Книга: Мир по Тому Хэнксу
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Пролог. О милых людях

1. Переписка автора со Стивеном Фраем.

2. Hillary Atkin. Rave Reviews // The Hollywood Reporter, June 12, 2002.

3. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 21, 1998.

4. Интервью автора с Холли Фулджер.

5. bluerockpublicradio.com, November 9, 2017.

6. theonion.com, February 20, 2013.

7. Ned Zeman. No More Mr. Nice Guy // Buzz, September 1996.

Часть I. Краткая история Тома Хэнкса

1. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 21, 1998.

2. Dolores Barclay. Tom Hanks: From Forrest to Apollo 13, an Everyman for All Seasons // Entertainment Today, June 29, 1995.

3. Gerri Hirshey. Tom Hanks Lights It Up // GQ, June 1995.

4. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

5. Joe Rhodes. Tom Hanks // US, September 1996.

6. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

7. David Thomson. Huge // The Independent on Sunday (UK), September 18, 1994.

8. Bart Mills. The Shoe Fits Tom Hanks // Movieline, July 26 – August 1, 1985.

9. Margy Rochlin. When I Was Eight // Life, November 2004.

10. Ibid.

11. Ibid.

12. Ibid.

13. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

14. Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

15. Margy Rochlin. When I Was Eight // Life, November 2004.

16. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

17. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

18. Tom Hanks: funny, frank and fancy-free // Ladies’ Home Journal, April 1987.

19. Peter Travers. Tom Hanks // Rolling Stone 10, November 2007.

20. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 19. Хэнкс не перестал смотреть «Космическую одиссею», когда вырос; в 2014 году он сказал, что посмотрел этот фильм уже более ста раз.

21. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

22. It’s All Relative // People, July 2002.

23. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

24. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

25. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

26. Ibid.

27. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

28. Jess Cagle. Two for the Road // Time, July 8, 2002.

29. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

30. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

31. Программа «Вечер с Дэвидом Леттерманом» (Late Night with David Letterman), телеканал NBC, эфир от 25 июня 1993 г. Хэнкс был гостем последней программы «Вечер с Дэвидом Леттерманом» на NBC – это интервью очень забавное, его стоит посмотреть.

32. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

33. Tom Hanks. I Owe It All to Community College // The New York Times, January 2015.

34. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–1998.

35. Письмо Хэнкса и ответ Джорджа Роя Хилла хранятся в архивах Библиотеки Маргарет Херрик Академии кинематографических искусств и наук в Лос-Анджелесе, Калифорния.

36. Tom Hanks. I Owe It All to Community College // The New York Times, January 2015.

37. Ibid.

38. Ibid.

39. Laurel Delp. Hanging Loose // US, July 1984.

40. Kim Williamson. Tom’s New Direction // Boxoffice, October 1996.

41. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

42. Carol Troy. It’s a Cool Gig // American Film, April 1990.

43. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

44. Интервью автора с Мэри Бейдлер Гирен.

45. Интервью автора с Ксенией Рощаковски.

46. Интервью автора с Люси Бредесон-Смит.

47. Интервью автора с Мэри Бейдлер Гирен.

48. Интервью автора с Люси Бредесон-Смит.

49. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 1998.

50. Интервью автора с Холли Фулджер.

51. David Galligan. Tom Hanks // Drama-Logue, April 5, 1984.

52. Интервью автора с Ксенией Рощаковски.

53. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

54. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

55. Ibid.

56. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

57. Ibid.

58. Lynn Hirschberg. The Actors // The New York Times Magazine, November 1997.

59. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

60. Интервью автора с Питером Сколари.

61. Gerri Hirshey. Tom Hanks Lights It Up // GQ, June 1995.

62. Susan Christian. A Series of Setbacks for New Stars // Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, July 1980.

63. Jess Cagle. Two for the Road // Time, July 8, 2002.

64. Tom Hanks // Cable Guide, August 1986.

65. Интервью автора с Питером Сколари.

66. Интервью автора с Майклом Вейторном.

67. Jamie Etkin. Tom Hanks Reveals the Movies That Have Meant the Most to Him // buzzfeed.com, October 2015.

68. Jerry Roberts. A Superstar Talks Business // Variety, March 9, 1995.

69. Dolores Barclay. Tom Hanks: From Forrest to Apollo an Everyman for All Seasons // Entertainment Today, June 1995.

70. David Galligan. Tom Hanks // Drama-Logue, April 5, 1984.

71. Gerri Hirshey. Tom Hanks Lights It Up // GQ, June 1995.

72. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

73. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

74. Jess Cagle. Two for the Road // Time, July 8, 2002.

75. Rita Wilson // biography.com, April 2015.

76. Maggie Parker. Tom Hanks Recalls Watching Wife Rita Wilson on The Brady Bunch // people.com, March 2016.

77. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

78. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

79. Grace Gavilanes. Inside Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson’s Long-lasting Love Story // people.com, January 2018.

80. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

81. Garry Marshall. My Happy Days in Hollywood. New York: Crown Archetype, 2012.

82. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

83. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

84. Kristine McKenna. He’s Serious About This One // Los Angeles Times, December 1993.

85. David Thomson. Huge // The Independent on Sunday (UK), September 1994.

86. Mark Morrison. Tom Hanks: The US Interview // US, August 1994.

87. Ibid.

88. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

89. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

90. David Gardner. The Tom Hanks Enigma. London: John Blake Publishing Ltd., 2007.

91. Mark Morrison. Tom Hanks: The US Interview // US, August 1994.

92. Bruce Buschel. Tom Hanks, Unpeeled // GQ, January 1989.

93. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

94. Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson // People, February 1996.

95. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

96. Who’s News // USA Weekend, August 2002.

97. Gerri Hirshey. Tom Hanks Lights It Up // GQ, June 1995.

98. Hillary Atkin. Road to Success // The Hollywood Reporter, June 2002.

99. Where Tom Takes Rita // People, August 9, 1993.

100. Mark Morrison. Tom Hanks: The US Interview // US, August 1994.

101. Tom Hanks // Cable Guide, August 1986.

102. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

103. Joe Logan. Tom Hanks, working stiff // Long Beach Press-Telegraph, March 24, 1990.

104. Bill Zehme. Tom Hanks Acts Like a Man // Esquire, September 2001.

105. Julie Salamon. The Devil’s Candy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1991.

106. Ibid.

107. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

108. Joe Rhodes. Back from the Bonfire // Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1992.

109. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–14, 1998.

110. Ibid.

111. Ibid.

112. Ibid.

113. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

114. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–14, 1998.

115. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

116. Joe Rhodes. Back from the Bonfire // Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1992.

117. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

118. Jennet Conant. Tom Hanks Wipes That Grin off His Face // Esquire, December 1993.

119. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

120. Playing the Part // Newsweek, February 14, 1994.

121. Jennet Conant. Tom Hanks Wipes That Grin off His Face // Esquire, December 1993.

122. Ibid.

123. Academy Awards Acceptance Speech Database, http://aaspeechesdb.oscars.org/link/066–1/

124. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

125. Ima N. Seider. Tom Hanks // Blockbuster News & Previews, May 1995.

126. Be True to Your School // People, April 11, 1994.

127. Переписка автора с Полом Рудником.

128. Lynn Hirschberg. The Actors // The New York Times Magazine, November 10, 1997.

129. David Thomson. Huge // The Independent on Sunday (UK), September 18, 1994.

130. Joe Leydon. Aboard the Star Ship // Los Angeles Times, June 27, 1985.

131. Телепередача «В студии актерского мастерства» (Inside the Actors Studio), выпуск телеканала Bravo, эфир от 14 мая 2006 г.

132. Patrick Goldstein. Wonder of Wonders // Los Angeles Times, September 29, 1996.

133. Joe Rhodes. Back from the Bonfire // Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1992.

134. Ned Zeman. No More Mr. Nice Guy // Buzz, September 1996.

135. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

136. Terry Gross. Tom Hanks Says Self-Doubt Is “A High-Wire Act That We All Walk”// npr.org. Расшифровка интервью для программы «Свежий воздух» (Fresh Air), эфир от 26 апреля 2016 г.

137. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

138. David Ansen. A Stand-Up Guy // Newsweek, September 26, 1988.

139. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

140. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–14, 1998.

141. Kristine McKenna. He’s Serious About This One // Los Angeles Times, December 19, 1993.

142. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

143. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

144. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

145. Mark Morrison. Tom Hanks: The US Interview // US, August 1994.

146. Maggie Parker. Tom Hanks Recalls Watching Wife Rita Wilson on The Brady Bunch // people.com, March 16, 2016.

147. “Party Lines”, New York, May 11, 2009.

148. Ibid.

149. Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

150. Jillian Michaels. Jillian Michaels Interviews Rita Wilson on Her Career and Her Family // goodcleanhealth.com, 2011.

151. Ibid.

152. Bill Zehme. Tom Hanks Acts Like a Man // Esquire, September 2001.

153. Maureen Dowd. Hollywood’s Most Decent Fella on Weinstein, Trump, and History // The New York Times, October 11, 2017.

154. Ibid.

155. Программа «Позднее шоу со Стивеном Кольбером» (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert), выпуск телеканала CBS, эфир от 28 апреля 2017 г.

156. Lynn Hirschberg. The Actors // The New York Times Magazine, November 10, 1997.

157. Emma Brockes. Tom Hanks: “I’ve made a lot of movies that didn’t make sense – or money” // The Guardian (UK), October 14, 2017.

158. Ibid.

159. Chris Connelly. Hollywood Survivor // Talk, November 2000.

160. Emma Brockes. Tom Hanks: “I’ve made a lot of movies that didn’t make sense – or money” // The Guardian (UK), October 14, 2017.

161. Ibid.

162. Ibid.

163. Truman Hanks. I am the youngest child of Tom Hanks. Would anyone be interested in an AMA? // AMA (“Ask Me Anything”). Reddit.com, 2012.

164. Ibid.

165. Luis Gomez. No punching Tom Hanks // Chicago Tribune, June 26, 2011.

166. Amos Barshad. 242 Minutes with… Chet Hanks // New York, April 30, 2012.

167. Soraya Nadia McDonald. What the Heck Is Going on with Tom Hanks’ Son, Chet Haze, and His Insistence on Using the N-word? // The Washington Post, June 2, 2015.

168. Alex Ungerman. Tom Hanks Addresses His Son Chet’s Sobriety: “Love Your Kids Unconditionally” // etonline.com, October 5, 2015.

169. Tom Hanks on A Hologram for the King, the Challenges of Age and the Rise of Donald Trump // Radio Times, May 20, 2016.

170. Rita Wilson. Rita Wilson on Life After Breast Cancer // Harper’s Bazaar, October 2017.

171. Anna Lewis. Tom Hanks Helped His Wife Get Through Breast Cancer in the Sweetest Way // cosmopolitan.com, February 21, 2017.

172. Tom Hanks on A Hologram for the King, the Challenges of Age and the Rise of Donald Trump // Radio Times, May 20, 2016.

173. Переписка автора с Томом Хэнксом.

174. Bill Higgins. AFI Salutes Hanks // Variety, June 14, 2002.

Часть II. Десять заповедей Тома Хэнкса

1. Dan Yakir. Why Tom Hanks Acts the Way He Does // Family Weekly, July 14, 1985.

2. Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

3. Melissa Dahl. A Classic Psychological Study on Why Winning the Lottery Won’t Make You Happier // thecut.com, January 13, 2016.

4. Интервью с Хэнксом Entertainment Weekly Tumblr http://entertainmentweekly.tumblr.com/post/130001528567/are-you-happy-my-motherwants-to-know-this

5. Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

6. Ibid.

7. Kim Williamson. Tom’s New Direction // Boxoffice, October 1996.

8. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

9. Kim Williamson. Tom’s New Direction // Boxoffice, October 1996.

10. Ibid.

Первая заповедь

1. Josh Eells. A League of His Own // Rolling Stone 1169, November 8, 2012.

2. Beverly Walker. Close Up // Screen Actor, Summer 1989.

3. Garry Marshall. Wake Me When It’s Funny: How to Break into Show Business and Stay There. Holbrook, MA: Adams Publishing, 199. Если делать целый фильм, используя только эти слова, должно получиться что-то вроде «Пяти препятствий» (Five Obstructions) Ларса фон Триера.

4. Ibid.

5. Duane Byrge. Actor’s Dialogue // The Hollywood Reporter, March 8, 1995.

6. Joe Rhodes. Tom Hanks // US, September 1996.

7. Интервью автора со Скоттом Шепердом.

8. Chris Connelly. Hollywood Survivor // Talk, November 2000.

9. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–14, 1998.

10. Rick Lyman. At the Movies: Can Lightning Strike Thrice? // The New York Times, December 2000.

11. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7, 1998.

12. Bill Zehme. Tom Hanks Acts Like a Man // Esquire, September 2001.

13. David Wild. Big Again // Vogue, July 1993.

14. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

15. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

Вторая заповедь

1. Программа «Поздняя ночь с Конаном О’Брайэном» (Late Night with Conan O’Brien), выпуск 9.147, телеканал NBC, эфир от 9 июля 2002 г.

2. Douglas Brinkley. The World According to Tom // Time, March 15, 2010.

3. Ibid.

4. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

5. Ibid.

6. Douglas Brinkley. The World According to Tom // Time, March 15, 2010.

7. Ibid.

8. Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

9. Army Archerd. Just for Variety // Variety, August 19, 1998.

10. David Gritten. To the Front Once More // Los Angeles Times, August 2000.

11. Ted Johnson // TV Guide, September 22, 2001.

12. Bill Zehme. Tom Hanks Acts Like a Man // Esquire, September 2001.

13. Подкаст The Nerdist, выпуск 267 от 8 октября 2012 г.

14. David Handelman. To the Moon! // TV Guide, April 4, 1998.

15. Caroline Siede. On Apollo 13’s 20th Anniversary, a Look at How They Made the Film So Realistic // avclub.com, June 2015.

16. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

17. Tom Hanks. Right Now // The Hollywood Reporter, April 3–5, 1998.

18. David Handelman. To the Moon! // TV Guide, April 4, 1998.

19. Tom Hanks. Right Now // The Hollywood Reporter, April 3–5, 1998.

Интерлюдия. Питер Сколари, закадычный друг

1. Интервью автора с Питером Сколари.

Третья заповедь

1. «Шоу Грэма Нортона» (The Graham Norton Show), сезон 9, выпуск 9, телеканал BBC, эфир от 10 июня 2011 г.

2. Andrew Husband. Tom Hanks Once Snuck onto the Set of “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” While Filming “Bosom Buddies” // uproxx.com, September 9, 2016.

3. Cindy Pearlman. Tom Hanks, “Star Trek” junkie? // Entertainment Weekly, December 16, 1994.

4. «Шоу Грэма Нортона» (The Graham Norton Show), сезон 9, выпуск 9, телеканал BBC, эфир от 10 июня 2011 г.

5. Johnny Dodd. Talking With… Tom Hanks // People, December 9, 1996.

6. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 21, 1998.

7. Carol Troy. It’s a Cool Gig // American Film, April 1990.

8. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

9. Ibid.

10. Joe Rhodes. Back from the Bonfire // Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1992.

11. Peter Travers. Tom Hanks // Rolling Stone 10, November 2007.

12. The Willie Mays Blasting Caps Spot // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skfZQ9fRpf4

13. Подкаст The Nerdist, выпуск 267 от 8 октября 2012 г.

14. Alex Ben Block. Hanks Ranks // The Hollywood Reporter, April 2009.

15. Josh Eells. A League of His Own // Rolling Stone 11, November 8, 2012.

16. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

17. Переписка автора с Джоном Скальци.

18. Douglas Brinkley. The World According to Tom // Time, March 2010.

19. Ibid.

20. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

21. Kate Samuelson. How Tom Hanks the Movie Star Became Tom Hanks the Short Story Writer // time.com, November 3, 2017.

22. Tom Hanks. Right Now // The Hollywood Reporter, April 3–5, 1998.

23. Douglas Brinkley. The World According to Tom // Time, March 2010.

24. Tom Hanks. Right Now // The Hollywood Reporter, April 3–5, 1998.

25. Cindy Adams. Times Square’s topless ladies aren’t the only ones who go bare // pagesix.com, August 2015.

26. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

27. B. Love. Tom Hanks: Jack of All // University Reporter, October 1996.

28. Induction of the Dave Clark Five // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKTtGjYl5yU Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

29. David Handelman. To the Moon! // TV Guide, April 4, 1998.

30. Gerri Hirshey. Tom Hanks Lights It Up // GQ, June 1995.

31. Подкаст The Nerdist, эпизод 267 от 8 октября 2012 г.

32. Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks’ Concession Speech: Confessions of a Red Vines Junkie // Boxoffice, May 1995.

Четвертая заповедь

1. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. David Blum. Tom Hanks’s Real Splash // New York, July 28, 1986.

6. Robert Sullivan. It’s a Wonderful Life // Vogue, December 1998.

7. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

8. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

9. Emma Brockes. Tom Hanks: “I’ve made a lot of movies that didn’t make sense – or money” // The Guardian (UK), October 14, 2017.

10. Подкаст The Axe Files Дэвида Аксельрода, выпуск от 12 декабря 2017 г.

11. Maureen Dowd. Hollywood’s Most Decent Fella on Weinstein, Trump, and History // The New York Times, October 2017.

12. Cara Buckley. Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks on the #MeToo Moment and “The Post” // The New York Times, January 3, 2018.

13. Ibid.

Пятая заповедь

1. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

2. Bruce Buschel. Tom Hanks, Unpeeled // GQ, January 1988.

3. Louise Sweeney. Film Star Tom Hanks: Having Fun Making Movies Filled with Mirth // Christian Science Monitor, September 17, 1984.

4. Peter Hartlaub. Tom Hanks Sounds Off on Raiders Moving to Las Vegas // San Francisco Chronicle, April 26, 2017.

5. Stu Schrelberg. There Is No Joy in Mudville – Mighty Hanks Has Been Rained Out // USA Weekend, June 5, 1988.

6. Интервью автора с Клайвом Розенгреном.

7. Поэма любезно предоставлена Клайвом Розенгреном.

8. Lisa Birnbach. Tom Hanks’ Fantasy: If I Only Were a Cleveland Indian // Parade Magazine, November 8, 1987.

9. Ibid.

10. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

11. Программа «Позднее шоу со Стивеном Кольбером» (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert), выпуск 232, телеканал CBS, эфир от 24 октября 2016 г.

12. Там же.

13. Там же.

14. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

Интерлюдия. Случайные проявления доброты и веселости

1. Интервью автора со Скоттом Шепердом.

2. Elizabeth Flock. Why Tom Hanks Posts Photos of Lost Things on His Twitter Feed // pbs.org, October 27, 2017.

3. Katie Kindelan. Tom Hanks Returns Fordham Student’s ID With Handwritten Note // abc.go.com, October 7, 2015.

4. Elizabeth Flock. Why Tom Hanks Posts Photos of Lost Things on His Twitter Feed // pbs.org, October 27, 2017.

5. Интервью автора с Кеном Ливайном.

6. Tom Hanks // Cable Guide, August 1986.

7. Liz Smith. Liz Smith // Los Angeles Times, December 22, 1995.

8. Программа «Шоу Эллен Дедженерес» (The Ellen DeGeneres Show), сезон 15, выпуск 78, эфир от 9 января 2018 г.

9. Erik Hayden. Tom Hanks Tapes Emmy Award to the Hood of a Towncar // hollywoodreporter.com, September 24, 2012.

10. Интервью автора с Джо Мантеньей.

11. Tom Hanks surprises Girl Scouts // Los Altos Town Crier, March 2015.

12. Интервью автора с Бенедиктом Тейлором.

13. Army Archerd. Just for Variety // Variety, April 1993.

14. Интервью автора с Адамом Районом.

15. Andrea Dresdale. Why Tom Hanks Appears in Carly Rae Jepsen’s Music Video // abcnews.go.com, March 9, 2015.

16. Ibid.

17. Shannon Carlin. Carly Rae Jepsen On How You Get Tom Hanks To Star In Your Music Video // radio.com, March 6, 2015.

18. Интервью автора с Ричардом Кауфманом.

19. David Wolinsky. Tim Meadows: Random Roles // avclub.com, June 9, 2008.

20. Brandon Stanton. Humans of New York // website, Instagram, Twitter, October 2014.

21. Julie Miller. Tom Hanks Jokes About Six-Month Romance with Amy Poehler // vanityfair.com, September 2015.

22. Garry Marshall. Wake Me When It’s Funny: How to Break into Show Business and Stay There. Holbrook, MA: Adams Publishing, 1995.

23. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

24. Интервью автора со Скоттом Шепердом.

25. Mary Murphy. Tom Hanks: One Hunk Who Refuses to Go Hollywood // Cosmopolitan, March 1987.

26. Jeff Giles. Catch Them If You Can // Newsweek, December 2002.

27. Jim Hanks sounds just like his brother Tom // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrPbt03–8lI, January 2015.

28. Jeff Giles. Catch Them If You Can // Newsweek, December 2002.

29. Интервью автора с Шоном МакГинли.

30. Jeff Giles. Catch Them If You Can // Newsweek, December 2002.

31. Ibid.

32. Sierra Marquina. Tom Hanks: I Studied the Ministry for $ 35 to Officiate Allison Williams’ Wedding // usmagazine.com, September 2015.

33. Thomas Whitaker. Real-Life Action Hero Tom Hanks Is an Angel in Rome as He Saves the Day for British Bride Natalia Moore // Hello! (UK), June 2008.

34. Dave Paulson. A Nashville Couple Sent Tom Hanks a Wedding Invitation. He Wrote Back // The Tennesseean, February 2018.

35. Chris Baldwin. Tom Hanks Helps a Texas Couple Fulfill Their Biggest Romantic Fantasy in Sweetest Way Possible // papercitymag.com, November 2017.

36. When Tom Hanks runs into your wedding photos // bbc.com, September 2016.

37. Ibid.

38. Meredith Lepore. Tom Hanks Officiated Allison Williams’s Wedding: “He Should Marry Everyone” // instyle.com, March 2016.

39. Sierra Marquina. Tom Hanks: I Studied the Ministry for $ 35 to Officiate Allison Williams’ Wedding // usmagazine.com, September 2015.

40. Meredith Lepore. Tom Hanks Officiated Allison Williams’s Wedding: “He Should Marry Everyone” // instyle.com, March 2016.

41. Sierra Marquina. Tom Hanks: I Studied the Ministry for $ 35 to Officiate Allison Williams’ Wedding // usmagazine.com, September 2015.

42. Devan Coggan. Tom Hanks talks Bridge of Spies, Offers Love Advice in EW Tumblr Q&A // ew.com, September 2015.

Шестая заповедь

1. Переписка автора с Томом Хэнксом.

2. Robert Sullivan. It’s a Wonderful Life // Vogue, December 1998.

3. Фильм «Калифорнийская печатная машинка» (California Typewriter). Реж. Дуг Никол, American Buffalo Pictures, 2016.

4. Chris Hardwick. The Tom Hanks Typewriter Saga // nerdist.com, October 9, 2012.

5. Фильм «Калифорнийская печатная машинка» (California Typewriter). Реж. Дуг Никол, American Buffalo Pictures, 2016.

6. Интервью автора с Дугом Николом.

7. Mark Medley. Tom Hanks on His New Book, Nora Ephron, and His “Harmless Vice” – Typewriters // The Globe and Mail, October 13, 2017.

8. Ibid.

9. Фильм «Калифорнийская печатная машинка» (California Typewriter). Реж. Дуг Никол, American Buffalo Pictures, 2016.

10. См. приложение “Hanx Writer”, доступное на iTunes, 2018.

11. Фильм «Калифорнийская печатная машинка» (California Typewriter). Реж. Дуг Никол, American Buffalo Pictures, 2016.

12. Robert Sullivan. It’s a Wonderful Life // Vogue, December 1998.

13. Tom Hanks. Uncommon Type. New York Alfred A. Knopf, 2017.

14. Mark Medley. Tom Hanks on His New Book, Nora Ephron, and His “Harmless Vice” – Typewriters // The Globe and Mail, October 2017.

15. См., например: Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

16. Tom Hanks. Uncommon Type. New York Alfred A. Knopf, 2017.

17. Интервью автора с Мэри Бейдлер Гирен.

18. Или что-то вроде; это высказывание с годами могло быть перефразировано и смягчено. См.: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/09/18/typing/

19. Фильм «Калифорнийская печатная машинка» (California Typewriter). Реж. Дуг Никол, American Buffalo Pictures, 2016.

Седьмая заповедь

1. Chris Connelly. Hollywood Survivor // Talk, November 2000.

2. Pat H. Broeske. Tom Hanks Considers What’s Next // Entertainment Weekly, July 14, 1995.

3. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

4. Jeff Vice. Film Review: Shall We Dance // Deseret News, September 21, 2004.

5. Entertainment News for August 16, 1991 // ew.com, August 16, 1991.

6. AFI Catalog of Feature Films // afi.com.

7. John Hudson. No, Tom Hanks Did Not Star in “Groundhog Day” // theatlantic.com, February 2, 2012.

8. Linda Lee. People Profiles: Tom Hanks. New York: Time Inc., 1999.

9. B. Love. Tom Hanks: Jack of All // University Reporter, October 1996.

10. Chris Connelly. Hollywood Survivor // Talk, November 2000.

11. Robert J. Emery. The Directors – Take Four. New York: Allworth Press, 2003.

12. John Young. Disney pairing Tom Hanks and Tim Allen for “Jungle Cruise” // ew.com, March 2, 2011.

13. Jeffrey Wells et alia. Entertainment News for April 1992 // ew.com, April 1992.

14. Pat H. Broeske. Tom Hanks Considers What’s Next // Entertainment Weekly, July 1995.

15. Adam Chitwood. Major Matt Mason Moves Forward with Tom Hanks and Robert Zemeckis // collider.com, October 2012.

16. Pat H. Broeske. Tom Hanks Considers What’s Next // Entertainment Weekly, July 1995.

17. Beth Laski. Zwick enlisted for “Khe Sanh”; Hanks on team // The Hollywood Reporter, March 2001.

18. Stephen Saito. Nine Great Unrealized Films from Scott, Nolan, Scorsese, and Other Notable Contemporary Filmmakers // moveablefest.com, June 6, 2012.

19. Michael Fleming and Nicole LaPorte. Irish Eyes Smile on Dreamworks’ “Ikiru” Remake // Variety, September 9, 2004.

20. Mike Fleming Jr. “Starbucks” Percolating at Weinstein Co. // deadline.com, November 2012.

21. Rebecca Murray. Why Martin Scorsese Never Made His Planned Dean Martin Biopic // thoughtco.com, March 2017.

22. Pat H. Broeske. Tom Hanks Considers What’s Next // Entertainment Weekly, July 1995.

23. Hilary Lewis. Tribeca: 6 Revelations From Tom Hanks’ Wide-Ranging Talk With John Oliver // The Hollywood Reporter, April 2016.

24. Chris Connelly. Hollywood Survivor // Talk, November 2000.

Интерлюдия. Стивен Спилберг и братские узы

1. Chris Hewitt. Empire Meets Tom Hanks: On Bridge of Spies, Toy Story 4, and The ’Burbs // empireonline.com, December 2, 2015.

2. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 21, 1998.

3. Daniel D’Addario. Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg on Bridge of Spies, Diversity in Hollywood and Star Wars // time.com, October 6, 2015.

4. Hillary Atkin. Friends and Collaborators // The Hollywood Reporter, June 12, 2002.

5. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.

8. Daniel D’Addario. Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg on Bridge of Spies, Diversity in Hollywood and Star Wars // time.com, October 6, 2015.

9. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 21, 1998.

10. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7, 1998.

11. Hillary Atkin. Friends and Collaborators // The Hollywood Reporter, June 2002.

12. Ibid.

13. Jeff Giles. Catch Them If You Can // Newsweek, December 2002.

14. Ibid.

15. Hillary Atkin. Friends and Collaborators // The Hollywood Reporter, June 2002.

16. Chris Hewitt. Empire Meets Tom Hanks: On Bridge of Spies, Toy Story 4, and The ’Burbs // empireonline.com, December 2, 2015.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. Nathan Rabin. Random Roles: Tom Sizemore on Point Break, True Romance, and Getting Yelled at By Pete Rose // avclub.com, March 6, 2013.

21. The New Establishment // Vanity Fair, October 2004.

22. Интервью автора со Скоттом Шепердом.

Восьмая заповедь

1. Robert Goldberg. Hollywood’s Hottest Comic Actor Is Branching Out // Connoisseur, September 1986.

2. Tony Brown. Tom Hanks Returns to Cleveland to Say Big “Thanks” to Great Lakes Theater Festival // The Cleveland Plain Dealer, October 10, 2009.

3. Ibid.

4. Adam Moss. How to Look Like a Page Out of Esquire // Esquire, March 1987.

5. Harold Bloom. Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998.

6. Maureen Dowd. Hollywood’s Most Decent Fella on Weinstein, Trump, and History // The New York Times, October 11, 2017.

7. Brendan Lemon. Tom Hanks // Interview, December 1993.

8. Nicholas Hytner. With Shakespeare, the Play Is Just a Starting Point // The Guardian (U.K.), April 12, 201. Я также почерпнул много полезного по этой теме из беседы с Биллом Тип- пером.

9. Libby Denkmann. Tom Hanks will make his LA stage debut as Shakespeare’s Falstaff at the West LA VA // www.scpr.org, February 12, 2018.

10. Josh Eells. A League of His Own // Rolling Stone 11, November 8, 2012.

11. Ibid.

12. Интервью и переписка автора с Джоном Франкенхаймом.

Девятая заповедь

1. James Poniewozik. Saving Tom Hanks // Time, May 15, 2000.

2. Ingrid Sischy. Tom Hanks // Interview, March 1994.

3. Tom Hanks on A Hologram for the King, the Challenges of Age and the Rise of Donald Trump // Radio Times, May 20, 2016.

4. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–14, 1998.

5. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

6. Bill Zehme. Tom Hanks Acts Like a Man // Esquire, September 2001.

7. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

8. Интервью автора с Люси Бредесон-Смит.

9. Там же.

10. Andrea Simakis. Tom Hanks gloried in his Great Lakes Theater days on a whirlwind Cleveland visit // The Cleveland Plain Dealer, June 2016.

11. Интервью автора с Мэри Бейдлер Гирен.

12. Там же.

13. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

Десятая заповедь

1. Playing the Part // Newsweek, February 14, 1994.

2. Deborah J. Kunk. Tom Hanks’ Star Quality: He’s Impossible Not to Like // Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, June 29, 1987.

3. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

4. Kristine McKenna. He’s Serious About This One // Los Angeles Times, December 19, 1993.

5. Stephen Ambrose. Man with a Mission // Reader’s Digest, September 2001.

6. Ibid.

7. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–14, 1998.

8. David Eimer. Nice? Me? // The Sunday Times (UK), January 23, 2000.

9. Maureen Dowd. Tom Hanks: Confirm or Deny // The New York Times, October 11, 2017.

10. Marshall Sella. Introducing the Next Tom Hanks // GQ, December 2007.

11. Tom Hanks Apologizes for Calling Mormon Support of Prop 8 “Un-American” // People, January 2009.

12. Ibid.

13. Подкаст The Axe Files Дэвида Аксельрода, выпуск от 12 декабря 2017 г.

14. Maureen Dowd. Hollywood’s Most Decent Fella on Weinstein, Trump, and History // The New York Times, October 2017.

15. Ibid.

16. Tamara Keith. Tom Hanks Sends the White House Press Corps a Caffeine Infusion (Again) // npr.org, March 4, 2017.

17. Ibid.

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. Marshall Sella. Introducing the Next Tom Hanks // GQ, December 2007.

21. Ibid.

22. Peter Travers. Tom Hanks // Rolling Stone 10, November 2007.

23. Sara Davidson. Magnificent Obsession // Reader’s Digest, August 2005.

Часть III. Фильмы Тома Хэнкса

Эта фильмография охватывает все художественные фильмы, в которых Том Хэнкс работал как актер (включая роли-камео), а также несколько разовых проектов для телевидения. Здесь нет целого ряда различных мини-сериалов для ТВ и эпизодов телевизионных программ (например, его появление в роли каратиста в «Счастливых днях» или студента под кайфом в «Такси»), анимационного сериала «Электрический город» (Electric City) или многочисленных спецвыпусков и короткометражек по «Истории игрушек». Цитаты из диалогов, приведенные в начале каждой статьи, принадлежат героям Хэнкса.

1. Lee Pfeiffer and Michael Lewis. The Films of Tom Hanks. New York: Citadel Press, 1996.

2. Комментарии к фильму на DVD «Он знает, что вы одни» (He Knows You’re Alone, Warner Home Video, 2004).

3. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

4. Mandi Bierly. Adrian Zmed: PopWatch “Teen Idol” Q&A // ew.com, December 30, 2008.

5. Интервью Тома Хэнкса на DVD «Мальчишник» (Bachelor Party, 20th Century Fox, 2001).

6. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

7. Переписка автора с Лори Сингер.

8. Там же.

9. Там же.

10. Ken Levine. The scene That Ruined Volunteers // kenlevine.blogspot.com, July 8, 2007.

11. Интервью автора с Кеном Ливайном.

12. Там же.

13. Mary Murphy. Tom Hanks: One Hunk Who Refuses to Go Hollywood // Cosmopolitan, March 1987.

14. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

15. Joe Logan. Tom Hanks, working stiff // Long Beach Press-Telegraph, March 1990.

16. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

17. Переписка автора с Моше Мизрахи.

18. Интервью автора с Бенедиктом Тейлором.

19. Там же.

20. Tim Allis. Chatter // People, July 1987.

21. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

22. Hadley Freeman. Tom Hanks on His Diabetes, Pirates and Rapping with Dan Aykroyd // The Guardian (UK), October 2013.

23. Larry Getlen. How Tom Hanks Got “Big” 25 Years Ago // New York Post, December 7, 2013.

24. Joe Logan. Tom Hanks, Working Stiff // Long Beach Press-Telegraph, March 1990.

25. David Sheff. Tom Hanks: The Playboy Interview // Playboy, March 1989.

26. Chris Hewitt. Empire Meets Tom Hanks: On Bridge of Spies, Toy Story 4, and The ’Burbs // empireonline.com, December 2, 2015.

27. Ibid.

28. Kevin Sessums. Tom Terrific // Vanity Fair, June 1994.

29. Ibid.

30. Michael A. Lipton. How Now, Mr. Fonzarelli? // People, April 1993.

31. Matt Zoller Seitz and Scout Tafoya. The Unloved, Part Fourteen: “Joe Vs. the Volcano” // rogerebert.com, February 3, 2015.

32. Carol Troy. It’s a Cool Gig // American Film, April 1990.

33. Cal Fussman. Confessions of an Average Man // Esquire, June 2006.

34. Ibid.

35. Anthony D’Alessandro. Working with Hanks // Daily Variety, June 2002.

36. Stephen Greenfield. What’s the Message? Опубликовано Дэвидом Микки Эвансом под заголовком “What Happened to Bobby?..” на сайте davidmickeyevansblog.blogspot.com, 6 апреля 2011 г.

37. Gregg Kilday. Making “Radio Flyer” // Entertainment Weekly, February 1992.

38. Penny Marshall. My Mother Was Nuts. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

39. Ibid.

40. Amy Wallace. Average Joe Versus the Icons // Los Angeles Times, November 7, 1999.

41. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7, 1998.

42. Penny Marshall. My Mother Was Nuts. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

43. Joe Rhodes. Back from the Bonfire // Los Angeles Times, July 5, 1992.

44. Ibid.

45. Erin Carlson. I’ll Have What She’s Having. New York: Hachette Book Group, 2017.

46. Jennet Conant. Tom Hanks Wipes That Grin off His Face // Esquire, December 1993.

47. Ibid.

48. Телепередача «В студии актерского мастерства» (Inside the Actors Studio), выпуск телеканала Bravo, эфир от 12 декабря 1999 г.

49. Lee Pfeiffer and Michael Lewis. The Films of Tom Hanks. New York: Citadel Press, 1996.

50. Mark Morrison. Tom Hanks: The US Interview // US, August 1994.

51. Dolores Barclay. Tom Hanks: From Forrest to Apollo an Everyman for All Seasons // Entertainment Today, June 1995.

52. Joe Leydon. Aboard the Star Ship // Los Angeles Times, June 1995.

53. Jerry Roberts. Actor’s next film will be a really far-out trip // Variety, March 9, 1995.

54. Devan Coggan. Tom Hanks Recounts What He Learned from Kevin Bacon During Apollo 13 // ew.com, April 2016.

55. Телепередача «В студии актерского мастерства» (Inside the Actors Studio), выпуск 185, телеканал Bravo, эфир от 14 мая 2006 г.

56. Scott and Barbara Siegel. Tom Hanks Does That Directing Thing in That Thing You Do! // Drama-Logue, October 3–9, 1996.

57. Ibid.

58. Kurt Andersen. The Tom Hanks Phenomenon // The New Yorker, December 7–1998.

59. Steven Spielberg and David James. Saving Private Ryan // Newmarket Press, 1998.

60. Edward Guthmann. Ephron Puts Her Stamp on “Mail” // San Francisco Chronicle, December 198.

61. Erin Carlson. I’ll Have What She’s Having. New York: Hachette Book Group, 2017.

62. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. We’ve Got Their Mail // Time, December 1998.

63. Richard Corliss and Cathy Booth. Tom Terrific // Time, December 1998.

64. Chris Connelly. Hollywood Survivor // Talk, November 2000.

65. Ibid.

66. Peter Travers. Tom Hanks // Rolling Stone 10, November 2007.

67. Lisa Henricksson. Men of the Year: Tom Hanks // GQ, December 1999.

68. James Poniewozik. Saving Tom Hanks // Time, May 2000.

69. Martyn Palmer. A Year of Living Dangerously // The Times (London), January 2001.

70. Jess Cagle. Two for the Road // Time, July 8, 2002.

71. Ibid.

72. Интервью автора с Питером Сколари.

73. Tom Hanks as Carl Hanratty // Catch Me If You Can DVD, Dreamworks Video, 2003.

74. Shawn Levy. The British Are Going to Crucify Us // The Guardian (UK), May 2004.

75. Ibid.

76. Ibid.

77. Joe McGovern. Tom Hanks: Read His Full Speech from MoMA Tribute // ew.com, November 2016.

78. The Total Film Interview // Total Film, September 2004 (сохранено на сайте gamesradar.com).

79. Anwar Brett. Tom Hanks: The Polar Express // bbc.com, December 3, 2004.

80. Jerry Roberts. A Superstar Talks Business // Variety, March 9, 1995.

81. Комментарии в интервью на DVD фильма «Элвис покинул здание» (Elvis Has Left the Building DVD, Lions Gate, 2005).

82. Marshall Sella. Introducing the Next Tom Hanks // GQ, December 2007.

83. “Charlie Wilson’s War” Was Unlikely, But True // Morning Edition, NPR, December 2007.

84. Интервью автора с Шоном МакГинли.

85. Crystal Bell. 21 Surprising Things You Never Knew About “Toy Story” // mtv.com, October 2015.

86. Paul Devine. Larry Crowne – Tom Hanks Interview // thepeoplesmovies.com, November 2011.

87. Ibid.

88. Truman Hanks. I am the youngest child of Tom Hanks. Would anyone be interested in an AMA? // AMA (“Ask me anything”). Reddit.com, 2012.

89. Tom Hanks Says That Self-Doubt Is “A High-Wire Act That We All Walk”. Расшифровка интервью для программы «Свежий воздух» (Fresh Air), эфир от 26 апреля 2016 г. // npr.org.

90. Fun on Set // Larry Crowne DVD, Universal Pictures Home Entertainment, 2011.

91. Ibid.

92. Nick Pinkerton. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close to Schmaltz // Dallas Observer, January 2012.

93. Rene Rodriguez. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close // The Miami Herald, January 2012.

94. David Edelstein. “Extremely Loud” and Incredibly Manipulative Программа «Свежий воздух» (Fresh Air), канал NPR, эфир от 6 января 2012 г.

95. Ken Lombardi. Tom Hanks talks role as 9/11 victim in “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close” // cbsnews.com, December 2011.

96. Tasha Robinson. The Wachowskis explain how Cloud Atlas unplugs people from the Matrix // avclub.com, October 2012.

97. Julie Hinds. Interview with Tom Hanks about Cloud Atlas // phoenixfilmfestival.com, October 2012.

98. Full Ahead // Captain Phillips DVD (Sony, 2014).

99. Ibid.

100. Ibid.

101. Rodrigo Perez. Interview: Tom Hanks & Paul Greengrass Talk “Captain Phillips” and the Raw Acting Ability of Barkhad Abdi // indiewire.com, January 9, 2014.

102. Mike Hixenbaugh. Change puts Navy woman Face-to-Face with Tom Hanks // The Virginian-Pilot, October 11, 2013.

103. Geoff Edgers. The Evolution of Tom Hanks // The Washington Post, December 1, 2014.

104. Christina Radish. Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks Talk Saving Mr. Banks, Bringing the Essence of Their Characters to the Screen, and How P. L. Travers Would Have Reacted // collider.com, December 9, 2013.

105. Steve “Frosty” Weintraub. Tom Hanks Talks Saving Mr. Banks, His Reluctance to Play Walt Disney, Working with Paul Greengrass on Captain Phillips, Cloud Atlas, and More // collider.com, November 20, 2013.

106. Ibid.

107. Meredith Alloway. Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks Talk “Bridge of Spies”, James Donovan, and More // collider.com, October 15, 2015.

108. Интервью автора со Скоттом Шепердом.

109. Charles McGrath. “A Hologram for the King” Finds Tom Hanks in the Desert, Desperate to Sell Phantoms // The New York Times, April 15, 2016.

110. Brendan Lemon. Tom Hanks // Interview, December 1993.

111. Tom Hanks on A Hologram for the King, the Challenges of Age and the Rise of Donald Trump // Radio Times, May 20, 2016.

112. Rebecca Keegan. Eastwood and Hanks talk “Sully”, their film about the “humble, smiling hero” who landed on the Hudson River // Los Angeles Times, September 1, 2016.

113. Ibid.

114. Lou Gaul. Look Out for “Inferno” on Home Video // The Times (Beaver, PA), January 22, 2017.

115. Jesse David Fox. An Oral History of “David Pumpkins” // vulture.com, November 23, 2017.

116. Ibid.

117. Ibid.

118. Ibid.

119. Ibid.

120. Ibid.

121. Ibid.

122. Transcript: Steven Spielberg, Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks talk new movie at The Washington Post // washingtonpost.com, December 14, 2017.

123. Duane Byrge. Actor’s Dialogue // The Hollywood Reporter, March 8, 1995.

124. Tom Hanks. I Owe It All to Community College // The New York Times, January 1.

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