Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 20-3 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 21-2 Solutions


. This call takes three parameters. The first at is a 32-bit value representing an int, and the next two parameters at and are 64-bit values representing pointers.



, to obtain the executable’s filename without the leading directory path. Then we see an encoding function, partially shown in .



To determine the string that the malware is searching, we can use dynamic analysis to obtain the encoded value that the executable should be named. To do so, we use WinDbg (again, because OllyDbg does not support 64-bit executables). We open the program in WinDbg and set a breakpoint on the call to strncmp, as shown in .

WinDbg output can sometimes be a bit verbose, so we’ll focus on the commands issued. We can’t set a breakpoint using bp strncmp because WinDbg doesn’t know the location of strncmp. However, IDA Pro uses signatures to find strncmp, and from , we know that the call to strncmp is at 0000000140001205. As shown in , at , we use the u instruction to verify the instructions at 0000000140001205, and then set a breakpoint on .


The socket is stored at RBX in code not shown in the listing. All the parameters are moved onto the stack instead of pushed onto the stack, which makes the function call considerably more complicated than the 32-bit version.

Most of the moves onto the stack represent parameters to CreateProcessA, but some do not. For example, the move at is LPSTARTUPINFO being passed as a parameter to CreateProcessA. However, the STARTUPINFO structure itself is stored on the stack, starting at var_78. The mov instructions seen at , , and are values being moved into the STARTUPINFO structure, which happens to be stored on the stack, and not individual parameters for CreateProcessA.

Because of all the intermingling of function parameters and other stack activity, it’s difficult to tell how many parameters are passed to a function just by looking at the function call. However, because CreateProcessA is documented, we know that it takes exactly 10 parameters.

At this point, we’ve reached the end of the code. We’ve learned that the malware checks to see if the program is jzm.exe, and if so, it creates a reverse shell to a remote computer to enable remote access on the machine.


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