Книга: Управление отделом продаж
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R. Kenneth Teas. Supervisory Behavior, Role Stress, and the Job Satisfaction of Industrial Salespeople. Journal of Marketing Research 20 (февраль 1983), стр. 84–91; Ajay K. Kohli. Some Unexplored Supervisory Behavior and Their Influence on Salespeople’s Role Clarity, Specific Job Esteem, Job Satisfaction, and Motivation. Journal of Marketing Research 22 (ноябрь 1985). С. 424–433. См. также Goutam N. Challagalla and Tasaddug A. Servani. Dimensions and Types of Supervisory Control Effects of Salesperson Performance and Satisfaction. Journal of Marketing (январь 1996). С. 89–105; Thomas E. DeCarlo, R. Kenneth Teas, and James C. McElroy. Salesperson Performance Attributions Process and the Formulation of Expectancy Estimates. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (лето 1997). С. 1–17; Douglas Amyx and Bruce L. Alford. The Effects of Salesperson Need for Achievement and Sales Manager Leader Reward Behavior. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (осень 2005). С. 346–359; Tarб Lopez and McMillan-Capehart. Elements of Salespeople Control: An Organization Theory Perspective. The Journal of Business & Industrial MArketing 24 (2009). С. 98.
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