Книга: Тревога, гнев, прокрастинация. 10 стратегий для самостоятельной работы
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Многие из этих книг находятся в списке литературы, одобренном Ассоциацией поведенческой и когнитивной терапии, что означает, что в них опубликованы способы лечения, имеющие под собой внушительную исследовательскую базу. Полный список публикуется на сайте .


Anderson, Kenneth. How to Change Your Drinking: A Harm Reduction Guide to Alcohol, 2010.
Glasner-Edwards, Suzette. The Addiction Recovery Skills Workbook: Changing Addictive Behaviors Using CBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing Techniques, 2015.
Williams, Rebecca E., and Julie S. Kraft. The Mindfulness Workbook for Addiction: A Guide to Coping with the Grief, Stress and Anger That Trigger Addictive Behaviors, 2012.
Wilson, Kelley, and Troy DuFrene. The Wisdom to Know the Difference: An Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workbook for Overcoming Substance Abuse, 2012.


Мак-Кей М., Роджерс П. Укрощение гнева, 1997.
Karmin, Aaron. Anger Management Workbook for Men: Take Control of Your Anger and Master Your Emotions, 2016.
Potter-Efron, Ronald. Rage: A Step-by-Step Guide to Overcoming Explosive Anger, 2016.
Scheff, Leonard, and Susan Edmiston. The Cow in the Parking Lot: A Zen Approach to Overcoming Anger, 2010.


Antony, Martin M., and Richard P. Swinson. The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook: Proven Techniques for Overcoming Your Fears, 2010.
Carbonell, David. Panic Attacks Workbook: A Guided Program for Beating the Panic Trick, 2004.
Clark, David A., and Aaron T. Beck. The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution, 2011.
Cuncic, Arlin. The Anxiety Workbook: A 7-Week Plan To Overcome Anxiety, Stop Worrying, and End Panic, 2017.
Robichaud, Melisa, and Michel J. Dugas. The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Workbook: A Comprehensive CBT Guide for Coping with Uncertainty, Worry, and Fear, 2015.
Tolin, David. Face Your Fears: A Proven Plan to Beat Anxiety, Panic, Phobias and Obsessions, 2012.
Tompkins, Michael A. Anxiety and Avoidance: A Universal Treatment for Anxiety, Panic, and Fear, 2013.


Алберти Р., Эммонс М. Твое абсолютное право. Ассертивность и равенство в вашей жизни и отношениях, 2009.
Vavrichek, Sherrie. The Guide to Compassionate Assertiveness: How to Express Your Needs and Deal with Conflict While Keeping a Kind Heart, 2012.


Гринбергер Д., Падески К. Разум рулит настроением. Измени свои мысли, привычки, здоровье, жизнь, 2019.
Addis, Michael E., and Christopher R. Martell. Overcoming Depression One Step at a Time: The New Behavioral Activation Approach to Getting Your Life Back, 2004.
Burns, David D. The Feeling Good Handbook, Revised edition, 1999.
Joiner, Thomas Jr., and Jeremy Pettit. The Interpersonal Solution to Depression: A Workbook for Changing How You Feel by Changing How You Relate, 2005.
Rego, Simon, and Sarah Fader. The 10-Step Depression Relief Workbook: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approach, 2018.


Маккей М., Дэвис М., Эшельман Э. Релаксация и снятие стресса. Рабочая тетрадь, 2019.
Ellis, Albert, and Robert A. Harper. A New Guide to Rational Living, 1961.
Gillihan, Seth J. Retrain Your Brain: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in 7 Weeks: A Workbook for Managing Depression and Anxiety, 2016.
Otto, Michael, and Jasper Smits. Exercise for Mood and Anxiety: Proven Strategies for Overcoming Depression and Enhancing Well-Being, 2011.


Брах Т. Радикальное принятие. Как исцелить психологическую травму и посмотреть на свою жизнь взглядом Будды, 2018.
Орсильо С., Ремер Л. Осознанность или тревога. Перестань беспокоиться и верни себе свою жизнь, 2019.
Солзберг Ш. Любящая доброта. Искусство быть счастливым, 2016.
Тисдейл Дж., Сигал З. Выход из депрессии. Освободите себя от хронической неудовлетворенности, 2009.
Germer, Christopher K. The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion: Freeing Yourself from Destructive Thoughts and Emotions, 2009.
Kabat-Zinn, Jon. Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, Revised edition, 2013.


Руис М. Мастерство любви, 2011.
Gottman, John, and Joan DeClaire. The Relationship Cure: A Five-Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships, 2001.
McKay, Matthew, Patrick Fanning, and Kim Paleg. Couple Skills: Making Your Relationship Work, 1994.
Richo, David. How to Be an Adult in Relationships: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving, 2002.


Браун Б. Дары несовершенства. Как полюбить себя таким, какой ты есть, 2019.
Neff, Kristin. Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, 2011.


Carney, Colleen. Quiet Your Mind and Get to Sleep: Solutions to Insomnia for Those with Depression, Anxiety, or Chronic Pain, 2009.
Ehrnstrom, Colleen, and Alisha L. Brosse. End the Insomnia Struggle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep, 2016.
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