Книга: Курс MBA по стратегическому менеджменту
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Стратегия в равной степени нужна любой структуре малого бизнеса и самым крупным и ведущим корпорациям мира. Любой малый бизнес со стратегией, не соответствующей конкурентной среде, в которой он действует, не может выжить, не говоря уж о процветании. И по мере того как в конкурентной среде происходят те или иные события, владелец/менеджер или команда менеджеров любого предприятия-новичка или семейного бизнеса не только должны заниматься созданием стратегии действий на рынке, но и постоянно оценивать эту стратегию.
Birley, S., ed. 1998. Entrepreneurship. Hants, England: Dartmouth Publishing.
Bork, D. 1993. Family Business, Risky Business. Aspen, CO: Bork Institute for Family Business.
Bull, I., H. Thomas, and G. Willard, eds. 1995. Entrepreneurship: Perspectives on Theory Building. Oxford, England: Elsevier Science.
Bygrave, W.D., ed. 1997. The Portable MBA in Entrepreneurship. New York: Wiley.
Covin, J.G., and D.P. Slevin. 1989. «Strategic Management of Small Firms in Hostile and Benign Environments», Strategic Management Journal, 75–87.
Danco, L. 1995. Beyond Survival: A Business Owner’s Cuide for Success. Cleveland, OH: Center for Family Business, University Press.
Fritz R. 1997. Wars of Succession: The Blessings, Curses and Lessons that Family-Owned Firms Offer Anyone in Business. Santa Monica, CA: Merritt.
Gartner, W. 1985. «A Conceptual Framework for Describing the Phenomenon of New Venture Creation», Academy of Management Reciew, 696–706.
Katz, J.A., ed. 1997. Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence, and Growth. London, England: JAI Press.
Kets de Vries, M.F.R. 1996. Family Business: Human Dilemmas in the Family Firm. London, England: International Thomson Business Press.
Lasher, William R. Strategic Thinking for Smaller Businesses and Divisions. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Le Van, G. 1999. The Survival Cuide for Business Families. New York: Routledge.
Neubauer, F., and A.G. Lank. 1998. The Family Business, It’s Governance for Sustainability. NewYork: Routledge.
Sahlman, W.A., and H.H. Stevenson. 1992. The Entrepreneurial Venture. Boston: Harvard Business School Publications.
Small Business Administration. 1997. The Facts about Small Business, 1997 (September). Washington, DC: Small Business Administration Office of Advocacy.
Shepherd, D.A., and M. Shanley. 1998. New Venture Strategy: Timing, Environmental Uncertainty, and Performance. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Тimmons, J.A. 1994. New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century. Boston: Irwin.
Vesper, K.H., ed. 1990. New Venture Strategies. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Williams, E.E., and J.R. Thompson. 1998. Entrepreneurship and Productivity. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.


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