Книга: Страдающее Средневековье. Парадоксы христианской иконографии
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Мать или дева? Как рождается бог

Baert B. The Annunciation Revisited. Essay on the Concept of Wind and the Senses in Late Medieval and Early Modern Visual Culture // Critica d'arte, 2013, Vol. 47–48. Pp. 57–68.
Bynum C. W. Encounter: Holy Beds // Gesta, 2016, Vol. 55, № 2. Pp. 129–131.
Gertsman E. Image as Word: Visual Openings, Verbal Imaginings // Studies in Iconography, 2011, Vol. 32. Pp. 51–80.
Hull V. J. The Sex of the Savior in Renaissance Art: the Revelations of Saint Bridget and the Nude Christ Child in Renaissance Art // Studies in Iconography, 1993, Vol. 15. Pp. 77–112.
Ippel I. A Christmas Crib as a Meek Heart of the Late Mediaeval Christian // The Rijksmuseum Bulletin, 2014, Vol. 62, № 4. Pp. 330–347.
Jung J. E. Crystalline Wombs and Pregnant Hearts. The Exuberant Bodies of the Katharinenthal Visitation Group // History in the Comic Mode. New York: Columbia University Press, 2007. Pp. 223–237.
Katz M. R. Marian Motion: Opening the Body of the Vierge Ouvrante // Meaning in Motion. The Semantics of Movement in Medieval Art. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011. Pp. 63–91.
Langum V. “As a Kinde Modur Schulde”: Mary and Natural Maternity in the Middle Ages // Words and Matter: The Virgin Mary in Late Medieval and Early Modern Parish Life. Stockholm: Sällskapet Runica et Mediaevalia, 2015. Pp. 133–148.
L'Estrange E. Holy Motherhood. Gender, Dynasty and Visual Culture in the Later Middle Ages. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2012.
LeZotte A. Cradling Power: Female Devotions and Early Netherlandish Jésueaux // Push Me, Pull You. Imaginative and Emotional Interaction in Late Medieval and Renaissance Art. Vol. 2. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2011. Pp. 59–84.
Neff A. The Pain of Compassio: Mary’s Labor at the Foot of the Cross // The Art Bulletin, 1998, Vol. 80, № 2. Pp. 254–273.
Salvador Gonzalez J. M. Per Aurem Intrat Christus in Mariam. An Iconographic Approach to the Conceptio per Aurem in Italian Trecento Painting from Patristic and Theological Sources // De Medio Aevo, 2016, Vol. 5, № 1. Pp. 83–122.
Steinberg L. “How Shall This Be?” Reflections on Filippo Lippi's “Annunciation” in London. Part I // Artibus et Historiae, 1987, Vol. 8, № 16. Pp. 25–44.
Назад: Тело христово – мужское и женское
Дальше: Гендерный беспорядок – кто в семье главный?