Книга: Digital Painting with KRITA 2.9: Learn All of the Tools to Create Your Next Masterpiece
Назад: Hatching Engine
Дальше: Curve Engine

Grid Engine

It is easiest to think of this as sort of high-definition (HD) pixel art. This will take a shape, such as a square or circle, and create a grid of shapes. Your strokes will always be locked to this grid, so you cannot completely fill everything. The grid will change whenever you change the brush size.

Brush Size

The Brush size setting contains a few options that deal with the grid sizing.

You are limited with what brush shapes you can use. These shapes are found in the Particle type setting. The two most common shapes are ellipse and rectangle.

These two examples demonstrate what grid brushes can accomplish.

Color Options

The last unique setting is the Color options. These add variability to each brush dab.

Назад: Hatching Engine
Дальше: Curve Engine