Книга: Английский с Р. Л. Стивенсоном. Алмаз раджи / R. L. Stevenson. The Rajah’s Diamond
Назад: Story of the House with the Green Blinds (Повесть о доме с зелеными ставнями)
Дальше: Примечания

The Adventure of Prince Florizel and A Detective

(Приключение принца Флоризеля с сыщиком)

Prince Florizel walked with Mr. Rolles to the door of a small hotel (принц Флоризель дошел с мистером Роулзом до двери маленькой гостиницы) where the latter resided (где проживал последний). They spoke much together (они много говорили друг с другом), and the clergyman was more than once affected to tears (и на священника более, чем один раз, до слез подействовали) by the mingled severity and tenderness of Florizel’s reproaches (смешанные суровость и нежность укоров Флоризеля).

“I have made ruin of my life,” he said at last (я погубил свою жизнь, – сказал он наконец: «сделал крах…»). “Help me; tell me what I am to do (помогите мне; скажите, что я должен делать); I have, alas! neither the virtues of a priest nor the dexterity of a rogue (у меня, увы! нет ни добродетелей священника, ни ловкости плута; neither… nor – ни… ни).”

 Prince Florizel walked with Mr. Rolles to the door of a small hotel where the latter resided. They spoke much together, and the clergyman was more than once affected to tears by the mingled severity and tenderness of Florizel’s reproaches.

“I have made ruin of my life,” he said at last. “Help me; tell me what I am to do; I have, alas! neither the virtues of a priest nor the dexterity of a rogue.”

“Now that you are humbled,” said the Prince (теперь, когда вы унижены, – сказал принц; humble – покорный, смиренный; униженный; to humble – попирать, смирять), “I command no longer (я больше не приказываю); the repentant have to do with God (кающимся нужен Бог) and not with princes (а не принцы; to have to do – иметь отношение). But if you will let me advise you (но если вы позволите мне советовать вам), go to Australia as a colonist (поезжайте в Австралию как поселенец), seek menial labour in the open air (подыщите простую работу на «открытом» воздухе; menial – ручная /работа/), and try to forget that you have ever been a clergyman (и постарайтесь забыть, что вы когда-то были священником), or that you ever set eyes on that accursed stone (или что вы когда-то увидели этот проклятый камень; to set eyes – увидеть: «положить глаза»).”

“Accurst indeed!” replied Mr. Rolles (действительно – проклятый! – ответил мистер Роулз). “Where is it now (где он теперь)? What further hurt is it not working for mankind (какого еще зла он не чинит человечеству)?”

 “Now that you are humbled,” said the Prince, “I command no longer; the repentant have to do with God and not with princes. But if you will let me advise you, go to Australia as a colonist, seek menial labour in the open air, and try to forget that you have ever been a clergyman, or that you ever set eyes on that accursed stone.”

“Accurst indeed!” replied Mr. Rolles. “Where is it now? What further hurt is it not working for mankind?”

“It will do no more evil,” returned the Prince (он больше не сделает зла, – ответил принц). “It is here in my pocket (он здесь, у меня в кармане). And this,” he added kindly, “will show (и это, – прибавил он ласково, – покажет /вам/) that I place some faith in your penitence (что я верю: «помещаю какую-то веру» в ваше раскаяние), young as it is (хоть и юному = недавнему).”

“Suffer me to touch your hand,” pleaded Mr. Rolles (позвольте мне прикоснуться к вашей руке, – попросил мистер Роулз).

“No,” replied Prince Florizel (нет, – ответил принц Флоризель), “not yet (пока нет).”

The tone in which he uttered these last words (тон, которым он сказал эти последние слова) was eloquent in the ears of the young clergyman (был красноречив в ушах молодого священника); and for some minutes after the Prince had turned away (и несколько минут после того, как принц удалился) he stood on the threshold following with his eyes the retreating figure (он стоял на пороге, следя глазами за уходящей фигурой) and invoking the blessing of heaven upon a man (и призывая благословение небес на человека) so excellent in counsel (такого отличного в советах = который дал ему такие хорошие советы).

 “It will do no more evil,” returned the Prince. “It is here in my pocket. And this,” he added kindly, “will show that I place some faith in your penitence, young as it is.”

“Suffer me to touch your hand,” pleaded Mr. Rolles.

“No,” replied Prince Florizel, “not yet.”

The tone in which he uttered these last words was eloquent in the ears of the young clergyman; and for some minutes after the Prince had turned away he stood on the threshold following with his eyes the retreating figure and invoking the blessing of heaven upon a man so excellent in counsel.

For several hours the Prince walked alone in unfrequented streets (несколько часов принц шел по безлюдным улицам). His mind was full of concern (его мысли были полны забот); what to do with the diamond (что делать с алмазом), whether to return it to its owner, whom he judged unworthy of this rare possession (вернуть ли его владельцу, которого он полагал недостойным столь редкого имущества), or to take some sweeping and courageous measure (или принять какие-нибудь радикальные и смелые меры; sweeping – широкий; с большим охватом; быстрый, скорый, стремительный; to sweep – мести; сметать; нестись, мчаться) and put it out of the reach of all mankind (и отправить его вне пределов досягаемости для всего человечества) at once and for ever (немедленно и навсегда), was a problem too grave to be decided in a moment (было проблемой слишком серьезной, чтобы быть решенной в одно мгновение). The manner in which it had come into his hands (то, как он = алмаз попал ему в руки) appeared manifestly providential (казалось явно чудесным; providential – предопределенный; Providence – /божественное/ предопределение); and as he took out the jewel and looked at it under the street lamps (и когда он достал алмаз и посмотрел на него под уличными фонарями), its size and surprising brilliancy inclined him more and more to think of it (его размер и поразительный блеск склонили его все больше и больше думать о нем) as of an unmixed and dangerous evil for the world (как о беспримесном и опасном зле для мира).

 For several hours the Prince walked alone in unfrequented streets. His mind was full of concern; what to do with the diamond, whether to return it to its owner, whom he judged unworthy of this rare possession, or to take some sweeping and courageous measure and put it out of the reach of all mankind at once and for ever, was a problem too grave to be decided in a moment. The manner in which it had come into his hands appeared manifestly providential; and as he took out the jewel and looked at it under the street lamps, its size and surprising brilliancy inclined him more and more to think of it as of an unmixed and dangerous evil for the world.

“God help me!” he thought (Бог мне да поможет! – подумал он); “if I look at it much oftener (если я буду смотреть на него почаще), I shall begin to grow covetous myself (я начну сам становиться алчным).”

At last, though still uncertain in his mind (наконец, хоть все еще и неуверенный в своих мыслях = как ему поступить), he turned his steps towards the small but elegant mansion on the river-side (он повернул «шаги» к небольшому, но изящному особняку на берегу реки) which had belonged for centuries to his royal family (который принадлежал в течение веков его королевской семье). The arms of Bohemia are deeply graved over the door (герб Богемии глубоко высечен над дверью) and upon the tall chimneys (и на высоких трубах); passengers have a look into a green court set with the most costly flowers (прохожие могут заглянуть в зеленый дворик, усаженный самыми редкостными цветами), and a stork, the only one in Paris, perches on the gable all day long (и аист, единственный в Париже, стоит на коньке крыши целый день; to perch – сидеть на насесте; perch – веха, жердь, шест; насест) and keeps a crowd before the house (и держит = собирает толпу /зевак/ перед домом). Grave servants are seen passing to and fro within (видно важных слуг, которые проходят туда-сюда внутри); and from time to time the great gate is thrown open (и время от времени большие ворота распахиваются) and a carriage rolls below the arch (и экипаж выкатывается из арки: «катится под аркой»).

 “God help me!” he thought; “if I look at it much oftener, I shall begin to grow covetous myself.”

At last, though still uncertain in his mind, he turned his steps towards the small but elegant mansion on the river-side which had belonged for centuries to his royal family. The arms of Bohemia are deeply graved over the door and upon the tall chimneys; passengers have a look into a green court set with the most costly flowers, and a stork, the only one in Paris, perches on the gable all day long and keeps a crowd before the house. Grave servants are seen passing to and fro within; and from time to time the great gate is thrown open and a carriage rolls below the arch.

For many reasons this residence was especially dear to the heart of Prince Florizel (по многим причинам эта резиденция была особенно дорога сердцу принца Флоризеля); he never drew near to it without enjoying that sentiment of home-coming (он никогда не подходил к ней, не наслаждаясь тем чувством возвращения домой) so rare in the lives of the great (столь редким в жизни сильных мира сего); and on the present evening he beheld its tall roof and mildly illuminated windows (и в этот вечер он увидел ее высокую крышу и мягко освещенные окна) with unfeigned relief and satisfaction (с неподдельным облегчением и удовольствием; to feign – притворяться, делать вид, симулировать; satisfaction – удовлетворение).

As he was approaching the postern door (когда он приближался к боковой двери; postern – задняя /или боковая, служебная/ дверь; служебный ход) by which he always entered when alone (через которую он всегда входил, когда /был/ один), a man stepped forth from the shadow (какой-то человек шагнул из тени) and presented himself with an obeisance in the Prince’s path (и оказался с поклоном на пути у принца; obeisance – жест подчинения /например, поклон/).

 For many reasons this residence was especially dear to the heart of Prince Florizel; he never drew near to it without enjoying that sentiment of home-coming so rare in the lives of the great; and on the present evening he beheld its tall roof and mildly illuminated windows with unfeigned relief and satisfaction.

As he was approaching the postern door by which he always entered when alone, a man stepped forth from the shadow and presented himself with an obeisance in the Prince’s path.

“I have the honour of addressing Prince Florizel of Bohemia?” said he (я имею честь обращаться к принцу Флоризелю Богемскому? – сказал он).

“Such is my title,” replied the Prince (таков мой титул, – ответил принц). “What do you want with me (чего вы хотите от меня)?”

“I am,” said the man, “a detective (я, – сказал человек, – сыщик), and I have to present your Highness with this billet from the Prefect of Police (и я должен вручить вашему высочеству записку от префекта полиции).”

The Prince took the letter (принц взял письмо) and glanced it through by the light of the street lamp (и проглядел его при свете уличного фонаря). It was highly apologetic (оно было крайне извиняющимся), but requested him to follow the bearer to the Prefecture without delay (но требовало от него последовать за носителем /письма/ в префектуру без промедления).

“In short,” said Florizel, “I am arrested (короче /говоря/, – сказал Флоризель, – я арестован).”

 “I have the honour of addressing Prince Florizel of Bohemia?” said he.

“Such is my title,” replied the Prince. “What do you want with me?”

“I am,” said the man, “a detective, and I have to present your Highness with this billet from the Prefect of Police.”

The Prince took the letter and glanced it through by the light of the street lamp. It was highly apologetic, but requested him to follow the bearer to the Prefecture without delay.

“In short,” said Florizel, “I am arrested.”

“Your Highness,” replied the officer (ваше высочество, – ответил полицейский), “nothing, I am certain, could be further from the intention of the Prefect (ничто, я уверен, не могло бы быть дальше от намерений префекта). You will observe that he has not granted a warrant (вы заметите, что он не выдал ордера). It is mere formality (это простая формальность), or call it, if you prefer, an obligation (или назовите это, если желаете, одолжением) that your Highness lays on the authorities (которое ваше высочество оказывает властям).”

“At the same time,” asked the Prince, “if I were to refuse to follow you (и в то же время, – спросил принц, – если я откажусь идти с вами)?”

“I will not conceal from your Highness (я не скрою от вашего высочества) that a considerable discretion has been granted me (что значительная свобода действий была мне предоставлена),” replied the detective with a bow (ответил сыщик с поклоном).

 “Your Highness,” replied the officer, “nothing, I am certain, could be further from the intention of the Prefect. You will observe that he has not granted a warrant. It is mere formality, or call it, if you prefer, an obligation that your Highness lays on the authorities.”

“At the same time,” asked the Prince, “if I were to refuse to follow you?”

“I will not conceal from your Highness that a considerable discretion has been granted me,” replied the detective with a bow.

“Upon my word,” cried Florizel (право слово, – воскликнул Флоризель), “your effrontery astounds me (ваше бесстыдство поражает меня)! Yourself, as an agent, I must pardon (вас самого, как /простого/ исполнителя, я должен простить); but your superiors shall dearly smart for their misconduct (но ваши начальники горько пострадают за свое поведение). What, have you any idea, is the cause (знаете ли вы, какова причина) of this impolitic and unconstitutional act (этого неразумного и неконституционального действия; impolitic – неполитичный; бестактный, неразумный)? You will observe that I have as yet neither refused nor consented (вы можете заметить, что я пока не отказался и не согласился), and much may depend on your prompt and ingenuous answer (и многое может зависеть от вашего скорого и чистосердечного ответа). Let me remind you, officer (позвольте напомнить вам, офицер), that this is an affair of some gravity (что это все дело определенной важности).”

 “Upon my word,” cried Florizel, “your effrontery astounds me! Yourself, as an agent, I must pardon; but your superiors shall dearly smart for their misconduct. What, have you any idea, is the cause of this impolitic and unconstitutional act? You will observe that I have as yet neither refused nor consented, and much may depend on your prompt and ingenuous answer. Let me remind you, officer, that this is an affair of some gravity.”

“Your Highness,” said the detective humbly (ваше высочество, – сказал сыщик смиренно), “General Vandeleur and his brother have had the incredible presumption (генерал Венделер и его брат имели невероятную наглость) to accuse you of theft (обвинить вас в краже). The famous diamond, they declare, is in your hands (знаменитый алмаз, заявляют они, находится в ваших руках). A word from you in denial (одно ваше слово в отрицание /этого факта/) will most amply satisfy the Prefect (вполне удовлетворит префекта); nay, I go farther (нет, я пойду дальше = я скажу больше): if your Highness would so far honour a subaltern (если ваше высочество окажет такую честь низшему по званию) as to declare his ignorance of the matter even to myself (что заявит о своей непричастности к делу даже мне самому; ignorance – неведение), I should ask permission to retire upon the spot (я должен буду просить позволения удалиться сразу же: «на месте»).”

 “Your Highness,” said the detective humbly, “General Vandeleur and his brother have had the incredible presumption to accuse you of theft. The famous diamond, they declare, is in your hands. A word from you in denial will most amply satisfy the Prefect; nay, I go farther: if your Highness would so far honour a subaltern as to declare his ignorance of the matter even to myself, I should ask permission to retire upon the spot.”

Florizel, up to the last moment, had regarded his adventure (Флоризель до последнего момента рассматривал свое приключение) in the light of a trifle (в свете = в качестве пустяка), only serious upon international considerations (серьезного лишь в том случае, если подумать об этом с точки зрения международных отношений; consideration – размышление, рассуждение, анализ, разбор, рассмотрение). At the name of Vandeleur the horrible truth broke upon him in a moment (при имени Венделер ужасная правда предстала перед ним мгновенно; to break upon – осенить, внезапно прийти в голову /о мысли, факте/); he was not only arrested (он был не только арестован), but he was guilty (но и виновен; guilt – вина). This was not only an annoying incident (это был не просто досадный случай) – it was a peril to his honour (это была гибель для его чести). What was he to say (что он должен был сказать)? What was he to do (что он должен был делать)? The Rajah’s Diamond was indeed an accursed stone (Алмаз раджи был поистине проклятым камнем); and it seemed as if he were to be the last victim to its influence (и казалось, что ему суждено стать последней жертвой его действия; influence – влияние, воздействие).

One thing was certain (одна вещь была несомненной; certain – определенный). He could not give the required assurance to the detective (он не мог сделать требуемое заверение сыщику). He must gain time (он должен выиграть время).

 Florizel, up to the last moment, had regarded his adventure in the light of a trifle, only serious upon international considerations. At the name of Vandeleur the horrible truth broke upon him in a moment; he was not only arrested, but he was guilty. This was not only an annoying incident – it was a peril to his honour. What was he to say? What was he to do? The Rajah’s Diamond was indeed an accursed stone; and it seemed as if he were to be the last victim to its influence.

One thing was certain. He could not give the required assurance to the detective. He must gain time.

His hesitation had not lasted a second (его неуверенность не продлилась и секунды; to hesitate – медлить, колебаться).

“Be it so,” said he (так и быть: «да будет это так», – сказал он), “let us walk together to the Prefecture (давайте прогуляемся вместе до префектуры).”

The man once more bowed (человек снова поклонился), and proceeded to follow Florizel at a respectful distance in the rear (и последовал за Флоризелем на уважительном расстоянии позади).

“Approach,” said the Prince (приблизьтесь, – сказал принц). “I am in a humour to talk (я в настроении поговорить), and, if I mistake not, now I look at you again (и, если я не ошибаюсь, теперь, когда я гляжу на вас снова), this is not the first time that we have met (что это не первый раз, что мы встретились; to meet).”

“I count it an honour,” replied the officer (я почитаю за честь, – ответил офицер), “that your Highness should recollect my face (/вижу/ что ваше высочество припоминает мое лицо). It is eight years since I had the pleasure of an interview (прошло восемь лет, с тех пор как я имел удовольствие беседы /с вами/).”

 His hesitation had not lasted a second.

“Be it so,” said he, “let us walk together to the Prefecture.”

The man once more bowed, and proceeded to follow Florizel at a respectful distance in the rear.

“Approach,” said the Prince. “I am in a humour to talk, and, if I mistake not, now I look at you again, this is not the first time that we have met.”

“I count it an honour,” replied the officer, “that your Highness should recollect my face. It is eight years since I had the pleasure of an interview.”

“To remember faces,” returned Florizel (помнить лица, – ответил Флоризель), “is as much a part of my profession (настолько же часть моей профессии) as it is of yours (как и вашей). Indeed, rightly looked upon (действительно, если правильно на это взглянуть), a Prince and a detective serve in the same corps (принц и сыщик несут одну и ту же службу: «в одном и том же роде войск»). We are both combatants against crime (мы оба – борцы с преступностью); only mine is the more lucrative and yours the more dangerous rank (только у меня более выгодный, а у вас более опасный чин), and there is a sense in which (и есть смысл, в котором = и в некотором смысле) both may be made equally honourable to a good man (оба /чина/ могут сделаться одинаково почетными для хорошего человека). I had rather, strange as you may think it, be a detective of character and parts (я, как бы странно это вам ни казалось, скорее был бы сыщиком с характером и талантом) than a weak and ignoble sovereign (чем слабым и бесчестным властителем; ignoble – низкий, подлый; постыдный).”

 “To remember faces,” returned Florizel, “is as much a part of my profession as it is of yours. Indeed, rightly looked upon, a Prince and a detective serve in the same corps. We are both combatants against crime; only mine is the more lucrative and yours the more dangerous rank, and there is a sense in which both may be made equally honourable to a good man. I had rather, strange as you may think it, be a detective of character and parts than a weak and ignoble sovereign.”

The officer was overwhelmed (офицер был потрясен до глубины души).

“Your Highness returns good for evil,” said he (ваше высочество платит добром за зло, – сказал он). “To an act of presumption (на наглый поступок) he replies by the most amiable condescension (он отвечает дружелюбным снисхождением).”

“How do you know,” replied Florizel (откуда вы знаете, – ответил Флоризель), “that I am not seeking to corrupt you (что я не ищу = не пытаюсь подкупить вас)?”

“Heaven preserve me from the temptation!” cried the detective (Небеса да избавят меня от такого искушения! – воскликнул сыщик; to tempt – соблазнять, искушать; прельщать).

 The officer was overwhelmed.

“Your Highness returns good for evil,” said he. “To an act of presumption he replies by the most amiable condescension.”

“How do you know,” replied Florizel, “that I am not seeking to corrupt you?”

“Heaven preserve me from the temptation!” cried the detective.

“I applaud your answer,” returned the Prince (я одобряю ваш ответ, – отозвался принц; to applaud – аплодировать, хлопать, рукоплескать; одобрять, приветствовать: John applauded my decision – Джон одобрил мое решение). “It is that of a wise and honest man (это ответ мудрого и честного человека). The world is a great place and stocked with wealth and beauty (мир – замечательное место и наполнен богатствами и красотой; to stock – снабжать, поставлять, обеспечивать /with/), and there is no limit to the rewards that may be offered (и нет предела дарам, которые могут быть предложены /человеку/). Such an one who would refuse a million of money (такой человек, который отверг бы миллион в деньгах) may sell his honour for an empire or the love of a woman (способен продать свою честь за империю или за любовь женщины); and I myself, who speak to you (и я сам, говорящий с вами), have seen occasions so tempting, provocations so irresistible to the strength of human virtue (видел случаи столь искушающие, соблазны столь необоримые силой человеческой добродетели), that I have been glad to tread in your steps (что я был рад пойти по вашим следам) and recommend myself to the grace of God (и поручить себя милости Бога). It is thus, thanks to that modest and becoming habit alone,” he added (и именно так, благодаря лишь этой скромной и подобающей /человеку/ привычке, – прибавил он), “that you and I can walk this town together with untarnished hearts (мы с вами можем идти по этому городу вместе с незапятнанными сердцами = совестью; to tarnish – лишать/ся/ блеска, тускнеть; бесчестить, позорить, порочить, пятнать: tarnish one’s name – запятнать свое имя).”

 “I applaud your answer,” returned the Prince. “It is that of a wise and honest man. The world is a great place and stocked with wealth and beauty, and there is no limit to the rewards that may be offered. Such an one who would refuse a million of money may sell his honour for an empire or the love of a woman; and I myself, who speak to you, have seen occasions so tempting, provocations so irresistible to the strength of human virtue, that I have been glad to tread in your steps and recommend myself to the grace of God. It is thus, thanks to that modest and becoming habit alone,” he added, “that you and I can walk this town together with untarnished hearts.”

“I had always heard that you were brave,” replied the officer (я всегда слышал, что вы доблестны, – ответил офицер), “but I was not aware that you were wise and pious (но я не знал, что вы мудры и благочестивы). You speak the truth (вы говорите правду), and you speak it with an accent that moves me to the heart (и вы говорите ее так, что это трогает меня до сердца = до глубины души; accent – ударение; говор). This world is indeed a place of trial (этот мир поистине – место испытаний; trial – испытание, проба; искушение).”

“We are now,” said Florizel, “in the middle of the bridge (мы сейчас, – сказал Флоризель, – на середине моста). Lean your elbows on the parapet and look over (обопритесь локтями о парапет и взгляните через /него/). As the water rushing below (как вода, стремящаяся внизу), so the passions and complications of life carry away the honesty of weak men (так страсти и трудности жизни уносят прочь честность слабых людей; complication – сложность; запутанность; осложнение). Let me tell you a story (позвольте мне рассказать вам одну историю).”

“I receive your Highness’s commands,” replied the man (я принимаю приказы вашего высочества = ваши слова для меня приказ, – ответил тот).

And, imitating the Prince, he leaned against the parapet (и, по примеру принца, он облокотился на парапет: «подражая принцу»), and disposed himself to listen (и приготовился слушать). The city was already sunk in slumber (город уже погрузился в сон); had it not been for the infinity of lights and the outline of buildings on the starry sky (если бы не мириады огней и силуэты зданий на звездном небе), they might have been alone beside some country river (они могли бы быть одни у реки в деревне).

 “I had always heard that you were brave,” replied the officer, “but I was not aware that you were wise and pious. You speak the truth, and you speak it with an accent that moves me to the heart. This world is indeed a place of trial.”

“We are now,” said Florizel, “in the middle of the bridge. Lean your elbows on the parapet and look over. As the water rushing below, so the passions and complications of life carry away the honesty of weak men. Let me tell you a story.”

“I receive your Highness’s commands,” replied the man.

And, imitating the Prince, he leaned against the parapet, and disposed himself to listen. The city was already sunk in slumber; had it not been for the infinity of lights and the outline of buildings on the starry sky, they might have been alone beside some country river.

“An officer,” began Prince Florizel, “a man of courage and conduct (один офицер, – начал принц Флоризель, – человек храбрый и безукоризненный; conduct – поведение /обыкн. связывается с моральными принципами/: good conduct – послушание, хорошее поведение), who had already risen by merit to an eminent rank (который уже поднялся благодаря своим заслугам до заметных чинов; eminent – высокий, вздымающийся; возвышающийся /на чем-либо/; высокопоставленный), and won not only admiration but respect (и завоевал не только восхищение, но и уважение; to win – завоевать, победить), visited, in an unfortunate hour for his peace of mind (посетил, в несчастный час для спокойствия его духа), the collections of an Indian Prince (сокровищницы одного индийского князя). Here he beheld a diamond so extraordinary for size and beauty (здесь он увидел алмаз, столь необычный размером и красотой) that from that instant he had only one desire in life (что с того момента у него было лишь одно желание в жизни): honour, reputation, friendship, the love of country, he was ready to sacrifice all (честь, репутацию, дружбу, любовь к /своей/ стране – он был готов пожертвовать всем этим) for this lump of sparkling crystal (за этот кусок сверкающего кристалла). For three years he served this semi-barbarian potentate as Jacob served Laban (три года он служил этому полудикому властителю, как Иаков служил Лавану); he falsified frontiers (он искажал границы), he connived at murders (он попустительствовал убийствам), he unjustly condemned and executed a brother-officer (он несправедливо приговорил и казнил собрата-офицера) who had the misfortune to displease the Rajah by some honest freedoms (который имел несчастье разозлить раджу какими-то честными вольностями); lastly, at a time of great danger to his native land (наконец, во время великой опасности его родной земле), he betrayed a body of his fellow-soldiers (он предал отряд своих собратьев-солдат), and suffered them to be defeated and massacred by thousands (и позволил им быть побежденными и перебитыми тысячами /врагов/). In the end, he had amassed a magnificent fortune (наконец он скопил великолепное состояние), and brought home with him the coveted diamond (и привез домой с собой желанный алмаз).

 “An officer,” began Prince Florizel, “a man of courage and conduct, who had already risen by merit to an eminent rank, and won not only admiration but respect, visited, in an unfortunate hour for his peace of mind, the collections of an Indian Prince. Here he beheld a diamond so extraordinary for size and beauty that from that instant he had only one desire in life: honour, reputation, friendship, the love of country, he was ready to sacrifice all for this lump of sparkling crystal. For three years he served this semi-barbarian potentate as Jacob served Laban; he falsified frontiers, he connived at murders, he unjustly condemned and executed a brother-officer who had the misfortune to displease the Rajah by some honest freedoms; lastly, at a time of great danger to his native land, he betrayed a body of his fellow-soldiers, and suffered them to be defeated and massacred by thousands. In the end, he had amassed a magnificent fortune, and brought home with him the coveted diamond.

“Years passed,” continued the Prince (прошли годы, – продолжил принц), “and at length the diamond is accidentally lost (и наконец алмаз оказывается случайно утерян; to lose – терять). It falls into the hands of a simple and laborious youth (он попадает в руки простого и трудолюбивого юноши), a student, a minister of God (студента, служителя Господа), just entering on a career of usefulness and even distinction (только ступившего на /путь/ полезной и даже выдающейся карьеры). Upon him also the spell is cast (и на него тоже наложено заклятье; to cast – бросать); he deserts everything, his holy calling, his studies (он бросает все, свое священное призвание, свои ученые занятия), and flees with the gem into a foreign country (и бежит с драгоценным камнем в другую страну; foreign – иностранный; заграничный, зарубежный). The officer has a brother (у офицера есть брат), an astute, daring, unscrupulous man (коварный, отчаянный, беспринципный человек; astute – хитроумный, хитрый, лукавый, коварный; scrupulous – честный, порядочный), who learns the clergyman’s secret (который узнает секрет священника). What does he do (что же он делает)? Tell his brother (рассказать брату), inform the police (сообщить полиции)? No; upon this man also the Satanic charm has fallen (нет; и на этого человека пало бесовское заклятье); he must have the stone for himself (он должен сам заполучить камень). At the risk of murder (рискуя убийством), he drugs the young priest and seizes the prey (он опаивает молодого священника и хватает свою добычу). And now, by an accident which is not important to my moral (а теперь, по случайности, которая не важна для моей притчи: «поучения»), the jewel passes out of his custody into that of another (камень уходит из его рук в руки другого /человека/; custody – хранение), who, terrified at what he sees (который, устрашенный тем, что видит), gives it into the keeping of a man (отдает его на хранение человеку) in high station and above reproach (высокого положения и превыше осуждения).

 “Years passed,” continued the Prince, “and at length the diamond is accidentally lost. It falls into the hands of a simple and laborious youth, a student, a minister of God, just entering on a career of usefulness and even distinction. Upon him also the spell is cast; he deserts everything, his holy calling, his studies, and flees with the gem into a foreign country. The officer has a brother, an astute, daring, unscrupulous man, who learns the clergyman’s secret. What does he do? Tell his brother, inform the police? No; upon this man also the Satanic charm has fallen; he must have the stone for himself. At the risk of murder, he drugs the young priest and seizes the prey. And now, by an accident which is not important to my moral, the jewel passes out of his custody into that of another, who, terrified at what he sees, gives it into the keeping of a man in high station and above reproach.

“The officer’s name is Thomas Vandeleur,” continued Florizel (имя офицера – Томас Венделер, – продолжил Флоризель). “The stone is called the Rajah’s Diamond (камень называется Алмаз раджи). And” – suddenly opening his hand (и, – внезапно раскрыв руку) – “you behold it here before your eyes (вы видите его здесь, перед вашими глазами).”

The officer started back with a cry (офицер отшатнулся с /вырвавшимся у него/ восклицанием).

 “The officer’s name is Thomas Vandeleur,” continued Florizel. “The stone is called the Rajah’s Diamond. And” – suddenly opening his hand – “you behold it here before your eyes.”

The officer started back with a cry.

“We have spoken of corruption,” said the Prince (мы говорили о развращении, – сказал принц). “To me this nugget of bright crystal (для меня этот кусок яркого кристалла; nugget – самородок; маленький кусок) is as loathsome as though it were crawling with the worms of death (так отвратителен, словно он кишит червями смерти); it is as shocking as though it were compacted out of innocent blood (он ужасен, словно слежался из невинной крови). I see it here in my hand (я вижу его у себя в руке), and I know it is shining with hell-fire (и я знаю, что он светится адским пламенем). I have told you but a hundredth part of its story (я рассказал вам лишь сотую долю его истории); what passed in former ages (что произошло в прежние времена), to what crimes and treacheries it incited men of yore (на какие преступления и предательства он толкал людей прошлого; to incite to smth. – подстрекать к чему-либо), the imagination trembles to conceive (воображение трепещет представить себе); for years and years it has faithfully served the powers of hell (долгие годы он верно служил власти ада); enough, I say, of blood (я говорю, хватит крови), enough of disgrace (хватит бесчестья), enough of broken lives and friendships (хватит поломанных жизней и дружеских отношений); all things come to an end, the evil like the good (все вещи приходят к /своему/ концу – как злые, так и добрые); pestilence as well as beautiful music (как чума, так и прекрасная музыка); and as for this diamond, God forgive me if I do wrong (а что касается этого алмаза, Господи, прости меня, если я поступлю неправильно), but its empire ends to-night (но его власть кончается сегодня).”

 “We have spoken of corruption,” said the Prince. “To me this nugget of bright crystal is as loathsome as though it were crawling with the worms of death; it is as shocking as though it were compacted out of innocent blood. I see it here in my hand, and I know it is shining with hell-fire. I have told you but a hundredth part of its story; what passed in former ages, to what crimes and treacheries it incited men of yore, the imagination trembles to conceive; for years and years it has faithfully served the powers of hell; enough, I say, of blood, enough of disgrace, enough of broken lives and friendships; all things come to an end, the evil like the good; pestilence as well as beautiful music; and as for this diamond, God forgive me if I do wrong, but its empire ends to-night.”

The Prince made a sudden movement with his hand (принц сделал внезапное движение рукой), and the jewel, describing an arc of light (и камень, описав дугу света), dived with a splash into the flowing river (нырнул с плеском в текущую реку).

“Amen,” said Florizel with gravity (аминь, – сказал Флоризель с важностью). “I have slain a cockatrice (я убил василиска)!”

“God pardon me!” cried the detective (Господи помилуй! – вскричал сыщик). “What have you done (что вы наделали)? I am a ruined man (я конченный человек).”

“I think,” returned the Prince with a smile (я думаю, – ответил принц с улыбкой), “that many well-to-do people in this city might envy you your ruin (что многие зажиточные люди в этом городе могут позавидовать вашему концу).”

“Alas! your Highness!” said the officer (увы! ваше высочество! – сказал офицер), “and you corrupt me after all (и вы все же подкупаете меня)?”

“It seems there was no help for it,” replied Florizel (кажется, не было другого выхода, – ответил Флоризель). “And now let us go forward to the Prefecture (а теперь давайте пойдем в префектуру).”

 The Prince made a sudden movement with his hand, and the jewel, describing an arc of light, dived with a splash into the flowing river.

“Amen,” said Florizel with gravity. “I have slain a cockatrice!”

“God pardon me!” cried the detective. “What have you done? I am a ruined man.”

“I think,” returned the Prince with a smile, “that many well-to-do people in this city might envy you your ruin.”

“Alas! your Highness!” said the officer, “and you corrupt me after all?”

“It seems there was no help for it,” replied Florizel. “And now let us go forward to the Prefecture.”

Not long after (вскоре после этого), the marriage of Francis Scrymgeour and Miss Vandeleur was celebrated in great privacy (в великой тайне сыграли свадьбу Фрэнсиса Скримджера и мисс Венделер); and the Prince acted on that occasion as groomsman (и принц был при этом случае шафером; groom – жених). The two Vandeleurs surprised some rumour of what had happened to the diamond (два Венделера = братья Венделеры прослышали сплетню о том, что случилось с алмазом); and their vast diving operations on the River Seine (и их большие водолазные работы на реке Сене) are the wonder and amusement of the idle (диво и развлечение для зевак). It is true that through some miscalculation (правда, по какой-то ошибке в расчетах) they have chosen the wrong branch of the river (они выбрали не тот рукав реки).

 Not long after, the marriage of Francis Scrymgeour and Miss Vandeleur was celebrated in great privacy; and the Prince acted on that occasion as groomsman. The two Vandeleurs surprised some rumour of what had happened to the diamond; and their vast diving operations on the River Seine are the wonder and amusement of the idle. It is true that through some miscalculation they have chosen the wrong branch of the river.

As for the Prince, that sublime person, having now served his turn (что до принца, то этот величественный человек, сослужив свою службу; sublime – высочайший, величайший; совершенный, безупречный; безукоризненный), may go topsy-turvy into space (может отправляться вверх тормашками /куда-нибудь/ в мировое пространство). But if the reader insists on more specific information (но если читатель настаивает на более конкретной информации), I am happy to say that a recent revolution hurled him from the throne of Bohemia (я счастлив сказать, что недавняя революция скинула его с богемского трона), in consequence of his continued absence and edifying neglect of public business (вследствие его постоянного отсутствия и поучительного пренебрежения государственными делами); and that his Highness now keeps a cigar store in Rupert Street (и что его высочество теперь держит табачную лавку на Руперт-стрит), much frequented by other foreign refugees (которую все время посещают другие иммигранты: «иностранные беженцы»). I go there from time to time to smoke and have a chat (я захожу туда время от времени, чтобы покурить и поболтать), and find him as great a creature as in the days of his prosperity (и нахожу его столь же блистательным человеком, что и в дни процветания); he has an Olympian air behind the counter (за прилавком у него вид олимпийца); and although a sedentary life is beginning to tell upon his waistcoat (и хотя сидячий образ жизни начинает сказываться на его сюртуке), he is probably, take him for all in all (он возможно, в конечном счете; all in all – в итоге; в общем и целом), the handsomest tobacconist in London (красивейший табачник в Лондоне).

 As for the Prince, that sublime person, having now served his turn, may go topsy-turvy into space. But if the reader insists on more specific information, I am happy to say that a recent revolution hurled him from the throne of Bohemia, in consequence of his continued absence and edifying neglect of public business; and that his Highness now keeps a cigar store in Rupert Street, much frequented by other foreign refugees. I go there from time to time to smoke and have a chat, and find him as great a creature as in the days of his prosperity; he has an Olympian air behind the counter; and although a sedentary life is beginning to tell upon his waistcoat, he is probably, take him for all in all, the handsomest tobacconist in London.

Назад: Story of the House with the Green Blinds (Повесть о доме с зелеными ставнями)
Дальше: Примечания