Книга: Свод знаний по управлению бизнес-процессами: BPM CBOK 4.0
Назад: 12.4. Приложение D. Стандарты поведения ABPMP
Дальше: 12.6. Приложение F. Глоссарий

12.5. Приложение Е. Библиография

Глава 2
1. Champlin, Brett. 2006. «BPM Professionals: Roles and Responsibilities for an Emerging Discipline». BPM Strategies Magazine, October. .
2. De Bruin, Tonia and Michael Rosemann. 2005. «Application of a Holistic Model for Determining BPM Maturity». Business Process Trends. February.
3. Delphi Group. 2003. «BPM 2003: Market Milestone Report». Delphi Group White Paper. Boston, MA: Delphi Group.
4. Dwyer, Tom. 2004. «BPMInstitute's State of Business Process Management». Executive White Paper, April. .
5. Fisher, David M. 2004. «Optimize Now Or Else!: How to Leverage Processes and Information to Achieve Enterprise Optimization». BearingPoint Presentation. Miami, FL: Process World. April 25–28, 2004.
6. Harmon, Paul. 2004. «Evaluating An Organization's Business Process Maturity». Business Process Trends Newsletter 2 3: 1–11. .
7. Parker, Burton G. 1995. «Data Management Maturity Model». McLean, VA: MITRE Software Engineering Center. July.
8. Porter, Michael. 1985. «Competitive Advantage». New York: Free Press. Русский перевод: Портер М. Конкурентное преимущество: Как достичь высокого результата и обеспечить его устойчивость. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2020.
9. Rummler-Brache Group. 2004. «Business Process Management in U. S. Firms Today». Rummler-Brache Group. March.
10. Scheer, August-Wilhelm, Ferri Abolhassan, Wolfram Jost, and Mathias Kirchmer. 2004. «Business Process Automation: ARIS in Practice». Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
11. Sinur, Jim. 2004. «Leveraging the Three Phases of Process Evolution». Gartner Research Presentation. Miami, FL: Process World. April 25–28, 2004.
12. Towers, Steve and BPMG. 2005. «In Search of BPM Excellence: Straight From the Thought Leaders». Tampa, FL: Meghan-Kiffer Press.
13. Zur Muehlen, Michael. 2004. «Workflow-Based Process Controlling: Foundation, Design, and Application Of Workflow-Driven Process Information Systems». Berlin: Logos.


Главы 3, 4
1. Bagni, Raul, Berchi, Roberto, and Cariello, Pasquale. 2002. «A Comparison of Simulation Models Applied to Epidemics». Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 53 .
2. Brocke, Jan vom, and Michael Rosemann. 2010. «Handbook on Business Process Management: Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture». Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
3. Burlton, Roger. 2013. «Delivering Business Strategy Through Process Management». in Brocke, Jan V., and Michael Rosemann. 2014. «Handbook On Business Process Management 2: Strategic Alignment, Governance, People and Culture». Berlin: Springer.
4. Cantara, Michele. 2015. «Start up your Business Process Competency Center». Documentation of the Gartner Business Process Management Summit, National Harbor.
5. Elzinga, D. Jack, Thomas R. Gulledge, and Chung-Yee Lee. 1999. «Business Process Engineering: Advancing the State of the Art». Boston, MA: Springer US.
6. Franz, Peter, and Mathias Kirchmer. 2012. «Value-Driven Business Process Management: The Value-Switch for Lasting Competitive Advantage». New York: McGraw Hill Professional.
7. George, Mark O. 2010. «The Lean Six Sigma Guide to Doing More With Less Cut Costs, Reduce Waste, and Lower Your Overhead». Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
8. Jackson, TL. 2006. «Hoshin Kanri for The Lean Enterprise: Developing Competitive Capabilities and Managing Profit». New York: Productivity Press.
9. Kirchmer, Mathias. 1999a. «Business Process Oriented Implementation of Standard Software: How To Achieve Competitive Advantage Efficiently and Effectively». Berlin: Springer.
10. Kirchmer, Mathias. 1999b. «Market- and Product-Oriented Definition of Business Processes». In: Elzinga, D. Jack, Thomas R. Gulledge, and Chung-Yee Lee. 1999. Business Process Engineering: Advancing the State of the Art. Boston, MA: Springer US.
11. Kirchmer, Mathias and Peter Franz. 2014a. «Chief Process Officer: The Value Scout». Research Paper. London, Philadelphia: BPM-D. June.
12. Kirchmer, Mathias and Peter Franz. 2014b. «The BPM-Discipline: Enabling the Next Generation Enterprise». Executive Training Documentation. London, Philadelphia: BPM-D.
13. Kirchmer, Mathias and Rolf Hofmann. 2013. «Value-driven Process Governance: Wettbewerbsvorteile durch die richtige Processorganisation». IM + io. München: GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH. March.
14. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2013. «How to Create Successful IT Projects with Value-Driven BPM». CIO Magazine Online. February 27. Framingham, MA: IDG Communications, Inc. .
15. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2014. «Value-driven Design and Implementation of Business Processes: From Strategy to Execution at Pace with Certainty». Business Modeling and Software Design: 4th International Symposium. BMSD 2014. Luxembourg, Luxembourg. June 24–26. New York: Springer.
16. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2015. «The Process of Process Management: Mastering the New Normal in a Digital World». Business Modeling and Software Design: 5th International Symposium. BMSD 2015. Milan, Italy. July 6–8. New York: Springer.
17. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2017. «High Performance through Business Process Management: Strategy Execution in a Digital World, Third Edition». Berlin: Springer.
18. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2019. «Value-driven Digital Transformation: Performance through Process». IM + io. München: GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH. June 28.
19. Kirchmer, Mathias., Franz, P., Gusain, R. 2018. «From Strategy to Process Improvement Project Portfolios and Value-Realization: A Digital Approach to the Discipline of Business Process Management». Business Modeling and Software Design: 8th International Symposium. BMSD 2018. Vienna, Austria. July 2–4. Proceedings 03–05. New York: Springer.
20. LEADing. 2014. «A Value Ontology and Value Semantic Description: Views, Stakeholders and Concerns, Version 3». Lead ES20007BCPG. Leading Practice Publication.
21. Mitchel, Charles, Rebecca L. Ray, and Bart van Ark. 2014. «CEO Challenge 2014: People and Performance, Reconnecting with the Customer and Reshaping the Culture of Work». White Paper. New York: The Conference Board.
22. Morris, Daniel. 2014. «Architect, Design, Deploy, Improve ADDI: A BPMS Development Methodology». Whitepaper. Chicago: Wendan Consulting.
23. Rummler, Geary A., Alan Ramias, and Richard A. Rummler. 2009. «White Space Revisited: Creating Value through Process». Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
24. Scheer, August-Wilhelm. 1998. «ARIS: Business Process Modeling». New York: Springer.
25. Scheer, August-Wilhelm. 2013. «Tipps fuer den CIO: Vom Tekki zum Treiber neuer Business Modelle». IM + io. München: GBI-Genios Deutsche Wirtschaftsdatenbank GmbH. December.
26. Slama, Dirk, and Ralph Nelius. 2011. «Enterprise BPM: Erfolgsrezepte für unternehmensweites Prozessmanagement». Heidelberg: Dpunkt.verlag.
27. Stary, Christian. 2012. «S-BPM ONE: Scientific Research 4th International Conference Proceedings». Vienna, Austria. April. Berlin: Springer.
28. APICS/ASCM. 2017. «SCOR Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, Version 12». .
29. Wikipedia contributors, «Hoshin Kanri». Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. accessed June 23, 2017.


Глава 6
1. Balanced Scorecard Institute. n. d. «Overview Balanced Scorecard». .
2. Champlin, Brett. 2006. «BPM Professionals: Roles and Responsibilities for an Emerging Discipline». BPM Strategies Magazine, October. .
3. Davenport, Thomas H. 2010. «Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information Technology». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
4. De Bruin, Tonia and Michael Rosemann. 2005. «Application of a Holistic Model for Determining BPM Maturity». Business Process Trends. February.
5. Delphi Group. 2003. «BPM 2003: Market Milestone Report». Delphi Group White Paper. Boston, MA: Delphi Group.
6. Dwyer, Tom. 2004. «BPMInstitute's State of Business Process Management». Executive White Paper, April. .
7. Fischermanns, Guido. 2013. «Praxishandbuch Prozessmanagement». Giessen: Schmitz.
8. Gartner Staff. n. d. «Reviews for Business Process Management Platforms». Gartner Peer Insights. Stamford, CT: Gartner Inc. .
9. Hammer, Michael, and James Champy. 2003. «Business Reengineering: Die Radikalkur für das Unternehmen». Frankfurt: Campus-Verl.
10. Harmon, Paul. 2004. «Evaluating An Organization's Business Process Maturity». Business Process Trends Newsletter.bptrends.com/publicationfiles/03–04 NL Eval BP Maturity – Harmon.pdf
11. IIBA. 2009. «BABOK: A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge». Toronto: International Institute of Business Analysis.
12. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2017. «High Performance Through Business Process Management: Strategy Execution in a Digital World, Third Edition», 24. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
13. Kirchmer, Mathias and Peter Franz. 2014. «Targeting Value in a Digital World». Whitepaper. London, Philadelphia: BPM-D.
14. Kirchmer, Mathias. 2015. «The Discipline of Value-driven Business Process Management». Executive Education Documentation 3 Days. Philadelphia: BPM-D.
15. Ko, Ryan K. L. 2009. «A Computer Scientist's Introductory Guide to Business Process Management BPM». Crossroads. 15 4: 11–18.
16. Madison, Dan. 2005. «Process Mapping, Process Improvement and Process Management: A Practical Guide For Enhancing Work and Information Flow». Chico, CA: Paton Press.
17. Mahal, Arjit Singh. 2010. «How Work Gets Done: Business Process Management, Basics and Beyond». 1–11. Westfield, NJ: Technics Publications.
18. Morris, Daniel, and Joel Brandon. 1994. «Re-engineering Your Business». New York: McGraw-Hill.
19. Osterloh, Margit, and Jetta Frost. 2003. «Prozessmanagement als Kernkompetenz: Wie Sie Business Reengineering Strategisch Nutzen Können». Wiesbaden: Gabler.
20. Parker, Burton G. 1995. «Data Management Maturity Model». McLean, VA: MITRE Software Engineering Center. July.
21. Porter, Michael. 1985. «Competitive Advantage». New York: Free Press. Русский перевод: Портер М. Конкурентное преимущество: Как достичь высокого результата и обеспечить его устойчивость. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2020.
22. Rummler, Geary A. 2007. «Serious Performance Consulting: According To Rummler». San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.
23. Rummler, Geary A., Alan Ramias, and Richard A. Rummler. 2009. «White Space Revisited: Creating Value through Process». Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
24. Rummler-Brache Group. 2004. «Business Process Management in U. S. Firms Today». Rummler-Brache Group. March.
25. Scheer, August-Wilhelm, Ferri Abolhassan, Wolfram Jost, and Mathias Kirchmer. 2004. «Business Process Automation: ARIS in Practice». Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
26. Sinur, Jim. 2004. «Leveraging the Three Phases of Process Evolution». Gartner Research Presentation. Miami, FL: Process World. April 25–28, 2004.
27. Spanyi, Andrew. 2006. «More for Less: The Power of Process Management». Tampa, FL: Meghan-Kiffer Press.
28. Towers, Steve and BPMG. 2005. «In Search of BPM Excellence: Straight From the Thought Leaders». Tampa, FL: Meghan-Kiffer Press.
29. Zur Muehlen, Michael. 2004. «Workflow-Based Process Controlling: Foundation, Design, and Application Of Workflow-Driven Process Information Systems». Berlin: Logos.


Глава 7
1. ABPMP. 2009. «Guide to the Business Process Management Common Body of Knowledge BPM CBOK Version 2.0». Charleston, SC: ABPMP.
2. Alter, Steven. 1979. «Implementation Risk Analysis». In Doktor, R., R. L. Schultz, and D. P. Slevin. 1979. The Implementation of Management Science. 13: 103–120. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
3. Bossidy, Larry, and Ram Charan, Editors. 2002. «Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done». Danvers, MA: Crown Publishing. Русский перевод: Боссиди Л., Чаран Р. Исполнение – Система достижения целей. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2011.
4. Bradach, Jeffrey L. 1996. «Organizational Alignment: The 7-S Model». Harvard Business School Note 9-497-045. November 19. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
5. Cartlidge, Alison, Colin Rudd, Marco Smith, Paul Wigzel, Stuart Rance, Sue Shaw, and Theresa Wright. 2011. «An Introductory Overview of ITIL». .
6. Casson, Don. 2006. «Evergreen ITIL and Change Management Survey». Q2.
7. Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency, CCTA. 1989. «IT Infrastructure Library, Second Edition». London: HMSO.
8. CMMI Product Team. 2010. «CMMI for Services, Version 1.3 CMU/SEI-2010-TR-034». Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. .
9. CMMI Product Team. 2010. «CMMI for Development, Version 1.3 CMU/SEI-2010-TR-033». Pittsburgh, PA: Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. .
10. Cokins, Gary. 2001. «Activity-Based Cost Management: An Executive's Guide». New York: John Wiley & Sons.
11. Florac, William A., and Anita D. Carleton. 2011. «Measuring the Software Process: Statistical Process Control for Software Process Improvement». Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
12. Ginzburg, Michael J. 1979. «A Study of the Implementation Process». In Doktor, R., R. L. Schultz, and D. P. Slevin. 1979. The Implementation of Management Science. 13: 85–102. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
13. Hammer, Michael, and Lisa W. Hershman. 2010. «Faster, Cheaper, Better: The 9 Levers for Transforming How Works Get Done». New York: Crown Business. Русский перевод: Хаммер М., Хершман Л. Быстрее, лучше, дешевле: Девять методов реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2017.
14. Harvard Business Review. 2005. «The Essentials of Managing Change and Transition: Business Literacy for HR Professionals». Harvard Business School. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press and Society for Human Resource Management.
15. Kan, Stephen H. 2008. «Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering». Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
16. Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. 1996. «The Balanced Scorecard». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Русский перевод: Каплан Р., Нортон Д. Сбалансированная система показателей: От стратегии к действию. – М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2017.
17. Kolb, David A., and Alan L. Frohman. 1970. «An Organizational Development Approach to Consulting». Sloan Management Review. 12: 51–65.
18. Kotter, John P. 1996. «Leading Change». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Русский перевод: Коттер Дж. Впереди перемен. – М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2016.
19. Morris, Betsy. 2006. «New rule: Look Out, Not In. Old Rule: Be Lean and Mean». CNN Money. .
20. Project Management Institute. 2004. «A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge». Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
21. Prosci Staff. n. d. «Prosci Change Management Methodology». Pro-Sci Change Management Learning Center. .
22. Pyzdek, Thomas, and Paul A. Keller. 2010. «The Six Sigma Handbook: A Complete Guide for Green Belts, Black Belts, and Managers at All Levels». New York: McGraw-Hill.
23. Sayer, Natalie J., and Bruce Williams. 2012. «Lean for Dummies». Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons.
24. Schein, Edgar H. 1987. «Process Consultation Volume II». Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
25. U.K.OGC 2004, «IT Infrastructure Library, 2nd ed»., U. K. Office of Government Commerce.
26. Waterhouse, Peter. 2006. «State of ITIL Adoption in North America: Survey Results». Webcast.
27. Wheeler, Donald J. 2000. «Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos». Knoxville, TN: SPC Press.


Глава 8
1. Anthony, Scott D. 2016. «What Do You Really Mean by Business "Transformation"?». Harvard Business Review. . Русский перевод: Энтони, Скотт. 2016. «Что подразумевается под термином "трансформация"». Harvard Business Review Россия. .
2. Acreto Staff 2019. «Infographic: Enterprise vs. IoT». Acreto.com. Jersey City, NJ: Acreto.
3. Aguirre Mayorga, Santiago H. 2016. «Minería de Procesos: Fundamentos Y Metodología De Aplicación, Spanish Edition». Bogotá: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
4. Bondel, Gloria. n. d. «Business Capability & Business Capability Map». EAM Initiative Wiki. Software Engineering Business Information Systems. Munich, Germany: .
5. Boulton, Clint. 2018. «What Is RPA? A Revolution In Business Process Automation». CIO Magazine. Framingham, MA: IDG Communications, Inc. .
6. Burnson, Patrick. 2019. «Digital Transformation Can Enable Typical Procurement Organizations To Reduce Costs by 45 %». Supply Chain Management Review. August 27. Northbrook, IL: Peerless Media. .
7. Carson, Brant, Giulio Romanelli, Patricia Walsh, and Askhat Zhumaev. 2018. «Blockchain Beyond the Hype: What Is the Strategic Business Value?» McKinsey Digital. June. New York: McKinsey & Company. .
8. Champlin, Brett. 2006. «BPM 101». BPM Institute Conference. April 19–20. Chicago, IL: Brainstorm Group.
9. Davenport, Thomas H. 1992. «Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information Technology». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
10. Fuller, JR. 2016. «How to Design an IoT-Ready Infrastructure: The 4-Stage Architecture». TechBeacon. Berkshire, UK: Micro Focus International. .
11. Gonzalez, Adrian. 2015. «One More Prediction For 2016: Blockchain Technology Will Make Its Debut In Supply Chain Management». Talking Logistics. Newton, MA: Adelante SCM. .
12. Guilder, George. 2018. «Two Blockchain Breakthroughs That Will Change the World». Profitablenews.com. Baltimore, MD: Profitable News. .
13. Hammer, Michael, and James Champy. 2003. «Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution». New York: Collins Business Essentials.
14. Hammer, Michael. 1996. «Beyond Reengineering: How the Process Centered Organization Is Changing Our Work and Our Lives». New York: HarperBusiness.
15. Hartanto, Jerry. 2019. «AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning: The Complete Guide». InfoWorld. February 21. .
16. Hung, Mark. 2017. «Leading the IoT». Gartner Insights on How to Lead in a Connected World. Stamford, CT: Gartner Inc. .
17. Khoshafian, Setrag. 2019. «Process + Data: It's About Time!» RTInsights. August 20. New Rochelle, NY: RTInsights.com. .
18. Koplowitz, Rob, Christopher Mines, and Allison Vizgaitis. 2017. «Artificial Intelligence Revitalizes BPM: New Features Will Drive Deeper Customer Engagement In Core Processes». Forrester.com. February 10. Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research, Inc. .
19. Le Clair, Craig and Derek Miers. 2011. «The Forrester Wave: Dynamic Case Management, Q1 2011». Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research, Inc.
20. Le Clair, Craig, Alex Cullen, Shaun McGovern, and Diane Lynch. 2016. «Digitization Leaders Share Robotic Process Automation Best Practices». Forrester.com. May 2. Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research, Inc. .
21. Leinwand Paul and Cesare Mainardi. 2010. «The Coherence Premium». Harvard Business Review. 88 (6). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. .
22. Manyika, James, Michael Chui, Brad Brown, Jacques Bughin, Richard Dobbs, Charles Roxburgh, and Angela Hung Byers. 2011. «Big Data: The Next Frontier for Innovation, Competition, and Productivity». McKinsey Global Institute Report. May. New York: McKinsey & Company. .
23. Marr, Bernard. 2018. «The Key Definitions of Artificial Intelligence AI That Explain Its Importance». Forbes.com. February 14. New York: Forbes Inc. .
24. Martin, Craig R. 2014. «Business by Design». Slideshare. .
25. Mearian, Lucas. 2019. «Cios, You'Re Doing Blockchain Wrong». Computerworld. February 15. Framingham, MA: IDG Communications, Inc. .
26. Munasinghe, Geethe. 2017. «An Introduction to WSO2 IoT Architecture». WSO2. Mountain View, CA: WSO2. .
27. One Network Enterprises Staff. 2017. «The 8 Keys to Achieving Success with Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain». Dallas, TX: One Network Enterprises.
28. Panetta, Kasey. 2019. «7 Common Mistakes in Enterprise Blockchain Projects». Gartner.com. July, 1. Stamford, CT: Gartner Inc. .
29. Porter, Michael. 1985. «Competitive Advantage». 1: 11–15. New York: Free Press. Русский перевод: Портер М. Конкурентное преимущество: Как достичь высокого результата и обеспечить его устойчивость. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2020.
30. Prahalad, C.K and Gary Hamel. 1990. «The Core Competence of the Corporation». Harvard Business Review. May-June. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
31. ProcessMaker Staff. 2018. «Low Code vs. Microservices». ProcessMaker. Durham, NC: ProcessMaker. .
32. Robledo, Pedro. 2018. «Process Mining Plays an Essential Role in Digital Transformation». Medium.com. New York: Medium. .
33. Rouse, Margaret. 2019. «What is robotic process automation RPA?» Definition. WhatIs.com. Newton, MA: TechTarget. .
34. Russell, Katie. 2019. «How Will Blockchain Change the Supply Chain?» Fronetics. August 1. Newburyport, MA: Fronetics.
35. Sawchuk, Christopher and Kurt Albertson. 2019. «World-Class Procurement: Redefining Performance in a Digital Era». Procurement Executive Insight: The Hacket Group. May 24. Miami, FL: The Hackett Group. .
36. Scribani, Jenny. 2018. «Blockchain Governance: How Boundaries Can Help The Blockchain To Scale». Visual Capitalist. September 25. Vancouver, BC: Visual Capitalist. .
37. Spanyi, Andrew. 2006. «More for Less: The Power of Process Management». Tampa, FL: Meghan-Kiffer Press.
38. Spend Matters Team. 2015. «Why Bitcoin's Blockchain Technology Could Revolutionize Supply Chain Transparency» Spend Matters. .
39. Techopedia Staff. n. d. «What is Data Architecture?» Definition. Techopedia.com. Edmonton, AB, Canada: Techopedia. .
40. Van Veen, Fjodor and Stefan Leijnen. 2019. «A Mostly Complete Chart of Neural Networks». Utrecht, Netherlands: The Asimov Institute. .
41. Violino, Bob. 2018. «Eight Keys to a Successful RPA Implementation». CIO Magazine Online. July 26. Framingham, MA: IDG Communications, Inc. .
42. Violino, Bob. 2018. «Five Reasons RPA Deployments Fail». CIO Magazine Online. October 17. Framingham, MA: IDG Communications, Inc. .
43. Voshmgir, Shermin. 2019. «Token Economy: How Blockchains And Smart Contracts Revolutionize the Economy». Berlin: BlockchainHub.
44. Whittle, Ralph, and Conrad B. Myrick. 2005. «Enterprise Business Architecture: The Formal Link Between Strategy and Results». 31. Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach.


Глава 9
1. Aalst, Wil van der, and Kees Max van Hee. 2004. «Workflow Management: Models, Methods, and Systems». Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
2. Aguirre, DeAnne and Micah Alpern. 2014. «10 Principles of Leading Change Management». Strategy+Business. June 6. New York: PricewaterhouseCoopers. .
3. Balanced Scorecard Institute n. d. «What is the Balanced Scorecard?» Balancedscorecard.org. .
4. Chang, James F. 2006. «Business Process Management Systems Strategy and Implementation». Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach.
5. Cummins, Fred A. 2010. «Building the Agile Enterprise: With SOA, BPM and MBM». Burlington, MA: Elsevier Science.
6. Derler, Andrea, Anthony Abbatiello, and Stacia Garr. 2017. «Better Pond, Bigger Fish: Five Ways to Nuture Developing Leaders For an Ecosystem of Growth». January 23. Deloitte Insights. New York: Deloitte. .
7. Dumas, Marlon, Wil van der Aalst, and Arthur Ter Hofstede. 2010. «Process-Aware Information Systems: Bridging People and Software Through Process Technology». Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Interscience.
8. Fischer, Layna. 2011. «Taming the Unpredictable. Real World Adaptive Case Management: Case Studies and Practical Guidance». Lighthouse Point, FL: Future Strategies Inc.
9. Folz, Christina. 2016. «10 Tips for Changing Your Company's Culture – and Making It Stick». June 27. SHRM. Alexandria, VA: Society for Human Resource Management. .
10. Hartanto, Jerry. 2019. «AI, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning: The Complete Guide». InfoWorld. February 21. .
11. Harvard Business Publishing Staff. 2018. «The 2018 State of Leadership Development: Meeting the Transformation Imperative». Boston, MA: Harvard Business Publishing. .
12. Hollingsworth, David. 1995. «The Workflow Reference Model». Doc. No. TC00–1003, Version 1.1. Winchester: Workflow Management Coalition.
13. Kellerman, Barbara. «The End of Leadership». United States: HarperBusiness, 2012.
14. Koplowitz, Rob, Christopher Mines, and Allison Vizgaitis. 2017. «Artificial Intelligence Revitalizes BPM: New Features Will Drive Deeper Customer Engagement In Core Processes». Forrester.com. February 10. Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research, Inc. .
15. Krafzig, Dirk, Karl Banke, and Dirk Slama. 2005. «Enterprise SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices». Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference.
16. Lankhorst, Marc M. et al. 2009. «Enterprise Architecture at Work: Modelling, Communication and Analysis, Second Edition». Berlin: Springer.
17. Luckham, David C. 2010. «The Power of Events: An Introduction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed Enterprise Systems». Boston: Addison-Wesley.
18. Mind Tools Team. 2019. «Project Management Phases and Processes: Structuring Your Project». mindtools.com. .
19. Moore, Connie, Alexander Peters, Tom Pohlmann, and Andrew Magarie. 2010. «Business Process Pros Hold The Key To 21st Century Business Transformation». Forrester.com. March 5. Cambridge, MA: Forrester Research, Inc. .
20. Panorama Group Staff. 2019. «2019 ERP Report». Greenwood Village, CO: Panorama Consulting Group. .
21. Project Management Institute. 2004. «A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge». Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
22. Prosci Staff n. d. «Change Management Best Practices». Prosci.com. prosci.com/resources/articles/change-management-best-practices.
23. Prosci Staff n. d. «Definition of Change Management». Prosci.com. prosci.com/resources/articles/change-management-definition.
24. Prosci Staff n. d. «What Is Change Management?» Prosci.com. prosci.com/resources/articles/what-is-change-management.
25. Rabinowitz, Noah. 2019. «Ten Orthodoxies That Distract Us From Real Leadership Development». Capital H Blog. April 24. New York: Deloitte.
26. Reichert, Manfred, and Barbara Weber. 2012. «Enabling Flexibility in Process-Aware Information Systems Challenges, Methods, Technologies». Berlin: Springer.
27. Von Halle, Barbara. 2002. «Business rules Applied: Building Better Systems Using The Business Rules Approach». New York: John Wiley & Sons.
28. Weske, Mathias. 2007. «Business Process Management: Concepts, Languages, Architectures». Berlin: Springer.


Глава 10
1. Bossidy, Larry, Ram Charan, and Charles Burck. 2011. «Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. London: Random House Business Books». Русский перевод: Боссиди Л., Чаран Р. Исполнение: Система достижения целей. – М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2015.
2. Davenport, Thomas H. 1992. «Process Innovation: Reengineering Work Through Information Technology». Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
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