Книга: Управление отделом продаж
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John E. Hunter and R. F. Hunter. Validity and Utility of Alternative Predictors of Job Performance. Psychological Bulletin, 96 (1984). С. 72–98. Детальное описание различных способов отбора для оценки торгового персонала см. Neil M. Ford, Orville C. Walker, Jr., and Gilbert A Churchill, Jr. Selecting Successful Salespeople: A Meta-Analysis of Biographical and Psychological Selection Criteria, in Review of Marketing ed. Michael J. Houston. Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1988. С. 90–131; Jose M. Cortina, Nancy B. Goldstein, Stephanie C. Payne, H. Kristi Davison and Stephen W. Gilliland. The Incremental Validity of Interview Scores Over and Above Cognitive Ability and Conscientiousness Scores. Personnel Psychology 53 (лето 2000). С. 325–351.
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