Книга: Английский с Джеком Лондоном. Золотой каньон. Рассказы / Jack London. All Gold Canyon. Stories
Назад: Told in the Drooling Ward (/История/, рассказанная в сумасшедшем доме[11])
Дальше: Примечания

A Piece of Steak

(Кусок мяса)

With the last morsel of bread (последним кусочком хлеба) Tom King wiped his plate clean of the last particle of flour gravy (Том Кинг отер свое блюдо начисто от последней крупицы мучнистой подливки) and chewed the resulting mouthful in a slow and meditative way (и разжевал получившийся кусок медленно и задумчиво; way – способ). When he arose from the table (когда он встал из-за стола), he was oppressed by the feeling that he was distinctly hungry (он был угнетен ощущением, что он определенно: «отчетливо» голоден). Yet he alone had eaten (и все же он один поел; to eat – есть). The two children in the other room had been sent early to bed (двое детей в другой комнате были отправлены рано в кровать) in order that in sleep they might forget (с тем чтобы во сне они могли бы забыть) they had gone supperless (что они ушли без ужина). His wife had touched nothing (его жена не прикоснулась ни к чему), and had sat silently and watched him with solicitous eyes (и сидела молча и наблюдала за ним заботливыми глазами). She was a thin, worn woman of the working-class (она была худой, изнуренной женщиной из рабочего класса), though signs of an earlier prettiness were not wanting in her face (хотя признаки былой миловидности не отсутствовали на ее лице). The flour for the gravy she had borrowed (муку для подливки она позаимствовала) from the neighbor across the hall (у соседки, /живущей/ напротив через коридор). The last two ha’pennies (последние два полпенни; ha’ = half – половина) had gone to buy the bread (были потрачены: «ушли», чтобы купить хлеб).

 With the last morsel of bread Tom King wiped his plate clean of the last particle of flour gravy and chewed the resulting mouthful in a slow and meditative way. When he arose from the table, he was oppressed by the feeling that he was distinctly hungry. Yet he alone had eaten. The two children in the other room had been sent early to bed in order that in sleep they might forget they had gone supperless. His wife had touched nothing, and had sat silently and watched him with solicitous eyes. She was a thin, worn woman of the working-class, though signs of an earlier prettiness were not wanting in her face. The flour for the gravy she had borrowed from the neighbor across the hall. The last two ha’pennies had gone to buy the bread.

He sat down by the window on a rickety chair (он сел у окна на шаткий стул; to sit down – сесть) that protested under his weight (который запротестовал = заскрипел под его весом), and quite mechanically he put his pipe in his mouth (и совершенно механически он сунул трубку в рот; to put – положить) and dipped into the side pocket of his coat (и сунул /руку/ в боковой карман пиджака). The absence of any tobacco made him aware of his action (отсутствие табака сделало его осознавшим = заставило осознать свое действие), and, with a scowl for his forgetfulness (и, нахмурившись своей забывчивости: «с нахмуренным взглядом…»), he put the pipe away (он отложил трубку в сторону). His movements were slow, almost hulking (его движения были медленными, почти неуклюжими), as though he were burdened by the heavy weight of his muscles (словно он был придавлен тяжелым бременем своих мускулов; burden – ноша, тяжесть, груз). He was a solid-bodied, stolid-looking man (он был человеком с крепким телом, флегматичным на вид; body – тело; to look – зд.: выглядеть; stolid – бесстрастный, невозмутимый, флегматичный, вялый), and his appearance did not suffer from being overprepossessing (и его внешность не страдала от излишней приятности; over- – чересчур; to prepossess – уст. заранее завладевать чем-либо; производить благоприятное впечатление; располагать к себе). His rough clothes were old and slouchy (его грубая одежда была старой и мешковатой; to slouch – сутулиться, горбиться; неуклюже держаться; опускаться, свисать /о полях шляпы, об одежде/). The uppers of his shoes were too weak (передки его ботинок были слишком слабыми) to carry the heavy resoling (чтобы нести тяжелые подметки) that was itself of no recent date (которые и сами были не недавнего времени = старыми). And his cotton shirt (а его хлопковая рубашка), a cheap, two-shilling affair (дешевая, двухшиллинговая вещь), showed a frayed collar and ineradicable paint stains (показывала = имела обтрепанный воротник и несостирываемые: «неискоренимые» пятна краски; paint – краска; to eradicate – вырывать с корнем; искоренять).

 He sat down by the window on a rickety chair that protested under his weight, and quite mechanically he put his pipe in his mouth and dipped into the side pocket of his coat. The absence of any tobacco made him aware of his action, and, with a scowl for his forgetfulness, he put the pipe away. His movements were slow, almost hulking, as though he were burdened by the heavy weight of his muscles. He was a solid-bodied, stolid-looking man, and his appearance did not suffer from being overprepossessing. His rough clothes were old and slouchy. The uppers of his shoes were too weak to carry the heavy resoling that was itself of no recent date. And his cotton shirt, a cheap, two-shilling affair, showed a frayed collar and ineradicable paint stains.

But it was Tom King’s face that advertised him unmistakably (но это лицо Тома Кинга представляло его безошибочно) for what he was (тем, чем он был; what – что). It was the face of a typical prize-fighter (это было лицо типичного профессионального боксера: «бойца за награду»); of one who had put in long years of service in the squared ring (человека, который вложил долгие годы труда в боксерский ринг; to put in – вложить) and, by that means, developed and emphasized all the marks of the fighting beast (и таким образом развил и усилил все признаки бойцового зверя). It was distinctly a lowering countenance (это было недвусмысленно мрачное лицо), and, that no feature of it might escape notice, it was clean-shaven (и, чтобы ни одна черта его не могла ускользнуть от внимания, оно было чисто выбрито; to shave – брить/ся/).

 But it was Tom King’s face that advertised him unmistakably for what he was. It was the face of a typical prize-fighter; of one who had put in long years of service in the squared ring and, by that means, developed and emphasized all the marks of the fighting beast. It was distinctly a lowering countenance, and, that no feature of it might escape notice, it was clean-shaven.

The lips were shapeless (губы были бесформенны), and constituted a mouth harsh to excess (и образовывали рот, суровый до чрезмерности), that was like a gash in his face (который был как рана на его лице). The jaw was aggressive, brutal, heavy (челюсть была агрессивной, жестокой, тяжелой). The eyes, slow of movement and heavy-lidded (глаза, медленные в движении и под тяжелыми веками; lid – веко), were almost expressionless (были почти лишенными выражения) under the shaggy, indrawn brows (под косматыми, сросшимися: «направленными внутрь» бровями). Sheer animal that he was (/хотя и в целом/ он был настоящим зверем), the eyes were the most animal-like feature about him (глаза были самой звероподобной чертой в нем). They were sleepy, lion-like (они были сонными, как у льва) – the eyes of a fighting animal (глаза бойцового животного). The forehead slanted quickly back to the hair (лоб отклонялся быстро назад к волосам = низкий лоб), which, clipped close (которые /волосы/, остриженные коротко), showed every bump of a villainous-looking head (показывали каждую шишку на безобразной голове; to look – выглядеть, looking – выглядящий). A nose, twice broken and moulded variously by countless blows (нос, дважды сломанный и сформованный по-всякому несчетными ударами), and a cauliflower ear (и /похожее/ на цветную капусту ухо), permanently swollen and distorted to twice its size (всегда распухшее и изуродованное до дважды своего размера = так, что увеличилось вдвое), completed his adornment (довершали его украшение), while the beard, fresh-shaven as it was, sprouted in the skin (в то время как борода, хоть и бритая, прорастала из кожи) and gave the face a blue-black stain (и придавала лицу сине-черный оттенок).

 The lips were shapeless, and constituted a mouth harsh to excess, that was like a gash in his face. The jaw was aggressive, brutal, heavy. The eyes, slow of movement and heavy-lidded, were almost expressionless under the shaggy, indrawn brows. Sheer animal that he was, the eyes were the most animal-like feature about him. They were sleepy, lion-like – the eyes of a fighting animal. The forehead slanted quickly back to the hair, which, clipped close, showed every bump of a villainous-looking head. A nose, twice broken and moulded variously by countless blows, and a cauliflower ear, permanently swollen and distorted to twice its size, completed his adornment, while the beard, fresh-shaven as it was, sprouted in the skin and gave the face a blue-black stain.

All together, it was the face of a man to be afraid of (в целом это было лицо человека, которого следовало бояться; afraid – испуганный) in a dark alley or lonely place (в темном переулке или в уединенном месте). And yet Tom King was not a criminal (и при этом Том Кинг не был преступником), nor had he ever done anything criminal (и никогда не совершил ничего преступного; nor – и не; to do – делать, совершить). Outside of brawls, common to his walk in life (помимо потасовок, обычных для его занятия: «пути в жизни»), he had harmed no one (он не причинил вреда никому). Nor had he ever been known to pick a quarrel (и никогда за ним не замечали /обыкновения/: «он никогда не был известен» искать ссор). He was a professional (он был профессионалом), and all the fighting brutishness of him was reserved for his professional appearances (и все бойцовское зверство в нем сохранялось для профессиональных выступлений). Outside the ring he was slow-going, easy-natured (вне ринга он был флегматичным, покладистым), and, in his younger days (и в молодые годы: «дни»), when money was flush (когда деньги были в изобилии), too open-handed for his own good (слишком щедрым для собственного добра = в ущерб себе). He bore no grudges (он не питал /ни к кому/ недобрых чувств; to bear – зд.: питать какие-либо чувства) and had few enemies (и имел мало врагов). Fighting was a business with him (драться было для него работой). In the ring he struck to hurt (на ринге он бил, чтобы причинить боль; to strike – бить), struck to maim (бил, чтобы покалечить), struck to destroy (бил, чтобы уничтожить); but there was no animus in it (но в этом не было враждебности). It was a plain business proposition (это было простое деловое предложение = предложение услуги). Audiences assembled and paid for the spectacle of men (публика собиралась и платила за зрелище людей; to pay – платить) knocking each other out (нокаутирующих друг друга; to knock out – нокаутировать, «выбить»). The winner took the big end of the purse (победитель забирал бóльшую часть денег: «большой угол кошелька»; to take – забирать).

 All together, it was the face of a man to be afraid of in a dark alley or lonely place. And yet Tom King was not a criminal, nor had he ever done anything criminal. Outside of brawls, common to his walk in life, he had harmed no one. Nor had he ever been known to pick a quarrel. He was a professional, and all the fighting brutishness of him was reserved for his professional appearances. Outside the ring he was slow-going, easy-natured, and, in his younger days, when money was flush, too open-handed for his own good. He bore no grudges and had few enemies. Fighting was a business with him. In the ring he struck to hurt, struck to maim, struck to destroy; but there was no animus in it. It was a plain business proposition. Audiences assembled and paid for the spectacle of men knocking each other out. The winner took the big end of the purse.

When Tom King faced the Woolloomoolloo Gouger, twenty years before (когда Том Кинг бился с Улумулу Гауджером двадцать лет назад), he knew that the Gouger’s jaw was only four months healed (он знал, что челюсть Гауджера лишь четыре месяца назад зажила; to know – знать) after having been broken in a Newcastle bout (после того как была сломана в поединке в Ньюкасле; to break – ломать; broken – сломанный). And he had played for that jaw (и он сыграл на этой челюсти) and broken it again in the ninth round (и сломал ее снова в девятом раунде), not because he bore the Gouger any ill-will (не потому что питал к Гауджеру какие-либо дурные чувства), but because that was the surest way to put the Gouger out (но потому, что это был наивернейший способ вывести Гауджера из строя) and win the big end of the purse (и завоевать большой куш). Nor had the Gouger borne him any ill-will for it (и Гауджер не питал к нему никакой злобы за это; nor – и не; to bear – питать чувства). It was the game (это была игра), and both knew the game and played it (и оба знали эту игру и играли в нее).

 When Tom King faced the Woolloomoolloo Gouger, twenty years before, he knew that the Gouger’s jaw was only four months healed after having been broken in a Newcastle bout. And he had played for that jaw and broken it again in the ninth round, not because he bore the Gouger any ill-will, but because that was the surest way to put the Gouger out and win the big end of the purse. Nor had the Gouger borne him any ill-will for it. It was the game, and both knew the game and played it.

Tom King had never been a talker (Том Кинг никогда не был говоруном = был молчалив), and he sat by the window, morosely silent (и он сидел у окна, угрюмо молчаливый), staring at his hands (уставясь себе на руки). The veins stood out on the backs of the hands (вены выступали на обратной стороне ладоней; to stand out – выступать), large and swollen (большие и взбухшие; to swell – набухать); and the knuckles, smashed and battered and malformed (а костяшки /пальцев/, разбитые, побитые и изуродованные), testified to the use to which they had been put (свидетельствовали об использовании, которому они были подвергнуты; to put – ставить, зд.: подвергать). He had never heard that a man’s life was the life of his arteries (он никогда не слышал, что жизнь человека – жизнь его артерий; to hear – слышать), but well he knew the meaning of those big, upstanding veins (но очень хорошо он знал значение этих больших, выступающих вен). His heart had pumped too much blood through them (его сердце прокачало слишком много крови через них) at top pressure (под высочайшим давлением). They no longer did the work (они уже не справлялись со своей работой; no longer – уже не). He had stretched the elasticity out of them (он вытянул эластичность из них = лишил их…), and with their distention had passed his endurance (и с их вздутием миновала его выносливость). He tired easily now (теперь он легко уставал).

 Tom King had never been a talker, and he sat by the window, morosely silent, staring at his hands. The veins stood out on the backs of the hands, large and swollen; and the knuckles, smashed and battered and malformed, testified to the use to which they had been put. He had never heard that a man’s life was the life of his arteries, but well he knew the meaning of those big, upstanding veins. His heart had pumped too much blood through them at top pressure. They no longer did the work. He had stretched the elasticity out of them, and with their distention had passed his endurance. He tired easily now.

No longer could he do a fast twenty rounds (он больше не мог сделать = продержаться двадцать бешеных раундов), hammer and tongs (изо всех сил: «молот и щипцы»), fight, fight, fight (биться, биться, биться), from gong to gong (от гонга до гонга), with fierce rally on top of fierce rally (с яростным обменом ударами на /другом/ яростном обмене ударами = один за другим), beaten to the ropes (прибиваемый к канатам; to beat – бить) and in turn beating his opponent to the ropes (и, в /свою/ очередь, прибивая своего противника к канатам), and rallying fiercest and fastest of all (и собираясь с силами наиболее яростно и быстро) in that last, twentieth round (в последнем, двадцатом раунде), with the house on its feet and yelling (с публикой /вскочившей/ на ноги и кричащей), himself rushing, striking, ducking (сам – набрасываясь, нанося удары, уклоняясь), raining showers of blows upon showers of blows (обрушивая град ударов за градом ударов; shower – ливень) and receiving showers of blows in return (и получая грады ударов в ответ), and all the time the heart faithfully pumping the surging blood through the adequate veins (и /чтобы/ все это время сердце верно качало прихлынувшую кровь по упругим: «адекватным» венам).

 No longer could he do a fast twenty rounds, hammer and tongs, fight, fight, fight, from gong to gong, with fierce rally on top of fierce rally, beaten to the ropes and in turn beating his opponent to the ropes, and rallying fiercest and fastest of all in that last, twentieth round, with the house on its feet and yelling, himself rushing, striking, ducking, raining showers of blows upon showers of blows and receiving showers of blows in return, and all the time the heart faithfully pumping the surging blood through the adequate veins.

The veins, swollen at the time (вены, набухшие в это время), had always shrunk down again (всегда опадали обратно; to shrink – уменьшаться, сокращаться; сжиматься, съеживаться), though not quite (хотя не полностью) – each time, imperceptibly at first (каждый раз, незаметно поначалу), remaining just a trifle larger than before (оставаясь буквально чуточку больше, чем прежде). He stared at them and at his battered knuckles (он глядел на них и на свои разбитые костяшки), and, for the moment, caught a vision of the youthful excellence of those hands (и на секунду увидел: «поймал виденье» юношеского совершенства этих рук) before the first knuckle had been smashed on the head of Benny Jones (прежде чем первая костяшка была разбита о голову Бенни Джоунза), otherwise known as the Welsh Terror (иначе = также известного как Валлийский Ужас).

The impression of his hunger came back on him (ощущение голода вернулось к нему).

 The veins, swollen at the time, had always shrunk down again, though not quite – each time, imperceptibly at first, remaining just a trifle larger than before. He stared at them and at his battered knuckles, and, for the moment, caught a vision of the youthful excellence of those hands before the first knuckle had been smashed on the head of Benny Jones, otherwise known as the Welsh Terror.

The impression of his hunger came back on him.

“Blimey, but couldn’t I go a piece of steak (черт побери, неужто я не могу получить кусок мяса; blimey – чтоб мне провалиться!, иди ты!)!” he muttered aloud (пробормотал он вслух), clenching his huge fists and spitting out a smothered oath (сжимая свои огромные кулаки и выплюнув придушенное = произнеся тихое ругательство).

“I tried both Burke’s an’ Sawley’s (я попробовала /лавки/ и Бёрка и Соли),” his wife said half apologetically (сказала его жена, полуизвиняющимся /тоном/).

“An’ they wouldn’t?” he demanded (и они отказали: «не хотели»? – спросил он).

“Not a ha’penny (ни на полпенни; half – половина). Burke said (Бёрк сказал) – ” She faltered (она запнулась).

“G’wan (продолжай; искаж. от go on)! Wot’d he say (что он сказал; искаж. от what did he say)?”

“As how ‘e was thinkin’ Sandel ud do ye to-night (/он сказал/, как он думает, что Сэндел уделает тебя сегодня; ud – искаж. would – бы), an’ as how yer score was comfortable big as it was (и что твой счет достаточно велик и так: «как он есть»).”

 “Blimey, but couldn’t I go a piece of steak!” he muttered aloud, clenching his huge fists and spitting out a smothered oath.

“I tried both Burke’s an’ Sawley’s,” his wife said half apologetically.

“An’ they wouldn’t?” he demanded.

“Not a ha’penny. Burke said – ” She faltered.

“G’wan! Wot’d he say?”

“As how ‘e was thinkin’ Sandel ud do ye to-night, an’ as how yer score was comfortable big as it was.”

Tom King grunted (Том Кинг промычал /что-то/), but did not reply (но не ответил). He was busy thinking of the bull terrier (он думал о бультерьере: «был занят, думая о бультерьере») he had kept in his younger days (/которого/ он держал в молодые годы: «дни»; to keep – держать) to which he had fed steaks without end (которому он скармливал стейки без конца). Burke would have given him credit for a thousand steaks – then (Бёрк дал бы ему кредит на тысячу бифштексов тогда; to give – дать). But times had changed (но времена изменились). Tom King was getting old (Том Кинг старел: «становился старым»); and old men, fighting before second-rate clubs (а старые люди, дерущиеся во второразрядных клубах), couldn’t expect to run bills of any size with the tradesmen (не могли бы рассчитывать брать кредит любого размера у торговцев).

 Tom King grunted, but did not reply. He was busy thinking of the bull terrier he had kept in his younger days to which he had fed steaks without end. Burke would have given him credit for a thousand steaks – then. But times had changed. Tom King was getting old; and old men, fighting before second-rate clubs, couldn’t expect to run bills of any size with the tradesmen.

He had got up in the morning (он встал утром; to get up – встать) with a longing for a piece of steak (с сильной тоской по куску бифштекса), and the longing had not abated (и это желание не ослабло; to abate – уменьшать, ослаблять, умерять). He had not had a fair training for this fight (у него не было нормальной тренировки перед этим боем). It was a drought year in Australia (это был засушливый год в Австралии), times were hard (времена выдались тяжелые), and even the most irregular work was difficult to find (и даже самую нерегулярную работу трудно было найти). He had had no sparring partner (у него не было спарринг-партнера), and his food had not been of the best nor always sufficient (и его пища не была /ни/ лучшей, /ни/ всегда достаточной; nor – и не). He had done a few days’ navvy work when he could get it (он делал черную работу несколько дней, когда мог раздобыть ее), and he had run around the Domain in the early mornings (и обегал /парк/ Домейн ранним утром) to get his legs in shape (чтобы привести ноги в форму). But it was hard, training without a partner (но это было тяжело – тренироваться без партнера) and with a wife and two kiddies that must be fed (и с женой и двумя ребятишками, которые должны быть накормлены; to feed – кормить).

 He had got up in the morning with a longing for a piece of steak, and the longing had not abated. He had not had a fair training for this fight. It was a drought year in Australia, times were hard, and even the most irregular work was difficult to find. He had had no sparring partner, and his food had not been of the best nor always sufficient. He had done a few days’ navvy work when he could get it, and he had run around the Domain in the early mornings to get his legs in shape. But it was hard, training without a partner and with a wife and two kiddies that must be fed.

Credit with the tradesmen had undergone very slight expansion (кредит у лавочников претерпел очень незначительное увеличение) when he was matched with Sandel (когда он стал назначен противником Сэнделу = когда наметился их бой). The secretary of the Gayety Club had advanced him three pounds (секретарь клуба Гэйети дал ему авансом три фунта; gayety – веселье) – the loser’s end of the purse (сумму, причитающуюся проигравшему: «уголок кошелька побежденного») – and beyond that had refused to go (и сверх того отказался заходить = дать денег). Now and again he had managed to borrow a few shillings from old pals (время от времени ему удавалось занять несколько шиллингов у старых приятелей; to manage – суметь), who would have lent more only that it was a drought year (которые дали бы больше, да год был засушливый) and they were hard put themselves (и они сами были на мели: «жестко поставлены»). No – and there was no use in disguising the fact (нет – и не было смысла скрывать этот факт) – his training had not been satisfactory (его тренировки не были удовлетворительными = достаточными). He should have had better food (ему надо было бы иметь еду получше) and no worries (и никаких забот). Besides, when a man is forty (кроме того, когда человеку сорок), it is harder to get into condition than when he is twenty (труднее войти в форму, чем когда ему двадцать).

 Credit with the tradesmen had undergone very slight expansion when he was matched with Sandel. The secretary of the Gayety Club had advanced him three pounds – the loser’s end of the purse – and beyond that had refused to go. Now and again he had managed to borrow a few shillings from old pals, who would have lent more only that it was a drought year and they were hard put themselves. No – and there was no use in disguising the fact – his training had not been satisfactory. He should have had better food and no worries. Besides, when a man is forty, it is harder to get into condition than when he is twenty.

“What time is it, Lizzie?” he asked (который час, Лиззи? – спросил он).

His wife went across the hall to inquire (его жена пошла через лестничную площадку = к соседям, чтобы спросить), and came back (и вернулась).

“Quarter before eight (четверть до восьми = без четверти восемь).”

“They’ll be startin’ the first bout in a few minutes,” he said (они начнут первый поединок через несколько минут, – сказал он). “Only a try-out (/это/ только проба). Then there’s a four-round spar ‘tween Dealer Wells an’ Gridley (затем будет бой между Дилером Уэллсом и Гридли в четырех раундах; between – между), an’ a ten-round go ‘tween Starlight an’ some sailor bloke (и бой на десять раундов между Старлайтом и каким-то парнем-матросом). I don’t come on for over an hour (я не появлюсь еще больше часа = начну не раньше, чем через час).”

At the end of another silent ten minutes (по истечении еще десяти молчаливых минут), he rose to his feet (он поднялся на ноги; to rise – подняться).

“Truth is, Lizzie, I ain’t had proper trainin’ (правду /сказать/, Лиззи, у меня не было полноценной тренировки; proper – присущий, свойственный; правильный, должный; надлежащий; подходящий).”

 “What time is it, Lizzie?” he asked.

His wife went across the hall to inquire, and came back.

“Quarter before eight.”

“They’ll be startin’ the first bout in a few minutes,” he said. “Only a try-out. Then there’s a four-round spar ‘tween Dealer Wells an’ Gridley, an’ a ten-round go ‘tween Starlight an’ some sailor bloke. I don’t come on for over an hour.”

At the end of another silent ten minutes, he rose to his feet.

“Truth is, Lizzie, I ain’t had proper trainin’.”

He reached for his hat and started for the door (он потянулся за шляпой и двинулся к двери). He did not offer to kiss her (он не стал целовать ее) – he never did on going out (он никогда не делал /этого/, уходя) – but on this night she dared to kiss him (но в тот вечер она /сама/ отважилась поцеловать его), throwing her arms around him (обвив его руками: «бросив… вокруг») and compelling him to bend down to her face (и принудив его нагнуться к ее лицу). She looked quite small against the massive bulk of the man (она выглядела очень маленькой рядом с этим человеком – массивной глыбой).

“Good luck, Tom,” she said (удачи, Том, – сказала она). “You gotter do ’im (ты должен сделать его; gotter – искаж. got to – должен; ’im = him – его).”

“Ay, I gotter do ’im,” he repeated (да, я должен сделать его, – повторил он). “That’s all there is to it (вот и все: «это все, что есть в этом»). I jus’ gotter do ’im (я просто должен сделать его; just – просто).”

 He reached for his hat and started for the door. He did not offer to kiss her – he never did on going out – but on this night she dared to kiss him, throwing her arms around him and compelling him to bend down to her face. She looked quite small against the massive bulk of the man.

“Good luck, Tom,” she said. “You gotter do ’im.”

“Ay, I gotter do ’im,” he repeated. “That’s all there is to it. I jus’ gotter do ’im.”

He laughed with an attempt at heartiness (он засмеялся с притворной сердечностью: «с попыткой сердечности»), while she pressed more closely against him (в то время как она прижалась теснее к нему). Across her shoulders he looked around the bare room (поверх ее плеч он оглядел голую комнату). It was all he had in the world (это было все, что у него было на свете), with the rent overdue (с просроченной платой за квартиру), and her and the kiddies (с ней и детишками). And he was leaving it to go out into the night (и он оставлял это, чтобы выйти в ночь) to get meat for his mate and cubs (чтобы раздобыть мяса для своей самки и щенков) – not like a modern working-man going to his machine grind (не как современный рабочий, отправляющийся на свою однообразную работу у станка), but in the old, primitive (но древним, первобытным), royal, animal way (королевским, звериным способом), by fighting for it (сражаясь за него). “I gotter do ’im,” he repeated (я должен сделать его, – повторил он), this time a hint of desperation in his voice (на этот раз с оттенком отчаяния в голосе). “If it’s a win, it’s thirty quid (если победа – это тридцать фунтов) – an’ I can pay all that’s owin’ (и я смогу заплатить все, что задолжал), with a lump o’ money left over (и еще куча денег останется). If it’s a lose, I get naught (если поражение, я не получу ничего) – not even a penny for me to ride home on the tram (даже ни единого пенни, чтобы мне доехать до дому на трамвае). The secretary’s give all that’s comin’ from a loser’s end (секретарь /уже/ дал все, что входит в сумму для проигравшего). Good-bye, old woman (прощай, старушка). I’ll come straight home if it’s a win (я приду прямо домой, если это победа = если одержу победу).”

“An’ I’ll be waitin’ up,” she called to him along the hall (а я буду ждать тебя, не ложась, – крикнула она ему с лестничной площадки; up – бодрствующий).

 He laughed with an attempt at heartiness, while she pressed more closely against him. Across her shoulders he looked around the bare room. It was all he had in the world, with the rent overdue, and her and the kiddies. And he was leaving it to go out into the night to get meat for his mate and cubs – not like a modern working-man going to his machine grind, but in the old, primitive, royal, animal way, by fighting for it. “I gotter do ’im,” he repeated, this time a hint of desperation in his voice. “If it’s a win, it’s thirty quid – an’ I can pay all that’s owin’, with a lump o’ money left over. If it’s a lose, I get naught – not even a penny for me to ride home on the tram. The secretary’s give all that’s comin’ from a loser’s end. Good-bye, old woman. I’ll come straight home if it’s a win.”

“An’ I’ll be waitin’ up,” she called to him along the hall.

It was full two miles to the Gayety (до Гэйети было добрых две мили), and as he walked along (и пока он шагал вперед) he remembered how in his palmy days (он вспоминал, как в свои счастливые дни) – he had once been the heavyweight champion of New South Wales (он когда-то был чемпионом Нового Южного Уэльса в тяжелом весе) – he would have ridden in a cab to the fight (он приезжал на такси на поединок), and how, most likely (и как, вероятнее всего), some heavy backer would have paid for the cab (какой-нибудь рьяный сторонник: «ставящий на него» платил за такси) and ridden with him (и ехал с ним; to ride – ехать). There were Tommy Burns and that Yankee nigger, Jack Johnson (вон Томми Бёрнс и тот негр-янки, Джек Джонсон) – they rode about in motor-cars (они разъезжали на автомобилях; to ride – ездить). And he walked (а он шел пешком)! And, as any man knew (и, как знает всякий человек), a hard two miles was not the best preliminary to a fight (две нелегких мили – не лучшее приготовление к бою). He was an old un (он был старик; un – разг. вместо one – кто-то, человек), and the world did not wag well with old uns (а мир не виляет /хвостом/ перед стариками).

 It was full two miles to the Gayety, and as he walked along he remembered how in his palmy days – he had once been the heavyweight champion of New South Wales – he would have ridden in a cab to the fight, and how, most likely, some heavy backer would have paid for the cab and ridden with him. There were Tommy Burns and that Yankee nigger, Jack Johnson – they rode about in motor-cars. And he walked! And, as any man knew, a hard two miles was not the best preliminary to a fight. He was an old un, and the world did not wag well with old uns.

He was good for nothing now except navvy work (он теперь был хорош только для черной работы: «был хорош ни для чего кроме…»), and his broken nose and swollen ear were against him even in that (а его сломанный нос и распухшее ухо были против него даже в этом). He found himself wishing that he had learned a trade (он обнаружил себя желающим, чтобы он выучился ремеслу = он обнаружил, что жалеет, что не выучился какому-нибудь ремеслу; to find – обнаружить). It would have been better in the long run (это было бы лучше в конечном счете: «в длинном /за/беге»). But no one had told him (но никто не подсказал ему; to tell – сказать), and he knew, deep down in his heart (да и он знал в глубине души: «глубоко в сердце»), that he would not have listened if they had (что он бы не послушал, если бы ему сказали). It had been so easy (это было так просто). Big money (большие деньги) – sharp, glorious fights (жестокие, славные бои) – periods of rest and loafing in between (периоды отдыха и безделья между /ними/) – a following of eager flatterers (сопровождение усердных льстецов), the slaps on the back (похлопывания по спине), the shakes of the hand (пожатия руки), the toffs glad to buy him a drink for the privilege of five minutes’ talk (франты, /которые были/ рады купить ему выпить за право пятиминутной болтовни) – and the glory of it (и слава всего этого), the yelling houses (ревущая публика), the whirlwind finish (ураганный финал), the referee’s “King wins (/слова/ судьи «Побеждает Кинг»)!” and his name in the sporting columns next day (и его имя в спортивных колонках /в газетах/ на следующий день).

 He was good for nothing now except navvy work, and his broken nose and swollen ear were against him even in that. He found himself wishing that he had learned a trade. It would have been better in the long run. But no one had told him, and he knew, deep down in his heart, that he would not have listened if they had. It had been so easy. Big money – sharp, glorious fights – periods of rest and loafing in between – a following of eager flatterers, the slaps on the back, the shakes of the hand, the toffs glad to buy him a drink for the privilege of five minutes’ talk – and the glory of it, the yelling houses, the whirlwind finish, the referee’s “King wins!” and his name in the sporting columns next day.

Those had been times (вот были времена)! But he realized now (но он осознал теперь), in his slow, ruminating way (своим медленным, раздумчивым образом), that it was the old uns he had been putting away (что это стариков он сметал прочь; un – разг. искаж. one – человек). He was Youth, rising (он был Юностью, восходившей); and they were Age, sinking (а они были Старостью, нисходившей). No wonder it had been easy (неудивительно, что это было легко) – they with their swollen veins and battered knuckles (они, со своими раздутыми венами и разбитыми костяшками) and weary in the bones of them (и утомленные в своих костях) from the long battles they had already fought (из-за долгих боев, которые они уже провели; to fight – биться). He remembered the time he put out old Stowsher Bill (он вспомнил время, когда он побил старого Стоушера Билла; to put out – вывести из строя, устранить), at Rush-Cutters Bay, in the eighteenth round (в Раш-Каттерс-Бэй, в восемнадцатом раунде), and how old Bill had cried afterward in the dressing-room like a baby (и как старик Билл плакал потом в раздевалке, как ребенок). Perhaps old Bill’s rent had been overdue (может быть, плата за квартиру у старика Билла была просрочена). Perhaps he’d had at home a missus an’ a couple of kiddies (возможно, дома у него были = ждали его жена и пара ребятишек; missus – разг. жена, хозяйка дома). And perhaps Bill, that very day of the fight (а может быть, у Билла, в тот самый день боя), had had a hungering for a piece of steak (была тоска по куску мяса).

 Those had been times! But he realized now, in his slow, ruminating way, that it was the old uns he had been putting away. He was Youth, rising; and they were Age, sinking. No wonder it had been easy – they with their swollen veins and battered knuckles and weary in the bones of them from the long battles they had already fought. He remembered the time he put out old Stowsher Bill, at Rush-Cutters Bay, in the eighteenth round, and how old Bill had cried afterward in the dressing-room like a baby. Perhaps old Bill’s rent had been overdue. Perhaps he’d had at home a missus an’ a couple of kiddies. And perhaps Bill, that very day of the fight, had had a hungering for a piece of steak.

Bill had fought game and taken incredible punishment (Билл бился всерьез и получил невероятную взбучку; to fight – биться; to take – взять; punishment – кара, наказание; разг. жестокое обращение, грубое обращение). He could see now, after he had gone through the mill himself (он видел теперь, после того как сам прошел через этот жернов: «мельницу»; could see – мог видеть), that Stowsher Bill had fought for a bigger stake, that night twenty years ago (что Стоушер Билл дрался за большую ставку той ночью двадцать лет назад = у него было больше поставлено на кон), than had young Tom King (чем юный Том Кинг), who had fought for glory and easy money (который дрался за славу и легкие деньги). No wonder Stowsher Bill had cried afterward in the dressing-room (неудивительно, что Стоушер Билл плакал потом в раздевалке).

 Bill had fought game and taken incredible punishment. He could see now, after he had gone through the mill himself, that Stowsher Bill had fought for a bigger stake, that night twenty years ago, than had young Tom King, who had fought for glory and easy money. No wonder Stowsher Bill had cried afterward in the dressing-room.

Well, a man had only so many fights in him (ну, у человека есть лишь столько-то боев в нем = ему отпущено…), to begin with (для начала: «чтобы начать»). It was the iron law of the game (это был железный закон игры). One man might have a hundred hard fights in him (у одного человека может быть сто тяжелых боев), another man only twenty (у другого – только двадцать); each, according to the make of him and the quality of his fibre (у каждого, в согласии с его складом /характера/ и качеством его натуры), had a definite number (есть определенное количество), and, when he had fought them, he was done (и когда он проведет их = эти бои, с ним покончено: «он сделан»; to fight – биться). Yes, he had had more fights in him than most of them (да, в нем было больше боев, чем в большинстве других: «их»), and he had had far more than his share of the hard, gruelling fights (и у него было гораздо больше, чем его доля: «чем ему было отпущено» тяжелых, изнурительных боев) – the kind that worked the heart and lungs to bursting (таких, которые доводили сердце и легкие до взрыва), that took the elastic out of the arteries (которые лишили эластичности его артерии) and made hard knots of muscle out of Youth’s sleek suppleness (и сделали твердые узлы мускулов из стройной гибкости Юности), that wore out nerve and stamina (которые износили нервы и стойкость) and made brain and bones weary from excess of effort (и сделали мозг и кости уставшими от избытка усилий) and endurance overwrought (и выносливость переутомленной). Yes, he had done better than all of them (да, он справился получше, чем все они; to do – делать, зд.: справиться). There was none of his old fighting partners left (/сейчас/ не осталось ни одного из его старых противников: «боевых партнеров»; left – оставшийся от to leave – оставлять). He was the last of the old guard (он был последним из старой гвардии). He had seen them all finished (он видел, как с ними всеми покончили), and he had had a hand in finishing some of them (и он приложил руку к уничтожению некоторых из них: «имел руку в уничтожении…»).

 Well, a man had only so many fights in him, to begin with. It was the iron law of the game. One man might have a hundred hard fights in him, another man only twenty; each, according to the make of him and the quality of his fibre, had a definite number, and, when he had fought them, he was done. Yes, he had had more fights in him than most of them, and he had had far more than his share of the hard, gruelling fights – the kind that worked the heart and lungs to bursting, that took the elastic out of the arteries and made hard knots of muscle out of Youth’s sleek suppleness, that wore out nerve and stamina and made brain and bones weary from excess of effort and endurance overwrought. Yes, he had done better than all of them. There was none of his old fighting partners left. He was the last of the old guard. He had seen them all finished, and he had had a hand in finishing some of them.

They had tried him out against the old uns (они испробовали его против стариков), and one after another he had put them away (и одного за другим он убрал их; to put away – отставить) – laughing when, like old Stowsher Bill, they cried in the dressing-room (смеясь, когда, подобно старому Стоушеру Биллу, они плакали в раздевалке). And now he was an old un (а теперь он был стариком), and they tried out the youngsters on him (и они испытывали юнцов на нем). There was that bloke, Sandel (вот хотя бы этот парень, Сэндел). He had come over from New Zealand with a record behind him (он приехал из Новой Зеландии с послужным списком «за собой» = там он уже был известен). But nobody in Australia knew anything about him (но никто в Австралии не знал ничего о нем), so they put him up against old Tom King (так что они выставили его против старого Тома Кинга). If Sandel made a showing (если Сэндел произведет впечатление), he would be given better men to fight (ему дадут лучших людей, /против которых ему/ биться; to give – дать), with bigger purses to win (с бóльшими кошельками, чтобы выигрывать = на кону); so it was to be depended upon that he would put up a fierce battle (так что в зависимости от этого = именно из-за этого он задаст жару: «яростную битву»).

 They had tried him out against the old uns, and one after another he had put them away – laughing when, like old Stowsher Bill, they cried in the dressing-room. And now he was an old un, and they tried out the youngsters on him. There was that bloke, Sandel. He had come over from New Zealand with a record behind him. But nobody in Australia knew anything about him, so they put him up against old Tom King. If Sandel made a showing, he would be given better men to fight, with bigger purses to win; so it was to be depended upon that he would put up a fierce battle.

He had everything to win by it (он мог выиграть все этим /боем/: «у него было все, чтобы выиграть») – money and glory and career (деньги, и слава, и карьера); and Tom King was the grizzled old chopping-block (а Том Кинг был седой старой колодой) that guarded the highway to fame and fortune (которая преграждала путь к славе и богатству). And he had nothing to win except thirty quid (и ему было нечего выигрывать, кроме тридцати фунтов), to pay to the landlord and the tradesmen (чтобы уплатить хозяину квартиры и лавочникам). And, as Tom King thus ruminated (и пока Том Кинг размышлял так), there came to his stolid vision the form of Youth, glorious Youth (его /внутреннему/ флегматичному взору предстала фигура Юности, великолепной Юности), rising exultant and invincible (восходящей торжествующей и непобедимой), supple of muscle and silken of skin (гибкой в мускулах и с шелковой кожей), with heart and lungs that had never been tired and torn (с сердцем и легкими, которые никогда не были усталыми и подорванными; to tear – рвать) and that laughed at limitation of effort (и которые смеются над ограничением усилий = над экономией сил). Yes, Youth was the Nemesis (да, Юность была Немезидой/Возмездием). It destroyed the old uns (она уничтожала стариков) and recked not that, in so doing, it destroyed itself (и не заботилась о том, что, поступая так, она уничтожала самое себя). It enlarged its arteries and smashed its knuckles (она раздувала артерии и разбивала костяшки пальцев), and was in turn destroyed by Youth (и была в свою очередь уничтожена /новой/ Юностью). For Youth was ever youthful (ибо Юность – всегда молода). It was only Age that grew old (и только Старость становилась старой; to grow – стать).

 He had everything to win by it – money and glory and career; and Tom King was the grizzled old chopping-block that guarded the highway to fame and fortune. And he had nothing to win except thirty quid, to pay to the landlord and the tradesmen. And, as Tom King thus ruminated, there came to his stolid vision the form of Youth, glorious Youth, rising exultant and invincible, supple of muscle and silken of skin, with heart and lungs that had never been tired and torn and that laughed at limitation of effort. Yes, Youth was the Nemesis. It destroyed the old uns and recked not that, in so doing, it destroyed itself. It enlarged its arteries and smashed its knuckles, and was in turn destroyed by Youth. For Youth was ever youthful. It was only Age that grew old.

At Castlereagh Street he turned to the left (у Кэслри-стрит он повернул налево), and three blocks along came to the Gayety (и через три квартала подошел к Гэйети). A crowd of young larrikins hanging outside the door (толпа молодых сорванцов, болтающихся у входа: «снаружи двери») made respectful way for him (освободили уважительный путь ему = почтительно расступились), and he heard one say to another (и он услышал, как один говорит другому; to hear – слышать): “That’s ’im (это он; ’im = him)! That’s Tom King (это Том Кинг)!”

Inside, on the way to his dressing-room (внутри, по пути к раздевалке), he encountered the secretary (он встретил секретаря), a keen-eyed, shrewd-faced young man (востроглазого, с хитрым лицом молодого человека; eye – глаз; face – лицо), who shook his hand (который пожал ему руку; to shake – трясти, пожимать руку).

“How are you feelin’, Tom?” he asked (как ты себя чувствуешь, Том? – спросил он).

“Fit as a fiddle,” King answered (свеж как огурчик: «в хорошем состоянии, как скрипка», – ответил Кинг), though he knew that he lied (хотя он знал, что лжет), and that if he had a quid (и что если бы у него был фунт), he would give it right there for a good piece of steak (он отдал бы его прямо там = на месте за хороший кусок мяса).

 At Castlereagh Street he turned to the left, and three blocks along came to the Gayety. A crowd of young larrikins hanging outside the door made respectful way for him, and he heard one say to another: “That’s ’im! That’s Tom King!”

Inside, on the way to his dressing-room, he encountered the secretary, a keen-eyed, shrewd-faced young man, who shook his hand.

“How are you feelin’, Tom?” he asked.

“Fit as a fiddle,” King answered, though he knew that he lied, and that if he had a quid, he would give it right there for a good piece of steak.

When he emerged from the dressing-room (когда он вышел из раздевалки), his seconds behind him (с секундантами за собой), and came down the aisle to the squared ring in the centre of the hall (и спустился по проходу к рингу в центре зала; to come down – спуститься), a burst of greeting and applause went up from the waiting crowd (взрыв приветствий и аплодисментов поднялся от ожидающей публики; to go up – подняться). He acknowledged salutations right and left (он ответил: «отблагодарил» приветствиям направо и налево), though few of the faces did he know (хотя мало лиц он знал). Most of them were the faces of kiddies (большинство из них были лица ребят) unborn when he was winning his first laurels in the squared ring (/еще/ не рожденных, когда он завоевывал свои первые лавры на ринге). He leaped lightly to the raised platform (он легко вскочил на приподнятую платформу) and ducked through the ropes to his corner (и пролез сквозь канаты к своему углу), where he sat down on a folding stool (где он сел на складной стул; to sit down – сесть).

 When he emerged from the dressing-room, his seconds behind him, and came down the aisle to the squared ring in the centre of the hall, a burst of greeting and applause went up from the waiting crowd. He acknowledged salutations right and left, though few of the faces did he know. Most of them were the faces of kiddies unborn when he was winning his first laurels in the squared ring. He leaped lightly to the raised platform and ducked through the ropes to his corner, where he sat down on a folding stool.

Jack Ball, the referee, came over (Джек Болл, судья, подошел /к нему/; to come over – подойти) and shook his hand (и пожал ему руку; to shake – трясти; пожимать руку). Ball was a broken-down pugilist (Болл был сошедшим с арены боксером: «сломанным») who for over ten years had not entered the ring as a principal (который /уже/ более десяти лет не выходил на ринг в качестве участника боя). King was glad that he had him for referee (Кинг был рад, что получил его в качестве судьи). They were both old uns (они были оба стариками). If he should rough it with Sandel a bit beyond the rules (если он допустит грубость по отношению к Сэнделу немного против правил: «вне правил»), he knew Ball could be depended upon (он знал, что на Болла можно было положиться; to depend – зависеть) to pass it by (чтобы /он/ пропустил это = закрыл глаза на это).

Aspiring young heavyweights, one after another (честолюбивые молодые тяжеловесы, один за другим), were climbing into the ring (забирались на ринг) and being presented to the audience by the referee (и были представляемы публике судьей). Also, he issued their challenges for them (также он объявлял их ставки).

 Jack Ball, the referee, came over and shook his hand. Ball was a broken-down pugilist who for over ten years had not entered the ring as a principal. King was glad that he had him for referee. They were both old uns. If he should rough it with Sandel a bit beyond the rules, he knew Ball could be depended upon to pass it by.

Aspiring young heavyweights, one after another, were climbing into the ring and being presented to the audience by the referee. Also, he issued their challenges for them.

“Young Pronto,” Bill announced, “from North Sydney (молодой Пронто, – объявил Билл, – из Северного Сиднея), challenges the winner for fifty pounds side bet (вызывает победителя, ставка пятьдесят фунтов).”

The audience applauded (публика зааплодировала), and applauded again as Sandel himself sprang through the ropes (и зааплодировала снова, когда сам Сэндел проскочил через канаты; to spring – прыгнуть) and sat down in his corner (и сел в своем углу; to sit down – сесть). Tom King looked across the ring at him curiously (Том Кинг взглянул через ринг на него с любопытством), for in a few minutes they would be locked together in merciless combat (ведь через несколько минут они сцепятся в безжалостной схватке), each trying with all the force of him to knock the other into unconsciousness (каждый /будет/ стараться изо всех своих сил избить другого до бесчувствия). But little could he see (но немного мог он увидеть), for Sandel, like himself, had trousers and sweater on (так как на Сэнделе, как и на нем самом, были надеты брюки и свитер; on – надетый) over his ring costume (поверх боксерской формы). His face was strongly handsome (его лицо было мужественно привлекательно), crowned with a curly mop of yellow hair (увенчанное кудрявой копной желтых волос), while his thick, muscular neck hinted at bodily magnificence (а его толстая, мускулистая шея говорила о телесной мощи: «намекала»).

 “Young Pronto,” Bill announced, “from North Sydney, challenges the winner for fifty pounds side bet.”

The audience applauded, and applauded again as Sandel himself sprang through the ropes and sat down in his corner. Tom King looked across the ring at him curiously, for in a few minutes they would be locked together in merciless combat, each trying with all the force of him to knock the other into unconsciousness. But little could he see, for Sandel, like himself, had trousers and sweater on over his ring costume. His face was strongly handsome, crowned with a curly mop of yellow hair, while his thick, muscular neck hinted at bodily magnificence.

Young Pronto went to one corner and then the other (молодой Пронто подошел к одному углу, а затем – к другому), shaking hands with the principals (обменявшись рукопожатием с противниками: «пожав руки с…»; principal – глава, начальник; патрон; ведущий актер; ведущая актриса; звезда) and dropping down out of the ring (и спрыгнув с ринга). The challenges went on (вызовы продолжались; to go on – идти дальше). Ever Youth climbed through the ropes (все время Юность пробиралась через канаты) – Youth unknown, but insatiable (Юность /никому/ не известная, но ненасытная) – crying out to mankind that with strength and skill it would match issues with the winner (заявляя человечеству, что по мощи и умению она померяется силами с победителем). A few years before (несколько лет назад), in his own heyday of invincibleness (в собственном зените непобедимости), Tom King would have been amused and bored by these preliminaries (Тома Кинга удивили и наскучили бы эти предисловия). But now he sat fascinated (но теперь он сидел завороженный; to sit – сидеть), unable to shake the vision of Youth from his eyes (неспособный стряхнуть видение Юности с глаз = оторвать глаз от…). Always were these youngsters rising up in the boxing game (всегда эти юнцы восходили в боксе), springing through the ropes and shouting their defiance (пролезая через канаты и выкрикивая свой вызов); and always were the old uns going down before them (и всегда старики сходили/опускались перед ними).

 Young Pronto went to one corner and then the other, shaking hands with the principals and dropping down out of the ring. The challenges went on. Ever Youth climbed through the ropes – Youth unknown, but insatiable – crying out to mankind that with strength and skill it would match issues with the winner. A few years before, in his own heyday of invincibleness, Tom King would have been amused and bored by these preliminaries. But now he sat fascinated, unable to shake the vision of Youth from his eyes. Always were these youngsters rising up in the boxing game, springing through the ropes and shouting their defiance; and always were the old uns going down before them.

They climbed to success over the bodies of the old uns (они взбирались к успеху по телам стариков). And ever they came, more and more youngsters (и все время они приходили, все больше и больше юнцов) – Youth unquenchable and irresistible (Юность, неистощимая и неотразимая = неодолимая; to quench – гасить, тушить /огонь, пламя/; to resist – сопротивляться) – and ever they put the old uns away (и всегда они отметали стариков прочь), themselves becoming old uns (сами становясь стариками) and travelling the same downward path (и проходя тем же нисходящим путем), while behind them, ever pressing on them (в то время как за ними, все время давя на них), was Youth eternal (была вечная Юность) – the new babies, grown lusty and dragging their elders down (новые дети, ставшие сильными и стаскивающие /с пьедестала/ старших), with behind them more babies to the end of time (а за ними еще дети до скончания времен) – Youth that must have its will and that will never die (Юность, которая должна поступать по-своему: «иметь свою волю» и которая никогда не умрет).

 They climbed to success over the bodies of the old uns. And ever they came, more and more youngsters – Youth unquenchable and irresistible – and ever they put the old uns away, themselves becoming old uns and travelling the same downward path, while behind them, ever pressing on them, was Youth eternal – the new babies, grown lusty and dragging their elders down, with behind them more babies to the end of time – Youth that must have its will and that will never die.

King glanced over to the press box (Кинг взглянул в сторону мест для прессы) and nodded to Morgan, of the Sportsman (и кивнул Моргану из «Спортсмена»), and Corbett, of the Referee (и Корбетту из «Судьи»). Then he held out his hands (затем он вытянул руки; to hold out – вытянуть: «держать наружу»), while Sid Sullivan and Charley Bates, his seconds, slipped on his gloves and laced them tight (пока Сид Салливен и Чарли Бейтс, его секунданты, натягивали на /него/ перчатки и зашнуровывали их туго), closely watched by one of Sandel’s seconds (под пристальным наблюдением одного из секундантов Сэндела), who first examined critically the tapes on King’s knuckles (который сперва критически оглядел обмотки на суставах Кинга). A second of his own was in Sandel’s corner (его собственный секундант был в углу Сэндела), performing a like office (исполняя ту же службу).

 King glanced over to the press box and nodded to Morgan, of the Sportsman, and Corbett, of the Referee. Then he held out his hands, while Sid Sullivan and Charley Bates, his seconds, slipped on his gloves and laced them tight, closely watched by one of Sandel’s seconds, who first examined critically the tapes on King’s knuckles. A second of his own was in Sandel’s corner, performing a like office.

Sandel’s trousers were pulled off (брюки Сэндела были стянуты с /него/), and, as he stood up (и когда он встал), his sweater was skinned off over his head (его свитер был стянут с /него/ через голову). And Tom King, looking, saw Youth incarnate (и Том Кинг, посмотрев, увидел Юность воплощенную), deep-chested, heavy-thewed (широкогрудую, тяжеломышечную; thews – мускулы /только мн. ч./), with muscles that slipped and slid like live things (с мускулами, которые перекатывались и скользили, как живые существа; to slide – скользить) under the white satin skin (под белой атласной кожей). The whole body was acrawl with life (все тело было кипящим жизнью; to crawl – ползать; медленно продвигаться, с трудом продвигаться; быть переполненным, кишеть /насекомыми/), and Tom King knew that it was a life (и Том Кинг знал, что это была жизнь) that had never oozed its freshness out through the aching pores during the long fights (которая не источила еще своей свежести из больных пор во время длинных боев; to ooze – сочиться) wherein Youth paid its toll (в которых Юность платила свою дань) and departed not quite so young as when it entered (и /из которых она/ выходила не столь юной, как входила /в них/).

 Sandel’s trousers were pulled off, and, as he stood up, his sweater was skinned off over his head. And Tom King, looking, saw Youth incarnate, deep-chested, heavy-thewed, with muscles that slipped and slid like live things under the white satin skin. The whole body was acrawl with life, and Tom King knew that it was a life that had never oozed its freshness out through the aching pores during the long fights wherein Youth paid its toll and departed not quite so young as when it entered.

The two men advanced to meet each other (два человека вышли навстречу друг другу: «чтобы встретить»), and, as the gong sounded and the seconds clattered out of the ring with the folding stools (и, когда гонг прозвучал и секунданты с грохотом спрыгнули с ринга со складными стульями: «прогрохотали с ринга»), they shook hands (они пожали /друг другу/ руки) and instantly took their fighting attitudes (и немедленно стали в стойку: «приняли свои боевые позы»). And instantly, like a mechanism of steel and springs balanced on a hair trigger (и немедленно, словно механизм из стали и пружин на чувствительном спусковом крючке: «волосяном курке»), Sandel was in and out and in again (Сэндел прыгнул туда, сюда и снова туда), landing a left to the eyes (нанеся /удар/ левой по глазам), a right to the ribs (правой по ребрам), ducking a counter (увернувшись от ответного удара), dancing lightly away (легко оттанцевав = отскочив прочь) and dancing menacingly back again (и угрожающе прыгнув обратно). He was swift and clever (он был проворным и ловким). It was a dazzling exhibition (это было ослепительное представление). The house yelled its approbation (публика проревела свое одобрение). But King was not dazzled (но Кинг не был ослеплен). He had fought too many fights (он провел слишком много боев; to fight – биться) and too many youngsters (со слишком многими юнцами). He knew the blows for what they were (он узнал в этих ударах то, чем они являлись = понимал их сущность) – too quick and too deft to be dangerous (слишком быстрые и слишком проворные, чтобы быть опасными). Evidently Sandel was going to rush things from the start (очевидно, Сэндел собирался взять быка за рога с /самого/ начала; to rush – зд.: делать что-либо поспешно). It was to be expected (этого следовало ожидать). It was the way of Youth (это был путь Юности), expending its splendor and excellence in wild insurgence and furious onslaught (расточающей свое великолепие и совершенство в диком бунте и яростном натиске), overwhelming opposition with its own unlimited glory of strength and desire (подавляя сопротивление собственным неограниченным триумфом силы и страсти).

 The two men advanced to meet each other, and, as the gong sounded and the seconds clattered out of the ring with the folding stools, they shook hands and instantly took their fighting attitudes. And instantly, like a mechanism of steel and springs balanced on a hair trigger, Sandel was in and out and in again, landing a left to the eyes, a right to the ribs, ducking a counter, dancing lightly away and dancing menacingly back again. He was swift and clever. It was a dazzling exhibition. The house yelled its approbation. But King was not dazzled. He had fought too many fights and too many youngsters. He knew the blows for what they were – too quick and too deft to be dangerous. Evidently Sandel was going to rush things from the start. It was to be expected. It was the way of Youth, expending its splendor and excellence in wild insurgence and furious onslaught, overwhelming opposition with its own unlimited glory of strength and desire.

Sandel was in and out, here, there, and everywhere (Сэндел прыгал туда и сюда, /оказывался/ здесь, там и повсюду), light-footed and eager-hearted (легконогий и страстосердый), a living wonder of white flesh and stinging muscle (живое чудо из белой плоти и разящих мускулов; to sting – жалить) that wove itself into a dazzling fabric of attack (которое сплетало само себя в ослепительную ткань наступления; to weave – ткать), slipping and leaping like a flying shuttle (скользящее и прыгающее, как летающий челнок) from action to action through a thousand actions (от выпада к выпаду через тысячу /других/ выпадов), all of them centred upon the destruction of Tom King (все из которых были сосредоточены на уничтожении Тома Кинга), who stood between him and fortune (который стоял между ним и фортуной; to stand – стоять). And Tom King patiently endured (а Том Кинг терпеливо сносил /этот натиск/). He knew his business (он знал свое дело), and he knew Youth now that Youth was no longer his (и он знал Юность, теперь, когда Юность больше ему не принадлежала: «не была его»).

 Sandel was in and out, here, there, and everywhere, light-footed and eager-hearted, a living wonder of white flesh and stinging muscle that wove itself into a dazzling fabric of attack, slipping and leaping like a flying shuttle from action to action through a thousand actions, all of them centred upon the destruction of Tom King, who stood between him and fortune. And Tom King patiently endured. He knew his business, and he knew Youth now that Youth was no longer his.

There was nothing to do till the other lost some of his steam (нечего делать, пока тот не растеряет немного пара; to lose – терять), was his thought (была его мысль), and he grinned to himself as he deliberately ducked (и он усмехнулся сам себе, когда нарочно увернулся) so as to receive a heavy blow on the top of his head (так, чтобы получить тяжелый удар по темени: «по верху головы»). It was a wicked thing to do (это была нечистая штука), yet eminently fair according to the rules of the boxing game (но при этом совершенно законная согласно правилам бокса). A man was supposed to take care of his own knuckles (предполагается, что человек сам следит за своими суставами; to suppose – предполагать), and, if he insisted on hitting an opponent on the top of the head (и если он настаивает на том, чтобы бить противника по темени), he did so at his own peril (он это делает на свой риск). King could have ducked lower and let the blow whiz harmlessly past (Кинг мог бы пригнуться ниже и позволить удару пронестись со свистом безвредно мимо), but he remembered his own early fights (но он помнил свои собственные ранние бои) and how he smashed his first knuckle on the head of the Welsh Terror (и как он разбил свой первый сустав о голову Валлийского Ужаса). He was but playing the game (он всего лишь играл в эту игру). That duck had accounted for one of Sandel’s knuckles (этот маневр: «уклонение» стоил одного сустава Сэндела). Not that Sandel would mind it now (не то что бы Сэндел заметил это сейчас; to mind – заботиться; иметь что-либо против). He would go on (он будет продолжать /бой/), superbly regardless (великолепно небрежный), hitting as hard as ever throughout the fight (ударяя так же тяжело, как всегда, в течение всего боя). But later on (но позже), when the long ring battles had begun to tell (когда долгие бои на ринге начнут сказываться; to begin – начать), he would regret that knuckle (он будет жалеть об этом суставе) and look back and remember how he smashed it on Tom King’s head (и оглядываться и вспоминать, как он разбил его о голову Тома Кинга).

 There was nothing to do till the other lost some of his steam, was his thought, and he grinned to himself as he deliberately ducked so as to receive a heavy blow on the top of his head. It was a wicked thing to do, yet eminently fair according to the rules of the boxing game. A man was supposed to take care of his own knuckles, and, if he insisted on hitting an opponent on the top of the head, he did so at his own peril. King could have ducked lower and let the blow whiz harmlessly past, but he remembered his own early fights and how he smashed his first knuckle on the head of the Welsh Terror. He was but playing the game. That duck had accounted for one of Sandel’s knuckles. Not that Sandel would mind it now. He would go on, superbly regardless, hitting as hard as ever throughout the fight. But later on, when the long ring battles had begun to tell, he would regret that knuckle and look back and remember how he smashed it on Tom King’s head.

The first round was all Sandel’s (первый раунд весь принадлежал Сэнделу), and he had the house yelling with the rapidity of his whirlwind rushes (и он заставлял публику орать быстротой своих ураганных бросков). He overwhelmed King with avalanches of punches (он осыпал Кинга лавиной ударов), and King did nothing (а Кинг ничего не делал). He never struck once (он так ни разу и не ударил; never – так и не; to strike – ударить), contenting himself with covering up (удовлетворяясь тем, что укрывался), blocking and ducking and clinching to avoid punishment (блокируя, уворачиваясь и входил в клинч, чтобы избежать удара). He occasionally feinted (он порой совершал ложные маневры), shook his head when the weight of a punch landed (тряс головой, когда тяжесть удара обрушивалась /на него/), and moved stolidly about (и вяло двигался по /рингу/), never leaping or springing (ни разу не прыгнув, не отскочив) or wasting an ounce of strength (не потратив ни унцию силы).

 The first round was all Sandel’s, and he had the house yelling with the rapidity of his whirlwind rushes. He overwhelmed King with avalanches of punches, and King did nothing. He never struck once, contenting himself with covering up, blocking and ducking and clinching to avoid punishment. He occasionally feinted, shook his head when the weight of a punch landed, and moved stolidly about, never leaping or springing or wasting an ounce of strength.

Sandel must foam the froth of Youth away (Сэндел должен выкипеть пену Юности) before discreet Age could dare to retaliate (прежде чем осмотрительная Старость решится нанести ответный удар). All King’s movements were slow and methodical (все движения Кинга были медленными и методичными), and his heavy-lidded, slow-moving eyes (и его медленно двигавшиеся глаза под тяжелыми веками; lid – веко; to move – двигаться) gave him the appearance of being half asleep or dazed (придавали ему такой вид, словно он был полусонный или ошеломленный). Yet they were eyes that saw everything (и все же это были глаза, которые видели все), that had been trained to see everything (которые были натренированы видеть все) through all his twenty years and odd in the ring (за все его двадцать лет с лишним на ринге). They were eyes that did not blink or waver before an impending blow (это были глаза, которые не моргали и не отворачивались перед надвигающимся ударом), but that coolly saw and measured distance (но которые холодно смотрели и измеряли расстояние).

 Sandel must foam the froth of Youth away before discreet Age could dare to retaliate. All King’s movements were slow and methodical, and his heavy-lidded, slow-moving eyes gave him the appearance of being half asleep or dazed. Yet they were eyes that saw everything, that had been trained to see everything through all his twenty years and odd in the ring. They were eyes that did not blink or waver before an impending blow, but that coolly saw and measured distance.

Seated in his corner for the minute’s rest at the end of the round (сидя в своем углу ради минутного отдыха в конце раунда), he lay back with outstretched legs (он откинулся назад с вытянутыми ногами; to lie back – откинуться), his arms resting on the right angle of the ropes (пока его руки покоились на прямом углу канатов: «руки покоившиеся»), his chest and abdomen heaving frankly and deeply (а его грудь и живот вздымались: «вздымающиеся» вольно и сильно) as he gulped down the air driven by the towels of his seconds (пока он жадно глотал воздух, нагоняемый полотенцами его секундантов = они обмахивали его). He listened with closed eyes to the voices of the house (он слушал с закрытыми глазами голоса из публики), “Why don’t yeh fight, Tom?” many were crying (почему ты не дерешься, Том? – кричали многие; yeh = you). “Yeh ain’t afraid of ’im, are yeh (ты ведь не боишься его, или как; ’im = him)?”

“Muscle-bound,” he heard a man on a front seat comment (скованы мускулы, – он услышал, как комментирует человек на сиденье в первом ряду; to bind – связать; bound – связанный). “He can’t move quicker (он не может двигаться быстрее). Two to one on Sandel, in quids (/ставлю/ два к одному на Сэндела, в фунтах).”

 Seated in his corner for the minute’s rest at the end of the round, he lay back with outstretched legs, his arms resting on the right angle of the ropes, his chest and abdomen heaving frankly and deeply as he gulped down the air driven by the towels of his seconds. He listened with closed eyes to the voices of the house, “Why don’t yeh fight, Tom?” many were crying. “Yeh ain’t afraid of ’im, are yeh?”

“Muscle-bound,” he heard a man on a front seat comment. “He can’t move quicker. Two to one on Sandel, in quids.”

The gong struck (гонг пробил; to strike – бить) and the two men advanced from their corners (и два человека вышли вперед из своих углов). Sandel came forward fully three-quarters of the distance (Сэндел вышел вперед на все три четверти расстояния), eager to begin again (рвущийся начать снова); but King was content to advance the shorter distance (но Кинг был доволен продвинуться на более короткое расстояние). It was in line with his policy of economy (это было в духе: «в линии с» его политики = тактики экономии). He had not been well trained (он не был хорошо натренирован), and he had not had enough to eat (и у него не было достаточно поесть = еды), and every step counted (и каждый шаг на счету: «посчитан»). Besides, he had already walked two miles to the ringside (кроме того, он уже прошагал две мили до ринга). It was a repetition of the first round (это было повторением первого раунда), with Sandel attacking like a whirlwind (с Сэнделом, нападающим, как ураган; to whirl – вертеть/ся/; кружить/ся/; вращать/ся/) and with the audience indignantly demanding why King did not fight (и с публикой, негодующе вопрошающей, почему Кинг не дерется). Beyond feinting and several slowly delivered and ineffectual blows (помимо ложных выпадов и нескольких медленно нанесенных и неэффективных ударов) he did nothing save block and stall and clinch (он не делал ничего, только блокировал, тянул время и входил в клинч). Sandel wanted to make the pace fast (Сэндел хотел сделать темп /схватки/ быстрым), while King, out of his wisdom, refused to accommodate him (в то время как Кинг, из мудрости, отказывался приспособиться к нему).

 The gong struck and the two men advanced from their corners. Sandel came forward fully three-quarters of the distance, eager to begin again; but King was content to advance the shorter distance. It was in line with his policy of economy. He had not been well trained, and he had not had enough to eat, and every step counted. Besides, he had already walked two miles to the ringside. It was a repetition of the first round, with Sandel attacking like a whirlwind and with the audience indignantly demanding why King did not fight. Beyond feinting and several slowly delivered and ineffectual blows he did nothing save block and stall and clinch. Sandel wanted to make the pace fast, while King, out of his wisdom, refused to accommodate him.

He grinned with a certain wistful pathos in his ring-battered countenance (он ухмыльнулся с некоторым мечтательным чувством на избитом на ринге лице), and went on cherishing his strength (и продолжал беречь свою силу; to go on – продолжать) with the jealousy of which only Age is capable (с ревностью, на которую только Старость способна). Sandel was Youth (Сэндел был Юностью), and he threw his strength away with the munificent abandon of Youth (и он разбрасывал свою силу с щедрой энергией Юности; to throw – бросать). To King belonged the ring generalship (Кингу принадлежало воинское искусство ринга), the wisdom bred of long, aching fights (мудрость, выращенная в долгих, болезненных боях; to breed – разводить; выращивать). He watched with cool eyes and head (он наблюдал с холодными глазами и головой), moving slowly and waiting for Sandel’s froth to foam away (двигаясь медленно и ожидая, чтобы пена Сэндела опала). To the majority of the onlookers it seemed as though King was hopelessly outclassed (большинству зрителей казалось, словно Кинг был безнадежно превзойден), and they voiced their opinion in offers of three to one on Sandel (и они озвучивали свое мнение в ставках три к одному на Сэндела). But there were wise ones, a few (но были и умудренные люди, немногие), who knew King of old time (которые знавали Кинга прежних времен), and who covered what they considered easy money (и которые принимали: «покрывали» то, что считали легкими деньгами = выгодным пари).

 He grinned with a certain wistful pathos in his ring-battered countenance, and went on cherishing his strength with the jealousy of which only Age is capable. Sandel was Youth, and he threw his strength away with the munificent abandon of Youth. To King belonged the ring generalship, the wisdom bred of long, aching fights. He watched with cool eyes and head, moving slowly and waiting for Sandel’s froth to foam away. To the majority of the onlookers it seemed as though King was hopelessly outclassed, and they voiced their opinion in offers of three to one on Sandel. But there were wise ones, a few, who knew King of old time, and who covered what they considered easy money.

The third round began as usual (третий раунд начался как обычно; to begin – начаться), one-sided (с одной стороны), with Sandel doing all the leading (с Сэнделом, ведущим бой: «делающим ведение») and delivering all the punishment (и раздающим все удары/все битье). A half-minute had passed (полминуты прошло) when Sandel, overconfident, left an opening (когда Сэндел, чересчур самоуверенный, оставил открытое = незащищенное место). King’s eyes and right arm flashed in the same instant (глаза и правая рука Кинга сверкнули в тот же момент). It was his first real blow (это был его первый настоящий удар) – a hook, with the twisted arch of the arm to make it rigid (хук изогнутой дугой руки, чтобы сделать его жестким), and with all the weight of the half-pivoted body behind it (и со всем весом полуразвернутого тела за ним). It was like a sleepy-seeming lion suddenly thrusting out a lightning paw (это было словно кажущийся сонным лев, внезапно высунувший молниеносную лапу). Sandel, caught on the side of the jaw (Сэндел, задетый по боку челюсти; to catch – задеть: «поймать»), was felled like a bullock (был повален, как бычок). The audience gasped (публика задохнулась) and murmured awe-stricken applause (и прошептала благоговейное одобрение; awe – благоговейный трепет; to strike – поразить). The man was not muscle-bound, after all (этот человек не был в конце концов скован в мускулах), and he could drive a blow like a trip-hammer (и он мог нанести удар, как падающий молот).

 The third round began as usual, one-sided, with Sandel doing all the leading and delivering all the punishment. A half-minute had passed when Sandel, overconfident, left an opening. King’s eyes and right arm flashed in the same instant. It was his first real blow – a hook, with the twisted arch of the arm to make it rigid, and with all the weight of the half-pivoted body behind it. It was like a sleepy-seeming lion suddenly thrusting out a lightning paw. Sandel, caught on the side of the jaw, was felled like a bullock. The audience gasped and murmured awe-stricken applause. The man was not muscle-bound, after all, and he could drive a blow like a trip-hammer.

Sandel was shaken (Сэндел был потрясен/подорван /физически/; to shake – трясти). He rolled over and attempted to rise (он перекатился и попытался встать), but the sharp yells from his seconds to take the count restrained him (но резкие крики его секундантов – выдержать = выждать счет – остановили его). He knelt on one knee (он встал на одно колено; to kneel – вставать на колени), ready to rise (готовый встать), and waited, while the referee stood over him (и ждал, пока судья стоял над ним), counting the seconds loudly in his ear (отсчитывая секунды громко ему в ухо). At the ninth he rose in fighting attitude (на девятой он поднялся в бойцовскую стойку; to rise – подняться), and Tom King, facing him, knew regret that the blow had not been an inch nearer the point of the jaw (и Том Кинг, глядя на него, познал сожаление = пожалел, что удар не пришелся на дюйм ближе к кончику челюсти = к подбородку). That would have been a knockout (это был бы нокаут), and he could have carried the thirty quid home to the missus and the kiddies (и он мог бы унести тридцать фунтов домой – жене и детишкам).

 Sandel was shaken. He rolled over and attempted to rise, but the sharp yells from his seconds to take the count restrained him. He knelt on one knee, ready to rise, and waited, while the referee stood over him, counting the seconds loudly in his ear. At the ninth he rose in fighting attitude, and Tom King, facing him, knew regret that the blow had not been an inch nearer the point of the jaw. That would have been a knockout, and he could have carried the thirty quid home to the missus and the kiddies.

The round continued to the end of its three minutes (раунд продолжался до конца его трех минут), Sandel for the first time respectful of his opponent (Сэндел впервые /был/ уважителен к своему противнику) and King slow of movement and sleepy-eyed as ever (а Кинг – медленный в движениях и сонноглазый, как всегда). As the round neared its close (когда раунд приближался к завершению), King, warned of the fact by sight of the seconds crouching outside (Кинг, предупрежденный об этом факте видом секундантов, присевших снаружи) ready for the spring in through the ropes (готовых к прыжку через канаты), worked the fight around to his own corner (подвел бой к своему углу). And when the gong struck (и когда пробил гонг), he sat down immediately on the waiting stool (он сел немедленно на ожидающий /его/ стул; to sit down – сесть), while Sandel had to walk all the way across the diagonal of the square to his own corner (а Сэнделу пришлось пройти всю диагональ квадрата до собственного угла; to have to – быть вынужденным). It was a little thing (это была маленькая вещь = мелочь), but it was the sum of little things that counted (но именно сумма мелочей считалась = имела значение). Sandel was compelled to walk that many more steps (Сэндел должен был пройти столько-то шагов), to give up that much energy (отдать немножко энергии), and to lose a part of the precious minute of rest (и потерять частичку драгоценной минуты отдыха). At the beginning of every round King loafed slowly out from his corner (в начале каждого раунда Кинг медленно выбредал из своего угла), forcing his opponent to advance the greater distance (вынуждая своего противника пройти бóльшее расстояние). The end of every round found the fight manoeuvred by King into his own corner (конец каждого раунда находил бой отведенным Кингом = в конце каждого раунда Кинг уводил бой в свой собственный угол) so that he could immediately sit down (так, чтобы он мог немедленно сесть).

 The round continued to the end of its three minutes, Sandel for the first time respectful of his opponent and King slow of movement and sleepy-eyed as ever. As the round neared its close, King, warned of the fact by sight of the seconds crouching outside ready for the spring in through the ropes, worked the fight around to his own corner. And when the gong struck, he sat down immediately on the waiting stool, while Sandel had to walk all the way across the diagonal of the square to his own corner. It was a little thing, but it was the sum of little things that counted. Sandel was compelled to walk that many more steps, to give up that much energy, and to lose a part of the precious minute of rest. At the beginning of every round King loafed slowly out from his corner, forcing his opponent to advance the greater distance. The end of every round found the fight manoeuvred by King into his own corner so that he could immediately sit down.

Two more rounds went by (еще два раунда прошли; to go by – пройти мимо), in which King was parsimonious of effort (в которых Кинг был скуп на усилия; parsimony – бережливость, расчетливость, экономия; скаредность) and Sandel prodigal (а Сэндел – расточителен). The latter’s attempt to force a fast pace made King uncomfortable (попытка последнего навязать быстрый темп делала Кинга неуютным = заставляла его чувствовать себя неуютно), for a fair percentage of the multitudinous blows showered upon him went home (так как немалый процент многочисленных ударов, сыплющихся на него, попадали в цель: «шли домой»). Yet King persisted in his dogged slowness (и все же Кинг упорствовал в своей упрямой медлительности), despite the crying of the young hotheads (несмотря на крики молодых горячих голов) for him to go in and fight (чтобы он занялся /делом/ и дрался). Again, in the sixth round, Sandel was careless (снова, в шестом раунде, Сэндел оказался беспечным), again Tom King’s fearful right flashed out to the jaw (снова страшная правая Тома Кинга сверкнула к его челюсти), and again Sandel took the nine seconds count (и снова Сэндел принял девятисекундный отсчет).

 Two more rounds went by, in which King was parsimonious of effort and Sandel prodigal. The latter’s attempt to force a fast pace made King uncomfortable, for a fair percentage of the multitudinous blows showered upon him went home. Yet King persisted in his dogged slowness, despite the crying of the young hotheads for him to go in and fight. Again, in the sixth round, Sandel was careless, again Tom King’s fearful right flashed out to the jaw, and again Sandel took the nine seconds count.

By the seventh round Sandel’s pink of condition was gone (к седьмому раунду высшая степень состояния = свежесть Сэндела пропала), and he settled down (и он принялся) to what he knew was to be the hardest fight in his experience (за то, что, он знал, должно было стать тяжелейшим боем в его опыте). Tom King was an old un (Том Кинг был стариком), but a better old un than he had ever encountered (но лучшим стариком, чем он когда-либо встречал) – an old un who never lost his head (старик, который никогда не терял голову; to lose – терять), who was remarkably able at defence (который был замечательно ловок в защите), whose blows had the impact of a knotted club (чьи удары обладали действием узловатой дубинки), and who had a knockout in either hand (и у которого было по нокауту в каждой руке).

 By the seventh round Sandel’s pink of condition was gone, and he settled down to what he knew was to be the hardest fight in his experience. Tom King was an old un, but a better old un than he had ever encountered – an old un who never lost his head, who was remarkably able at defence, whose blows had the impact of a knotted club, and who had a knockout in either hand.

Nevertheless, Tom King dared not hit often (тем не менее Том Кинг не решался ударять часто). He never forgot his battered knuckles (он так и не забыл о своих разбитых суставах; to forget – забыть), and knew that every hit must count (и знал, что каждый удар должен считаться = быть на счету) if the knuckles were to last out the fight (если суставам надо выдержать бой). As he sat in his corner, glancing across at his opponent (пока он сидел в своем углу, глядя через /ринг/ на своего противника; to sit – сидеть), the thought came to him (мысль пришла к нему) that the sum of his wisdom and Sandel’s youth would constitute a world’s champion heavyweight (что сумма его умудренности и юности Сэндела составила бы тяжеловеса-чемпиона мира). But that was the trouble (но в этом и была проблема). Sandel would never become a world champion (Сэндел никогда бы не стал чемпионом мира). He lacked the wisdom (ему не хватало умудренности), and the only way for him to get it was to buy it with Youth (и единственный способ для него заполучить ее был – купить ее за Юность); and when wisdom was his (и когда умудренность станет его = станет принадлежать ему), Youth would have been spent in buying it (Юность уже будет потрачена на покупку ее; to spend).

 Nevertheless, Tom King dared not hit often. He never forgot his battered knuckles, and knew that every hit must count if the knuckles were to last out the fight. As he sat in his corner, glancing across at his opponent, the thought came to him that the sum of his wisdom and Sandel’s youth would constitute a world’s champion heavyweight. But that was the trouble. Sandel would never become a world champion. He lacked the wisdom, and the only way for him to get it was to buy it with Youth; and when wisdom was his, Youth would have been spent in buying it.

King took every advantage he knew (Кинг пользовался любой выгодой = возможностью, о которой знал; to take – брать). He never missed an opportunity to clinch (он никогда не упускал возможности войти в клинч), and in effecting most of the clinches his shoulder drove stiffly into the other’s ribs (и при осуществлении большинства клинчей его плечо крепко давило на ребра другого = противника; to drive into – вколотить). In the philosophy of the ring (в философии ринга) a shoulder was as good as a punch (плечо так же хорошо, как удар кулаком) so far as damage was concerned (в том, что касается повреждения: «настолько, насколько повреждение затрагивается»), and a great deal better so far as concerned expenditure of effort (и гораздо лучше /удара кулаком/ в том, что касается расходования усилий). Also, in the clinches King rested his weight on his opponent (к тому же, в клинчах Кинг опирал свой вес на противника = отдыхал), and was loath to let go (и был несклонен отпускать /его/ = с неохотой).

 King took every advantage he knew. He never missed an opportunity to clinch, and in effecting most of the clinches his shoulder drove stiffly into the other’s ribs. In the philosophy of the ring a shoulder was as good as a punch so far as damage was concerned, and a great deal better so far as concerned expenditure of effort. Also, in the clinches King rested his weight on his opponent, and was loath to let go.

This compelled the interference of the referee (это вынуждало = делало необходимым вмешательство судьи), who tore them apart (который разделял их; to tear apart – разрывать), always assisted by Sandel (всегда с помощью Сэндела: «ассистируемый»), who had not yet learned to rest (который еще не научился отдыхать). He could not refrain from using those glorious flying arms (он не мог воздержаться от использования этих своих великолепных летающих = стремительных рук) and writhing muscles of his (и играющих мускулов: «извивающихся»), and when the other rushed into a clinch (и когда другой = Кинг стремительно входил в клинч; to rush – броситься), striking shoulder against ribs (ударяя плечом по ребрам), and with head resting under Sandel’s left arm (с головой, просунутой под левую руку Сэндела), Sandel almost invariably swung his right behind his own back (Сэндел почти неизменно направлял свою правую /руку/ за свою спину; to swing – качать, зд.: направлять) and into the projecting face (и в выступающее лицо). It was a clever stroke, much admired by the audience (это был ловкий удар, очень любимый публикой; to admire – восхищаться), but it was not dangerous (но он был неопасен), and was, therefore, just that much wasted strength (и был, следовательно, лишь некоторым количеством зря потраченной силы). But Sandel was tireless and unaware of limitations (но Сэндел был неутомим и не знал ограничений; unaware – не знающий, не замечающий), and King grinned and doggedly endured (и Кинг ухмылялся и упрямо переносил /эти удары/).

 This compelled the interference of the referee, who tore them apart, always assisted by Sandel, who had not yet learned to rest. He could not refrain from using those glorious flying arms and writhing muscles of his, and when the other rushed into a clinch, striking shoulder against ribs, and with head resting under Sandel’s left arm, Sandel almost invariably swung his right behind his own back and into the projecting face. It was a clever stroke, much admired by the audience, but it was not dangerous, and was, therefore, just that much wasted strength. But Sandel was tireless and unaware of limitations, and King grinned and doggedly endured.

Sandel developed a fierce right to the body (Сэндел развил = начал использовать яростный удар правой по корпусу), which made it appear (что производило впечатление: «заставляло казаться») that King was taking an enormous amount of punishment (что Кинг получал сильную взбучку: «брал огромное количество взбучки»), and it was only the old ringsters who appreciated the deft touch of King’s left glove to the other’s biceps (и только старые завсегдатаи ринга оценили ловкое прикосновение левой перчатки Кинга к бицепсу другого = его противника) just before the impact of the blow (прямо перед ударом; impact – воздействие, удар). It was true, the blow landed each time (это правда, удар достигал /цели/ каждый раз); but each time it was robbed of its power by that touch on the biceps (но каждый раз он был лишен мощи этим прикосновением к бицепсу). In the ninth round, three times inside a minute (в девятом раунде, три раза за одну минуту), King’s right hooked its twisted arch to the jaw (правая рука Кинга била своей изогнутой дугой в челюсть); and three times Sandel’s body, heavy as it was (и три раза тело Сэндела, как бы тяжело оно ни было), was levelled to the mat (было обрушено: «уравнено» на мат). Each time he took the nine seconds allowed him and rose to his feet (каждый раз он брал девять секунд, отпущенные ему, и вставал на ноги; to rise – встать), shaken and jarred, but still strong (сотрясенный и оглушенный, но все еще сильный). He had lost much of his speed (он утратил большýю часть своей скорости; to lose – терять), and he wasted less effort (и тратил меньше усилий). He was fighting grimly (он дрался мрачно); but he continued to draw upon his chief asset (но он продолжал опираться на свое главное богатство; asset – имущество /часто об одном предмете/; разг. ценное качество; ценный вклад), which was Youth (которое было Юностью).

 Sandel developed a fierce right to the body, which made it appear that King was taking an enormous amount of punishment, and it was only the old ringsters who appreciated the deft touch of King’s left glove to the other’s biceps just before the impact of the blow. It was true, the blow landed each time; but each time it was robbed of its power by that touch on the biceps. In the ninth round, three times inside a minute, King’s right hooked its twisted arch to the jaw; and three times Sandel’s body, heavy as it was, was levelled to the mat. Each time he took the nine seconds allowed him and rose to his feet, shaken and jarred, but still strong. He had lost much of his speed, and he wasted less effort. He was fighting grimly; but he continued to draw upon his chief asset, which was Youth.

King’s chief asset was experience (главным богатством Кинга был опыт). As his vitality had dimmed and his vigor abated (когда его энергия потускнела и его бодрость ослабла), he had replaced them with cunning (он заменил их хитростью), with wisdom born of the long fights (мудростью, рожденной в долгих боях) and with a careful shepherding of strength (и тщательным присмотром за силой = за расходом сил; shepherd – пастух, чабан; to shepherd – пасти /стадо овец/). Not alone had he learned never to make a superfluous movement (он не только научился никогда не делать лишнего движения), but he had learned how to seduce an opponent into throwing his strength away (но он научился, как соблазнять противника расточать свою силу). Again and again (снова и снова), by feint of foot and hand and body (ложным выпадом ноги, руки и тела) he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back (он продолжал заманивать Сэндела в то, чтобы отпрыгивать назад), ducking, or countering (уворачиваться или наносить ответные удары). King rested (Кинг отдыхал), but he never permitted Sandel to rest (но он ни разу не позволил отдохнуть Сэнделу). It was the strategy of Age (это была стратегия Старости).

 King’s chief asset was experience. As his vitality had dimmed and his vigor abated, he had replaced them with cunning, with wisdom born of the long fights and with a careful shepherding of strength. Not alone had he learned never to make a superfluous movement, but he had learned how to seduce an opponent into throwing his strength away. Again and again, by feint of foot and hand and body he continued to inveigle Sandel into leaping back, ducking, or countering. King rested, but he never permitted Sandel to rest. It was the strategy of Age.

Early in the tenth round (в начале десятого раунда: «рано») King began stopping the other’s rushes with straight lefts to the face (Кинг начал останавливать выпады противника прямыми ударами левой в лицо), and Sandel, grown wary, responded by drawing the left (и Сэндел, ставший осмотрительным, ответил, замахнувшись левой), then by ducking it and delivering his right (затем отдернув ее и нанеся удар правой) in a swinging hook to the side of the head (разящим хуком в висок: «бок головы»). It was too high up to be vitally effective (он = удар был слишком высок, чтобы быть роковым: «гибельно успешным»); but when first it landed (но когда впервые он обрушился), King knew the old, familiar descent of the black veil of unconsciousness across his mind (Кинг узнал старое, знакомое сошествие черной пелены бессознательности на его мозг). For the instant, or for the slightest fraction of an instant, rather (на мгновение, или, скорее, на мельчайшую долю мгновения), he ceased (он прекратился = умер). In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision (в один этот момент он увидел, как его противник исчезает из его поля зрения) and the background of white, watching faces (как и фон из белых, наблюдающих лиц); in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces (в следующую секунду он снова увидел своего противника и фон лиц). It was as if he had slept for a time and just opened his eyes again (это было, словно бы он спал некоторое время и только что открыл глаза снова; to sleep – спать), and yet the interval of unconsciousness was so microscopically short (но при этом продолжительность потери сознания была так микроскопически коротка) that there had been no time for him to fall (что у него не было времени упасть). The audience saw him totter and his knees give (публика увидела, как он дрогнул, а его колени подогнулись), and then saw him recover (а затем увидела, как он приходит в себя) and tuck his chin deeper into the shelter of his left shoulder (и утыкает подбородок глубже в укрытие на своем левом плече).

 Early in the tenth round King began stopping the other’s rushes with straight lefts to the face, and Sandel, grown wary, responded by drawing the left, then by ducking it and delivering his right in a swinging hook to the side of the head. It was too high up to be vitally effective; but when first it landed, King knew the old, familiar descent of the black veil of unconsciousness across his mind. For the instant, or for the slightest fraction of an instant, rather, he ceased. In the one moment he saw his opponent ducking out of his field of vision and the background of white, watching faces; in the next moment he again saw his opponent and the background of faces. It was as if he had slept for a time and just opened his eyes again, and yet the interval of unconsciousness was so microscopically short that there had been no time for him to fall. The audience saw him totter and his knees give, and then saw him recover and tuck his chin deeper into the shelter of his left shoulder.

Several times Sandel repeated the blow (несколько раз Сэндел повторял удар), keeping King partially dazed (держа Кинга частично ослепленным), and then the latter worked out his defence (а затем тот выработал свою защиту), which was also a counter (которая была также контратакой). Feinting with his left (совершив ложный выпад левой) he took a half-step backward (он сделал полшага назад), at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right (в то же время нанеся апперкот всей силой своей правой). So accurately was it timed (он был так аккуратно рассчитан по времени) that it landed squarely on Sandel’s face (что он обрушился прямо на лицо Сэндела) in the full, downward sweep of the duck (при полном /движении/ вниз при уворачивании = когда тот на полном ходу наклонился, чтобы увернуться), and Sandel lifted in the air and curled backward (и Сэндел поднялся в воздух и отшатнулся = полетел назад), striking the mat on his head and shoulders (упав на мат головой и плечами). Twice King achieved this (дважды Кинг добивался этого), then turned loose (затем спустил себя с цепи; loose – свободный, не на цепи) and hammered his opponent to the ropes (и прибил = подогнал своего противника к канатам). He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself (он не дал Сэнделу шанса отдохнуть или стать в стойку), but smashed blow in upon blow (но наносил удар за ударом) till the house rose to its feet (пока публика не вскочила на ноги; to rise – встать) and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause (и воздух не наполнился непрерывным громом аплодисментов).

 Several times Sandel repeated the blow, keeping King partially dazed, and then the latter worked out his defence, which was also a counter. Feinting with his left he took a half-step backward, at the same time upper cutting with the whole strength of his right. So accurately was it timed that it landed squarely on Sandel’s face in the full, downward sweep of the duck, and Sandel lifted in the air and curled backward, striking the mat on his head and shoulders. Twice King achieved this, then turned loose and hammered his opponent to the ropes. He gave Sandel no chance to rest or to set himself, but smashed blow in upon blow till the house rose to its feet and the air was filled with an unbroken roar of applause.

But Sandel’s strength and endurance were superb (но сила и выносливость Сэндела были превосходны), and he continued to stay on his feet (и он все еще оставался на ногах: «продолжал оставаться на ногах»). A knockout seemed certain (нокаут казался неизбежным), and a captain of police, appalled at the dreadful punishment (и капитан полиции, ужаснувшийся страшному избиению), arose by the ringside to stop the fight (встал у ринга, чтобы остановить бой; to arose – встать). The gong struck for the end of the round (гонг пробил конец раунда) and Sandel staggered to his corner (и Сэндел, шатаясь, прошел в свой угол), protesting to the captain that he was sound and strong (протестуя = заявив капитану, что он в порядке и /еще/ силен). To prove it (чтобы доказать это), he threw two back air-springs (он сделал несколько прыжков назад в воздух), and the police captain gave in (и полицейский капитан сдался; to give in – сдаться).

 But Sandel’s strength and endurance were superb, and he continued to stay on his feet. A knockout seemed certain, and a captain of police, appalled at the dreadful punishment, arose by the ringside to stop the fight. The gong struck for the end of the round and Sandel staggered to his corner, protesting to the captain that he was sound and strong. To prove it, he threw two back air-springs, and the police captain gave in.

Tom King, leaning back in his corner and breathing hard (Том Кинг, откинувшийся назад в своем углу и тяжело дышавший), was disappointed (был разочарован). If the fight had been stopped (если бы бой был остановлен), the referee, perforce, would have rendered him the decision (судья, волей-неволей, отдал бы ему решение = победу) and the purse would have been his (и деньги были бы его). Unlike Sandel, he was not fighting for glory or career (в отличие от Сэндела он дрался не ради славы или карьеры), but for thirty quid (но ради тридцати фунтов). And now Sandel would recuperate in the minute of rest (а теперь Сэндел восстановит силы за минуту отдыха).

 Tom King, leaning back in his corner and breathing hard, was disappointed. If the fight had been stopped, the referee, perforce, would have rendered him the decision and the purse would have been his. Unlike Sandel, he was not fighting for glory or career, but for thirty quid. And now Sandel would recuperate in the minute of rest.

Youth will be served (Юности свое достанется: «будет обслужена») – this saying flashed into King’s mind (эти слова сверкнули в мозгу Кинга), and he remembered the first time he had heard it (и он вспомнил первый раз, когда услышал их), the night when he had put away Stowsher Bill (вечер, когда он побил Стоушера Билла). The toff who had bought him a drink after the fight (франт, который купил ему выпить: «напиток» после боя; to buy – купить) and patted him on the shoulder (и похлопал его по плечу) had used those words (использовал эти слова). Youth will be served (Юность свое возьмет)! The toff was right (тот франт был прав). And on that night in the long ago he had been Youth (и в тот вечер, давным-давно, он был Юностью). To-night Youth sat in the opposite corner (сегодня Юность сидела в противоположном углу). As for himself, he had been fighting for half an hour now (что до него, он дрался уже полчаса), and he was an old man (и он был стариком). Had he fought like Sandel (если бы он дрался, как Сэндел; to fight – драться), he would not have lasted fifteen minutes (он не продержался бы и пятнадцати минут). But the point was (но суть была /в том/) that he did not recuperate (что он не восстанавливал силы).

 Youth will be served – this saying flashed into King’s mind, and he remembered the first time he had heard it, the night when he had put away Stowsher Bill. The toff who had bought him a drink after the fight and patted him on the shoulder had used those words. Youth will be served! The toff was right. And on that night in the long ago he had been Youth. To-night Youth sat in the opposite corner. As for himself, he had been fighting for half an hour now, and he was an old man. Had he fought like Sandel, he would not have lasted fifteen minutes. But the point was that he did not recuperate.

Those upstanding arteries (эти выступающие артерии) and that sorely tried heart (и это жестоко издерганное сердце) would not enable him to gather strength in the intervals between the rounds (не позволяли ему набраться сил в промежутках между раундами). And he had not had sufficient strength in him to begin with (и в нем не было достаточной силы с самого начала: «чтобы начать»). His legs were heavy under him and beginning to cramp (его ноги были тяжелыми под ним, и их начинало сводить). He should not have walked those two miles to the fight (ему не следовало идти пешком эти две мили до боя). And there was the steak (и еще этот бифштекс) which he had got up longing for that morning (мечтая о котором, он встал сегодня утром; to get up – встать; to long for – тосковать по чему-либо, стремиться). A great and terrible hatred rose up in him for the butchers (огромная и страшная ненависть поднялась в нем к мясникам) who had refused him credit (которые отказали ему в кредите). It was hard for an old man (было сложно для старого человека) to go into a fight without enough to eat (пойти на бой без достаточного количества еды: «поесть»). And a piece of steak was such a little thing (а кусок мяса – такая чепуха), a few pennies at best (несколько пенни в лучшем случае); yet it meant thirty quid to him (но он означал тридцать фунтов для него; to mean – означать).

 Those upstanding arteries and that sorely tried heart would not enable him to gather strength in the intervals between the rounds. And he had not had sufficient strength in him to begin with. His legs were heavy under him and beginning to cramp. He should not have walked those two miles to the fight. And there was the steak which he had got up longing for that morning. A great and terrible hatred rose up in him for the butchers who had refused him credit. It was hard for an old man to go into a fight without enough to eat. And a piece of steak was such a little thing, a few pennies at best; yet it meant thirty quid to him.

With the gong that opened the eleventh round (при /звуке/ гонга, который открыл одиннадцатый раунд), Sandel rushed (Сэндел ринулся /в бой/), making a show of freshness (демонстрируя свежесть: «делая показ свежести») which he did not really possess (которой он на самом деле не обладал). King knew it for what it was (Кинг признал это тем, чем оно являлось = понял) – a bluff as old as the game itself (блеф, такой же старый, как сама игра). He clinched to save himself (он вошел в клинч, чтобы защититься), then, going free (затем, оторвавшись: «уйдя свободным»), allowed Sandel to get set (позволил Сэнделу стать в стойку). This was what King desired (это было то, чего желал Кинг). He feinted with his left (он сделал ложный выпад левой), drew the answering duck and swinging upward hook (вызвал ответный уклон и мощный хук /снизу/ вверх), then made the half-step backward (затем сделал полшага назад), delivered the upper cut full to the face (нанес апперкот прямо в лицо) and crumpled Sandel over to the mat (и обрушил Сэндела на мат).

 With the gong that opened the eleventh round, Sandel rushed, making a show of freshness which he did not really possess. King knew it for what it was – a bluff as old as the game itself. He clinched to save himself, then, going free, allowed Sandel to get set. This was what King desired. He feinted with his left, drew the answering duck and swinging upward hook, then made the half-step backward, delivered the upper cut full to the face and crumpled Sandel over to the mat.

After that he never let him rest (после этого он ни разу не дал ему передохнуть; to let – позволить, дать), receiving punishment himself (получая удары сам), but inflicting far more (но нанося гораздо больше), smashing Sandel to the ropes (прибивая Сэндела к канатам), hooking and driving all manner of blows into him (нанося ему сбоку и прямо самые разнообразные удары), tearing away from his clinches (вырываясь из его клинчей) or punching him out of attempted clinches (или выбивая его из неудачных клинчей = мешая ему войти в клинч), and ever when Sandel would have fallen, catching him with one uplifting hand (и каждый раз, когда Сэндел мог бы упасть, ловя его одной поднимающей рукой) and with the other immediately smashing him into the ropes (а другой – немедленно отбрасывая его к канатам) where he could not fall (где он не мог упасть).

 After that he never let him rest, receiving punishment himself, but inflicting far more, smashing Sandel to the ropes, hooking and driving all manner of blows into him, tearing away from his clinches or punching him out of attempted clinches, and ever when Sandel would have fallen, catching him with one uplifting hand and with the other immediately smashing him into the ropes where he could not fall.

The house by this time had gone mad (публика к тому времени обезумела; to go mad – стать сумасшедшим), and it was his house (и это была его публика), nearly every voice yelling (почти каждый голос кричал): “Go it, Tom (давай, Том)!” “Get ’im! Get ’im (сделай его; ’im = him)!” “You’ve got ’im, Tom! You’ve got ’im (ты сделал его, Том)!” It was to be a whirlwind finish (финал обещал быть бурным; whirlwind – вихрь; ураган), and that was what a ringside audience paid to see (и это было то, за что публика у ринга платила «чтобы увидеть»; to pay – платить).

 The house by this time had gone mad, and it was his house, nearly every voice yelling: “Go it, Tom!” “Get ’im! Get ’im!” “You’ve got ’im, Tom! You’ve got ’im!” It was to be a whirlwind finish, and that was what a ringside audience paid to see.

And Tom King, who for half an hour had conserved his strength (и Том Кинг, который полчаса сдерживал свою силу), now expended it prodigally in the one great effort (теперь расходовал ее щедро в одном большом усилии) he knew he had in him (/которое/, он знал, было в нем = он был на него способен). It was his one chance (это был его единственный шанс) – now or not at all (сейчас или никогда: «или вообще нет»). His strength was waning fast (его сила иссякала быстро; to wane – убывать, быть на ущербе /о Луне/: The moon wanes. – Луна идет на убыль; идти на убыль, падать; уменьшаться; ослабевать; снижаться), and his hope was (и его надежда была) that before the last of it ebbed out of him (что прежде, чем ее остатки истекут из него) he would have beaten his opponent down for the count (он повалит своего противника: «собьет вниз» для отсчета). And as he continued to strike and force (и пока он продолжал бить и добавлять обороты), coolly estimating the weight of his blows and the quality of the damage wrought (холодно оценивая вес своих ударов и качество причиняемого ущерба; wrought – сделанный /от to work/), he realized how hard a man Sandel was to knock out (он осознал, как тяжело нокаутировать Сэндела: «какой тяжелый человек Сэндел, чтобы нокаутировать его»). Stamina and endurance were his to an extreme degree (стойкость и выносливость были при нем до крайней степени), and they were the virgin stamina and endurance of Youth (и то была девственная = изначальная стойкость и выносливость Юности). Sandel was certainly a coming man (Сэндел был, несомненно, многообещающим человеком). He had it in him (в нем было это = прирожденный боксер). Only out of such rugged fibre were successful fighters fashioned (только из такого крепкого волокна выделываются успешные бойцы).

 And Tom King, who for half an hour had conserved his strength, now expended it prodigally in the one great effort he knew he had in him. It was his one chance – now or not at all. His strength was waning fast, and his hope was that before the last of it ebbed out of him he would have beaten his opponent down for the count. And as he continued to strike and force, coolly estimating the weight of his blows and the quality of the damage wrought, he realized how hard a man Sandel was to knock out. Stamina and endurance were his to an extreme degree, and they were the virgin stamina and endurance of Youth. Sandel was certainly a coming man. He had it in him. Only out of such rugged fibre were successful fighters fashioned.

Sandel was reeling and staggering (Сэндел качался и шатался), but Tom King’s legs were cramping (но ноги Тома Кинга сводило судорогой) and his knuckles going back on him (а суставы отказывали ему; to go back on – отказывать, подводить). Yet he steeled himself to strike the fierce blows (но он заставлял себя наносить яростные удары), every one of which brought anguish to his tortured hands (каждый из которых причинял боль его измученным рукам; to bring – приносить). Though now he was receiving practically no punishment (хотя теперь он практически не получал ударов/битья), he was weakening as rapidly as the other (он слабел так же быстро, как другой = его противник). His blows went home (его удары попадали в цель: «шли домой»), but there was no longer the weight behind them (но за ними больше не было веса), and each blow was the result of a severe effort of will (и каждый удар был результатом жестокого напряжения силы воли). His legs were like lead (его ноги были как свинец), and they dragged visibly under him (и они заметно волочились под ним); while Sandel’s backers, cheered by this symptom (а поставившие на Сэндела, ободренные этим симптомом), began calling encouragement to their man (начали кричать ободрения своему бойцу).

 Sandel was reeling and staggering, but Tom King’s legs were cramping and his knuckles going back on him. Yet he steeled himself to strike the fierce blows, every one of which brought anguish to his tortured hands. Though now he was receiving practically no punishment, he was weakening as rapidly as the other. His blows went home, but there was no longer the weight behind them, and each blow was the result of a severe effort of will. His legs were like lead, and they dragged visibly under him; while Sandel’s backers, cheered by this symptom, began calling encouragement to their man.

King was spurred to a burst of effort (Кинг был пришпорен = это подвигло Кинга на взрыв усилий). He delivered two blows in succession (он нанес два удара подряд) – a left, a trifle too high, to the solar plexus (левой, немного высоко, в солнечное сплетение), and a right cross to the jaw (а правой поперек в челюсть). They were not heavy blows (это не были тяжелые удары), yet so weak and dazed was Sandel (но так слаб и ошеломлен был Сэндел) that he went down and lay quivering (что он упал и лежал, дрожа; to go down – упасть: «пойти вниз»; to lie – лежать). The referee stood over him (судья стоял над ним; to stand – стоять), shouting the count of the fatal seconds in his ear (выкрикивая отсчет роковых секунд ему в ухо). If before the tenth second was called, he did not rise (если до того, как будет объявлена десятая секунда, он не встанет), the fight was lost (битва проиграна; to lose – проигрывать). The house stood in hushed silence (публика стояла во внезапном молчании; to hush – водворять тишину, умолкать). King rested on trembling legs (Кинг стоял на дрожащих ногах). A mortal dizziness was upon him (жестокое головокружение охватило его: «было на нем»), and before his eyes the sea of faces sagged and swayed (и перед его глазами море лиц кренилось и качалось), while to his ears, as from a remote distance, came the count of the referee (пока до его ушей, словно с большого расстояния, доносился отсчет судьи; remote – отдаленный). Yet he looked upon the fight as his (и все же он смотрел на бой, как на свой = считал победу своей). It was impossible that a man so punished could rise (было невозможно, чтобы человек, так избитый, смог встать).

 King was spurred to a burst of effort. He delivered two blows in succession – a left, a trifle too high, to the solar plexus, and a right cross to the jaw. They were not heavy blows, yet so weak and dazed was Sandel that he went down and lay quivering. The referee stood over him, shouting the count of the fatal seconds in his ear. If before the tenth second was called, he did not rise, the fight was lost. The house stood in hushed silence. King rested on trembling legs. A mortal dizziness was upon him, and before his eyes the sea of faces sagged and swayed, while to his ears, as from a remote distance, came the count of the referee. Yet he looked upon the fight as his. It was impossible that a man so punished could rise.

Only Youth could rise, and Sandel rose (только Юность могла встать, и Сэндел встал). At the fourth second he rolled over on his face (на четвертой секунде он перекатился на лицо = на живот) and groped blindly for the ropes (и слепо схватился за канаты). By the seventh second he had dragged himself to his knee (к седьмой секунде он втащил себя на колено = поставил), where he rested (где он остановился), his head rolling groggily on his shoulders (с головой, пьяно болтающейся у него на плечах; groggily – слабо и неустойчиво держащийся на ногах; grog – грог). As the referee cried “Nine!” Sandel stood upright (когда судья прокричал «Девять!», Сэндел встал прямо), in proper stalling position (в полноценную защитную стойку), his left arm wrapped about his face (с левой рукой, обернутой вокруг лица = прикрывая левой лицо), his right wrapped about his stomach (с правой – вокруг живота). Thus were his vital points guarded (так его жизненно важные части тела были защищены), while he lurched forward toward King in the hope of effecting a clinch (когда он ринулся вперед, к Кингу, в надежде войти в клинч) and gaining more time (и выиграть больше времени).

 Only Youth could rise, and Sandel rose. At the fourth second he rolled over on his face and groped blindly for the ropes. By the seventh second he had dragged himself to his knee, where he rested, his head rolling groggily on his shoulders. As the referee cried “Nine!” Sandel stood upright, in proper stalling position, his left arm wrapped about his face, his right wrapped about his stomach. Thus were his vital points guarded, while he lurched forward toward King in the hope of effecting a clinch and gaining more time.

At the instant Sandel arose (в тот момент, когда Сэндел встал), King was at him (Кинг бросился на него), but the two blows he delivered were muffled on the stalled arms (но два удара, которые он нанес, были ослаблены подставленными руками). The next moment Sandel was in the clinch and holding on desperately (в следующее мгновение Сэндел вошел в клинч и отчаянно держался /за Кинга/) while the referee strove to drag the two men apart (пока судья силился растащить боксеров в стороны; to strive – стараться). King helped to force himself free (Кинг помогал освободить себя). He knew the rapidity with which Youth recovered (он знал быстроту, с которой Юность восстанавливала силы), and he knew that Sandel was his (и он знал, что Сэндел – его = будет побежден) if he could prevent that recovery (если бы он смог предотвратить это восстановление сил). One stiff punch would do it (один хороший удар сделал бы это). Sandel was his, indubitably his (Сэндел принадлежал ему, несомненно ему). He had outgeneralled him (он превзошел его), outfought him (одолел его; to outfight – одолеть), outpointed him (победил его по очкам).

 At the instant Sandel arose, King was at him, but the two blows he delivered were muffled on the stalled arms. The next moment Sandel was in the clinch and holding on desperately while the referee strove to drag the two men apart. King helped to force himself free. He knew the rapidity with which Youth recovered, and he knew that Sandel was his if he could prevent that recovery. One stiff punch would do it. Sandel was his, indubitably his. He had outgeneralled him, outfought him, outpointed him.

Sandel reeled out of the clinch (Сэндел вышел из клинча: «выкатился»), balanced on the hair line between defeat or survival (балансируя на тонкой: «волосяной» грани между поражением и выживанием). One good blow would topple him over and down and out (один хороший удар опрокинет его, обрушит его, нокаутирует его; to topple – повалить; over – через; down – вниз; out – наружу). And Tom King, in a flash of bitterness (и Том Кинг, в одно мгновение горечи = горькое), remembered the piece of steak (вспомнил о куске мяса) and wished that he had it then behind that necessary punch (и пожелал, чтобы он = этот кусок мяса был у него за этим необходимым ударом) he must deliver (/который/ он должен нанести). He nerved himself for the blow (он собирал в себе силы для этого удара), but it was not heavy enough nor swift enough (но он был ни достаточно тяжелым, ни достаточно быстрым). Sandel swayed, but did not fall (Сэндел покачнулся, но не упал), staggering back to the ropes (отшатнувшись назад к канатам) and holding on (и повиснув на /них/). King staggered after him (Кинг, шатаясь, пошел к нему), and, with a pang like that of dissolution (и, через резкую боль, как при смерти), delivered another blow (нанес очередной удар). But his body had deserted him (но его тело изменило ему).

 Sandel reeled out of the clinch, balanced on the hair line between defeat or survival. One good blow would topple him over and down and out. And Tom King, in a flash of bitterness, remembered the piece of steak and wished that he had it then behind that necessary punch he must deliver. He nerved himself for the blow, but it was not heavy enough nor swift enough. Sandel swayed, but did not fall, staggering back to the ropes and holding on. King staggered after him, and, with a pang like that of dissolution, delivered another blow. But his body had deserted him.

All that was left of him was a fighting intelligence (все, что от него осталось, это борющееся сознание; left – оставшийся; to leave – оставлять) that was dimmed and clouded from exhaustion (которое было помрачено и затуманено от изнеможения). The blow that was aimed for the jaw (удар, который был нацелен в челюсть) struck no higher than the shoulder (ударил не выше, чем в плечо; to strike – ударить). He had willed the blow higher (он желал удар выше), but the tired muscles had not been able to obey (но усталые мускулы были неспособны повиноваться). And, from the impact of the blow (и от силы удара), Tom King himself reeled back and nearly fell (Том Кинг сам отступил и чуть не упал; to fall – падать). Once again he strove (и опять он попытался; to strive – пытаться). This time his punch missed altogether (на этот раз его удар промахнулся совсем), and, from absolute weakness, he fell against Sandel and clinched (и от всепоглощающей слабости он припал к Сэнделу и вошел в клинч), holding on to him to save himself from sinking to the floor (хватаясь за него, чтобы уберечь себя от падения на пол).

 All that was left of him was a fighting intelligence that was dimmed and clouded from exhaustion. The blow that was aimed for the jaw struck no higher than the shoulder. He had willed the blow higher, but the tired muscles had not been able to obey. And, from the impact of the blow, Tom King himself reeled back and nearly fell. Once again he strove. This time his punch missed altogether, and, from absolute weakness, he fell against Sandel and clinched, holding on to him to save himself from sinking to the floor.

King did not attempt to free himself (Кинг не пытался освободиться). He had shot his bolt (он сделал все возможное: «пустил свою стрелу»; to shoot – стрелять). He was gone (он ушел = с ним было покончено). And Youth had been served (и Юность взяла свое). Even in the clinch he could feel (даже в клинче он мог чувствовать) Sandel growing stronger against him (как Сэндел становится сильнее по сравнению с ним). When the referee thrust them apart (когда судья растащил их; to thrust apart – растолкать), there, before his eyes, he saw Youth recuperate (там, /прямо/ перед глазами он увидел, как Юность восстанавливает силы). From instant to instant Sandel grew stronger (от секунды к секунде Сэндел становился сильнее; to grow – становиться). His punches, weak and futile at first (его удары, слабые и тщетные сперва), became stiff and accurate (становились крепкими и точными; to become – стать). Tom King’s bleared eyes saw the gloved fist driving at his jaw (затуманенные глаза Тома Кинга видели, как рука в перчатке летит в его челюсть), and he willed to guard it by interposing his arm (и он хотел защитить ее, подставив руку). He saw the danger (он видел опасность), willed the act (хотел действовать: «действия»); but the arm was too heavy (но рука была слишком тяжела). It seemed burdened with a hundredweight of lead (она казалась обремененной центнером свинца). It would not lift itself (она не поднималась сама), and he strove to lift it with his soul (и он тщился поднять ее /усилием/ души; to strive – стараться). Then the gloved fist landed home (затем рука в перчатке попала в цель: «опустилась домой»). He experienced a sharp snap that was like an electric spark (он ощутил резкий щелчок = боль, которая была подобна электрической искре), and, simultaneously, the veil of blackness enveloped him (и в тот же момент пелена мрака окутала его).

 King did not attempt to free himself. He had shot his bolt. He was gone. And Youth had been served. Even in the clinch he could feel Sandel growing stronger against him. When the referee thrust them apart, there, before his eyes, he saw Youth recuperate. From instant to instant Sandel grew stronger. His punches, weak and futile at first, became stiff and accurate. Tom King’s bleared eyes saw the gloved fist driving at his jaw, and he willed to guard it by interposing his arm. He saw the danger, willed the act; but the arm was too heavy. It seemed burdened with a hundredweight of lead. It would not lift itself, and he strove to lift it with his soul. Then the gloved fist landed home. He experienced a sharp snap that was like an electric spark, and, simultaneously, the veil of blackness enveloped him.

When he opened his eyes again (когда он снова открыл глаза) he was in his corner (он был в своем углу), and he heard the yelling of the audience (и он слышал рев публики) like the roar of the surf at Bondi Beach (как рокот прибоя на Бонди-Бич). A wet sponge was being pressed against the base of his brain (мокрую губку прижимали к основанию его мозга = к затылку), and Sid Sullivan was blowing cold water (и Сид Салливен изливал холодную воду) in a refreshing spray over his face and chest (освежающими брызгами на его лицо и грудь). His gloves had already been removed (его перчатки уже были сняты), and Sandel, bending over him (и Сэндел, нагнувшись к нему), was shaking his hand (пожимал ему руку). He bore no ill-will toward the man who had put him out (он не испытывал ненависти к человеку, который устранил его; to bear – испытывать чувства; to put out – устранить), and he returned the grip with a heartiness (и он ответил на рукопожатие с сердечностью) that made his battered knuckles protest (который заставил его разбитые костяшки запротестовать = который причинил боль его разбитым костяшкам). Then Sandel stepped to the centre of the ring (затем Сэндел выступил на середину ринга) and the audience hushed its pandemonium (и публика угомонила свое беснование; pandemonium – ад, обитель демонов; столпотворение, скандал) to hear him accept young Pronto’s challenge (чтобы услышать, как он принимает вызов молодого Пронто) and offer to increase the side bet to one hundred pounds (и предлагает увеличить ставку до сотни фунтов).

 When he opened his eyes again he was in his corner, and he heard the yelling of the audience like the roar of the surf at Bondi Beach. A wet sponge was being pressed against the base of his brain, and Sid Sullivan was blowing cold water in a refreshing spray over his face and chest. His gloves had already been removed, and Sandel, bending over him, was shaking his hand. He bore no ill-will toward the man who had put him out, and he returned the grip with a heartiness that made his battered knuckles protest. Then Sandel stepped to the centre of the ring and the audience hushed its pandemonium to hear him accept young Pronto’s challenge and offer to increase the side bet to one hundred pounds.

King looked on apathetically (Кинг смотрел апатично) while his seconds mopped the streaming water from him (пока его секунданты вытирали с него стекающую воду), dried his face (вытирали ему лицо), and prepared him to leave the ring (и готовили его к тому, чтобы покинуть ринг). He felt hungry (он чувствовал себя голодным). It was not the ordinary, gnawing kind (это был не обычный, грызущий голод: «разновидность»), but a great faintness (но страшная слабость), a palpitation at the pit of the stomach (дрожь под ложечкой: «в ямке желудка») that communicated itself to all his body (которая распространялась на все его тело). He remembered back into the fight (он вспомнил назад в бой = его мысли вернулись к бою) to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering (к моменту, когда он заставил Сэндела шататься и дрожать) on the hair-line balance of defeat (на тонкой грани поражения). Ah, that piece of steak would have done it (ах, этот кусок мяса сделал бы это)! He had lacked just that for the decisive blow (ему не хватило лишь этого для решающего удара), and he had lost (и он проиграл; to lose – проиграть). It was all because of the piece of steak (это все было из-за куска мяса).

 King looked on apathetically while his seconds mopped the streaming water from him, dried his face, and prepared him to leave the ring. He felt hungry. It was not the ordinary, gnawing kind, but a great faintness, a palpitation at the pit of the stomach that communicated itself to all his body. He remembered back into the fight to the moment when he had Sandel swaying and tottering on the hair-line balance of defeat. Ah, that piece of steak would have done it! He had lacked just that for the decisive blow, and he had lost. It was all because of the piece of steak.

His seconds were half-supporting him (его секунданты наполовину поддерживали его) as they helped him through the ropes (помогая ему пролезть через канаты). He tore free from them (он вырвался на свободу от них = из их рук; to tear free – вырваться на свободу: «свободным»), ducked through the ropes unaided (проскользнул через канаты без помощи; to duck – нырять; duck – утка), and leaped heavily to the floor (и тяжело спрыгнул на пол), following on their heels (следуя за ними по пятам) as they forced a passage for him down the crowded centre aisle (пока они расчищали дорогу для него вдоль оживленного центрального прохода). Leaving the dressing-room for the street (на выходе из раздевалки на улицу), in the entrance to the hall (при входе в холл), some young fellow spoke to him (какой-то молодой парень заговорил с ним; to speak – говорить).

“W’y didn’t yuh go in an’ get ’im when yuh ’ad ’im (почему ты не бросился и не разделался с ним, когда он был у тебя /в руках/)?” the young fellow asked (спросил молодой человек).

“Aw, go to hell!” said Tom King (иди к черту: «в ад», – сказал Том Кинг), and passed down the steps to the sidewalk (и спустился по ступеням на тротуар).

 His seconds were half-supporting him as they helped him through the ropes. He tore free from them, ducked through the ropes unaided, and leaped heavily to the floor, following on their heels as they forced a passage for him down the crowded centre aisle. Leaving the dressing-room for the street, in the entrance to the hall, some young fellow spoke to him.

“W’y didn’t yuh go in an’ get ’im when yuh ’ad ’im?” the young fellow asked.

“Aw, go to hell!” said Tom King, and passed down the steps to the sidewalk.

The doors of the public house at the corner were swinging wide (двери паба на углу были широко распахнуты), and he saw the lights and the smiling barmaids (и он увидел огни и улыбавшихся барменш), heard the many voices discussing the fight (услышал множество голосов, обсуждавших схватку) and the prosperous chink of money on the bar (и веселое: «процветающее» звяканье монет на барной стойке). Somebody called to him to have a drink (кто-то позвал его выпить). He hesitated perceptibly (он заметно поколебался), then refused and went on his way (затем отказался и пошел дальше своим путем; to go on – идти дальше).

 The doors of the public house at the corner were swinging wide, and he saw the lights and the smiling barmaids, heard the many voices discussing the fight and the prosperous chink of money on the bar. Somebody called to him to have a drink. He hesitated perceptibly, then refused and went on his way.

He had not a copper in his pocket (у него не было ни одной медной монетки в кармане), and the two-mile walk home seemed very long (и двухмильный путь пешком домой казался очень долгим). He was certainly getting old (он точно старел). Crossing the Domain, he sat down suddenly on a bench (пересекая Домейн, он внезапно сел на скамейку), unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him (лишенный мужества при мысли о жене, не ложившейся в ожидании его; to sit up – не ложиться), waiting to learn the outcome of the fight (ждущей, чтобы узнать исход боя). That was harder than any knockout (это было потяжелее любого нокаута), and it seemed almost impossible to face (и казалось почти невозможным встретить это).

 He had not a copper in his pocket, and the two-mile walk home seemed very long. He was certainly getting old. Crossing the Domain, he sat down suddenly on a bench, unnerved by the thought of the missus sitting up for him, waiting to learn the outcome of the fight. That was harder than any knockout, and it seemed almost impossible to face.

He felt weak and sore (он чувствовал себя слабым и больным), and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him (и боль в его разбитых суставах предупредила его) that, even if he could find a job at navvy work (что даже если он сможет найти черную работу), it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel (пройдет неделя, прежде чем он сможет взяться за кирку или лопату). The hunger palpitation at the pit of the stomach was sickening (дрожь от голода под ложечкой была тошнотворной). His wretchedness overwhelmed him (его никудышность потрясла его), and into his eyes came an unwonted moisture (и в глаза пришла непривычная влага). He covered his face with his hands (он закрыл лицо руками), and, as he cried (и, пока он плакал), he remembered Stowsher Bill and how he had served him (он вспомнил Стоушера Билла и как он обошелся с ним) that night in the long ago (той ночью, давным-давно). Poor old Stowsher Bill (бедный старый Стоушер Билл)! He could understand now (теперь он мог понять) why Bill had cried in the dressing-room (почему Билл плакал в раздевалке).

 He felt weak and sore, and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned him that, even if he could find a job at navvy work, it would be a week before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel. The hunger palpitation at the pit of the stomach was sickening. His wretchedness overwhelmed him, and into his eyes came an unwonted moisture. He covered his face with his hands, and, as he cried, he remembered Stowsher Bill and how he had served him that night in the long ago. Poor old Stowsher Bill! He could understand now why Bill had cried in the dressing-room.

Назад: Told in the Drooling Ward (/История/, рассказанная в сумасшедшем доме[11])
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