Книга: Потенциал команды: Как добиться максимальной эффективности командной работы
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    На основе данных TCI Team Diagnostic. Первоначальные базовые оценки команды до начала процесса командного коучинга.

    Jim Harter, “Dismal Employee Engagement Is a Sign of Global Mismanagement,” Gallup Blog, December 20, 2017, .

    Susan Sorenson and Keri Garman, “How to Tackle U. S. Employees’ Stagnating Engagement,” Gallup Business Journal, June 11, 2013, .

Часть I

    Erika Herb, Keith Leslie, and Colin Price, “Teamwork at the Top,” McKinsey Quarterly, May 2001, .

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    Justin Bariso, “Google Spent Years Studying Effective Teams: This Single Quality Contributed Most to Their Success,” Inc., January 7, 2018, .

    Nicky Wakefield, et al., “Leadership Awakened,” Deloitte Insights, February 29, 2016, .

    Heather R. Huhman, “How to Properly Prepare First-Time Managers,” Business Insider, March 22, 2011, .

    Aaron De Smet, Gerald Lackey, and Leigh M. Weiss, “Untangling Your Organization’s Decision Making,” McKinsey Quarterly, June 2017, .

    Michael Mink, “Making Yourself and Others Accountable Is Business Critical,” Investor’s Business Daily, August 29, 2016, .

   Erika Herb, Keith Leslie, and Colin Price, “Teamwork at the Top,” McKinsey Quarterly, May 2001, .

   Rachel Willard-Grace et al., “Team Structure and Culture Are Associated with Lower Burnout in Primary Care,” Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 27, no. 2 (2014): 229–238, .

   Marc Kaplan et al., “Shape Culture Drive Strategy,” Deloitte Insights, February 29, 2016, .

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   Jill E. Perry-Smith, “Social Yet Creative: The Role of Social Relationships in Facilitating Individual Creativity,” Academy of Management Journal 49, no.1 (2006): 85–101.

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   Scott Keller and Mary Meaney, “Successfully Transitioning to New Leadership Roles,” McKinsey Quarterly, May 2018, .

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   Ute R. Hulsheger, Neil Anderson, and Jesus F. Salgado, “Team-Level Predictors of Innovation at Work: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Spanning Three Decades of Research,” Journal of Applied Psychology 94, no. 5 (2009): 1128.

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   Ute R. Hulsheger, Neil Anderson, and Jesus F. Salgado, “Team-Level Predictors of Innovation at Work: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis Spanning Three Decades of Research,” Journal of Applied Psychology 94, no. 5 (2009): 1128.

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   Bradley J. West, Jaime L. Patera, and Melissa K. Carsten, “Team Level Positivity: Investigating Positive Psychological Capacities and Team Level Outcomes,” Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational, and Organizational Psychology and Behavior 30, no. 2 (2009): 249–67.

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“Attitudes in the American Workplace VII: The Seventh Annual Labor Day Survey,” American Institute of Stress, accessed on October 17, 2018, .

UMass Lowell, “Financial Costs of Job Stress,” .

Charles Duhigg, “What Google Learned from Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team,” New York Times, February 25, 2016, .

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