Книга: Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Назад: Lab 20-2 Solutions
Дальше: Lab 21-1 Solutions



shows how it’s used in sub_401EE0.


tries to open the config.dat file at . If the file is opened successfully, a jump is taken, and the remainder of the code in is skipped, as shown at . If the file is not opened successfully, we see the string Config error passed as an argument to the function at 0x4036F0 at .

The function at 0x4036F0 takes the strings as a parameter, but also uses ECX as the this pointer. A reference to the object used by the this pointer is stored on the stack at var_AC at . We later see that object passed to the CxxThrowException function at , which tells us that the function at 0x4036F0 is a member function of an exception object. Based on the context in which sub_4036F0 is called, we can assume that the function is initializing an exception with the string Config error.

It’s important to recognize the function call with an error string argument followed by a call to CxxThrowException because similar code consisting of an error string passed to a function followed by a call to CxxThrowException appears throughout this program. Each time we see this pattern, we can conclude that the function is initializing an exception, so we don’t need to waste time analyzing these functions.

If we continue analyzing the function at 0x403180, we realize that it reads data from the configuration file config.dat and stores it in secondObject. We can now conclude that secondObject is an object to store and read configuration information, and we rename it configObject.

Now we return to sub_401EE0 to see if we can better determine how firstObject is used. After creating the configObject object, sub_401EE0 stores a bunch of information in firstObject, as shown in .





The value used for the switch decision is stored in [esi+4]. That value is then stored in EAX, and 0x61 is subtracted from it. If the value is not lower than five, none of the switch jumps are taken. This ensures that the value is between 0x61 and 0x66 (which represents ASCII characters a through f). 0x61 less than the value is then used as an offset into the switch table. IDA Pro has recognized and labeled the switch table.

We click off_4025C8, which takes us to the six possible locations that we need to analyze. We’ll label these case_1 through case_6 and analyze them one at a time:

Overall, we have a backdoor program that reads a configuration file that determines the command-and-control server, sends a beacon to the command-and-control server, and implements several different functions based on the response from the command-and-control server.


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