19 (2000): 76–83; Andy Ouellette & Wendy Wood, “Habit and Intention in Everyday Life: The Multiple Processes by Which Past Behavior Predicts Future Behavior”, Psychological Bulletin 124, № 1 (1998): 54–74; E. Iyer, D. Smith & C. Park, “The Effects of Situational Factors on In-Store Grocery Shopping Behavior: The Role of Store Environment and Time Available for Shopping”, Journal of Consumer Research 15, № 4 (1989): 422–33; O. Amir, R. Dhar & A. Pocheptsova, “Deciding Without Resources: Resource Depletion and Choice in Context”, Journal of Marketing Research 46, № 3 (2009): 344–55; H. Aarts, R. Custers & P. Sheeran, “The Goal-Dependent Automaticity of Drinking Habits”, British Journal of Social Psychology 44, № 1 (2005): 47–63; S. Orbell & P. Sheeran, “Implementation Intentions and Repeated Behavior: Augmenting the Predictive Validity of the Theory of Planned Behavior”, European Journal of Social Psychology 29, №№ 2–3 (1999): 349–69; P. Sheeran, P. Gollwitzer & P. Webb, “The Interplay Between Goal Intentions and Implementation Intentions”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31, № 1 (2005): 87–98; H. Shen & R. S. Wyer, “Procedural Priming and Consumer Judgments: Effects on the Impact of Positively and Negatively Valenced Information”, Journal of Consumer Research 34, № 5 (2007): 727–37; Itamar Simonson, “The Effect of Purchase Quantity and Timing on Variety-Seeking Behavior”, Journal of Marketing Research 27, № 2 (1990): 150–62; G. Taylor & S. Neslin, “The Current and Future Sales Impact of a Retail Frequency Reward Program”, Journal of Retailing 81, № 4, 293–305; H. Aarts & B. Verplanken, “Habit, Attitude and Planned Behavior: Is Habit an Empty Construct or an Interesting Case of Goal-Directed Automaticity?” European Review of Social Psychology 10 (1999): 101–34; B. Verplanken, Henk Aarts, & Ad Van Knippenberg, “Habit, Information Acquisition and the Process of Making Travel Mode Choices”, European Journal of Social Psychology 27, № 5 (1997): 539–60; B. Verplanken et al., “Attitude Versus General Habit: Antecedents of Travel Mode Choice”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24, № 4 (1994): 285–300; B. Verplanken et al., “Consumer Style and Health: The Role of Impulsive Buying in Unhealthy Eating”, Psychology and Health 20, № 4 (2005): 429–41; B. Verplanken et al., “Context Change and Travel Mode Choice: Combining the Habit Discontinuity and Self-Activation Hypotheses”, Journal of Environmental Psychology 28 (2008): 121–27; Bas Verplanken & Wendy Wood, “Interventions to Break and Create Consumer Habits”, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 25, № 1 (2006): 90–103; H. Evanschitzky, B. Ramaseshan & V. Vogel, “Customer Equity Drivers and Future Sales”, Journal of Marketing 72 (2008): 98–108; P. Sheeran & T. L. Webb, “Does Changing Behavioral Intentions Engender Behavioral Change? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence”, Psychological Bulletin 132, № 2 (2006): 249–68; P. Sheeran, T. L. Webb & A. Luszczynska, “Planning to Break Unwanted Habits: Habit Strength Moderates Implementation Intention Effects on Behavior Change”, British Journal of Social Psychology 48, № 3 (2009): 507–23; D. Wegner & R. Wenzlaff, “Thought Suppression”, Annual Review of Psychology 51 (2000): 59–91; L. Lwin, A. Mattila & J. Wirtz, “How Effective Are Loyalty Reward Programs in Driving Share of Wallet?” Journal of Service Research 9, № 4 (2007): 327–34; D. Kashy, J. Quinn & W. Wood, “Habits in Everyday Life: Thought, Emotion, and Action”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83, № 6 (2002): 1281–97; L. Tam, M. Witt & W. Wood (2005), “Changing Circumstances, Disrupting Habits”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 88, № 6 (2005): 918–33; Alison Jing Xu & Robert S. Wyer, “The Effect of Mindsets on Consumer Decision Strategies”, Journal of Consumer Research 34, № 4 (2007): 556–66; C. Cole, M. Lee & C. Yoon, “Consumer Decision Making and Aging: Current Knowledge and Future Directions”, Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (2009): 2–16; S. Dhar, A. Krishna & Z. Zhang, “The Optimal Choice of Promotional Vehicles: Front-Loaded or Rear-Loaded Incentives?” Management Science 46, № 3 (2000): 348–62.
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