Книга: Страдающее Средневековье. Парадоксы христианской иконографии
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Гендерный беспорядок – кто в семье главный?

Coo J., de. Das Josefshosen-Motiv im Weihnachtslied und in der bildenden Kunst // Jahrbuch für Volksliedforschung, 1966. Pp. 58–89.
Decker J. More Strength for Contemplation: Spiritual Play in the Amsterdam Holy Kinship // Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art, 2016, Vol. 8, № 1.
Hahn C. “Joseph will Perfect, Mary Enlighten and Jesus Save Thee”: The Holy Family as Marriage Model in the Mérode Triptych // The Art Bulletin, 1986, Vol. 68, № 1. Pp. 54–66.
Hand J. O. Saint Anne with the Virgin and the Christ Child by the Master of Frankfurt // Studies in the History of Art, 1982, Vol. 12. Pp. 43–52.
Herlihy D. The Making of the Medieval Family: Symmetry, Structure and Sentiment // Journal of Family History, 1983, Vol. 8, № 2. Pp. 116–130.
Heublein B. Der “verkannte” Joseph. Zur mittelalterlichen Ikonographie des Heiligen im deutschen und niederländischen Kultrraum. Weimar: VDG, 1998.
Nixon V. Mary's Mother. Saint Anne in Late Medieval Europe. University Park: Pennsylvania University Press, 2004.
Payan P. Ridicule? L'image ambiguë de saint Joseph à la fin du Moyen Âge // Médiévales, 2000, № 39. Pp. 96–111.
Schabacker P. H. The Holy Kinship in a Church: Geertgen and the Westphalian Master of 1473 // Oud Holland, 1975, Vol. 89, № 4. Pp. 225–242.
Sheingorn P. «The Wise Mother»: The Image of St.Anne Teaching the Virgin Mary // Gesta, 1993, Vol.32, No.1. Pp. 69–80.
Stanton A. R. La Genealogye Comence: Kinship and Difference in the Queen Mary Psalter // Studies in Iconography, 1996, Vol. 17. Pp. 177–214.
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