Книга: Английский с Р. Л. Стивенсоном. Алмаз раджи / R. L. Stevenson. The Rajah’s Diamond
Назад: Story of the Young Man in Holy Orders (Повесть о молодом человеке духовного звания)
Дальше: The Adventure of Prince Florizel and A Detective (Приключение принца Флоризеля с сыщиком)

Story of the House with the Green Blinds

(Повесть о доме с зелеными ставнями)

Francis Scrymgeour, a clerk in the Bank of Scotland at Edinburgh (Фрэнсис Скримджер, клерк Банка Шотландии в Эдинбурге), had attained the age of twenty-five in a sphere of quiet, creditable, and domestic life (достиг возраста двадцати пяти /лет/ в обстановке тихой, почтенной домашней жизни; sphere – сфера; поле деятельности). His mother died while he was young (его мать умерла, пока он был юн); but his father, a man of sense and probity, had given him an excellent education at school (но его отец, человек здравого смысла и неподкупной честности, дал ему отличное образование в школе; probity – честность; неподкупность), and brought him up at home to orderly and frugal habits (и воспитал его дома, /приучив/ к аккуратным и умеренным привычкам). Francis, who was of a docile and affectionate disposition (Фрэнсис, который имел прилежный и ласковый нрав), profited by these advantages with zeal (воспользовался этими преимуществами = возможностями с усердием), and devoted himself heart and soul to his employment (и посвятил себя «сердцем и душой» своей работе).

 Francis Scrymgeour, a clerk in the Bank of Scotland at Edinburgh, had attained the age of twenty-five in a sphere of quiet, creditable, and domestic life. His mother died while he was young; but his father, a man of sense and probity, had given him an excellent education at school, and brought him up at home to orderly and frugal habits. Francis, who was of a docile and affectionate disposition, profited by these advantages with zeal, and devoted himself heart and soul to his employment.

A walk upon Saturday afternoon (прогулка в субботний день), an occasional dinner with members of his family (порой – ужин с членами семьи; occasional – случайный, случающийся иногда), and a yearly tour of a fortnight in the Highlands or even on the continent of Europe, were his principal distractions (и ежегодная поездка на две недели в горы Шотландии или даже на европейский континент были его главными развлечениями; Highlands – Северное нагорье, Северо-шотландское нагорье /северо-запад Шотландии/), and, he grew rapidly in favour with his superiors (начальство к нему относилось все лучше: «он рос быстро в благоволении своих начальников»; to grow – расти), and enjoyed already a salary of nearly two hundred pounds a year (и уже имел жалованье в почти двести фунтов в год; to enjoy – любить, получать удовольствие; наслаждаться; пользоваться /правами и т. п./; владеть, иметь, обладать), with the prospect of an ultimate advance to almost double that amount (с перспективой на дальнейшее: «окончательное» продвижение к почти двойному /размеру/ этой суммы). Few young men were more contented (немногие молодые люди были более довольны /жизнью/), few more willing and laborious than Francis Scrymgeour (немногие – более старательными и трудолюбивыми, чем Фрэнсис Скримджер). Sometimes at night, when he had read the daily paper (иногда вечером, после того как он прочитывал дневную газету), he would play upon the flute to amuse his father (он игрывал на флейте, чтобы развлечь отца), for whose qualities he entertained a great respect (к чьим качествам он питал большое уважение).

 A walk upon Saturday afternoon, an occasional dinner with members of his family, and a yearly tour of a fortnight in the Highlands or even on the continent of Europe, were his principal distractions, and, he grew rapidly in favour with his superiors, and enjoyed already a salary of nearly two hundred pounds a year, with the prospect of an ultimate advance to almost double that amount. Few young men were more contented, few more willing and laborious than Francis Scrymgeour. Sometimes at night, when he had read the daily paper, he would play upon the flute to amuse his father, for whose qualities he entertained a great respect.

One day he received a note from a well-known firm of Writers to the Signet (однажды он получил записку от хорошо известной конторы присяжных стряпчих), requesting the favour of an immediate interview with him (испрашивающую = в которой его просили о любезности немедленной встречи с ним). The letter was marked “Private and Confidential” (письмо было помечено «личное и конфиденциальное»), and had been addressed to him at the bank, instead of at home (и было отправлено ему в банк, а не домой; instead of – вместо) – two unusual circumstances which made him obey the summons with the more alacrity (два необычных обстоятельства, которые заставили его прийти на зов с тем большей готовностью; to obey – подчиниться). The senior member of the firm, a man of much austerity of manner (старший член = глава фирмы, человек большой суровости в поведении), made him gravely welcome (оказал ему важный прием: «важно»), requested him to take a seat (попросил его сесть: «занять место»), and proceeded to explain the matter in hand (и начал разъяснять рассматриваемое дело; in hand – данный, рассматриваемый) in the picked expressions of a veteran man of business (в /осторожно/ выбранных выражениях маститого делового человека).

 One day he received a note from a well-known firm of Writers to the Signet, requesting the favour of an immediate interview with him. The letter was marked “Private and Confidential,” and had been addressed to him at the bank, instead of at home – two unusual circumstances which made him obey the summons with the more alacrity. The senior member of the firm, a man of much austerity of manner, made him gravely welcome, requested him to take a seat, and proceeded to explain the matter in hand in the picked expressions of a veteran man of business.

A person, who must remain nameless (человек, который должен остаться безымянным = чье имя должно остаться неизвестным), but of whom the lawyer had every reason to think well (но о ком стряпчий имел все причины думать хорошо; every – каждый) – a man, in short, of some station in the country (человек, коротко /говоря, занимающий/ определенное положение в стране) – desired to make Francis an annual allowance of five hundred pounds (пожелал давать Фрэнсису ежегодное довольствие в пятьсот фунтов; allowance – денежное пособие; денежное содержание). The capital was to be placed under the control of the lawyer’s firm (этот капитал должен быть «помещен» в ведение конторы стряпчего) and two trustees who must also remain anonymous (и двух доверенных лиц, которые должны также остаться анонимными). There were conditions annexed to this liberality (были некоторые условия, прилагающиеся к этой щедрости), but he was of opinion that his new client would find nothing either excessive or dishonourable in the terms (но он придерживался мнения, что его новый клиент не найдет ничего чрезмерного или недостойного в условиях); and he repeated these two words with emphasis (и он повторил эти два слова с ударением), as though he desired to commit himself to nothing more (как будто не хотел брать на себя какие-либо еще обязательства; to commit – вверять, поручать; to commit oneself – связывать себя обязательствами, словом). Francis asked their nature (Фрэнсис спросил об их сути: «природе»).

 A person, who must remain nameless, but of whom the lawyer had every reason to think well – a man, in short, of some station in the country – desired to make Francis an annual allowance of five hundred pounds. The capital was to be placed under the control of the lawyer’s firm and two trustees who must also remain anonymous. There were conditions annexed to this liberality, but he was of opinion that his new client would find nothing either excessive or dishonourable in the terms; and he repeated these two words with emphasis, as though he desired to commit himself to nothing more. Francis asked their nature.

“The conditions,” said the Writer to the Signet (условия, – сказал стряпчий), “are, as I have twice remarked, neither dishonourable nor excessive (не являются, как я отметил дважды, ни недостойными, ни чрезмерными). At the same time I cannot conceal from you that they are most unusual (в то же время я не могу скрыть от вас, что они весьма необычны). Indeed, the whole case is very much out of our way (в самом деле, все это дело очень необычно для нас: «очень вне нашего пути»); and I should certainly have refused it (и я бы точно отказался от него) had it not been for the reputation of the gentleman who entrusted it to my care (если бы не репутация джентльмена, который поручил его моей заботе), and, let me add, Mr. Scrymgeour, the interest I have been led to take in yourself by many complimentary and, I have no doubt, well-deserved reports (и, позвольте добавить, мистер Скримджер, участие в вашей судьбе, которое меня заставили принять многочисленные хвалебные и, я не сомневаюсь, заслуженные отзывы /о вас/; to lead – вести).”

Francis entreated him to be more specific (Фрэнсис упрашивал его быть более конкретным = говорить…).

“You cannot picture my uneasiness as to these conditions,” he said (вы не можете представить себе мою тревогу по поводу этих условий, – сказал он).

 “The conditions,” said the Writer to the Signet, “are, as I have twice remarked, neither dishonourable nor excessive. At the same time I cannot conceal from you that they are most unusual. Indeed, the whole case is very much out of our way; and I should certainly have refused it had it not been for the reputation of the gentleman who entrusted it to my care, and, let me add, Mr. Scrymgeour, the interest I have been led to take in yourself by many complimentary and, I have no doubt, well-deserved reports.”

Francis entreated him to be more specific.

“You cannot picture my uneasiness as to these conditions,” he said.

“They are two,” replied the lawyer, “only two (их [условий] два, – ответил стряпчий, – только два); and the sum, as you will remember, is five hundred a-year (а сумма, как вы помните, – пятьсот в год) – and unburdened, I forgot to add, unburdened (и без налогов, я забыл добавить, без налогов: «необремененные»; burden – бремя).”

And the lawyer raised his eyebrows at him with solemn gusto (и стряпчий поднял брови, /глядя/ на него с торжественным смаком = многозначительно; gusto – удовольствие, смак /с которым выполняется работа и т. п./; with gusto – с удовольствием).

“The first,” he resumed, “is of remarkable simplicity (первое /условие/, – продолжил он, – /отличается/ примечательной простотой). You must be in Paris by the afternoon of Sunday, the 15th (вы должны быть в Париже к послеполуденному времени в воскресенье, 15-го числа); there you will find, at the box-office of the Comédie Française, a ticket for admission (вы найдете входной билет в кассе Комеди Франсез; admission – вход, доступ) taken in your name and waiting you (взятый на ваше имя и ожидающий вас). You are requested to sit out the whole performance in the seat provided, and that is all (от вас требуется высидеть целый спектакль на предоставленном месте, и все).”

 “They are two,” replied the lawyer, “only two; and the sum, as you will remember, is five hundred a-year – and unburdened, I forgot to add, unburdened.”

And the lawyer raised his eyebrows at him with solemn gusto.

“The first,” he resumed, “is of remarkable simplicity. You must be in Paris by the afternoon of Sunday, the 15th; there you will find, at the box-office of the Comédie Française, a ticket for admission taken in your name and waiting you. You are requested to sit out the whole performance in the seat provided, and that is all.”

“I should certainly have preferred a week-day,” replied Francis (я бы, конечно, предпочел будний день, – ответил Фрэнсис). “But, after all, once in a way (но в конце концов, время от времени…) – ”

“And in Paris, my dear sir,” added the lawyer soothingly (еще и в Париже, мой любезный сэр, – прибавил стряпчий успокоительно; to soothe – успокаивать, утешать; умиротворять; унимать). “I believe I am something of a precisian myself (полагаю, я и сам пуританин = человек строгих правил), but upon such a consideration, and in Paris, I should not hesitate an instant (но при таком вознаграждении, и еще в Париже, я бы не колебался ни секунды).”

And the pair laughed pleasantly together (и они приятно посмеялись вместе; pair – пара).

 “I should certainly have preferred a week-day,” replied Francis. “But, after all, once in a way – “

“And in Paris, my dear sir,” added the lawyer soothingly. “I believe I am something of a precisian myself, but upon such a consideration, and in Paris, I should not hesitate an instant.”

And the pair laughed pleasantly together.

“The other is of more importance,” continued the Writer to the Signet (другое /условие имеет/ бóльшую важность, – продолжил стряпчий). “It regards your marriage (оно касается вашей женитьбы). My client, taking a deep interest in your welfare (мой клиент, принимающий глубокое участие в вашем благосостоянии), desires to advise you absolutely in the choice of a wife (желает советовать вам безусловно = иметь решающее слово в выборе жены). Absolutely, you understand,” he repeated (безусловно, вы понимаете? – повторил он).

“Let us be more explicit, if you please,” returned Francis (давайте будем более ясны = давайте проясним, с вашего позволения, – ответил Фрэнсис). “Am I to marry any one, maid or widow, black or white (должен ли я жениться на любой женщине – девушке или вдове, белой или черной), whom this invisible person chooses to propose (которую этот таинственный человек решит предложить /мне/; invisible – невидимый)?”

“I was to assure you (я должен был заверить вас) that suitability of age and position should be a principle with your benefactor,” replied the lawyer (что соответствие/пригодность возраста и положения должны быть /решающим/ принципом для вашего благодетеля, – ответил стряпчий). “As to race, I confess the difficulty had not occurred to me (что касается расы, признаюсь, это затруднение не пришло мне /в голову/), and I failed to inquire (и я не спросил; to fail – не исполнить, не сделать); but if you like I will make a note of it at once (но если вы хотите, я сделаю заметку об этом сразу), and advise you on the earliest opportunity (и уведомлю вас /об ответе/ при первой возможности).”

 “The other is of more importance,” continued the Writer to the Signet. “It regards your marriage. My client, taking a deep interest in your welfare, desires to advise you absolutely in the choice of a wife. Absolutely, you understand,” he repeated.

“Let us be more explicit, if you please,” returned Francis. “Am I to marry any one, maid or widow, black or white, whom this invisible person chooses to propose?”

“I was to assure you that suitability of age and position should be a principle with your benefactor,” replied the lawyer. “As to race, I confess the difficulty had not occurred to me, and I failed to inquire; but if you like I will make a note of it at once, and advise you on the earliest opportunity.”

“Sir,” said Francis, “it remains to be seen (сэр, – сказал Фрэнсис, – еще остается быть увиденным = узнать) whether this whole affair is not a most unworthy fraud (не является ли все это дело крайне недостойным мошенничеством). The circumstances are inexplicable (эти обстоятельства необъяснимы) – I had almost said incredible (я почти сказал – невероятны); and until I see a little more daylight, and some plausible motive (и пока я не увижу побольше дневного света = пока я не пойму больше и /не увижу/ какой-нибудь правдоподобный мотив), I confess I should be very sorry to put a hand to the transaction (мне было бы жаль = не хотелось бы соглашаться: «приложить руку к этому делу»). I appeal to you in this difficulty for information (я обращаюсь к вам в этом затруднительном положении за /какими-либо/ сведениями). I must learn what is at the bottom of it all (я должен узнать, что на дне всего этого = что стоит за всем этим). If you do not know, cannot guess, or are not at liberty to tell me (если вы не знаете, не можете догадаться или не вольны сказать мне; liberty – свобода), I shall take my hat and go back to my bank as came (я возьму шляпу и вернусь к себе в банк, как пришел).”

“I do not know,” answered the lawyer, “but I have an excellent guess (я не знаю, – ответил стряпчий, – но у меня есть превосходная догадка). Your father, and no one else, is at the root of this apparently unnatural business (ваш отец – и никто иной – находится у корня = у истоков этого несомненно странного дела; apparently – очевидно, несомненно).”

 “Sir,” said Francis, “it remains to be seen whether this whole affair is not a most unworthy fraud. The circumstances are inexplicable – I had almost said incredible; and until I see a little more daylight, and some plausible motive, I confess I should be very sorry to put a hand to the transaction. I appeal to you in this difficulty for information. I must learn what is at the bottom of it all. If you do not know, cannot guess, or are not at liberty to tell me, I shall take my hat and go back to my bank as came.”

“I do not know,” answered the lawyer, “but I have an excellent guess. Your father, and no one else, is at the root of this apparently unnatural business.”

“My father!” cried Francis, in extreme disdain (мой отец! – воскликнул Фрэнсис в крайнем негодовании). “Worthy man, I know every thought of his mind, every penny of his fortune (почтеннейший, я знаю каждую мысль его разума, каждый пенни его состояния)!”

“You misinterpret my words,” said the lawyer (вы неправильно толкуете мои слова, – сказал стряпчий). “I do not refer to Mr. Scrymgeour, senior (я не говорю о мистере Скримджере-старшем); for he is not your father (ибо он не ваш отец). When he and his wife came to Edinburgh, you were already nearly one year old (когда он и его жена приехали в Эдинбург, вам был уже почти год), and you had not yet been three months in their care (а вы и трех месяцев не были на их попечении). The secret has been well kept (эта тайна хорошо хранилась); but such is the fact (но такова действительность). Your father is unknown, and I say again (ваш отец неизвестен, и я скажу снова) that I believe him to be the original of the offers (что я думаю, что это он – источник предложения) I am charged at present to transmit to you (которое я обязан в настоящий момент передать вам).”

 “My father!” cried Francis, in extreme disdain. “Worthy man, I know every thought of his mind, every penny of his fortune!”

“You misinterpret my words,” said the lawyer. “I do not refer to Mr. Scrymgeour, senior; for he is not your father. When he and his wife came to Edinburgh, you were already nearly one year old, and you had not yet been three months in their care. The secret has been well kept; but such is the fact. Your father is unknown, and I say again that I believe him to be the original of the offers I am charged at present to transmit to you.”

It would be impossible to exaggerate the astonishment of Francis Scrymgeour at this unexpected information (было бы невозможно преувеличить изумление Фрэнсиса Скримджера от этих неожиданных сведений). He pled this confusion to the lawyer (он высказал это смущение стряпчему; to plead – выступать в суде с заявлением; отвечать на обвинение; обращаться к суду; обращаться с просьбой, ходатайствовать).

“Sir,” said he, “after a piece of news so startling (сэр, – сказал он, – после такой поразительной новости; piece – кусок; to startle – испугать; поразить, сильно удивить), you must grant me some hours for thought (вы должны дать мне несколько часов на размышление; to grant – дарить, жаловать, даровать; предоставлять). You shall know this evening what conclusion I have reached (вы узнаете сегодня вечером, к какому выводу я пришел).”

 It would be impossible to exaggerate the astonishment of Francis Scrymgeour at this unexpected information. He pled this confusion to the lawyer.

“Sir,” said he, “after a piece of news so startling, you must grant me some hours for thought. You shall know this evening what conclusion I have reached.”

The lawyer commended his prudence (стряпчий одобрил его осмотрительность); and Francis, excusing himself upon some pretext at the bank (и Фрэнсис, отпросившись под каким-то предлогом из банка), took a long walk into the country (отправился на долгую прогулку за город), and fully considered the different steps and aspects of the case (и всесторонне обдумал различные шаги = детали и аспекты этого дела). A pleasant sense of his own importance rendered him the more deliberate (приятное чувство собственной значимости делало его еще более осторожным): but the issue was from the first not doubtful (но исход был с самого начала несомненным = предрешенным).

 The lawyer commended his prudence; and Francis, excusing himself upon some pretext at the bank, took a long walk into the country, and fully considered the different steps and aspects of the case. A pleasant sense of his own importance rendered him the more deliberate: but the issue was from the first not doubtful.

His whole carnal man leaned irresistibly towards the five hundred a year (вся его плотская природа: «его целый плотский человек» склонялась непреодолимо к пяти сотням в год), and the strange conditions with which it was burdened (и странным условиям, которыми они были отягощены); he discovered in his heart an invincible repugnance to the name of Scrymgeour (он обнаружил в своем сердце непобедимое отвращение к имени Скримджер), which he had never hitherto disliked (которое он никогда раньше не ненавидел); he began to despise the narrow and unromantic interests of his former life (он начал презирать узкие и неромантичные интересы своей прошлой жизни); and when once his mind was fairly made up (и когда наконец его мысли вполне определились; to make up one’s mind – принять решение, определиться), he walked with a new feeling of strength and freedom (он зашагал с новым чувством силы и свободы), and nourished himself with the gayest anticipations (и кормил = тешил себя радостными предчувствиями).

 His whole carnal man leaned irresistibly towards the five hundred a year, and the strange conditions with which it was burdened; he discovered in his heart an invincible repugnance to the name of Scrymgeour, which he had never hitherto disliked; he began to despise the narrow and unromantic interests of his former life; and when once his mind was fairly made up, he walked with a new feeling of strength and freedom, and nourished himself with the gayest anticipations.

He said but a word to the lawyer (он сказал лишь одно слово стряпчему), and immediately received a cheque for two quarters’ arrears (и немедленно получил чек за долг за два квартала); for the allowance was ante-dated from the first of January (так как это содержание выплачивалось ему задним числом – с первого января; to ante-date – датировать задним числом). With this in his pocket, he walked home (с этим /чеком/ в кармане он пошел домой). The flat in Scotland Street looked mean in his eyes (квартира на Шотландской улице выглядела скудной в его глазах); his nostrils, for the first time, rebelled against the odour of broth (его ноздри впервые восстали против запаха бульона = запах впервые неприятно ударил в нос); and he observed little defects of manner in his adoptive father (и он заметил маленькие изъяны в манерах своего приемного отца; to adopt – усыновлять) which filled him with surprise and almost with disgust (которые наполнили его удивлением и почти что отвращением). The next day, he determined, should see him on his way to Paris (следующий день, решился он, увидит = застанет его на пути в Париж).

 He said but a word to the lawyer, and immediately received a cheque for two quarters’ arrears; for the allowance was ante-dated from the first of January. With this in his pocket, he walked home. The flat in Scotland Street looked mean in his eyes; his nostrils, for the first time, rebelled against the odour of broth; and he observed little defects of manner in his adoptive father which filled him with surprise and almost with disgust. The next day, he determined, should see him on his way to Paris.

In that city, where he arrived long before the appointed date (в этом городе, куда он прибыл задолго до назначенной даты), he put up at a modest hotel frequented by English and Italians (он остановился в скромной гостинице, посещаемой англичанами и итальянцами), and devoted himself to improvement in the French tongue (и посвятил себя улучшению /знания/ французского языка; to improve – улучшать); for this purpose he had a master twice a week (ради этой цели он занимался с учителем дважды в неделю), entered into conversation with loiterers in the Champs Elysees (вступал в разговоры с гуляющими по Елисейским полям; to loiter – слоняться без дела; околачиваться), and nightly frequented the theatre (и каждый вечер посещал театр). He had his whole toilette fashionably renewed (он по моде обновил весь свой гардероб: «имел его обновленным»); and was shaved and had his hair dressed every morning by a barber in a neighbouring street (и его брил и причесывал каждое утро парикмахер на соседней улице). This gave him something of a foreign air (это придало ему несколько иностранный вид), and seemed to wipe off the reproach of his past years (и, казалось, смыло стыд = убогость прошедших лет; to wipe off – стереть).

 In that city, where he arrived long before the appointed date, he put up at a modest hotel frequented by English and Italians, and devoted himself to improvement in the French tongue; for this purpose he had a master twice a week, entered into conversation with loiterers in the Champs Elysees, and nightly frequented the theatre. He had his whole toilette fashionably renewed; and was shaved and had his hair dressed every morning by a barber in a neighbouring street. This gave him something of a foreign air, and seemed to wipe off the reproach of his past years.

At length, on the Saturday afternoon, he betook himself to the box-office of the theatre in the Rue Richelieu (наконец, днем в воскресенье он отправился в кассу театра на улице Ришелье; to betake – удаляться, отправляться). No sooner had he mentioned his name (едва он назвал свое имя: «не скорее он сделал это, [чем…]») than the clerk produced the order in an envelope (как кассир вручил ему заказ = билет в конверте) of which the address was scarcely dry (на котором надпись: «адрес» была едва сухой = не успела просохнуть).

“It has been taken this moment,” said the clerk (его купили: «взяли» прямо сейчас, – сказал кассир).

“Indeed!” said Francis (в самом деле! – сказал Фрэнсис). “May I ask what the gentleman was like (могу я спросить, как выглядел этот джентльмен)?”

“Your friend is easy to describe,” replied the official (вашего друга легко описать, – ответил чиновник = кассир). “He is old and strong and beautiful (он пожилой, сильный и красивый), with white hair and a sabre-cut across his face (с белоснежными волосами и сабельным шрамом поперек лица). You cannot fail to recognise so marked a person (нельзя не узнать такого примечательного человека; to fail – не исполнить, не сделать).”

“No, indeed,” returned Francis (нельзя, в самом деле, – ответил Фрэнсис); “and I thank you for your politeness (и я благодарю вас за вашу любезность; polite – вежливый).”

“He cannot yet be far distant,” added the clerk (он не может еще быть далеко = не мог уйти далеко, – прибавил кассир). “If you make haste you might still overtake him (если вы поспешите, вы еще можете нагнать его).”

 At length, on the Saturday afternoon, he betook himself to the box-office of the theatre in the Rue Richelieu. No sooner had he mentioned his name than the clerk produced the order in an envelope of which the address was scarcely dry.

“It has been taken this moment,” said the clerk.

“Indeed!” said Francis. “May I ask what the gentleman was like?”

“Your friend is easy to describe,” replied the official. “He is old and strong and beautiful, with white hair and a sabre-cut across his face. You cannot fail to recognise so marked a person.”

“No, indeed,” returned Francis; “and I thank you for your politeness.”

“He cannot yet be far distant,” added the clerk. “If you make haste you might still overtake him.”

Francis did not wait to be twice told (Фрэнсис не ждал, чтобы ему сказали дважды; to tell – сказать; twice – дважды); he ran precipitately from the theatre into the middle of the street (он стремительно ринулся из театра на середину улицы) and looked in all directions (и смотрел во все стороны). More than one white-haired man was within sight (более чем один седоволосый человек был в поле зрения); but though he overtook each of them in succession (но хотя он обогнал каждого из них по очереди), all wanted the sabre-cut (всем не хватало сабельного шрама; to want – не иметь, испытывать недостаток).

 Francis did not wait to be twice told; he ran precipitately from the theatre into the middle of the street and looked in all directions. More than one white-haired man was within sight; but though he overtook each of them in succession, all wanted the sabre-cut.

For nearly half-an-hour he tried one street after another in the neighbourhood (почти полчаса он пробовал одну улицу за другой в округе), until at length, recognising the folly of continued search (пока, наконец, осознав безумие дальнейшего поиска; continued – продолженный), he started on a walk to compose his agitated feelings (он перешел на шаг, чтобы успокоить свои взбудораженные чувства; to agitate – волновать; возбуждать); for this proximity of an encounter with him (ибо эта близость встречи с тем) to whom he could not doubt he owed the day (кому, он не мог сомневаться, он был обязан своей жизнью: «днем») had profoundly moved the young man (глубоко тронула молодого человека).

 For nearly half-an-hour he tried one street after another in the neighbourhood, until at length, recognising the folly of continued search, he started on a walk to compose his agitated feelings; for this proximity of an encounter with him to whom he could not doubt he owed the day had profoundly moved the young man.

It chanced that his way lay up the Rue Drouot (так случилось, что его путь лежал по улице Друо) and thence up the Rue des Martyrs (а оттуда – по улице Великомучеников); and chance, in this case, served him better (и случай, в этот раз, услужил ему лучше) than all the forethought in the world (чем вся предусмотрительность на свете). For on the outer boulevard (ибо на внешней /стороне/ бульвара) he saw two men in earnest colloquy upon a seat (он увидел двух человек, /погруженных/ в серьезную беседу на скамейке). One was dark, young, and handsome (один был темноволосый, молодой и красивый), secularly dressed, but with an indelible clerical stamp (одетый по-светски, но с нестираемым церковным отпечатком); the other answered in every particular to the description given him by the clerk (другой отвечал в каждой детали описанию, данному ему кассиром). Francis felt his heart beat high in his bosom (Фрэнсис почувствовал, как его сердце бьется высоко в его груди); he knew he was now about to hear the voice of his father (он знал, что скоро услышит голос отца); and making a wide circuit (и, сделав широкий круг = обойдя кругом), he noiselessly took his place behind the couple in question (он бесшумно занял место позади этой пары = этих двоих; noise – шум), who were too much interested in their talk (которые были слишком сильно увлечены беседой) to observe much else (чтобы замечать что-либо еще).

 It chanced that his way lay up the Rue Drouot and thence up the Rue des Martyrs; and chance, in this case, served him better than all the forethought in the world. For on the outer boulevard he saw two men in earnest colloquy upon a seat. One was dark, young, and handsome, secularly dressed, but with an indelible clerical stamp; the other answered in every particular to the description given him by the clerk. Francis felt his heart beat high in his bosom; he knew he was now about to hear the voice of his father; and making a wide circuit, he noiselessly took his place behind the couple in question, who were too much interested in their talk to observe much else.

As Francis had expected (как Фрэнсис и ожидал), the conversation was conducted in the English language (разговор велся на английском языке).

“Your suspicions begin to annoy me, Rolles,” said the older man (ваши подозрения начинают сердить меня, Роулз, – сказал старший человек; to annoy – досаждать, надоедать, раздражать). “I tell you I am doing my utmost (говорю вам, я делаю все возможное; utmost – крайний, предельный; величайший; самое большое, все возможное); a man cannot lay his hand on millions in a moment (человек не может заполучить миллионы в одну секунду: «положить руку на…»). Have I not taken you up, a mere stranger (разве я не принял вас в долю, какого-то незнакомца), out of pure good-will (из чистой доброй воли)? Are you not living largely on my bounty (не живете ли вы в основном на мои щедроты; bounty – щедрость; щедрый подарок)?”

“On your advances, Mr. Vandeleur,” corrected the other (на ваши авансы, мистер Венделер, – поправил /его/ тот).

“Advances, if you choose (на авансы, если вам так нравится; to choose – выбирать); and interest instead of goodwill, if you prefer it,” returned Vandeleur angrily (и корысть вместо доброй воли, если вы так предпочитаете, – ответил Венделер сердито; anger – гнев; раздражение). “I am not here to pick expressions (я здесь не для того, чтобы выбирать выражения). Business is business (дело есть дело); and your business, let me remind you, is too muddy for such airs (а ваше дело, позвольте мне напомнить вам, слишком грязно для такого гонора; mud – грязь, слякоть). Trust me, or leave me alone and find some one else (доверьтесь мне или оставьте меня в покое и найдите кого-нибудь еще); but let us have an end, for God’s sake (но давайте, ради Бога, положим конец), of your jeremiads (вашим иеремиадам).”

 As Francis had expected, the conversation was conducted in the English language.

“Your suspicions begin to annoy me, Rolles,” said the older man. “I tell you I am doing my utmost; a man cannot lay his hand on millions in a moment. Have I not taken you up, a mere stranger, out of pure good-will? Are you not living largely on my bounty?”

“On your advances, Mr. Vandeleur,” corrected the other.

“Advances, if you choose; and interest instead of goodwill, if you prefer it,” returned Vandeleur angrily. “I am not here to pick expressions. Business is business; and your business, let me remind you, is too muddy for such airs. Trust me, or leave me alone and find some one else; but let us have an end, for God’s sake, of your jeremiads.”

“I am beginning to learn the world,” replied the other (я начинаю познавать мир, – ответил тот), “and I see that you have every reason to play me false (и я вижу, что у вас есть все причины играть со мной грязно; false – неверный; фальшивый; обманным путем; коварно: his friends played him false – его друзья обманули/предали его), and not one to deal honestly (и ни одной – делать дело честно). I am not here to pick expressions either (я здесь тоже не для того, чтобы выбирать выражения; either – зд.: тоже в отриц. предложениях); you wish the diamond for yourself (вы хотите /забрать/ алмаз себе); you know you do (вы знаете, что это так) – you dare not deny it (вы не осмеливаетесь отрицать это). Have you not already forged my name (разве вы уже не подделали мою подпись), and searched my lodging in my absence (и не обыскали мою комнату в мое отсутствие)? I understand the cause of your delays (я понимаю причину ваших задержек); you are lying in wait (вы выжидаете: «лежите в ожидании»); you are the diamond hunter, forsooth (вы поистине охотник за бриллиантами); and sooner or later, by fair means or foul (и рано или поздно, честными средствами или грязными), you’ll lay your hands upon it (вы наложите на него лапу). I tell you, it must stop (говорю вам, это должно прекратиться); push me much further (толкните меня сильно дальше = доведете меня до крайности) and I promise you a surprise (и я обещаю вам сюрприз).”

 “I am beginning to learn the world,” replied the other, “and I see that you have every reason to play me false, and not one to deal honestly. I am not here to pick expressions either; you wish the diamond for yourself; you know you do – you dare not deny it. Have you not already forged my name, and searched my lodging in my absence? I understand the cause of your delays; you are lying in wait; you are the diamond hunter, forsooth; and sooner or later, by fair means or foul, you’ll lay your hands upon it. I tell you, it must stop; push me much further and I promise you a surprise.”

“It does not become you to use threats,” returned Vandeleur (вам не пристало применять угрозы, – возразил Венделер). “Two can play at that (двое могут играть в эту /игру/ = мы оба можем). My brother is here in Paris (мой брат здесь, в Париже); the police are on the alert (полиция наготове; alert – тревога, сигнал тревоги; состояние готовности); and if you persist in wearying me with your caterwauling (и если вы продолжите изводить меня своим мяуканьем; to caterwaul – громко мяукать, кричать /о дерущихся котах/), I will arrange a little astonishment for you, Mr. Rolles (я устрою маленький сюрприз вам, мистер Роулз; astonishment – сильное удивление; to astonish – изумлять, поражать). But mine shall be once and for all (но мой /сюрприз/ будет раз и навсегда = смертельным). Do you understand, or would you prefer me to tell it you in Hebrew (вы понимаете или вы предпочли бы, чтобы я сказал это вам на древнееврейском)? There is an end to all things (есть конец всему), and you have come to the end of my patience (и вы дошли до конца моего терпения). Tuesday, at seven (во вторник в семь); not a day, not an hour sooner (ни днем, ни часом раньше), not the least part of a second (ни мельчайшей долей секунды), if it were to save your life (ни при каких обстоятельствах: «даже чтобы спасти вашу жизнь»). And if you do not choose to wait (а если вы не хотите ждать), you may go to the bottomless pit for me (то по мне так можете проваливать ко всем чертям: «в бездонную яму»), and welcome (и скатертью дорога: «милости просим»).”

 “It does not become you to use threats,” returned Vandeleur. “Two can play at that. My brother is here in Paris; the police are on the alert; and if you persist in wearying me with your caterwauling, I will arrange a little astonishment for you, Mr. Rolles. But mine shall be once and for all. Do you understand, or would you prefer me to tell it you in Hebrew? There is an end to all things, and you have come to the end of my patience. Tuesday, at seven; not a day, not an hour sooner, not the least part of a second, if it were to save your life. And if you do not choose to wait, you may go to the bottomless pit for me, and welcome.”

And so saying, the Dictator arose from the bench (и сказав так, диктатор встал со скамейки; to arise – подниматься), and marched off in the direction of Montmartre (и ушел в направлении Монмартра), shaking his head and swinging his cane with a most furious air (покачивая головой и размахивая тростью с самым яростным видом); while his companion remained where he was (в то время как его товарищ остался, где был), in an attitude of great dejection (с видом глубокой подавленности).

 And so saying, the Dictator arose from the bench, and marched off in the direction of Montmartre, shaking his head and swinging his cane with a most furious air; while his companion remained where he was, in an attitude of great dejection.

Francis was at the pitch of surprise and horror (Фрэнсис был на пике изумления и ужаса); his sentiments had been shocked to the last degree (его чувства были потрясены до крайности: «до последней степени»); the hopeful tenderness with which he had taken his place upon the bench (исполненная надежды нежность, с которой он занимал свое место на скамье) was transformed into repulsion and despair (преобразилась в отвращение и отчаяние); old Mr. Scrymgeour, he reflected, was a far more kindly and creditable parent (старый мистер Скримджер, – размышлял он, – был гораздо более добрым и заслуживающим доверия родителем) than this dangerous and violent intriguer (чем этот опасный и жестокий интриган); but he retained his presence of mind (но он сохранил присутствие духа), and suffered not a moment to elapse before he was on the trail of the Dictator (и не позволил ни секунде ускользнуть, прежде чем он устремился вслед за диктатором; trail – след).

 Francis was at the pitch of surprise and horror; his sentiments had been shocked to the last degree; the hopeful tenderness with which he had taken his place upon the bench was transformed into repulsion and despair; old Mr. Scrymgeour, he reflected, was a far more kindly and creditable parent than this dangerous and violent intriguer; but he retained his presence of mind, and suffered not a moment to elapse before he was on the trail of the Dictator.

That gentleman’s fury carried him forward at a brisk pace (ярость этого джентльмена несла его вперед быстрым шагом; brisk – живой, оживленный; проворный), and he was so completely occupied in his angry thoughts (и он был так всецело занят своими сердитыми мыслями) that he never so much as cast a look behind him (что он ни разу даже не взглянул назад; to cast a look – досл. бросить взгляд) till he reached his own door (пока не добрался до своей двери).

His house stood high up in the Rue Lepic (его дом стоял высоко на улице Лепик = на холме), commanding a view of all Paris (имея в своем распоряжении = откуда открывался вид на весь Париж) and enjoying the pure air of the heights (и /где был/ чистый воздух вершин; to enjoy – наслаждаться; иметь в распоряжении). It was two storeys high (он был высотой в два этажа), with green blinds and shutters (с зелеными жалюзи и ставнями); and all the windows looking on the street were hermetically closed (и все окна, выходящие: «смотрящие» на улицу, были наглухо закрыты). Tops of trees showed over the high garden wall (верхушки деревьев виднелись над высокой садовой оградой), and the wall was protected by chevaux-de-frise (а сама стена была защищена гвоздями и битым стеклом). The Dictator paused a moment while he searched his pocket for a key (диктатор помедлил секунду, пока шарил в кармане в поисках ключа); and then, opening a gate, disappeared within the enclosure (и затем, открыв калитку, исчез за оградой).

 That gentleman’s fury carried him forward at a brisk pace, and he was so completely occupied in his angry thoughts that he never so much as cast a look behind him till he reached his own door.

His house stood high up in the Rue Lepic, commanding a view of all Paris and enjoying the pure air of the heights. It was two storeys high, with green blinds and shutters; and all the windows looking on the street were hermetically closed. Tops of trees showed over the high garden wall, and the wall was protected by chevaux-de-frise. The Dictator paused a moment while he searched his pocket for a key; and then, opening a gate, disappeared within the enclosure.

Francis looked about him (Фрэнсис огляделся); the neighbourhood was very lonely (район был очень безлюдный; neighbourhood – соседство; область, окрестности, округа, район; neighbour – сосед), the house isolated in its garden (дом – уединенный в своем саду). It seemed as if his observation must here come to an abrupt end (казалось, что его наблюдения должны здесь оборваться: «прийти к резкому концу»). A second glance, however, showed him a tall house next door (второй взгляд, однако, показал ему высокий дом по соседству) presenting a gable to the garden (стоявший фронтоном к саду: «обращавший фронтон…»; gable – фронтон, щипец), and in this gable a single window (и в этом фронтоне – единственное окно). He passed to the front and saw a ticket (он подошел к фасаду и увидел билетик = бумажку) offering unfurnished lodgings by the month (предлагающую жилье без мебели помесячно); and, on inquiry, the room which commanded the Dictator’s garden (и, по вопросу = когда он спросил, комната, которая выходила на сад диктатора) proved to be one of those to let (оказалась одной из тех, которые /должны были/ сдавать). Francis did not hesitate a moment (Фрэнсис не колебался ни секунды); he took the room, paid an advance upon the rent (он занял комнату, уплатил задаток; rent – плата за квартиру), and returned to his hotel to seek his baggage (и вернулся в отель за багажом; to seek – искать).

 Francis looked about him; the neighbourhood was very lonely, the house isolated in its garden. It seemed as if his observation must here come to an abrupt end. A second glance, however, showed him a tall house next door presenting a gable to the garden, and in this gable a single window. He passed to the front and saw a ticket offering unfurnished lodgings by the month; and, on inquiry, the room which commanded the Dictator’s garden proved to be one of those to let. Francis did not hesitate a moment; he took the room, paid an advance upon the rent, and returned to his hotel to seek his baggage.

The old man with the sabre-cut might or might not be his father (старый человек с сабельным шрамом мог быть или не быть его отцом); he might or he might not be upon the true scent (он /сам/ мог идти по верному или неверному следу: «запаху»); but he was certainly on the edge of an exciting mystery (но он точно был на грани = в преддверии какой-то волнующей тайны), and he promised himself that he would not relax his observation (и он обещал себе, что не ослабит наблюдение) until he had got to the bottom of the secret (пока не доберется до самого дна = сущности этой тайны).

From the window of his new apartment (из окна своей новой квартиры) Francis Scrymgeour commanded a complete view into the garden of the house with the green blinds (Фрэнсис Скримджер имел полный вид в сад дома с зелеными жалюзи).

 The old man with the sabre-cut might or might not be his father; he might or he might not be upon the true scent; but he was certainly on the edge of an exciting mystery, and he promised himself that he would not relax his observation until he had got to the bottom of the secret.

From the window of his new apartment Francis Scrymgeour commanded a complete view into the garden of the house with the green blinds.

Immediately below him a very comely chestnut with wide boughs (прямо под ним очень красивый каштан с толстыми ветвями; immediately – непосредственно) sheltered a pair of rustic tables (укрывал пару простых столов) where people might dine in the height of summer (где люди могли обедать в разгар лета; height – высота; верхушка, вершина; высшая точка /чего-либо/). On all sides save one a dense vegetation concealed the soil (со всех сторон, кроме одной, густая зелень скрывала землю; soil – грунт, земля, почва); but there, between the tables and the house (но там, между столами и домом), he saw a patch of gravel walk leading from the verandah to the garden-gate (он видел отрезок гравиевой дорожки, ведущей от веранды к садовой калитке).

 Immediately below him a very comely chestnut with wide boughs sheltered a pair of rustic tables where people might dine in the height of summer. On all sides save one a dense vegetation concealed the soil; but there, between the tables and the house, he saw a patch of gravel walk leading from the verandah to the garden-gate.

Studying the place from between the boards of the Venetian shutters (рассматривая это место = сад через планки венецианских ставней), which he durst not open for fear of attracting attention (которые он не смел открывать из страха привлечь внимание; to dare – осмелиться), Francis observed but little to indicate the manners of the inhabitants (Фрэнсис наблюдал лишь немногое, /что бы могло/ указать на привычки жильцов), and that little argued no more than a close reserve (и то немногое свидетельствовало ни о чем большем, чем о замкнутой сдержанности) and a taste for solitude (и о вкусе к уединению). The garden was conventual (сад был /словно/ монастырский), the house had the air of a prison (у дома был вид тюрьмы). The green blinds were all drawn down upon the outside (зеленые жалюзи были все опущены: «натянуты вниз снаружи»); the door into the verandah was closed (дверь на веранду была закрыта); the garden, as far as he could see it (сад, насколько он мог его видеть), was left entirely to itself in the evening sunshine (был совершенно предоставлен сам себе в вечернем солнце; to leave – оставлять). A modest curl of smoke from a single chimney (скромный завиток дыма из единственной трубы) alone testified to the presence of living people (один говорил о присутствии живых людей).

 Studying the place from between the boards of the Venetian shutters, which he durst not open for fear of attracting attention, Francis observed but little to indicate the manners of the inhabitants, and that little argued no more than a close reserve and a taste for solitude. The garden was conventual, the house had the air of a prison. The green blinds were all drawn down upon the outside; the door into the verandah was closed; the garden, as far as he could see it, was left entirely to itself in the evening sunshine. A modest curl of smoke from a single chimney alone testified to the presence of living people.

In order that he might not be entirely idle (чтобы не быть совершенно праздным; in order – с тем чтобы), and to give a certain colour to his way of life (и чтобы придать некоторую краску своему образу жизни = скрасить свой образ жизни), Francis had purchased Euclid’s Geometry in French (Фрэнсис приобрел Евклидову «Геометрию» на французском), which he set himself to copy and translate (которую он положил себе переписать и перевести) on the top of his portmanteau and seated on the floor against the wall (верхом на чемодане, сидя на полу, прислонившись к стене: «против стены»); for he was equally without chair or table (так как у него не было ни стула, ни стола; equally – равно). From time to time he would rise and cast a glance into the enclosure of the house with the green blinds (время от времени он вставал и бросал взгляд на ограду дома с зелеными жалюзи); but the windows remained obstinately closed and the garden empty (но окна оставались неизменно закрытыми, а сад – пустым; obstinate – упрямый).

 In order that he might not be entirely idle, and to give a certain colour to his way of life, Francis had purchased Euclid’s Geometry in French, which he set himself to copy and translate on the top of his portmanteau and seated on the floor against the wall; for he was equally without chair or table. From time to time he would rise and cast a glance into the enclosure of the house with the green blinds; but the windows remained obstinately closed and the garden empty.

Only late in the evening did anything occur to reward his continued attention (лишь поздно вечером случилось что-то, что вознаградило его постоянное внимание). Between nine and ten the sharp tinkle of a bell aroused him from a fit of dozing (между девятью и десятью резкое звяканье колокольчика пробудило его от дремы); and he sprang to his observatory (и он кинулся на свой наблюдательный пункт; to spring – прыгать; бросаться) in time to hear an important noise of locks being opened and bars removed (как раз вовремя, чтобы услышать внушительный скрежет отпираемых замков и убираемых засовов; important – важный, значительный, существенный), and to see Mr. Vandeleur, carrying a lantern (и увидеть, как мистер Венделер, несущий фонарь) and clothed in a flowing robe of black velvet with a skull-cap to match (и одетый в мягкий халат из черного бархата и такую же шапочку; to match – подходить, соответствовать), issue from under the verandah (выходит из-под /крыши/ веранды) and proceed leisurely towards the garden gate (и шагает неспешно к садовой калитке). The sound of bolts and bars was then repeated (скрип задвижек и засовов затем повторился); and a moment after Francis perceived the Dictator escorting into the house (и секунду спустя Фрэнсис увидел диктатора, ведущего в дом), in the mobile light of the lantern (в неверном свете фонаря), an individual of the lowest and most despicable appearance (человека самого низкого и жалкого вида; low – низкий; низкого происхождения, сословия; despicable – презренный, жалкий).

 Only late in the evening did anything occur to reward his continued attention. Between nine and ten the sharp tinkle of a bell aroused him from a fit of dozing; and he sprang to his observatory in time to hear an important noise of locks being opened and bars removed, and to see Mr. Vandeleur, carrying a lantern and clothed in a flowing robe of black velvet with a skull-cap to match, issue from under the verandah and proceed leisurely towards the garden gate. The sound of bolts and bars was then repeated; and a moment after Francis perceived the Dictator escorting into the house, in the mobile light of the lantern, an individual of the lowest and most despicable appearance.

Half-an-hour afterwards the visitor was reconducted to the street (полчаса спустя посетитель был выпровожен на улицу); and Mr. Vandeleur, setting his light upon one of the rustic tables (а мистер Венделер, поставив фонарь на один из садовых столов; rustic – деревенский, сельский; грубый, грубо сработанный: rustic furniture – грубая деревянная мебель), finished a cigar with great deliberation under the foliage of the chestnut (докурил: «закончил» сигару с большой неторопливостью под листвой каштана). Francis, peering through a clear space among the leaves (Фрэнсис, всматривавшийся в просвет среди листвы; to peer – вглядываться, вперять взгляд), was able to follow his gestures as he threw away the ash (мог следить за его жестами, когда он стряхивал пепел; able – способный; to throw – бросать) or enjoyed a copious inhalation (или наслаждался сильной затяжкой); and beheld a cloud upon the old man’s brow (и видел мрачность: «тучу» на лице старика; to behold – созерцать) and a forcible action of the lips (и сильные движения губ; forcible – насильственный, принудительный), which testified to some deep and probably painful train of thought (что свидетельствовало о напряженном и, возможно, тягостном ходе мыслей; deep – глубокий). The cigar was already almost at an end (сигара была уже почти докурена: «у конца»), when the voice of a young girl was heard suddenly (когда внезапно послышался голос юной девушки) crying the hour from the interior of the house (сообщающей /который/ час изнутри дома).

 Half-an-hour afterwards the visitor was reconducted to the street; and Mr. Vandeleur, setting his light upon one of the rustic tables, finished a cigar with great deliberation under the foliage of the chestnut. Francis, peering through a clear space among the leaves, was able to follow his gestures as he threw away the ash or enjoyed a copious inhalation; and beheld a cloud upon the old man’s brow and a forcible action of the lips, which testified to some deep and probably painful train of thought. The cigar was already almost at an end, when the voice of a young girl was heard suddenly crying the hour from the interior of the house.

“In a moment,” replied John Vandeleur (секунду, – ответил Джон Венделер).

And, with that, he threw away the stump (и с этими /словами/ он отшвырнул окурок) and, taking up the lantern, sailed away under the verandah for the night (и, подхватив фонарь, уплыл = проследовал под /крышу/ веранды на ночь). As soon as the door was closed (как только дверь закрылась), absolute darkness fell upon the house (полная темнота охватила дом; to fall – падать); Francis might try his eyesight as much as he pleased (Фрэнсис мог напрягать свое зрение сколько хотел), he could not detect so much as a single chink of light below a blind (он не мог различить ни единого проблеска света за жалюзи); and he concluded, with great good sense (и он здраво заключил: «с хорошим здравым смыслом»), that the bed-chambers were all upon the other side (что все спальни находились на другой стороне).

 “In a moment,” replied John Vandeleur.

And, with that, he threw away the stump and, taking up the lantern, sailed away under the verandah for the night. As soon as the door was closed, absolute darkness fell upon the house; Francis might try his eyesight as much as he pleased, he could not detect so much as a single chink of light below a blind; and he concluded, with great good sense, that the bed-chambers were all upon the other side.

Early the next morning (рано утром) (for he was early awake after an uncomfortable night upon the floor (так как он рано проснулся после неудобной ночи на полу)), he saw cause to adopt a different explanation (он увидел причину принять = дать /этому/ другое объяснение). The blinds rose, one after another (жалюзи поднялись одно за другим), by means of a spring in the interior (посредством пружины внутри), and disclosed steel shutters such as we see on the front of shops (и открыли стальные ставни, какие мы видим на витринах магазинов); these in their turn were rolled up by a similar contrivance (они, в свою очередь, были подняты схожим механизмом; contrivance – изобретение; выдумка, затея; хитроумный план; to contrive – придумывать, изобретать; разрабатывать); and for the space of about an hour (и в течение примерно часа), the chambers were left open to the morning air (комнаты оставались открытыми утреннему воздуху). At the end of that time Mr. Vandeleur, with his own hand, once more closed the shutters (по истечении этого времени мистер Венделер собственноручно снова закрыл ставни) and replaced the blinds from within (и вернул на место жалюзи изнутри).

 Early the next morning (for he was early awake after an uncomfortable night upon the floor), he saw cause to adopt a different explanation. The blinds rose, one after another, by means of a spring in the interior, and disclosed steel shutters such as we see on the front of shops; these in their turn were rolled up by a similar contrivance; and for the space of about an hour, the chambers were left open to the morning air. At the end of that time Mr. Vandeleur, with his own hand, once more closed the shutters and replaced the blinds from within.

While Francis was still marvelling at these precautions (пока Фрэнсис еще дивился этим предосторожностям), the door opened and a young girl came forth (дверь открылась, и вышла юная девушка) to look about her in the garden (чтобы оглядеться = побыть в саду). It was not two minutes before she re-entered the house (не прошло и двух минут, прежде чем она снова вошла в дом), but even in that short time he saw enough to convince him (но даже за это короткое время он увидел достаточно, чтобы /это могло/ убедить его) that she possessed the most unusual attractions (что она обладала весьма необычайной привлекательностью). His curiosity was not only highly excited by this incident (не только его любопытство было сильнейшим образом возбуждено этим происшествием), but his spirits were improved to a still more notable degree (но и его настроение улучшилось в еще бóльшей степени; notable – значительный).

 While Francis was still marvelling at these precautions, the door opened and a young girl came forth to look about her in the garden. It was not two minutes before she re-entered the house, but even in that short time he saw enough to convince him that she possessed the most unusual attractions. His curiosity was not only highly excited by this incident, but his spirits were improved to a still more notable degree.

The alarming manners and more than equivocal life of his father (тревожные = странные привычки и более чем двусмысленная жизнь его отца) ceased from that moment to prey upon his mind (перестала с этого момента терзать его мысли); from that moment he embraced his new family with ardour (с этого момента он прижал к груди = полюбил свою новую семью с пылкостью); and whether the young lady should prove his sister or his wife (и окажется ли эта молодая дама его сестрой или женой), he felt convinced she was an angel in disguise (он чувствовал себя убежденным, что она – переодетый ангел; disguise – маскировка; переодевание). So much was this the case (настолько это было так: «случаем») that he was seized with a sudden horror (что он был охвачен внезапным ужасом) when he reflected how little he really knew (когда он подумал, как мало он на самом деле знает), and how possible it was that he had followed the wrong person (и как возможно, что он последовал не за тем человеком) when he followed Mr. Vandeleur (когда он последовал за мистером Венделером).

 The alarming manners and more than equivocal life of his father ceased from that moment to prey upon his mind; from that moment he embraced his new family with ardour; and whether the young lady should prove his sister or his wife, he felt convinced she was an angel in disguise. So much was this the case that he was seized with a sudden horror when he reflected how little he really knew, and how possible it was that he had followed the wrong person when he followed Mr. Vandeleur.

The porter, whom he consulted, could afford him little information (привратник, к которому он обратился, мог дать ему мало сведений); but, such as it was, it had a mysterious and questionable sound (но какими бы /скудными/ они ни были, звучало это все таинственно и сомнительно: «это имело таинственный… звук»). The person next door was an English gentleman of extraordinary wealth (человек, /живший/ по соседству, был английским джентльменом необычайного богатства), and proportionately eccentric in his tastes and habits (и столь же: «пропорционально /этому/» эксцентричным в своих вкусах и привычках; proportionate – соразмерный, пропорциональный). He possessed great collections, which he kept in the house beside him (он владел огромными коллекциями, которые он хранил в доме, подле себя); and it was to protect these that he had fitted the place with steel shutters (и это чтобы защитить их, он оснастил дом стальными ставнями), elaborate fastenings, and chevaux-de-frise along the garden wall (хитроумными засовами и битым стеклом с гвоздями на садовой ограде). He lived much alone (он жил весьма уединенно), in spite of some strange visitors (несмотря на некоторых странных посетителей) with whom, it seemed, he had business to transact (с которыми, казалось, у него водились дела; to transact – вести дела); and there was no one else in the house, except Mademoiselle and an old woman servant (и в доме никого больше не было, кроме барышни и старой служанки).

 The porter, whom he consulted, could afford him little information; but, such as it was, it had a mysterious and questionable sound. The person next door was an English gentleman of extraordinary wealth, and proportionately eccentric in his tastes and habits. He possessed great collections, which he kept in the house beside him; and it was to protect these that he had fitted the place with steel shutters, elaborate fastenings, and chevaux-de-frise along the garden wall. He lived much alone, in spite of some strange visitors with whom, it seemed, he had business to transact; and there was no one else in the house, except Mademoiselle and an old woman servant.

“Is Mademoiselle his daughter?” inquired Francis (а мадемуазель – его дочь? – спросил Фрэнсис).

“Certainly,” replied the porter (конечно, – ответил привратник). “Mademoiselle is the daughter of the house (мадемуазель – дочь /их/ рода = дочь хозяина дома); and strange it is to see how she is made to work (и странно видеть, как ее заставляют работать). For all his riches, it is she who goes to market (при всех его богатствах это она /сама/ ходит на рынок); and every day in the week you may see her going by (и каждый день недели вы можете увидеть ее идущей мимо) with a basket on her arm (с корзинкой в руке).”

“And the collections?” asked the other (а коллекции? – спросил тот).

“Sir,” said the man, “they are immensely valuable (сэр, – сказал привратник, – они невероятно ценны; immense – неизмеримый). More I cannot tell you (большего я не могу сказать вам). Since M. de Vandeleur’s arrival no one in the quarter has so much as passed the door (с /самого/ приезда месье Венделера никто в квартале не прошел даже в дверь = он никого даже на порог не пускает).”

 “Is Mademoiselle his daughter?” inquired Francis.

“Certainly,” replied the porter. “Mademoiselle is the daughter of the house; and strange it is to see how she is made to work. For all his riches, it is she who goes to market; and every day in the week you may see her going by with a basket on her arm.”

“And the collections?” asked the other.

“Sir,” said the man, “they are immensely valuable. More I cannot tell you. Since M. de Vandeleur’s arrival no one in the quarter has so much as passed the door.”

“Suppose not,” returned Francis (уж я думаю!: «полагаю, что нет», – ответил Фрэнсис), “you must surely have some notion (вы наверняка имеете некоторое представление /о том/) what these famous galleries contain (что содержат эти славные коллекции). Is it pictures, silks, statues, jewels, or what (это картины, шелка, статуи, драгоценности или что-то другое)?”

“My faith, sir,” said the fellow with a shrug (как на духу, сэр, – сказал парень, пожав плечами; faith – вера; shrug – пожимание плечами), “it might be carrots, and still I could not tell you (это могут быть и морковки, я все равно не мог бы вам сказать). How should I know (откуда бы мне знать)? The house is kept like a garrison, as you perceive (этот дом держат, как гарнизон, как вы видите; to perceive – воспринимать).”

And then as Francis was returning disappointed to his room (а затем, когда Фрэнсис возвращался, разочарованный, к себе в комнату), the porter called him back (привратник позвал его назад).

“I have just remembered, sir,” said he (я только что вспомнил, сэр, – сказал он). “M. de Vandeleur has been in all parts of the world (месье де Венделер бывал во всех частях света), and I once heard the old woman declare (и я однажды слышал, как старуха заявляет) that he had brought many diamonds back with him (что он привез с собой много бриллиантов). If that be the truth (если это правда), there must be a fine show behind those shutters (то за этими ставнями есть на что посмотреть: «там должно быть превосходное зрелище…»).”

 “Suppose not,” returned Francis, “you must surely have some notion what these famous galleries contain. Is it pictures, silks, statues, jewels, or what?”

“My faith, sir,” said the fellow with a shrug, “it might be carrots, and still I could not tell you. How should I know? The house is kept like a garrison, as you perceive.”

And then as Francis was returning disappointed to his room, the porter called him back.

“I have just remembered, sir,” said he. “M. de Vandeleur has been in all parts of the world, and I once heard the old woman declare that he had brought many diamonds back with him. If that be the truth, there must be a fine show behind those shutters.”

By an early hour on Sunday Francis was in his place at the theatre (в воскресенье в ранний час = задолго до начала спектакля Фрэнсис был на своем месте в театре). The seat which had been taken for him (место, которое было занято для него) was only two or three numbers from the left-hand side (было лишь в двух или трех креслах: «номерах» от левой стены: «стороны»), and directly opposite one of the lower boxes (и прямо напротив одной из нижних лож). As the seat had been specially chosen (так как это место было выбрано специально) there was doubtless something to be learned from its position (можно было, без сомнения, кое-что понять из его положения); and he judged by an instinct (и он инстинктивно рассудил) that the box upon his right was, in some way or other, to be connected with the drama (что ложа справа от него должна была быть так или иначе связана с драмой) in which he ignorantly played a part (в которой он, сам того не ведая, играл роль: «невежественно»). Indeed, it was so situated (в самом деле, она = ложа была расположена так) that its occupants could safely observe him from beginning to end of the piece (что занимающие ее люди могли в безопасности наблюдать за ним с начала до конца пьесы), if they were so minded (если они были так расположены = если бы им этого хотелось); while, profiting by the depth (а пользуясь глубиной /ложи/), they could screen themselves sufficiently well from any counter-examination on his side (они могли достаточно хорошо закрыть себя от какого-либо ответного наблюдения с его стороны; screen – ширма, щит, доска, /каминный/ экран). He promised himself not to leave it for a moment out of sight (он пообещал себе не упускать ее = ложу ни на секунду из вида); and whilst he scanned the rest of the theatre (и пока он осматривал остальной театр), or made a show of attending to the business of the stage (или делал вид, будто занят действием на сцене), he always kept a corner of an eye upon the empty box (он всегда смотрел краем глаза на пустую ложу: «держал уголок глаза на пустой ложе»).

 By an early hour on Sunday Francis was in his place at the theatre. The seat which had been taken for him was only two or three numbers from the left-hand side, and directly opposite one of the lower boxes. As the seat had been specially chosen there was doubtless something to be learned from its position; and he judged by an instinct that the box upon his right was, in some way or other, to be connected with the drama in which he ignorantly played a part. Indeed, it was so situated that its occupants could safely observe him from beginning to end of the piece, if they were so minded; while, profiting by the depth, they could screen themselves sufficiently well from any counter-examination on his side. He promised himself not to leave it for a moment out of sight; and whilst he scanned the rest of the theatre, or made a show of attending to the business of the stage, he always kept a corner of an eye upon the empty box.

The second act had been some time in progress (второй акт шел уже некоторое время), and was even drawing towards a close (и даже приближался к завершению), when the door opened and two persons entered (когда дверь открылась и два человека вошли) and ensconced themselves in the darkest of the shade (и устроились в самой тени: «в самой тьме тени»; to ensconce – укрывать/ся/, прятать/ся/; устраивать/ся/ /обыкн. удобно или уютно/). Francis could hardly control his emotion (Фрэнсис едва смог сдержать свои чувства). It was Mr. Vandeleur and his daughter (это был мистер Венделер и его дочь). The blood came and went in his arteries and veins with stunning activity (кровь струилась: «приливала и оттекала» в его артериях и венах с поразительной силой; to stun – оглушать /ударом/; ошеломлять; activity – активность; энергичность); his ears sang (его уши пели = в ушах у него шумело; to sing – петь); his head turned (его голова плыла: «вращалась»). He dared not look lest he should awake suspicion (он не осмеливался взглянуть, чтобы не пробудить подозрения); his play-bill, which he kept reading from end to end and over and over again (его программка, которую он постоянно прочитывал от корки до корки снова и снова; bill – список; инвентарь; программа /концерта и т. п./), turned from white to red before his eyes (стала из белой – красной у него на глазах); and when he cast a glance upon the stage, it seemed incalculably far away (а когда он бросил взгляд на сцену, она показалась неисчислимо далекой), and he found the voices and gestures of the actors to the last degree impertinent and absurd (и он нашел голоса и жесты актеров до крайности нелепыми и абсурдными; impertinent – дерзкий, наглый, нахальный, грубый; неуместный, нелепый; не относящийся к делу).

 The second act had been some time in progress, and was even drawing towards a close, when the door opened and two persons entered and ensconced themselves in the darkest of the shade. Francis could hardly control his emotion. It was Mr. Vandeleur and his daughter. The blood came and went in his arteries and veins with stunning activity; his ears sang; his head turned. He dared not look lest he should awake suspicion; his play-bill, which he kept reading from end to end and over and over again, turned from white to red before his eyes; and when he cast a glance upon the stage, it seemed incalculably far away, and he found the voices and gestures of the actors to the last degree impertinent and absurd.

From time to time he risked a momentary look (время от времени он отваживался на быстрый взгляд) in the direction which principally interested him (в направлении, которое более всего интересовало его); and once at least he felt certain (и по крайней мере один раз он был уверен) that his eyes encountered those of the young girl (что его глаза встретились с глазами юной девушки). A shock passed over his body (удар = дрожь прошла у него по телу), and he saw all the colours of the rainbow (и он увидел все цвета радуги). What would he not have given to overhear (чего бы он не отдал, чтобы подслушать) what passed between the Vandeleurs (что происходит между Венделерами)? What would he not have given for the courage to take up his opera-glass (чего бы он не отдал за храбрость поднять свой бинокль) and steadily inspect their attitude and expression (и внимательно изучить их позы и выражения лиц; attitude – позиция; отношение; поза)? There, for aught he knew, his whole life was being decided (там, насколько он знал, решалась вся его жизнь) – and he not able to interfere (а он неспособен вмешаться), not able even to follow the debate (даже неспособен следить за беседой), but condemned to sit and suffer where he was, in impotent anxiety (но приговорен сидеть и страдать на месте: «где он был» в бессильной тревоге).

 From time to time he risked a momentary look in the direction which principally interested him; and once at least he felt certain that his eyes encountered those of the young girl. A shock passed over his body, and he saw all the colours of the rainbow. What would he not have given to overhear what passed between the Vandeleurs? What would he not have given for the courage to take up his opera-glass and steadily inspect their attitude and expression? There, for aught he knew, his whole life was being decided – and he not able to interfere, not able even to follow the debate, but condemned to sit and suffer where he was, in impotent anxiety.

At last the act came to an end (наконец акт подошел к концу). The curtain fell (занавес упал), and the people around him began to leave their places, for the interval (и люди вокруг него начали уходить со своих мест на антракт). It was only natural that he should follow their example (было только естественно, чтобы он последовал их примеру); and if he did so, it was not only natural but necessary (а если он сделает так, будет не только естественно, но и необходимо) that he should pass immediately in front of the box in question (чтобы он прошел прямо перед этой ложей; in question – рассматриваемый, данный: «в вопросе»). Summoning all his courage, but keeping his eyes lowered (собрав все свое мужество, но держа глаза опущенными), Francis drew near the spot (Фрэнсис приблизился к этому месту; to draw near – приблизиться). His progress was slow (его продвижение было медленным), for the old gentleman before him moved with incredible deliberation (так как старый господин перед ним двигался с невероятной медлительностью), wheezing as he went (тяжело дыша на ходу: «пока он шел»; to wheeze – дышать с присвистом; хрипеть).

 At last the act came to an end. The curtain fell, and the people around him began to leave their places, for the interval. It was only natural that he should follow their example; and if he did so, it was not only natural but necessary that he should pass immediately in front of the box in question. Summoning all his courage, but keeping his eyes lowered, Francis drew near the spot. His progress was slow, for the old gentleman before him moved with incredible deliberation, wheezing as he went.

What was he to do (что он должен был делать)? Should he address the Vandeleurs by name as he went by (должен ли он обратиться к Венделерам по имени, когда будет идти мимо)? Should he take the flower from his button-hole and throw it into the box (должен ли он вынуть цветок из петлицы и бросить его в ложу)? Should he raise his face and direct one long and affectionate look upon the lady (должен ли он поднять лицо и направить один долгий и нежный взгляд на женщину) who was either his sister or his betrothed (которая была либо его сестрой, либо суженой; betrothed – обрученный, помолвленный)? As he found himself thus struggling among so many alternatives (когда он оказался: «нашел себя» так борясь/утруждаясь = с трудом выбирающим таким образом между многими вариантами), he had a vision of his old equable existence in the bank (у него было видение своего прежнего спокойного существования в банке = он представил себе…), and was assailed by a thought of regret for the past (и его охватило сожаление о прошлом: «он был атакован мыслью сожаления о прошлом»).

 What was he to do? Should he address the Vandeleurs by name as he went by? Should he take the flower from his button-hole and throw it into the box? Should he raise his face and direct one long and affectionate look upon the lady who was either his sister or his betrothed? As he found himself thus struggling among so many alternatives, he had a vision of his old equable existence in the bank, and was assailed by a thought of regret for the past.

By this time he had arrived directly opposite the box (к этому времени он дошел прямо до ложи; opposite – напротив); and although he was still undetermined what to do or whether to do anything (и хотя он все еще не решил, что делать и делать ли что-либо; undetermined – неопределенный), he turned his head and lifted his eyes (он повернул голову и поднял глаза). No sooner had he done so than he uttered a cry of disappointment (как только он сделал это, он издал возглас разочарования: «не скорее сделал… чем издал») and remained rooted to the spot (и остановился прикованный к месту: «укоренившийся»; root – корень). The box was empty (ложа была пуста). During his slow advance Mr. Vandeleur and his daughter had quietly slipped away (во время его медленного продвижения мистер Венделер и его дочь тихо ускользнули).

 By this time he had arrived directly opposite the box; and although he was still undetermined what to do or whether to do anything, he turned his head and lifted his eyes. No sooner had he done so than he uttered a cry of disappointment and remained rooted to the spot. The box was empty. During his slow advance Mr. Vandeleur and his daughter had quietly slipped away.

A polite person in his rear (какой-то вежливый человек позади него) reminded him that he was stopping the path (напомнил ему, что он загораживает дорогу); and he moved on again with mechanical footsteps (и он двинулся дальше механическими шагами = машинально), and suffered the crowd to carry him unresisting out of the theatre (и позволил толпе вынести его, не сопротивляющегося, из театра; to resist – сопротивляться). Once in the street (как только /он оказался/ на улице), the pressure ceasing (а давка прекратилась), he came to a halt (он остановился: «пришел к остановке»), and the cool night air speedily restored him to the possession of his faculties (и прохладный ночной воздух быстро вернул ему самообладание: «вернул его к владению своими способностями»). He was surprised to find that his head ached violently (он был удивлен обнаружить, что его голова страшно болела), and that he remembered not one word of the two acts which he had witnessed (и что он не запомнил ни единого слова из двух актов, которые он посмотрел; to witness smth. – видеть, быть свидетелем /чего-либо/). As the excitement wore away (когда возбуждение прошло; to wear away – сноситься, исчезнуть), it was succeeded by an overweening appetite for sleep (за ним последовала непреодолимая сонливость; overweening – слишком самоуверенный, высокомерный, самонадеянный; чрезмерный, преувеличенный /о желаниях, претензиях и т. д./: overweening desire – чрезмерное желание), and he hailed a cab and drove to his lodging (и он подозвал экипаж и поехал к своему дому) in a state of extreme exhaustion and some disgust of life (в состоянии крайнего изнеможения и некоторого отвращения к жизни).

 A polite person in his rear reminded him that he was stopping the path; and he moved on again with mechanical footsteps, and suffered the crowd to carry him unresisting out of the theatre. Once in the street, the pressure ceasing, he came to a halt, and the cool night air speedily restored him to the possession of his faculties. He was surprised to find that his head ached violently, and that he remembered not one word of the two acts which he had witnessed. As the excitement wore away, it was succeeded by an overweening appetite for sleep, and he hailed a cab and drove to his lodging in a state of extreme exhaustion and some disgust of life.

Next morning he lay in wait for Miss Vandeleur on her road to market (на следующее утро он караулил мисс Венделер по пути на рынок; to lie in wait – лежать в засаде, поджидать), and by eight o’clock beheld her stepping down a lane (и к восьми часам увидел ее, шагающую по улице). She was simply, and even poorly, attired (она была просто и даже бедно одета; to attire – облачать, наряжать, одевать /в роскошные, торжественные одеяния/; simply attired – просто одетый); but in the carriage of her head and body there was something flexible and noble (но в посадке ее головы и в /осанке/ ее тела было что-то гибкое и благородное) that would have lent distinction to the meanest toilette (что придало бы значительности и самому невзрачному туалету; to lend – дать /в долг/, сообщать какое-то качество). Even her basket, so aptly did she carry it (даже ее корзинка – так изящно она несла ее – ), became her like an ornament (шла ей, как украшение). It seemed to Francis, as he slipped into a doorway (Фрэнсису показалось, когда он скользнул в дверной проем), that the sunshine followed and the shadows fled before her as she walked (что солнечный свет следовал /за ней/, а тени бежали впереди= от нее, когда она шла; to flee – спасаться бегством); and he was conscious, for the first time (и он заметил в первый раз: «был сознающим»), of a bird singing in a cage above the lane (птицу, певшую в клетке над улочкой = где-то наверху).

 Next morning he lay in wait for Miss Vandeleur on her road to market, and by eight o’clock beheld her stepping down a lane. She was simply, and even poorly, attired; but in the carriage of her head and body there was something flexible and noble that would have lent distinction to the meanest toilette. Even her basket, so aptly did she carry it, became her like an ornament. It seemed to Francis, as he slipped into a doorway, that the sunshine followed and the shadows fled before her as she walked; and he was conscious, for the first time, of a bird singing in a cage above the lane.

He suffered her to pass the doorway (он дал ей пройти /его/ дверной проем), and then, coming forth once more (и затем, выйдя снова), addressed her by name from behind (окликнул ее по имени сзади). “Miss Vandeleur,” said he (мисс Венделер, – сказал он).

She turned and, when she saw who he was (она обернулась и, когда увидела, кто это), became deadly pale (стала смертельно бледной).

“Pardon me,” he continued (простите меня, – продолжил он); “Heaven knows I had no will to startle you (Небо знает – я не имел намерения напугать вас); and, indeed, there should be nothing startling in the presence of one (и, правду сказать, не должно быть ничего пугающего в присутствии того) who wishes you so well as I do (который желает вам столько добра, сколько я = так хорошо относится). And, believe me, I am acting rather from necessity than choice (и, поверьте мне, я действую скорее по необходимости, чем из выбора = свободного желания). We have many things in common (у нас много общего: «в общем»), and I am sadly in the dark (а я, к сожалению, во тьме = в неведении). There is much that I should be doing (есть многое, что я должен сделать), and my hands are tied (и мои руки связаны). I do not know even what to feel (я не знаю даже, что чувствовать), nor who are my friends and enemies (и кто мои друзья и враги).”

 He suffered her to pass the doorway, and then, coming forth once more, addressed her by name from behind. “Miss Vandeleur,” said he.

She turned and, when she saw who he was, became deadly pale.

“Pardon me,” he continued; “Heaven knows I had no will to startle you; and, indeed, there should be nothing startling in the presence of one who wishes you so well as I do. And, believe me, I am acting rather from necessity than choice. We have many things in common, and I am sadly in the dark. There is much that I should be doing, and my hands are tied. I do not know even what to feel, nor who are my friends and enemies.”

She found her voice with an effort (она нашла = обрела голос с усилием).

“I do not know who you are,” she said (я не знаю, кто вы, – сказала она).

“Ah, yes! Miss Vandeleur, you do,” returned Francis (нет, мисс Венделер, вы знаете, – возразил Фрэнсис) “better than I do myself (и лучше, чем я сам /знаю/). Indeed, it is on that, above all, that I seek light (вообще-то именно в этом прежде всего я ищу просвещения = понимания). Tell me what you know,” he pleaded (скажите мне то, что знаете, – умолял он). “Tell me who I am, who you are (скажите мне, кто я, кто вы), and how our destinies are intermixed (и как связаны наши судьбы). Give me a little help with my life, Miss Vandeleur (окажите мне небольшую помощь в жизни, мисс Венделер) – only a word or two to guide me (лишь слово-другое, чтобы направить меня), only the name of my father, if you will (лишь имя моего отца, если пожелаете) – and I shall be grateful and content (и я буду благодарен и доволен).”

“I will not attempt to deceive you,” she replied (я не буду пытаться обмануть вас, – ответила она). “I know who you are (я знаю, кто вы), but I am not at liberty to say (но я не вольна сказать: «не при свободе»).”

 She found her voice with an effort.

“I do not know who you are,” she said.

“Ah, yes! Miss Vandeleur, you do,” returned Francis “better than I do myself. Indeed, it is on that, above all, that I seek light. Tell me what you know,” he pleaded. “Tell me who I am, who you are, and how our destinies are intermixed. Give me a little help with my life, Miss Vandeleur – only a word or two to guide me, only the name of my father, if you will – and I shall be grateful and content.”

“I will not attempt to deceive you,” she replied. “I know who you are, but I am not at liberty to say.”

“Tell me, at least, that you have forgiven my presumption (скажите мне, по крайней мере, что вы простили мне мое нахальство; presumption – предположение, допущение; самонадеянность, самоуверенность; нахальство), and I shall wait with all the patience I have,” he said (и я буду ждать со всем терпением, какое у меня есть, – сказал он). “If I am not to know, I must do without (если я не должен знать, я должен обойтись без /этого/). It is cruel, but I can bear more upon a push (это жестоко, но я могу выдержать и больше при необходимости). Only do not add to my troubles the thought (только не прибавляйте к моим огорчениям мысль) that I have made an enemy of you (что я сделал из вас врага).”

“You did only what was natural,” she said (вы сделали лишь то, что было естественно, – сказала она), “and I have nothing to forgive you (и мне нечего прощать вам). Farewell (прощайте).”

“Is it to be farewell?” he asked (неужели мы должны проститься навсегда? – спросил он: «должно ли это быть прощание»).

“Nay, that I do not know myself,” she answered (нет, этого я и сама не знаю, – ответила она). “Farewell for the present, if you like (прощайте пока что, если вам так будет угодно).”

And with these words she was gone (и с этими словами она ушла).

 “Tell me, at least, that you have forgiven my presumption, and I shall wait with all the patience I have,” he said. “If I am not to know, I must do without. It is cruel, but I can bear more upon a push. Only do not add to my troubles the thought that I have made an enemy of you.”

“You did only what was natural,” she said, “and I have nothing to forgive you. Farewell.”

“Is it to be farewell?” he asked.

“Nay, that I do not know myself,” she answered. “Farewell for the present, if you like.”

And with these words she was gone.

Francis returned to his lodging (Фрэнсис вернулся домой; lodging – жилище, жилье) in a state of considerable commotion of mind (в состоянии сильного смятения мыслей). He made the most trifling progress with his Euclid for that forenoon (он сделал самые незначительные успехи/совершенно незначительно продвинулся с Евклидом в это утро), and was more often at the window (и чаще бывал у окна) than at his improvised writing-table (чем за своим импровизированным письменным столом). But beyond seeing the return of Miss Vandeleur (но кроме того, что он увидел возвращение мисс Венделер), and the meeting between her and her father (и встречу ее с отцом), who was smoking a Trichinopoli cigar in the verandah (который курил трихинопольскую сигару на веранде), there was nothing notable in the neighbourhood of the house with the green blinds (не случилось ничего примечательного по соседству с домом с зелеными жалюзи) before the time of the mid-day meal (до обеда: «до времени дневной трапезы»).

 Francis returned to his lodging in a state of considerable commotion of mind. He made the most trifling progress with his Euclid for that forenoon, and was more often at the window than at his improvised writing-table. But beyond seeing the return of Miss Vandeleur, and the meeting between her and her father, who was smoking a Trichinopoli cigar in the verandah, there was nothing notable in the neighbourhood of the house with the green blinds before the time of the mid-day meal.

The young man hastily allayed his appetite in a neighbouring restaurant (молодой человек поспешно утолил голод в ближнем ресторанчике), and returned with the speed of unallayed curiosity to the house in the Rue Lepic (и вернулся со скоростью неутоленного любопытства к дому на улице Лепик; to allay – успокаивать, подавлять /например, страх, волнение, боль/; смягчать, ослаблять; сокращать, уменьшать). A mounted servant was leading a saddle-horse to and fro before the garden wall (конный слуга водил верховую лошадь туда-сюда перед садовой оградой); and the porter of Francis’s lodging was smoking a pipe against the door-post (а привратник дома Фрэнсиса курил трубку, /прислонившись/ к дверному косяку), absorbed in contemplation of the livery and the steeds (поглощенный разглядыванием ливреи и скакунов).

 The young man hastily allayed his appetite in a neighbouring restaurant, and returned with the speed of unallayed curiosity to the house in the Rue Lepic. A mounted servant was leading a saddle-horse to and fro before the garden wall; and the porter of Francis’s lodging was smoking a pipe against the door-post, absorbed in contemplation of the livery and the steeds.

“Look!” he cried to the young man (взгляните! – крикнул он молодому человеку), “what fine cattle (какой прекрасный скот)! what an elegant costume (какой элегантный наряд)! They belong to the brother of M. de Vandeleur (они принадлежат брату месье Венделера), who is now within upon a visit (который сейчас приехал: «внутри» с визитом). He is a great man, a general, in your country (он большой человек – генерал – в вашей стране); and you doubtless know him well by reputation (и вы, несомненно, хорошо знаете его по его репутации).”

“I confess,” returned Francis, “that I have never heard of General Vandeleur before (признаюсь, – ответил Фрэнсис, – что я никогда не слышал о генерале Венделере прежде). We have many officers of that grade (у нас много офицеров этого чина), and my pursuits have been exclusively civil (а мои стремления = дела /всегда/ были сугубо штатскими).”

“It is he,” replied the porter, “who lost the great diamond of the Indies (это он, – ответил привратник, – утерял великий алмаз из Индии). Of that at least you must have read often in the papers (уж об этом, во всяком случае, вы должны были часто читать в газетах).”

 “Look!” he cried to the young man, “what fine cattle! what an elegant costume! They belong to the brother of M. de Vandeleur, who is now within upon a visit. He is a great man, a general, in your country; and you doubtless know him well by reputation.”

“I confess,” returned Francis, “that I have never heard of General Vandeleur before. We have many officers of that grade, and my pursuits have been exclusively civil.”

“It is he,” replied the porter, “who lost the great diamond of the Indies. Of that at least you must have read often in the papers.”

As soon as Francis could disengage himself from the porter (как только Фрэнсис смог отделаться от привратника) he ran upstairs and hurried to the window (он взлетел по лестнице и поспешил к окну). Immediately below the clear space in the chestnut leaves (прямо под просветом в листьях каштана), the two gentlemen were seated in conversation over a cigar (два человека сидели с сигарами, /погруженные/ в разговор). The General, a red, military-looking man, offered some traces of a family resemblance to his brother (генерал, рыжий, военного вида человек, выказывал некоторые черты семейного сходства со своим братом); he had something of the same features (у него некоторые те же черты), something, although very little, of the same free and powerful carriage (что-то, хотя очень немного, от той же вольной и сильной манеры); but he was older, smaller, and more common in air (но он был старше, ниже ростом и проще с виду); his likeness was that of a caricature (его сходство /с братом/ было сходством карикатуры), and he seemed altogether a poor and debile being by the side of the Dictator (и он казался в целом жалким и слабым существом, находясь рядом с диктатором).

 As soon as Francis could disengage himself from the porter he ran upstairs and hurried to the window. Immediately below the clear space in the chestnut leaves, the two gentlemen were seated in conversation over a cigar. The General, a red, military-looking man, offered some traces of a family resemblance to his brother; he had something of the same features, something, although very little, of the same free and powerful carriage; but he was older, smaller, and more common in air; his likeness was that of a caricature, and he seemed altogether a poor and debile being by the side of the Dictator.

They spoke in tones so low (они говорили такими тихими голосами), leaning over the table with every appearance of interest (перегнувшись через стол с видом острой заинтересованности), that Francis could catch no more than a word or two on an occasion (что Фрэнсис мог разобрать: «поймать» не более одного-двух слов порой; occasion – возможность, случай; происшествие). For as little as he heard (насколько он мог расслышать), he was convinced that the conversation turned upon himself and his own career (он был убежден, что разговор перешел на него самого и на его собственную карьеру); several times the name of Scrymgeour reached his ear, for it was easy to distinguish (несколько раз имя Скримджер достигало его уха, так как его было легко различить), and still more frequently he fancied he could distinguish the name Francis (и еще чаще ему казалось, что он может различить имя Фрэнсис).

 They spoke in tones so low, leaning over the table with every appearance of interest, that Francis could catch no more than a word or two on an occasion. For as little as he heard, he was convinced that the conversation turned upon himself and his own career; several times the name of Scrymgeour reached his ear, for it was easy to distinguish, and still more frequently he fancied he could distinguish the name Francis.

At length the General, as if in a hot anger (наконец генерал, будто бы в горячей ярости), broke forth into several violent exclamations (разразился несколькими сердитыми восклицаниями).

“Francis Vandeleur!” he cried, accentuating the last word (Фрэнсис Венделер! – кричал он с ударением на последнее слово; to accentuate – делать ударение; выделять, подчеркивать; accent – ударение). “Francis Vandeleur, I tell you (Фрэнсис Венделер, говорю я тебе).”

The Dictator made a movement of his whole body (диктатор сделал движение = дернулся всем телом), half affirmative, half contemptuous (наполовину утвердительно, наполовину презрительно; to affirm – утверждать; contempt – презрение), but his answer was inaudible to the young man (но его ответ был неслышен молодому человеку).

Was he the Francis Vandeleur in question? he wondered (не он ли этот самый Фрэнсис Венделер? – думал он). Were they discussing the name under which he was to be married (не обсуждают ли они имя, под которым ему жениться)? Or was the whole affair a dream and a delusion (или все это было сном и иллюзией) of his own conceit and self-absorption (его собственного самомнения и поглощенности собой; to absorb – всасывать, впитывать; абсорбировать; поглощать)?

 At length the General, as if in a hot anger, broke forth into several violent exclamations.

“Francis Vandeleur!” he cried, accentuating the last word. “Francis Vandeleur, I tell you.”

The Dictator made a movement of his whole body, half affirmative, half contemptuous, but his answer was inaudible to the young man.

Was he the Francis Vandeleur in question? he wondered. Were they discussing the name under which he was to be married? Or was the whole affair a dream and a delusion of his own conceit and self-absorption?

After another interval of inaudible talk (еще через некоторое время неслышного разговора), dissension seemed again to arise between the couple underneath the chestnut (разногласие, казалось, снова возникло между парой под каштаном), and again the General raised his voice angrily so as to be audible to Francis (и снова генерал сердито повысил голос, настолько, чтобы быть слышным Фрэнсису = что Фрэнсис смог его услышать).

“My wife?” he cried (моя жена? – кричал он). “I have done with my wife for good (я разделался с моей женой навсегда). I will not hear her name (я не услышу ее имени = не желаю слышать). I am sick of her very name (мне тошно от одного ее имени).”

And he swore aloud and beat the table with his fist (и он громко выругался и ударил по столу кулаком; to swear – клясться; браниться).

 After another interval of inaudible talk, dissension seemed again to arise between the couple underneath the chestnut, and again the General raised his voice angrily so as to be audible to Francis.

“My wife?” he cried. “I have done with my wife for good. I will not hear her name. I am sick of her very name.”

And he swore aloud and beat the table with his fist.

The Dictator appeared, by his gestures, to pacify him after a paternal fashion (диктатор, судя по его жестам, успокаивал его в отеческой манере); and a little after he conducted him to the garden-gate (и немного спустя он проводил его до садовой калитки). The pair shook hands affectionately enough (двое = они пожали друг другу руки достаточно дружески; to shake – трясти, пожимать /руку/); but as soon as the door had closed behind his visitor (но как только калитка закрылась за его посетителем), John Vandeleur fell into a fit of laughter which sounded unkindly and even devilish in the ears of Francis Scrymgeour (Джона Венделера охватил приступ смеха, который прозвучал недобро и даже дьявольски в ушах Фрэнсиса Скримджера; devil – дьявол).

 The Dictator appeared, by his gestures, to pacify him after a paternal fashion; and a little after he conducted him to the garden-gate. The pair shook hands affectionately enough; but as soon as the door had closed behind his visitor, John Vandeleur fell into a fit of laughter which sounded unkindly and even devilish in the ears of Francis Scrymgeour.

So another day had passed, and little more learnt (так прошел еще один день, и мало что еще было выяснено). But the young man remembered that the morrow was Tuesday (но молодой человек помнил, что завтра был вторник), and promised himself some curious discoveries (и пообещал себе некоторые любопытные открытия); all might be well, or all might be ill (все могло быть хорошо, или же все могло быть плохо); he was sure, at least, to glean some curious information (по крайней мере, он точно намеревался узнать что-нибудь любопытное; to glean – подбирать колосья /после жатвы/, виноград /после сбора/; тщательно подбирать, собирать /факты, сведения; по мелочам, обрывкам/; to glean information – собирать информацию), and, perhaps, by good luck, get at the heart of the mystery (и, возможно, при удачном стечении обстоятельств: «при хорошей удаче», добраться до самого сердца тайны; good luck – счастливый случай, удача) which surrounded his father and his family (которая окружала его отца и семью).

 So another day had passed, and little more learnt. But the young man remembered that the morrow was Tuesday, and promised himself some curious discoveries; all might be well, or all might be ill; he was sure, at least, to glean some curious information, and, perhaps, by good luck, get at the heart of the mystery which surrounded his father and his family.

As the hour of the dinner drew near (по мере того, как час обеда приближался; to draw near – приближаться) many preparations were made in the garden of the house with the green blinds (многочисленные приготовления производились в саду дома с зелеными жалюзи). That table which was partly visible to Francis through the chestnut leaves (тому столу, который был частично виден Фрэнсису сквозь листья каштана) was destined to serve as a sideboard (было суждено служить буфетом), and carried relays of plates and the materials for salad (и он нес = на нем стояли перемены блюд и ингредиенты для салата): the other, which was almost entirely concealed, had been set apart for the diners (другой, который был почти совершенно скрыт, был накрыт отдельно для обедающих), and Francis could catch glimpses of white cloth and silver plate (и Фрэнсис мог увидеть /в просветы/ белую скатерть и столовое серебро; glimpseпроблеск, слабый свет, слабая вспышка; мелькание; мимолетное впечатление; to glimpse – мерцать, слабо светиться; блеснуть, сверкнуть; мелькнуть, пронестись).

 As the hour of the dinner drew near many preparations were made in the garden of the house with the green blinds. That table which was partly visible to Francis through the chestnut leaves was destined to serve as a sideboard, and carried relays of plates and the materials for salad: the other, which was almost entirely concealed, had been set apart for the diners, and Francis could catch glimpses of white cloth and silver plate.

Mr. Rolles arrived, punctual to the minute (мистер Роулз пришел – точный до минуты); he looked like a man upon his guard (он выглядел как человек настороже), and spoke low and sparingly (и говорил тихо и скупо). The Dictator, on the other hand, appeared to enjoy an unusual flow of spirits (диктатор, напротив, казалось, испытывал необычный прилив /хорошего/ настроения); his laugh, which was youthful and pleasant to hear, sounded frequently from the garden (его смех, который был молодым и приятным на слух, часто звучал из сада); by the modulation and the changes of his voice it was obvious (по интонациям и изменению его голоса было очевидно) that he told many droll stories (что он рассказывал много уморительных историй) and imitated the accents of a variety of different nations (и подражал акцентам самых разных народов); and before he and the young clergyman had finished their vermouth (и прежде чем они с молодым священником прикончили свой вермут) all feeling of distrust was at an end (все ощущение недоверия кончилось), and they were talking together like a pair of school companions (и они разговаривали, как пара школьных товарищей).

 Mr. Rolles arrived, punctual to the minute; he looked like a man upon his guard, and spoke low and sparingly. The Dictator, on the other hand, appeared to enjoy an unusual flow of spirits; his laugh, which was youthful and pleasant to hear, sounded frequently from the garden; by the modulation and the changes of his voice it was obvious that he told many droll stories and imitated the accents of a variety of different nations; and before he and the young clergyman had finished their vermouth all feeling of distrust was at an end, and they were talking together like a pair of school companions.

At length Miss Vandeleur made her appearance (наконец появилась мисс Венделер: «сделала свое появление»), carrying the soup-tureen (неся супницу). Mr. Rolles ran to offer her assistance (мистер Роулз подбежал предложить ей помощь) which she laughingly refused (от которой она со смехом отказалась); and there was an interchange of pleasantries among the trio (и произошел обмен шутками среди них троих) which seemed to have reference to this primitive manner of waiting by one of the company (которые, кажется, имели отношение к этой простой манере обслуживания – одним из компании).

“One is more at one’s ease (так свободнее; one – зд.: человек; at ease – непринужденно),” Mr. Vandeleur was heard to declare (было слышно, как сказал Венделер: «мистер Венделер был слышен произнести»).

 At length Miss Vandeleur made her appearance, carrying the soup-tureen. Mr. Rolles ran to offer her assistance which she laughingly refused; and there was an interchange of pleasantries among the trio which seemed to have reference to this primitive manner of waiting by one of the company.

“One is more at one’s ease,” Mr. Vandeleur was heard to declare.

Next moment they were all three in their places (в следующий момент все трое уже были на своих местах), and Francis could see as little as he could hear of what passed (и Фрэнсис мог видеть так же мало, как мог слышать, что происходило). But the dinner seemed to go merrily (но обед, казалось, проходил весело); there was a perpetual babble of voices (раздавалось постоянное бормотание голосов) and sound of knives and forks below the chestnut (и звон ножей и вилок под каштаном); and Francis, who had no more than a roll to gnaw (и Фрэнсиса, который съел только булочку; to gnaw – грызть, глодать), was affected with envy by the comfort and deliberation of the meal (охватила зависть к комфорту и обстоятельности этого обеда). The party lingered over one dish after another (компания не спеша наслаждалась то одним блюдом, то другим; to linger over – задерживаться на: «медлить над»), and then over a delicate dessert (а затем – изысканным десертом), with a bottle of old wine carefully uncorked by the hand of the Dictator himself (с бутылкой старого вина, осторожно открытой рукой самого диктатора; cork – пробка). As it began to grow dark (когда начало темнеть) a lamp was set upon the table and a couple of candles on the sideboard (лампа была поставлена на стол и пара свечей – на буфет); for the night was perfectly pure, starry, and windless (так как ночь была совершенно ясная, звездная и безветренная). Light overflowed besides from the door and window in the verandah (свет лился, кроме того, из двери и окна веранды), so that the garden was fairly illuminated and the leaves twinkled in the darkness (так что сад был прекрасно освещен и листья поблескивали в темноте).

 Next moment they were all three in their places, and Francis could see as little as he could hear of what passed. But the dinner seemed to go merrily; there was a perpetual babble of voices and sound of knives and forks below the chestnut; and Francis, who had no more than a roll to gnaw, was affected with envy by the comfort and deliberation of the meal. The party lingered over one dish after another, and then over a delicate dessert, with a bottle of old wine carefully uncorked by the hand of the Dictator himself. As it began to grow dark a lamp was set upon the table and a couple of candles on the sideboard; for the night was perfectly pure, starry, and windless. Light overflowed besides from the door and window in the verandah, so that the garden was fairly illuminated and the leaves twinkled in the darkness.

For perhaps the tenth time Miss Vandeleur entered the house (мисс Венделер, наверное, в десятый раз вошла в дом); and on this occasion she returned with the coffee-tray (и на этот раз она вернулась с кофейным подносом), which she placed upon the sideboard (который она поставила на буфет). At the same moment her father rose from his seat (в тот же момент ее отец встал со своего места; to rise).

“The coffee is my province,” Francis heard him say (кофе – это моя епархия, – услышал Фрэнсис «как он сказал»).

And next moment he saw his supposed father standing by the sideboard (и в следующий момент он увидел своего предполагаемого отца у буфета) in the light of the candles (в свете свечей).

 For perhaps the tenth time Miss Vandeleur entered the house; and on this occasion she returned with the coffee-tray, which she placed upon the sideboard. At the same moment her father rose from his seat.

“The coffee is my province,” Francis heard him say.

And next moment he saw his supposed father standing by the sideboard in the light of the candles.

Talking over his shoulder all the while (все время говоря через плечо), Mr. Vandeleur poured out two cups of the brown stimulant (мистер Венделер налил две чашки этого коричневого возбуждающего средства), and then, by a rapid act of prestidigitation (а затем, быстрым и ловким движением рук; prestidigitation – ловкость рук; показывание фокусов; жонглерство), emptied the contents of a tiny phial into the smaller of the two (вылил содержимое крошечного пузырька в меньшую из двух). The thing was so swiftly done (это было так проворно сделано) that even Francis, who looked straight into his face (что даже Фрэнсис, который смотрел прямо ему в лицо), had hardly time to perceive the movement (едва успел заметить это движение: «едва имел время») before it was completed (прежде чем оно было завершено). And next instant, and still laughing, Mr. Vandeleur had turned again towards the table (и в следующий момент, все еще смеясь, мистер Венделер повернулся снова к столу) with a cup in either hand (с чашкой в каждой руке).

“Ere we have done with this,” said he (прежде чем мы покончим с ним = с кофе, – сказал он; ere – /уст./ прежде), “we may expect our famous Hebrew (мы можем ожидать нашего славного иудея).”

 Talking over his shoulder all the while, Mr. Vandeleur poured out two cups of the brown stimulant, and then, by a rapid act of prestidigitation, emptied the contents of a tiny phial into the smaller of the two. The thing was so swiftly done that even Francis, who looked straight into his face, had hardly time to perceive the movement before it was completed. And next instant, and still laughing, Mr. Vandeleur had turned again towards the table with a cup in either hand.

“Ere we have done with this,” said he, “we may expect our famous Hebrew.”

It would be impossible to depict the confusion and distress of Francis Scrymgeour (было бы невозможно описать замешательство и горе Фрэнсиса Скримджера). He saw foul play going forward before his eyes (он видел, как у него на глазах разыгрывается грязная игра), and he felt bound to interfere (и он чувствовал себя обязанным вмешаться), but knew not how (но не знал – как). It might be a mere pleasantry (это могла быть просто шутка), and then how should he look (и тогда как бы он выглядел) if he were to offer an unnecessary warning (если сделает ненужное предупреждение)? Or again, if it were serious (а с другой стороны, если это серьезно), the criminal might be his own father (преступник может быть его отцом), and then how should he not lament (и тогда как ему не скорбеть) if he were to bring ruin on the author of his days (если он призовет гибель на творца его жизни: «дней»)? For the first time he became conscious of his own position as a spy (впервые он осознал свое положение соглядатая). To wait inactive at such a juncture and with such a conflict of sentiments in his bosom (ждать бездейственно в таком положении дел и с такой бурей чувств в груди) was to suffer the most acute torture (означало терпеть жесточайшую пытку); he clung to the bars of the shutters (он схватился за планки ставней; to cling – цепляться; прилипать; крепко держаться), his heart beat fast and with irregularity (его сердце билось быстро и с нерегулярностью), and he felt a strong sweat break forth upon his body (и он чувствовал, как сильный = обильный пот выступил на его теле).

 It would be impossible to depict the confusion and distress of Francis Scrymgeour. He saw foul play going forward before his eyes, and he felt bound to interfere, but knew not how. It might be a mere pleasantry, and then how should he look if he were to offer an unnecessary warning? Or again, if it were serious, the criminal might be his own father, and then how should he not lament if he were to bring ruin on the author of his days? For the first time he became conscious of his own position as a spy. To wait inactive at such a juncture and with such a conflict of sentiments in his bosom was to suffer the most acute torture; he clung to the bars of the shutters, his heart beat fast and with irregularity, and he felt a strong sweat break forth upon his body.

Several minutes passed (прошло несколько минут).

He seemed to perceive the conversation die away (он, казалось, заметил, что разговор замирает) and grow less and less in vivacity and volume (и становится все менее оживленным и громким: «становится все меньше в оживленности и громкости»; volume – объем, масса /какого-либо вещества/; величина, размеры; уровень громкости); but still no sign of any alarming or even notable event (но все еще – ни единого знака какого-либо тревожного или даже /просто/ достойного внимания события).

Suddenly the ring of a glass breaking was followed by a faint and dull sound (вдруг за звоном разбивающегося бокала последовал слабый и глухой звук), as of a person who should have fallen forward with his head upon the table (словно от человека, который, должно быть, упал головой вперед на стол). At the same moment a piercing scream rose from the garden (в тот же момент из сада донесся пронзительный крик; to rise – подняться).

“What have you done?” cried Miss Vandeleur (что ты наделал? – кричала мисс Венделер). “He is dead (он мертв)!”

The Dictator replied in a violent whisper (диктатор ответил яростным шепотом), so strong and sibilant that every word was audible to the watcher at the window (таким громким и шипящим, что каждое слово было слышно наблюдателю у окна).

“Silence!’ said Mr. Vandeleur (тихо! – сказал мистер Венделер: «тишина»); “the man is as well as I am (этот парень так же хорошо /себя чувствует/, как и я). Take him by the heels whilst I carry him by the shoulders (бери его за ноги: «пятки», а я понесу его под плечи).”

 Several minutes passed.

He seemed to perceive the conversation die away and grow less and less in vivacity and volume; but still no sign of any alarming or even notable event.

Suddenly the ring of a glass breaking was followed by a faint and dull sound, as of a person who should have fallen forward with his head upon the table. At the same moment a piercing scream rose from the garden.

“What have you done?” cried Miss Vandeleur. “He is dead!”

The Dictator replied in a violent whisper, so strong and sibilant that every word was audible to the watcher at the window.

“Silence!’ said Mr. Vandeleur; “the man is as well as I am. Take him by the heels whilst I carry him by the shoulders.”

Francis heard Miss Vandeleur break forth into a passion of tears (Фрэнсис услышал, как мисс Венделер разразилась рыданиями: «взрывом слез»).

“Do you hear what I say?” resumed the Dictator, in the same tones (ты слышишь, что я говорю? – снова заговорил диктатор тем же тоном). “Or do you wish to quarrel with me (или ты хочешь со мной поссориться)? I give you your choice, Miss Vandeleur (я предоставляю вам ваш выбор, мисс Венделер).”

There was another pause (настала еще одна пауза), and the Dictator spoke again (и диктатор заговорил снова).

“Take that man by the heels,” he said (бери этого человека за ноги, – сказал он). “I must have him brought into the house (мне нужно, чтобы его занесли в дом: «я должен иметь его занесенным»). If I were a little younger (если бы я был чуть моложе), I could help myself against the world (я мог бы сам справиться с целым миром: «помочь себе против мира»). But now that years and dangers are upon me (но теперь, когда годы и опасности настигают меня) and my hands are weakened (и мои руки ослабели; weak – слабый), I must turn to you for aid (я должен обратиться к тебе за помощью).”

“It is a crime,” replied the girl (это преступление, – ответила девушка).

“I am your father,” said Mr. Vandeleur (я твой отец, – сказал мистер Венделер).

 Francis heard Miss Vandeleur break forth into a passion of tears.

“Do you hear what I say?” resumed the Dictator, in the same tones. “Or do you wish to quarrel with me? I give you your choice, Miss Vandeleur.”

There was another pause, and the Dictator spoke again.

“Take that man by the heels,” he said. “I must have him brought into the house. If I were a little younger, I could help myself against the world. But now that years and dangers are upon me and my hands are weakened, I must turn to you for aid.”

“It is a crime,” replied the girl.

“I am your father,” said Mr. Vandeleur.

This appeal seemed to produce its effect (этот призыв, казалось, возымел действие). A scuffling noise followed upon the gravel (последовал шаркающий звук по гравию; to scuffle – ходить шаркая ногами, волоча ноги), a chair was overset (был опрокинут один стул), and then Francis saw the father and daughter stagger across the walk (и затем Фрэнсис увидел, как отец и дочь идут, пошатываясь, по дорожке) and disappear under the verandah (и исчезают на веранде), bearing the inanimate body of Mr. Rolles (неся безжизненное тело мистера Роулза) embraced about the knees and shoulders (подхваченное: «обнятое» за колени и плечи). The young clergyman was limp and pallid (молодой священник был обмякший и мертвенно-бледный), and his head rolled upon his shoulders at every step (и его голова болталась на плечах при каждом шаге).

 This appeal seemed to produce its effect. A scuffling noise followed upon the gravel, a chair was overset, and then Francis saw the father and daughter stagger across the walk and disappear under the verandah, bearing the inanimate body of Mr. Rolles embraced about the knees and shoulders. The young clergyman was limp and pallid, and his head rolled upon his shoulders at every step.

Was he alive or dead (был ли он жив или мертв)? Francis, in spite of the Dictator’s declaration, inclined to the latter view (Фрэнсис, несмотря на заявление диктатора, склонялся к последнему взгляду). A great crime had been committed (тяжкое преступление было совершено); a great calamity had fallen upon the inhabitants of the house with the green blinds (большая беда обрушилась на жильцов дома с зелеными жалюзи). To his surprise, Francis found all horror for the deed (к собственному удивлению Фрэнсис обнаружил, что весь ужас перед этим поступком) swallowed up in sorrow for a girl and an old man (был поглощен жалостью к девушке и старику) whom he judged to be in the height of peril (которых он полагал в крайней опасности; height – высота; высшая точка). A tide of generous feeling swept into his heart (волна великодушного чувства захлестнула его сердце; tide – прилив и отлив; поток; волна, подъем; to sweep – мести, подметать; сметать; обуять, охватить, обрушиться); he, too, would help his father against man and mankind (он тоже помог бы своему отцу /в борьбе/ против человека и рода людского), against fate and justice (против рока и справедливости); and casting open the shutters (и, распахнув ставни) he closed his eyes and threw himself with out-stretched arms into the foliage of the chestnut (он закрыл глаза и бросился с вытянутыми руками в листву каштана; to throw – бросить).

 Was he alive or dead? Francis, in spite of the Dictator’s declaration, inclined to the latter view. A great crime had been committed; a great calamity had fallen upon the inhabitants of the house with the green blinds. To his surprise, Francis found all horror for the deed swallowed up in sorrow for a girl and an old man whom he judged to be in the height of peril. A tide of generous feeling swept into his heart; he, too, would help his father against man and mankind, against fate and justice; and casting open the shutters he closed his eyes and threw himself with out-stretched arms into the foliage of the chestnut.

Branch after branch slipped from his grasp (одна ветка за другой выскальзывали из его рук: «ветка за веткой»; grasp – хватка) or broke under his weight (или ломались под его весом); then he caught a stalwart bough under his armpit (затем он поймал крепкий сук подмышкой), and hung suspended for a second (и повис «подвешенный» на секунду); and then he let himself drop (затем он дал себе упасть; to let – позволить) and fell heavily against the table (и тяжело рухнул на стол). A cry of alarm from the house warned him (тревожный крик из дома предупредил его) that his entrance had not been effected unobserved (что его вход не произошел незамеченным). He recovered himself with a stagger (он поднялся на ноги, покачиваясь), and in three bounds crossed the intervening space (и в три прыжка преодолел промежуточное пространство) and stood before the door in the verandah (и встал перед дверью на веранду).

 Branch after branch slipped from his grasp or broke under his weight; then he caught a stalwart bough under his armpit, and hung suspended for a second; and then he let himself drop and fell heavily against the table. A cry of alarm from the house warned him that his entrance had not been effected unobserved. He recovered himself with a stagger, and in three bounds crossed the intervening space and stood before the door in the verandah.

In a small apartment (в маленькой комнате), carpeted with matting (устланной циновками) and surrounded by glazed cabinets full of rare and costly curios (и обставленной застекленными шкафчиками, полными необыкновенных и ценных редкостей), Mr. Vandeleur was stooping over the body of Mr. Rolles (мистер Венделер склонился над телом мистера Роулза). He raised himself as Francis entered (он выпрямился, когда вошел Фрэнсис), and there was an instantaneous passage of hands (и произошло мгновенное движение рук). It was the business of a second (это было делом одной секунды); as fast as an eye can wink the thing was done (так быстро, как глаз может моргнуть, дело было сделано); the young man had not the time to be sure (у молодого человека не было времени увериться), but it seemed to him as if the Dictator had taken something from the curate’s breast (но ему показалось, будто диктатор взял что-то с груди священника), looked at it for the least fraction of time as it lay in his hand (посмотрел на него мельчайшую долю времени, пока оно лежало в его руке), and then suddenly and swiftly passed it to his daughter (а затем внезапно и проворно передал его своей дочери).

 In a small apartment, carpeted with matting and surrounded by glazed cabinets full of rare and costly curios, Mr. Vandeleur was stooping over the body of Mr. Rolles. He raised himself as Francis entered, and there was an instantaneous passage of hands. It was the business of a second; as fast as an eye can wink the thing was done; the young man had not the time to be sure, but it seemed to him as if the Dictator had taken something from the curate’s breast, looked at it for the least fraction of time as it lay in his hand, and then suddenly and swiftly passed it to his daughter.

All this was over while Francis had still one foot upon the threshold (все это кончилось, пока Фрэнсис одной ногой еще стоял на пороге), and the other raised in air (а другую занес в воздух). The next instant he was on his knees to Mr. Vandeleur (в следующий момент он рухнул на колени перед мистером Венделером).

“Father!” he cried (отец! – вскричал он). “Let me too help you (позвольте мне тоже помочь вам). I will do what you wish and ask no questions (я сделаю, что вы пожелаете, и не буду задавать вопросов); I will obey you with my life (я буду слушаться вас моей жизнью = и отдам вам мою жизнь); treat me as a son (обращайтесь со мной, как с сыном), and you will find I have a son’s devotion (и вы увидите, что у меня есть сыновняя преданность).”

A deplorable explosion of oaths was the Dictator’s first reply (достойный сожаления поток брани был первым ответом диктатора; to deplore – оплакивать; сокрушаться; горевать, сожалеть).

 All this was over while Francis had still one foot upon the threshold, and the other raised in air. The next instant he was on his knees to Mr. Vandeleur.

“Father!” he cried. “Let me too help you. I will do what you wish and ask no questions; I will obey you with my life; treat me as a son, and you will find I have a son’s devotion.”

A deplorable explosion of oaths was the Dictator’s first reply.

“Son and father?” he cried (сын и отец? – воскликнул он). “Father and son (отец и сын)? What d-d unnatural comedy is all this (что это, …, за противоестественная комедия)? How do you come in my garden (как вы попали в мой сад)? What do you want (чего вы хотите)? And who, in God’s name, are you (и кто, во имя Господа, вы такой)?”

Francis, with a stunned and shamefaced aspect (Фрэнсис, с ошарашенным и пристыженным видом), got upon his feet again (снова поднялся на ноги), and stood in silence (и стоял в молчании).

Then a light seemed to break upon Mr. Vandeleur (затем мистер Венделер понял: «свет, казалось, пролился на…»), and he laughed aloud (и он громко расхохотался).

 “Son and father?” he cried. “Father and son? What d-d unnatural comedy is all this? How do you come in my garden? What do you want? And who, in God’s name, are you?”

Francis, with a stunned and shamefaced aspect, got upon his feet again, and stood in silence.

Then a light seemed to break upon Mr. Vandeleur, and he laughed aloud.

“I see,” cried he (я понял, – воскликнул он). “It is the Scrymgeour (это тот самый Скримджер). Very well, Mr. Scrymgeour (очень хорошо, мистер Скримджер). Let me tell you in a few words (позвольте мне сказать вам в нескольких словах) how you stand (в каком вы положении: «как вы стоите»). You have entered my private residence by force (вы проникли в мое частное жилище силой), or perhaps by fraud (или, возможно, мошенничеством), but certainly with no encouragement from me (но уж точно без какого-либо побуждения с моей стороны; to encourage – ободрять; поощрять; courage – смелость); and you come at a moment of some annoyance (и вы приходите в довольно неприятный момент; annoyance – неприятность; to annoy – досаждать), a guest having fainted at my table (когда гость потерял сознание за моим столом), to besiege me with your protestations (чтобы досаждать мне своими заявлениями; to besiege – осаждать /просьбами, вопросами/). You are no son of mine (вы мне не сын). You are my brother’s bastard by a fishwife (вы ублюдок моего брата от торговки рыбой), if you want to know (если вы хотите знать). I regard you with an indifference closely bordering on aversion (я рассматриваю вас = отношусь к вам с безразличием, граничащим с отвращением); and from what I now see of your conduct (и, судя по вашему поведению, насколько я его вижу: «по тому, что я вижу от вашего поведения»), I judge your mind to be exactly suitable to your exterior (я полагаю, что ваш ум как раз подходит вашей внешности). I recommend you these mortifying reflections for your leisure (я предлагаю вам эти обидные размышления для вашего досуга); and, in the meantime, let me beseech you (а тем временем позвольте мне попросить вас) to rid us of your presence (избавить нас от вашего присутствия). If I were not occupied,” added the Dictator, with a terrifying oath (если бы я не был занят, – прибавил диктатор с ужасным ругательством = присовокупив…), “I should give you the unholiest drubbing ere you went (я бы задал вам страшнейшую трепку на дорогу: «прежде чем вы бы ушли»)!”

 “I see,” cried he. “It is the Scrymgeour. Very well, Mr. Scrymgeour. Let me tell you in a few words how you stand. You have entered my private residence by force, or perhaps by fraud, but certainly with no encouragement from me; and you come at a moment of some annoyance, a guest having fainted at my table, to besiege me with your protestations. You are no son of mine. You are my brother’s bastard by a fishwife, if you want to know. I regard you with an indifference closely bordering on aversion; and from what I now see of your conduct, I judge your mind to be exactly suitable to your exterior. I recommend you these mortifying reflections for your leisure; and, in the meantime, let me beseech you to rid us of your presence. If I were not occupied,” added the Dictator, with a terrifying oath, “I should give you the unholiest drubbing ere you went!”

Francis listened in profound humiliation (Фрэнсис слушал в глубоком унижении). He would have fled had it been possible (он бы убежал, будь это возможно; to flee – спасаться бегством); but as he had no means of leaving the residence into which he had so unfortunately penetrated (но так как у него не было путей покинуть жилище, в которое он так злосчастно проник), he could do no more than stand foolishly where he was (он не мог ничего сделать, как только глупо стоять на месте: «где он был»).

It was Miss Vandeleur who broke the silence (молчание нарушила мисс Венделер; to break – ломать; разбивать).

“Father,” she said, “you speak in anger (отец, – сказала она, – ты говоришь в сердцах). Mr. Scrymgeour may have been mistaken (мистер Скримджер мог ошибиться), but he meant well and kindly (но им двигали хорошие и добрые побуждения: «он имел в виду хорошо и добро»).”

 Francis listened in profound humiliation. He would have fled had it been possible; but as he had no means of leaving the residence into which he had so unfortunately penetrated, he could do no more than stand foolishly where he was.

It was Miss Vandeleur who broke the silence.

“Father,” she said, “you speak in anger. Mr. Scrymgeour may have been mistaken, but he meant well and kindly.”

“Thank you for speaking,” returned the Dictator (спасибо за эти слова: «спасибо, что заговорила», – ответил диктатор). “You remind me of some other observations (ты напоминаешь мне и о некоторых других наблюдениях) which I hold it a point of honour to make to Mr. Scrymgeour (сообщить которые мистеру Скримджеру для меня – дело чести; to hold – держать, зд.: воспринимать). My brother,” he continued, addressing the young man, “has been foolish enough to give you an allowance (мой брат, – продолжил он, обращаясь к молодому человеку, – был достаточно глуп, чтобы назначить вам содержание); he was foolish enough and presumptuous enough to propose a match between you and this young lady (он был достаточно глуп и достаточно дерзок, чтобы предложить брак между вами и этой молодой леди). You were exhibited to her two nights ago (вы были показаны ей два вечера назад); and I rejoice to tell you that she rejected the idea with disgust (и я радуюсь = рад сообщить вам, что она отвергла эту затею с отвращением). Let me add that I have considerable influence with your father (позвольте мне добавить, что я имею значительное влияние на вашего отца); and it shall not be my fault if you are not beggared of your allowance (и не моя вина, если вы не будете лишены вашего содержания = я постараюсь, чтобы вы были лишены…) and sent back to your scrivening (и отосланы назад к вашей писанине; scrivener – писец) ere the week be out (прежде чем закончится эта неделя).”

 “Thank you for speaking,” returned the Dictator. “You remind me of some other observations which I hold it a point of honour to make to Mr. Scrymgeour. My brother,” he continued, addressing the young man, “has been foolish enough to give you an allowance; he was foolish enough and presumptuous enough to propose a match between you and this young lady. You were exhibited to her two nights ago; and I rejoice to tell you that she rejected the idea with disgust. Let me add that I have considerable influence with your father; and it shall not be my fault if you are not beggared of your allowance and sent back to your scrivening ere the week be out.”

The tones of the old man’s voice were, if possible, more wounding than his language (интонации голоса старика были, если это вообще возможно, более ранящими, чем его выражения); Francis felt himself exposed to the most cruel, blighting, and unbearable contempt (Фрэнсис почувствовал себя подвергнутым самому жестокому, убийственному и непереносимому презрению); his head turned (он отвернулся: «его голова повернулась»), and he covered his face with his hands (и он закрыл лицо руками), uttering at the same time a tearless sob of agony (издав в то же время всхлип страдания без слез: «бесслезный»). But Miss Vandeleur once again interfered in his behalf (но мисс Венделер снова вмешалась – на его стороне; in behalf of smb. – для, ради, в пользу, в защиту, в интересах /кого-либо/).

 The tones of the old man’s voice were, if possible, more wounding than his language; Francis felt himself exposed to the most cruel, blighting, and unbearable contempt; his head turned, and he covered his face with his hands, uttering at the same time a tearless sob of agony. But Miss Vandeleur once again interfered in his behalf.

“Mr. Scrymgeour,” she said, speaking in clear and even tones (мистер Скримджер, – сказала она, говоря ясным и ровным голосом), “you must not be concerned at my father’s harsh expressions (вы не должны быть задеты резкими выражениями моего отца; to concern – касаться, относиться; волновать, беспокоить). I felt no disgust for you (я не испытала отвращения к вам); on the contrary, I asked an opportunity to make your better acquaintance (напротив, я просила возможности лучше познакомиться с вами). As for what has passed to-night (что до того, чтó произошло сегодня), believe me it has filled my mind with both pity and esteem (поверьте мне, это наполнило мои мысли и состраданием, и уважением; pity – жалость; сострадание).”

 “Mr. Scrymgeour,” she said, speaking in clear and even tones, “you must not be concerned at my father’s harsh expressions. I felt no disgust for you; on the contrary, I asked an opportunity to make your better acquaintance. As for what has passed to-night, believe me it has filled my mind with both pity and esteem.”

Just then Mr. Rolles made a convulsive movement with his arm (как раз тогда мистер Роулз сделал конвульсивное движение рукой), which convinced Francis that he was only drugged (что убедило Фрэнсиса, что он лишь был одурманен), and was beginning to throw off the influence of the opiate (и начал освобождаться от влияния опиата; to throw off – сбрасывать). Mr. Vandeleur stooped over him (мистер Венделер склонился над ним) and examined his face for an instant (и секунду изучал его лицо; instant – мгновение).

“Come, come!” cried he, raising his head (все, хватит! – воскликнул он, подняв голову). “Let there be an end of this (да будет этому конец). And since you are so pleased with his conduct, Miss Vandeleur (и раз вы так восхищены его поведением, мисс Венделер), take a candle and show the bastard out (возьмите свечу и проводите этого незаконнорожденного).”

The young lady hastened to obey (молодая леди поспешила повиноваться).

 Just then Mr. Rolles made a convulsive movement with his arm, which convinced Francis that he was only drugged, and was beginning to throw off the influence of the opiate. Mr. Vandeleur stooped over him and examined his face for an instant.

“Come, come!” cried he, raising his head. “Let there be an end of this. And since you are so pleased with his conduct, Miss Vandeleur, take a candle and show the bastard out.”

The young lady hastened to obey.

“Thank you,” said Francis, as soon as he was alone with her in the garden (спасибо, – сказал Фрэнсис, как только он остался наедине с ней в саду). “I thank you from my soul (я благодарю вас от /всей/ души). This has been the bitterest evening of my life (это был горчайший вечер моей жизни), but it will have always one pleasant recollection (но в нем всегда будет одно приятное воспоминание).”

“I spoke as I felt,” she replied (я говорила, как чувствовала, – ответила она), “and in justice to you (и справедливо /по отношению/ к вам: «в справедливости»). It made my heart sorry (мое сердце расстроило = меня опечалило) that you should be so unkindly used (что с вами так недобро обходятся).”

By this time they had reached the garden gate (к этому времени они достигли садовой калитки); and Miss Vandeleur, having set the candle on the ground (и мисс Венделер, поставив свечу на землю), was already unfastening the bolts (уже отпирала засовы; to unfasten – откреплять; отпирать; to fasten – прикреплять).

 “Thank you,” said Francis, as soon as he was alone with her in the garden. “I thank you from my soul. This has been the bitterest evening of my life, but it will have always one pleasant recollection.”

“I spoke as I felt,” she replied, “and in justice to you. It made my heart sorry that you should be so unkindly used.”

By this time they had reached the garden gate; and Miss Vandeleur, having set the candle on the ground, was already unfastening the bolts.

“One word more,” said Francis (еще одно слово, – сказал Фрэнсис). “This is not for the last time (это же не в последний раз) – I shall see you again, shall I not (я ведь увижу вас снова, не правда ли)?”

“Alas!” she answered (увы! – ответила она). “You have heard my father (вы слышали моего отца). What can I do but obey (что я могу сделать, как не подчиниться)?”

“Tell me at least that it is not with your consent,” returned Francis (скажите мне, по крайней мере, что это не с вашего согласия, – возразил Фрэнсис); “tell me that you have no wish to see the last of me (скажите мне, что вы не имеете желания отделаться от меня: «увидеть последнее от меня»).”

“Indeed,” replied she, “I have none (действительно, – ответила она, – у меня нет /такого желания/). You seem to me both brave and honest (вы кажетесь мне и отважным, и честным).”

“Then,” said Francis, “give me a keepsake (тогда, – сказал Фрэнсис, – дайте мне что-нибудь на память; keepsake – подарок на память).”

She paused for a moment (она помедлила секунду), with her hand upon the key (/держа/ руку на ключе); for the various bars and bolts were all undone (так как различные засовы и запоры были отодвинуты), and there was nothing left but to open the lock (и не оставалось ничего, кроме как отпереть замок).

 “One word more,” said Francis. “This is not for the last time – I shall see you again, shall I not?”

“Alas!” she answered. “You have heard my father. What can I do but obey?”

“Tell me at least that it is not with your consent,” returned Francis; “tell me that you have no wish to see the last of me.”

“Indeed,” replied she, “I have none. You seem to me both brave and honest.”

“Then,” said Francis, “give me a keepsake.”

She paused for a moment, with her hand upon the key; for the various bars and bolts were all undone, and there was nothing left but to open the lock.

“If I agree,” she said (если я соглашусь, – сказала она), “will you promise to do as I tell you from point to point (вы пообещаете делать, как я вам скажу, во всех деталях: «от пункта до пункта»)?”

“Can you ask?” replied Francis (разве вы можете просить? – ответил Фрэнсис). “I would do so willingly on your bare word (я бы охотно поступил так по одному вашему слову: «голому»).”

She turned the key and threw open the door (она повернула ключ и распахнула калитку).

“Be it so,” said she (так тому и быть, – сказала она). “You do not know what you ask (вы не знаете, чего просите), but be it so (но пусть будет так). Whatever you hear,” she continued, “whatever happens, do not return to this house (что бы вы ни услышали, – продолжила она, – что бы ни случилось, не возвращайтесь в этот дом); hurry fast until you reach the lighted and populous quarters of the city (поспешите = бегите быстро, пока не доберетесь до освещенных и людных кварталов города); even there be upon your guard (даже там будьте настороже). You are in a greater danger than you fancy (вы в бóльшей опасности, чем воображаете). Promise me you will not so much as look at my keepsake (обещайте мне, что даже не взглянете на мой подарок) until you are in a place of safety (пока не окажетесь в безопасном месте: «в месте безопасности»).”

“I promise,” replied Francis (я обещаю, – ответил Фрэнсис).

 “If I agree,” she said, “will you promise to do as I tell you from point to point?”

“Can you ask?” replied Francis. “I would do so willingly on your bare word.”

She turned the key and threw open the door.

“Be it so,” said she. “You do not know what you ask, but be it so. Whatever you hear,” she continued, “whatever happens, do not return to this house; hurry fast until you reach the lighted and populous quarters of the city; even there be upon your guard. You are in a greater danger than you fancy. Promise me you will not so much as look at my keepsake until you are in a place of safety.”

“I promise,” replied Francis.

She put something loosely wrapped in a handkerchief into the young man’s hand (оно сунула что-то, небрежно завернутое в платок, в руку молодого человека); and at the same time, with more strength than he could have anticipated (и в то же время, с бóльшей силой, чем он мог бы предвидеть), she pushed him into the street (она вытолкнула его на улицу).

“Now, run!” she cried (теперь бегите! – крикнула она).

He heard the door close behind him (он услышал, как дверь закрывается за ним), and the noise of the bolts being replaced (и лязг задвигаемых засовов).

“My faith,” said he, “since I have promised (Боже мой: «моя вера», – сказал он, – раз уж я обещал)!”

And he took to his heels down the lane (и он припустил по переулку: «взялся за каблуки/пятки») that leads into the Rue Ravignan (который ведет к улице Равиньян).

 She put something loosely wrapped in a handkerchief into the young man’s hand; and at the same time, with more strength than he could have anticipated, she pushed him into the street.

“Now, run!” she cried.

He heard the door close behind him, and the noise of the bolts being replaced.

“My faith,” said he, “since I have promised!”

And he took to his heels down the lane that leads into the Rue Ravignan.

He was not fifty paces from the house with the green blinds (он не отбежал и пятидесяти шагов от дома с зелеными жалюзи) when the most diabolical outcry suddenly arose out of the stillness of the night (когда совершенно дьявольский крик вдруг раздался в тишине ночи). Mechanically he stood still (он машинально остановился); another passenger followed his example (другой прохожий последовал его примеру); in the neighbouring floors he saw people crowding to the windows (в соседних этажах = домах он увидел людей, столпившихся у окон); a conflagration could not have produced more disturbance in this empty quarter (и пожар не мог бы произвести больше смятения в этом пустом квартале). And yet it seemed to be all the work of a single man (и все же это казалось работой одного-единственного человека), roaring between grief and rage (рычащего в горе и ярости: «между»), like a lioness robbed of her whelps (как львица, у которой похитили детенышей); and Francis was surprised and alarmed to hear his own name (и Фрэнсис был удивлен и испуган, услышав собственное имя) shouted with English imprecations to the wind (выкликаемое в пространство: «ветру» вперемежку с английскими проклятиями).

 He was not fifty paces from the house with the green blinds when the most diabolical outcry suddenly arose out of the stillness of the night. Mechanically he stood still; another passenger followed his example; in the neighbouring floors he saw people crowding to the windows; a conflagration could not have produced more disturbance in this empty quarter. And yet it seemed to be all the work of a single man, roaring between grief and rage, like a lioness robbed of her whelps; and Francis was surprised and alarmed to hear his own name shouted with English imprecations to the wind.

His first movement was to return to the house (его первым побуждением было вернуться к дому); his second, as he remembered Miss Vandeleur’s advice, to continue his flight (вторым, когда он вспомнил совет мисс Венделер, – продолжать бег; flight – бегство) with greater expedition than before (с большей расторопностью, чем раньше); and he was in the act of turning to put his thought in action (и он как раз поворачивался, чтобы привести задуманное: «мысль» в исполнение), when the Dictator, bareheaded, bawling aloud (когда диктатор, с непокрытой головой, громко вопящий), his white hair blowing about his head (со своими белыми волосами, развевающимися вокруг головы), shot past him like a ball out of the cannon’s mouth (пронесся мимо него, как ядро из жерла пушки), and went careering down the street (и умчался по улице).

“That was a close shave,” thought Francis to himself (я был на волосок от гибели, – сказал себе Фрэнсис; close shave – на волосок от гибели: «чистое /близко к коже/ бритье»; close – близкий). “What he wants with me (чего он хочет от меня), and why he should be so disturbed, I cannot think (и почему он так возбужден – я не могу понять; to disturb – беспокоить, волновать, мешать, тревожить); but he is plainly not good company for the moment (но он явно не лучшая компания в данный момент), and I cannot do better than follow Miss Vandeleur’s advice (и я не могу поступить лучше, чем последовать совету мисс Венделер).”

 His first movement was to return to the house; his second, as he remembered Miss Vandeleur’s advice, to continue his flight with greater expedition than before; and he was in the act of turning to put his thought in action, when the Dictator, bareheaded, bawling aloud, his white hair blowing about his head, shot past him like a ball out of the cannon’s mouth, and went careering down the street.

“That was a close shave,” thought Francis to himself. “What he wants with me, and why he should be so disturbed, I cannot think; but he is plainly not good company for the moment, and I cannot do better than follow Miss Vandeleur’s advice.”

So saying, he turned to retrace his steps (говоря так, он повернулся, чтобы вернуться по своим следам), thinking to double and descend by the Rue Lepic itself (думая вернуться обратно и спуститься по самой улице Лепик) while his pursuer should continue to follow after him on the other line of street (пока его преследователь продолжает гнаться за ним по другой улице). The plan was ill-devised (этот план был неудачен: «плохо задуман»): as a matter of fact, he should have taken his seat in the nearest café (на самом деле ему следовало засесть в ближайшем кафе), and waited there until the first heat of the pursuit was over (и переждать там, пока не окончится первая горячка погони). But besides that Francis had no experience and little natural aptitude for the small war of private life (но помимо того, что у Фрэнсиса не было опыта и мало естественной способности к маленьким стычкам в частной жизни), he was so unconscious of any evil on his part (он настолько не осознавал никакого проступка со своей стороны), that he saw nothing to fear beyond a disagreeable interview (что он не видел ничего, чего следовало бы бояться, кроме неприятного разговора). And to disagreeable interviews he felt he had already served his apprenticeship that evening (а неприятным разговорам, чувствовал он, он уже поучился этим вечером; to serve – служить; apprenticeship – ученичество; apprentice – подмастерье); nor could he suppose that Miss Vandeleur had left anything unsaid (и он не мог предположить, что мисс Венделер оставила что-то несказанным = что-то недоговорила). Indeed, the young man was sore both in body and mind (действительно, молодой человек был ранен и телом, и умом; sore – больной; болезненный; страдающий, испытывающий душевную боль) – the one was all bruised (одно было все в синяках), the other was full of smarting arrows (другой – полон = расстрелян язвящими стрелами; smart – жгучая, сильная боль /от удара, раны и т. п./; to smart – испытывать жгучую боль; болеть); and he owned to himself that Mr. Vandeleur was master of a very deadly tongue (и он признался себе, что мистер Венделер – мастер убийственного языка).

 So saying, he turned to retrace his steps, thinking to double and descend by the Rue Lepic itself while his pursuer should continue to follow after him on the other line of street. The plan was ill-devised: as a matter of fact, he should have taken his seat in the nearest café, and waited there until the first heat of the pursuit was over. But besides that Francis had no experience and little natural aptitude for the small war of private life, he was so unconscious of any evil on his part, that he saw nothing to fear beyond a disagreeable interview. And to disagreeable interviews he felt he had already served his apprenticeship that evening; nor could he suppose that Miss Vandeleur had left anything unsaid. Indeed, the young man was sore both in body and mind – the one was all bruised, the other was full of smarting arrows; and he owned to himself that Mr. Vandeleur was master of a very deadly tongue.

The thought of his bruises reminded him (мысль о синяках напомнила ему) that he had not only come without a hat (что он пошел не только без шляпы), but that his clothes had considerably suffered in his descent through the chestnut (но и что его одежда серьезно пострадала при спуске по каштану). At the first magazine he purchased a cheap wideawake (в первом же магазине он приобрел дешевую широкополую фетровую шляпу), and had the disorder of his toilet summarily repaired (и на скорую руку исправил беспорядок в одежде; summarily – кратко). The keepsake, still rolled in the handkerchief (подарок на память, все еще завернутый в платок), he thrust in the meanwhile into his trousers pocket (он тем временем сунул в карман штанов).

 The thought of his bruises reminded him that he had not only come without a hat, but that his clothes had considerably suffered in his descent through the chestnut. At the first magazine he purchased a cheap wideawake, and had the disorder of his toilet summarily repaired. The keepsake, still rolled in the handkerchief, he thrust in the meanwhile into his trousers pocket.

Not many steps beyond the shop he was conscious of a sudden shock (не за много шагов = лишь немного отойдя от магазина, он почувствовал внезапный толчок), a hand upon his throat (чью-то руку на своем горле), an infuriated face close to his own (/заметил/ разъяренное лицо близко к своему), and an open mouth bawling curses in his ear (и раскрытый рот, изрыгающий проклятие ему /прямо/ на ухо). The Dictator, having found no trace of his quarry (диктатор, не найдя следа своей жертвы; quarry – добыча; преследуемый зверь; намеченная жертва), was returning by the other way (возвращался другим путем). Francis was a stalwart young fellow (Фрэнсис был крепкий молодой парень); but he was no match for his adversary whether in strength or skill (но он был не ровня своему противнику – ни по силе, ни по ловкости); and after a few ineffectual struggles he resigned himself entirely to his captor (и после нескольких неэффективных усилий он полностью покорился своему захватчику).

 Not many steps beyond the shop he was conscious of a sudden shock, a hand upon his throat, an infuriated face close to his own, and an open mouth bawling curses in his ear. The Dictator, having found no trace of his quarry, was returning by the other way. Francis was a stalwart young fellow; but he was no match for his adversary whether in strength or skill; and after a few ineffectual struggles he resigned himself entirely to his captor.

“What do you want with me?” said he (чего вы от меня хотите? – сказал он).

“We will talk of that at home,” returned the Dictator grimly (мы поговорим об этом дома, – мрачно ответил диктатор).

And he continued to march the young man up hill (и он продолжил толкать молодого человека вверх по холму) in the direction of the house with the green blinds (в направлении дома с зелеными жалюзи).

But Francis, although he no longer struggled (но Фрэнсис, хотя больше не боролся), was only waiting an opportunity to make a bold push for freedom (только поджидал возможность совершить отважный бросок к свободе). With a sudden jerk he left the collar of his coat in the hands of Mr. Vandeleur (неожиданным рывком он оставил воротник куртки в руках мистера Венделера), and once more made off at his best speed (и снова пустился как можно быстрее: «на своей лучшей скорости») in the direction of the Boulevards (по направлению к бульварам).

 “What do you want with me?” said he.

“We will talk of that at home,” returned the Dictator grimly.

And he continued to march the young man up hill in the direction of the house with the green blinds.

But Francis, although he no longer struggled, was only waiting an opportunity to make a bold push for freedom. With a sudden jerk he left the collar of his coat in the hands of Mr. Vandeleur, and once more made off at his best speed in the direction of the Boulevards.

The tables were now turned (роли теперь поменялись: «фишки повернулись»). If the Dictator was the stronger (если диктатор был сильнее), Francis, in the top of his youth, was the more fleet of foot (Фрэнсис, во цвете своей молодости, был более быстр на ногу; top – верхушка, вершина), and he had soon effected his escape among the crowds (и скоро совершил свой побег сквозь толпу). Relieved for a moment (облегченно вздохнувший на секунду), but with a growing sentiment of alarm and wonder in his mind (но с растущим чувством тревоги и изумления в мыслях), he walked briskly until he debouched upon the Place de l’Opéra (он энергично шагал, пока не вышел на площадь Оперы; to debouch – выходить на открытое место /например, о реке, ущелье/; /воен./ дебушировать, выходить на открытую местность /напр., из леса, ущелья/), lit up like day with electric lamps (освещенную, словно днем, электрическими фонарями).

“This, at least,” thought he, “should satisfy Miss Vandeleur (это, по крайней мере, – подумал он, – должно удовлетворить мисс Венделер).”

 The tables were now turned. If the Dictator was the stronger, Francis, in the top of his youth, was the more fleet of foot, and he had soon effected his escape among the crowds. Relieved for a moment, but with a growing sentiment of alarm and wonder in his mind, he walked briskly until he debouched upon the Place de l’Opéra, lit up like day with electric lamps.

“This, at least,” thought he, “should satisfy Miss Vandeleur.”

And turning to his right along the Boulevards (и, повернув направо вдоль бульваров), he entered the Café Américain (он вошел в Американское кафе) and ordered some beer (и заказал пива). It was both late and early for the majority of the frequenters of the establishment (было одновременно /слишком/ поздно и /слишком/ рано для большинства завсегдатаев этого заведения). Only two or three persons, all men (только два или три человека, все – мужчины), were dotted here and there at separate tables in the hall (были разбросаны = сидели там и сям за отдельными столиками в зале; dot – точка; to dot – покрывать, усеивать); and Francis was too much occupied by his own thoughts to observe their presence (а Фрэнсис был слишком занят собственными мыслями, чтобы заметить их присутствие).

 And turning to his right along the Boulevards, he entered the Café Américain and ordered some beer. It was both late and early for the majority of the frequenters of the establishment. Only two or three persons, all men, were dotted here and there at separate tables in the hall; and Francis was too much occupied by his own thoughts to observe their presence.

He drew the handkerchief from his pocket (он вытащил платок из кармана; to draw – тащить, тянуть). The object wrapped in it proved to be a morocco case (предмет, завернутый в него, оказался сафьяновым футляром), clasped and ornamented in gilt (на застежке и украшенный золотом), which opened by means of a spring (который открылся посредством пружины), and disclosed to the horrified young man (и открыл ужаснувшемуся молодому человеку) a diamond of monstrous bigness and extraordinary brilliancy (алмаз чудовищного размера и необычайного блеска). The circumstance was so inexplicable (это обстоятельство было настолько необъяснимо), the value of the stone was plainly so enormous (ценность камня была, очевидно, так непомерна), that Francis sat staring into the open casket without movement (что Фрэнсис сидел, уставившись в открытый футляр, без движения), without conscious thought (без сознательных мыслей), like a man stricken suddenly with idiocy (как человек, внезапно пораженный идиотизмом).

 He drew the handkerchief from his pocket. The object wrapped in it proved to be a morocco case, clasped and ornamented in gilt, which opened by means of a spring, and disclosed to the horrified young man a diamond of monstrous bigness and extraordinary brilliancy. The circumstance was so inexplicable, the value of the stone was plainly so enormous, that Francis sat staring into the open casket without movement, without conscious thought, like a man stricken suddenly with idiocy.

A hand was laid upon his shoulder (рука легла ему на плечо: «была положена»; to lay – положить), lightly but firmly (легко, но твердо), and a quiet voice, which yet had in it the ring of command (и тихий голос, в котором, тем не менее, был звон властности), uttered these words in his ear (произнес эти слова ему на ухо) —

“Close the casket, and compose your face (закройте шкатулку и примите спокойный вид: «успокойте свое лицо»; to compose – составлять; улаживать, успокаивать).”

Looking up, he beheld a man, still young (взглянув вверх, он увидел человека, еще молодого), of an urbane and tranquil presence (изысканного и спокойного вида; urbane – вежливый; с изысканными манерами), and dressed with rich simplicity (и одетого с богатой простотой). This personage had risen from a neighbouring table (этот человек поднялся от соседнего стола), and, bringing his glass with him (и, принеся стакан с собой), had taken a seat beside Francis (занял место рядом с Фрэнсисом).

 A hand was laid upon his shoulder, lightly but firmly, and a quiet voice, which yet had in it the ring of command, uttered these words in his ear —

“Close the casket, and compose your face.”

Looking up, he beheld a man, still young, of an urbane and tranquil presence, and dressed with rich simplicity. This personage had risen from a neighbouring table, and, bringing his glass with him, had taken a seat beside Francis.

“Close the casket,” repeated the stranger (закройте шкатулку, – повторил незнакомец), “and put it quietly back into your pocket (и положите ее спокойно обратно в карман), where I feel persuaded it should never have been (где, я убежден, она никогда не должна была оказаться; to persuade – убеждать). Try, if you please, to throw off your bewildered air (постарайтесь, пожалуйста, сбросить свой озадаченный вид), and act as though I were one of your acquaintances (и вести себя так, будто я – один из ваших знакомых) whom you had met by chance (которого вы встретили случайно: «по случаю»). So (вот так)! Touch glasses with me (чокнитесь со мной: «коснитесь стаканами»). That is better (так-то лучше). I fear, sir, you must be an amateur (боюсь, сэр, вы, должно быть, любитель).”

And the stranger pronounced these last words with a smile of peculiar meaning (и незнакомец произнес эти последние слова с улыбкой какого-то особенного значения), leaned back in his seat (откинулся назад на своем стуле) and enjoyed a deep inhalation of tobacco (и насладился глубокой затяжкой табака).

 “Close the casket,” repeated the stranger, “and put it quietly back into your pocket, where I feel persuaded it should never have been. Try, if you please, to throw off your bewildered air, and act as though I were one of your acquaintances whom you had met by chance. So! Touch glasses with me. That is better. I fear, sir, you must be an amateur.”

And the stranger pronounced these last words with a smile of peculiar meaning, leaned back in his seat and enjoyed a deep inhalation of tobacco.

“For God’s sake,” said Francis (ради Бога, – сказал Фрэнсис), “tell me who you are and what this means (скажите мне, кто вы и что это значит)? Why I should obey your most unusual suggestions I am sure I know not (почему я должен выполнять ваши необычные указания, я уверен, что не знаю); but the truth is, I have fallen this evening into so many perplexing adventures (но по правде, я сегодня вечером попал в столько сбивающих с толку приключений), and all I meet conduct themselves so strangely (и все, кого я встречаю, ведут себя так странно), that I think I must either have gone mad (что я думаю, я либо сошел с ума) or wandered into another planet (или забрел на другую планету; either… or – или…, или). Your face inspires me with confidence (ваше лицо внушает мне доверие); you seem wise, good, and experienced (вы кажетесь мудрым, добрым и опытным); tell me, for heaven’s sake, why you accost me in so odd a fashion (скажите мне, во имя неба, почему вы обращаетесь ко мне в такой странной манере)?”

 “For God’s sake,” said Francis, “tell me who you are and what this means? Why I should obey your most unusual suggestions I am sure I know not; but the truth is, I have fallen this evening into so many perplexing adventures, and all I meet conduct themselves so strangely, that I think I must either have gone mad or wandered into another planet. Your face inspires me with confidence; you seem wise, good, and experienced; tell me, for heaven’s sake, why you accost me in so odd a fashion?”

“All in due time,” replied the stranger (все в свое: «должное» время, – ответил незнакомец). “But I have the first hand (но первая очередь за мной: «у меня первая рука»), and you must begin by telling me (и вы должны начать с того, чтобы рассказать мне) how the Rajah’s Diamond is in your possession (как Алмаз раджи оказался в вашей собственности).”

“The Rajah’s Diamond!” echoed Francis (Алмаз раджи! – повторил Фрэнсис).

“I would not speak so loud, if I were you,” returned the other (я бы не говорил так громко на вашем месте, – ответил тот: «если бы я был вами»). “But most certainly you have the Rajah’s Diamond in your pocket (но совершенно точно у вас в кармане – Алмаз раджи). I have seen and handled it a score of times in Sir Thomas Vandeleur’s collection (я видел и трогал его раз двадцать, /когда он был/ в коллекции сэра Томаса Венделера; score – /уст./ два десятка).”

“Sir Thomas Vandeleur! The General! My father!” cried Francis (сэр Томас Венделер! генерал! мой отец! – вскричал Фрэнсис).

 “All in due time,” replied the stranger. “But I have the first hand, and you must begin by telling me how the Rajah’s Diamond is in your possession.”

“The Rajah’s Diamond!” echoed Francis.

“I would not speak so loud, if I were you,” returned the other. “But most certainly you have the Rajah’s Diamond in your pocket. I have seen and handled it a score of times in Sir Thomas Vandeleur’s collection.”

“Sir Thomas Vandeleur! The General! My father!” cried Francis.

“Your father?” repeated the stranger (ваш отец? – повторил незнакомец). “I was not aware the General had any family (я не знал, что у генерала есть дети).”

“I am illegitimate, sir,” replied Francis, with a flush (я незаконнорожденный, сэр, – ответил Фрэнсис, покраснев: «с румянцем»; legitimate – законный; flush – внезапный прилив, повышение уровня /о жидкости, потоке/; наводнение; прилив, приток крови; краска, румянец /на лице/).

The other bowed with gravity (другой = его собеседник поклонился со степенностью; grave – важный, степенный, серьезный). It was a respectful bow (это был уважительный поклон), as of a man silently apologising to his equal (/поклон/ человека, молчаливо извиняющегося перед равным /себе/); and Francis felt relieved and comforted (и Фрэнсис почувствовал себя свободно: «облегченно» и спокойно), he scarce knew why (он едва знал, почему). The society of this person did him good (общество этого человека было для него благотворным); he seemed to touch firm ground (он, казалось, встал на твердую почву: «коснулся…»); a strong feeling of respect grew up in his bosom (сильное чувство уважения росло в его груди), and mechanically he removed his wideawake as though in the presence of a superior (и машинально он снял свою широкополую шляпу, словно в присутствии старшего = знатного человека).

 “Your father?” repeated the stranger. “I was not aware the General had any family.”

“I am illegitimate, sir,” replied Francis, with a flush.

The other bowed with gravity. It was a respectful bow, as of a man silently apologising to his equal; and Francis felt relieved and comforted, he scarce knew why. The society of this person did him good; he seemed to touch firm ground; a strong feeling of respect grew up in his bosom, and mechanically he removed his wideawake as though in the presence of a superior.

“I perceive,” said the stranger (я так понимаю/замечаю, – сказал незнакомец), “that your adventures have not all been peaceful (что не все ваши приключения были мирными). Your collar is torn (ваш ворот порван; to tear – рвать), your face is scratched (ваше лицо исцарапано), you have a cut upon your temple (у вас порез на виске); you will, perhaps, pardon my curiosity (вы, возможно, простите мое любопытство) when I ask you to explain how you came by these injuries (если я попрошу вас объяснить, как вы получили эти повреждения), and how you happen to have stolen property to an enormous value in your pocket (и как случилось, что у вас в кармане краденое имущество чрезвычайной ценности; to steal – красть; enormous – громадный; гигантский, обширный, огромный).”

“I must differ from you!” returned Francis hotly (я должен с вами не согласиться! – горячо возразил Фрэнсис; to differ – отличаться, различаться; не соглашаться, иметь другую точку зрения). “I possess no stolen property (у меня нет краденого имущества; to possess – владеть, обладать). And if you refer to the diamond (а если вы говорите об алмазе), it was given to me not an hour ago by Miss Vandeleur in the Rue Lepic (то его дала мне менее часа назад мисс Венделер на улице Лепик).”

 “I perceive,” said the stranger, “that your adventures have not all been peaceful. Your collar is torn, your face is scratched, you have a cut upon your temple; you will, perhaps, pardon my curiosity when I ask you to explain how you came by these injuries, and how you happen to have stolen property to an enormous value in your pocket.”

“I must differ from you!” returned Francis hotly. “I possess no stolen property. And if you refer to the diamond, it was given to me not an hour ago by Miss Vandeleur in the Rue Lepic.”

“By Miss Vandeleur of the Rue Lepic!” repeated the other (мисс Венделер с улицы Лепик! – повторил другой = его собеседник). “You interest me more than you suppose (вы интригуете меня больше, чем сами предполагаете). Pray continue (пожалуйста, продолжайте).”

“Heavens!” cried Francis (Боже мой! – воскликнул Фрэнсис).

His memory had made a sudden bound (его память совершила внезапный скачок). He had seen Mr. Vandeleur take an article from the breast of his drugged visitor (он видел, как мистер Венделер берет какой-то предмет с груди своего одурманенного посетителя), and that article, he was now persuaded, was a morocco case (и этот предмет, он теперь был убежден, был сафьяновой шкатулкой).

“You have a light?” inquired the stranger (вы о чем-то вспомнили: «у вас есть свет»? – спросил незнакомец).

“Listen,” replied Francis. “I know not who you are (послушайте, – ответил Фрэнсис, – я не знаю, кто вы), but I believe you to be worthy of confidence and helpful (но я верю, что вы достойны доверия и можете помочь); I find myself in strange waters (я нахожусь в чужих водах = совсем потерялся); I must have counsel and support (мне нужны совет и поддержка: «я должен получить…»), and since you invite me I shall tell you all (и раз вы просите, я расскажу вам все; to invite – приглашать /в том числе приглашать что-либо сделать/).”

 “By Miss Vandeleur of the Rue Lepic!” repeated the other. “You interest me more than you suppose. Pray continue.”

“Heavens!” cried Francis.

His memory had made a sudden bound. He had seen Mr. Vandeleur take an article from the breast of his drugged visitor, and that article, he was now persuaded, was a morocco case.

“You have a light?” inquired the stranger.

“Listen,” replied Francis. “I know not who you are, but I believe you to be worthy of confidence and helpful; I find myself in strange waters; I must have counsel and support, and since you invite me I shall tell you all.”

And he briefly recounted his experiences since the day (и он коротко пересказал свои приключения с того дня) when he was summoned from the bank by his lawyer (когда он был вызван из банка своим поверенным).

“Yours is indeed a remarkable history,” said the stranger (ваша история поистине замечательна, – сказал незнакомец: «ваша – поистине замечательная история»), after the young man had made an end of his narrative (после того как молодой человек завершил свой рассказ: «сделал конец своего повествования»); “and your position is full of difficulty and peril (и ваше положение исполнено трудностей и опасностей). Many would counsel you to seek out your father (многие бы посоветовали вам разыскать вашего отца), and give the diamond to him (и отдать алмаз ему); but I have other views (но у меня другие взгляды). Waiter!” he cried (официант! – крикнул он).

 And he briefly recounted his experiences since the day when he was summoned from the bank by his lawyer.

“Yours is indeed a remarkable history,” said the stranger, after the young man had made an end of his narrative; “and your position is full of difficulty and peril. Many would counsel you to seek out your father, and give the diamond to him; but I have other views. Waiter!” he cried.

The waiter drew near (официант подошел).

“Will you ask the manager to speak with me a moment?” said he (вы не попросите управляющего поговорить со мной минуту? – сказал он); and Francis observed once more, both in his tone and manner (и Фрэнсис снова заметил в его голосе и манерах), the evidence of a habit of command (свидетельство привычки командовать; evidence – ясность, наглядность, очевидность; доказательство, подтверждение; свидетельство).

The waiter withdrew, and returned in a moment with manager (официант удалился и вернулся через мгновение с управляющим; to withdraw – удалиться), who bowed with obsequious respect (который поклонился с раболепным почтением).

“What,” said he, “can I do to serve you (что, – сказал он, – я могу сделать, чтобы служить вам)?”

“Have the goodness,” replied the stranger, indicating Francis, “to tell this gentleman my name (будьте так добры, – ответил незнакомец, указывая на Фрэнсиса, – сказать этому джентльмену мое имя).”

 The waiter drew near.

“Will you ask the manager to speak with me a moment?” said he; and Francis observed once more, both in his tone and manner, the evidence of a habit of command.

The waiter withdrew, and returned in a moment with manager, who bowed with obsequious respect.

“What,” said he, “can I do to serve you?”

“Have the goodness,” replied the stranger, indicating Francis, “to tell this gentleman my name.”

“You have the honour, sir,” said the functionary, addressing young Scrymgeour (вы имеете честь, сэр, – сказал служащий, обращаясь к молодому Скримджеру), “to occupy the same table with His Highness Prince Florizel of Bohemia (занимать один столик с его высочеством принцем Флоризелем Богемским).”

Francis rose with precipitation (Фрэнсис встал с поспешностью), and made a grateful reverence to the Prince (и сделал благодарный = учтивый поклон принцу), who bade him resume his seat (который попросил его снова сесть: «снова занять свое место»; to bid – просить, приказывать).

“I thank you,” said Florizel, once more addressing the functionary (благодарю вас, – сказал Флоризель, снова обращаясь к служащему); “I am sorry to have deranged you for so small a matter (извините, что побеспокоил вас по такому малому делу).”

And he dismissed him with a movement of his hand (и он отпустил его одним движением руки).

 “You have the honour, sir,” said the functionary, addressing young Scrymgeour, “to occupy the same table with His Highness Prince Florizel of Bohemia.”

Francis rose with precipitation, and made a grateful reverence to the Prince, who bade him resume his seat.

“I thank you,” said Florizel, once more addressing the functionary; “I am sorry to have deranged you for so small a matter.”

And he dismissed him with a movement of his hand.

“And now,” added the Prince, turning to Francis (а сейчас, – прибавил принц, повернувшись к Фрэнсису), “give me the diamond (дайте мне алмаз).”

Without a word the casket was handed over (без единого слова шкатулка была передана /ему/).

“You have done right,” said Florizel (вы поступили правильно, – сказал Флоризель), “your sentiments have properly inspired you (ваши чувства правильно вдохновили = ведут вас), and you will live to be grateful for the misfortunes of to-night (и вы еще будете потом благодарны злоключениям сегодняшнего вечера: «вы будете жить, чтобы быть благодарным»). A man, Mr. Scrymgeour, may fall into a thousand perplexities (человек, мистер Скримджер, может попадать в тысячу затруднительных положений), but if his heart be upright and his intelligence unclouded (но если его сердце прямо, а ум незатуманен; cloud – облако, туча), he will issue from them all without dishonour (он выйдет из всех них без бесчестья). Let your mind be at rest (дайте своему мозгу отдохнуть: «быть в покое»); your affairs are in my hand (ваши дела в моих руках); and with the aid of heaven I am strong enough to bring them to a good end (и, с Божьей помощью, я достаточно могуществен, чтобы довести их до благополучного конца). Follow me, if you please, to my carriage (проследуйте за мной, пожалуйста, до моего экипажа).”

 “And now,” added the Prince, turning to Francis, “give me the diamond.”

Without a word the casket was handed over.

“You have done right,” said Florizel, “your sentiments have properly inspired you, and you will live to be grateful for the misfortunes of to-night. A man, Mr. Scrymgeour, may fall into a thousand perplexities, but if his heart be upright and his intelligence unclouded, he will issue from them all without dishonour. Let your mind be at rest; your affairs are in my hand; and with the aid of heaven I am strong enough to bring them to a good end. Follow me, if you please, to my carriage.”

So saying the Prince arose (сказав так, принц встал) and, having left a piece of gold for the waiter (и, оставив золотую монету для официанта), conducted the young man from the café and along the Boulevard (повел молодого человека из кафе и по бульвару) to where an unpretentious brougham and a couple of servants out of livery awaited his arrival (туда, где простая двухместная карета и пара слуг без ливрей поджидали его «прибытия»; pretentious – вычурный, претенциозный).

 So saying the Prince arose and, having left a piece of gold for the waiter, conducted the young man from the café and along the Boulevard to where an unpretentious brougham and a couple of servants out of livery awaited his arrival.

“This carriage,” said he, “is at your disposal (этот экипаж, – сказал он, – в вашем распоряжении); collect your baggage as rapidly as you can make it convenient (собирайте свои вещи так быстро, как вам удобно = как сможете), and my servants will conduct you to a villa in the neighbourhood of Paris (и мои слуги проводят вас на виллу в окрестностях Парижа) where you can wait in some degree of comfort (где вы сможете ждать в некотором комфорте; degree – степень) until I have had time to arrange your situation (пока у меня будет время уладить ваши дела: «ситуацию»). You will find there a pleasant garden (вы найдете там приятный сад), a library of good authors (библиотеку хороших авторов), a cook, a cellar, and some good cigars (повара, винный погреб и хорошие сигары), which I recommend to your attention (которые я рекомендую вашему вниманию). Jerome,” he added, turning to one of the servants, “you have heard what I say (Жером, – прибавил он, повернувшись к одному из слуг, – вы слышали, что я говорю); I leave Mr. Scrymgeour in your charge (я оставляю мистера Скримджера на вашем попечении); you will, I know, be careful of my friend (вы, я знаю, позаботитесь о моем друге).”

 “This carriage,” said he, “is at your disposal; collect your baggage as rapidly as you can make it convenient, and my servants will conduct you to a villa in the neighbourhood of Paris where you can wait in some degree of comfort until I have had time to arrange your situation. You will find there a pleasant garden, a library of good authors, a cook, a cellar, and some good cigars, which I recommend to your attention. Jerome,” he added, turning to one of the servants, “you have heard what I say; I leave Mr. Scrymgeour in your charge; you will, I know, be careful of my friend.”

Francis uttered some broken phrases of gratitude (Фрэнсис произнес несколько бессвязных: «ломаных» слов благодарности).

“It will be time enough to thank me,” said the Prince (будет время благодарить меня, – сказал принц), “when you are acknowledged by your father and married to Miss Vandeleur (когда вас признает отец и вы будете женаты на мисс Венделер).”

And with that the Prince turned away (и с этими словами принц повернулся прочь) and strolled leisurely in the direction of Montmartre (и пошел не спеша в направлении Монмартра). He hailed the first passing cab (он остановил первый проезжающий мимо экипаж; to hail – звать, окликать), gave an address (дал адрес), and a quarter of an hour afterwards, having discharged the driver some distance lower (и четверть часа спустя, отпустив кучера на некоторое расстояние ниже /по улице/ = подальше от дома), he was knocking at Mr. Vandeleur’s garden gate (он стучал в садовую калитку мистера Венделера).

 Francis uttered some broken phrases of gratitude.

“It will be time enough to thank me,” said the Prince, “when you are acknowledged by your father and married to Miss Vandeleur.”

And with that the Prince turned away and strolled leisurely in the direction of Montmartre. He hailed the first passing cab, gave an address, and a quarter of an hour afterwards, having discharged the driver some distance lower, he was knocking at Mr. Vandeleur’s garden gate.

It was opened with singular precautions by the Dictator in person (ее открыл с исключительными предосторожностями диктатор собственной персоной: «она была открыта»).

“Who are you?” he demanded (кто там? – спросил он).

Назад: Story of the Young Man in Holy Orders (Повесть о молодом человеке духовного звания)
Дальше: The Adventure of Prince Florizel and A Detective (Приключение принца Флоризеля с сыщиком)