Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 21-1 Solutions
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. Let’s start by examining the new strings found in this binary, as follows:



Next, we move our analysis to IDA Pro to find out how the malware uses IsWow64Process. We see that Lab21-02.exe begins with the same code as Lab12-01.exe, which dynamically resolves the API functions for iterating through the process list. After those functions are resolved, the code deviates and attempts to dynamically resolve the IsWow64Process function, as shown in .

at .

. Then the malware calls EnumProcesses and loops through the process list looking for a module base name of explorer.exe using the strnicmp function.

Finally, the malware performs DLL injection of Lab21-02.dll into explorer.exe using VirtualAllocEx and CreateRemoteThread. This method of DLL injection is identical to . Comparing the MD5 hash of Lab21-02.dll with Lab12-01.dll, we see that they are identical. Therefore, we conclude that this malware operates the same as when it is run on a 32-bit machine. We must investigate the x64 code path to figure out if this malware operates differently on a 64-bit machine.



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