Книга: Управление отделом продаж
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Myron Gable, Charles Hollon, and Frank Dangello. Increasing the Utility of the Application Blank: Relationship between Job Application Information and Subsequent Performance and Turnover of Salespeople. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (лето 1992). С. 39–55; Alan M. Saks, Joanne Leck, and David M. Sanders. Effects of Application Blanks and Employment Equity on Applicant Reactions and Job Pursuit Intentions. Journal of Organizational Behavior 16 (September 1995). С. 415–430; J. Craig Wallace and Stephen J. Vodanovich. Personnel Application Blanks: Persistence and Knowledge of Legally Inadvisable Application Blank Items. Public Personnel Management 33 (осень 2004). С. 331–349.
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