Книга: Digital Painting with KRITA 2.9: Learn All of the Tools to Create Your Next Masterpiece
Назад: Shape Engine
Дальше: Hatching Engine

Spray Engine

Create a spray can or airbrush type of effect. While at first this type of brush would appear limited, you can do some interesting things with it when you push the settings.

The above example demonstrates the different spray effects that can be achieved by changing the settings in the Spray engine. This includes normal spray effects on the left to a more exotic effect on the right. For the example on the right, I drew a rectangular selection to keep everything inside. The brush has an extreme aspect ratio, so that is what gives it the horizontal feel. We’ll go over the different parameters you can play around with.

Spray Area

The spray area is the radius of the spray effect. The spraying effect generates particles, so there are multiple properties that can be modified.

The Gaussian distribution stroke on the first image above has its spray effect focused on the center. The normal distribution will have an evenly distributed spray area.

Spray Shape

Each individual particle that sprays out will have its own shape. There are a few properties that you have control over. If this setting is unchecked, the Brush Tip settings will be used.

Shape Dynamics

Randomize the size and rotation of your spray area.

Follow Cursor

Angle Weight

Fixed Rotation

The shape dynamics deal mostly with rotation. You need a rectangular brush tip like the examples above if you want to see what the effects are doing. Most of the spray brushes use circular brush tips, so the shape dynamics will not appear to do anything.

Color Options

Randomize various components of the color. This includes changing the hue, saturation, and value. It also has additional options for randomizing opacity. These options can be used to create variety in every stroke you create.

Назад: Shape Engine
Дальше: Hatching Engine