Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 7. Как пользуются гостиницами
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I don’t have a reservation

Главный герой пытается пытается снять номер в гостинице на Гавайях без предварительного бронирования.

«Forgetting Sarah Marshall», Nicholas Stoller, 2008 Comedy, Drama, Romance, 6,7

– Aloha! Check in this way.

– Just married?

– Yes, how did you guess?

– Oh, you’ve got that magic newlywed dustall over you.

– Oh, my wife.

– Oh, my husband.

– Oh, my wife.

– My husband.

– My old ball and chain.

– You quit squirming and come here.

– What is into you? Not me, yet.

– Here is your room key. So you’re all set. Room 222. Room key’s inside, and the elevators are to the right.

– Mahalo.

– Congratulations.

– Here you go, sir. Have some POG juice. Welcome to Turtle Bay. What can I do for you?

– I’m checking in. My name’s Bretter, Peter Bretter, but actually, I don’t have a reservation. I just thought I’d take my chances.

– Bold! We are all booked up, but we do have the Kapua suite available.

– Okay. How much is that?

– $6,000 a night.

– Wow.

– Beautiful views.

– I can imagine. That’s a little bit out of my price range. Sorry. That’s a shame. This is a beautiful hotel.

– Oh, yeah, it’s Sarah Marshallfrom Crime Scene. People are excited that she’s here.

I think I’II have a doubIe

Хозяйка частной гостиницы беседует с утра с постояльцем.

«Groundhog Day», Harold Ramis, 1993

Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, 8,1

– Did you sIeep weII, Mr. Connors?

– Did I sIeep weII?

– Would you like some coffee?

– Yes, pIease. I think I’II have a doubIe.

– I hope you enjoy the festivities. There’s taIk of a bIizzard.

– Do you ever have deja vu, Mrs. Lancaster?

– I don’t think so, but I could check with the kitchen.

– No, that’s okay. Thank you.

– WiII you be checking out today, Mr. Connors?

– I’d say the chance of departure is 80 percent… 75—80.

Message for Mr. Smith

Посетитель гостиницы интересуется, нет ли сообщения для него.

«Kiss of the Dragon», Chris Nahon, 2001

Action, Crime, Drama, 7,6

– Message for Mr. Smith.

– Smith?

– Yes.

– Smith.

It’s a thrill to be here!

Главную героиню, ранее жившую в отеле, приветствует швейцар.

«Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde», Charles Herman-Wurmfeld, 1987

Comedy, 5,8

– Home sweet home. You ready? OK.

– Welcome to the Wellington, ma’am.

– It’s a thrill to be here!

You have a package

Швейцар сообщает о посылке.

«Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde», Charles Herman-Wurmfeld, 1987

Comedy, 5,8

– Welcome to the Wellington, ma’am. Seventeen-B? You have a package.

Four nights, leaving Tuesday?

Главный герой (Ричард Гир) снимает частный дом на побережье.

«George C. Wolfe, 2008

Drama, Romance, 7,1

– Hello? [BELL RINGS] Anybody here? Hello?

– Oh. Ah, you must be Mr. Flanner.

– Yeah. Yeah, I am.

– Ah. The wind just came up. Ah. Let’s get you signed in. You must have taken the 3:30 ferry. You’re early.

– Yeah. Yeah, I did.

– Four nights, leaving Tuesday?

– Pretty early. I’ve got a flight to catch.

– If you don’t mind signing this, please. Yeah, you may have heard some talk about bad weather. Um… Radio said only 50-percent chance…

– Yeah, I heard something about that. It doesn’t matter.

– People come here even in winter for the beach, you know.

– It doesn’t matter.

– Oh, if you don’t mind, please fill out the home address. Jean always asks for home address.

– I thought you were Jean.

– Oh, Jean and I are old friends. She had to work in Miami, so I’m standing in for her.

– Look, I’m gonna leave this home address blank, if you don’t mind.

– Okay.

One room, one night

Главный герой снимает одни комнату на одну ночь.

«No Country For Old Men», Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, 2007

Crime, Drama, Thriller, 7,7

– One room, one night.

– That’ll be twenty-six dollars.

– Alright. You on all night?

– Yes sir, I’ll be around here until ten o’clock in the morning.

– This here’s for you. Now, I ain’t asking you to do anything illegal. There’s someone who’s been looking for me. Not police. Just call me if anyone else checks in tonight. By anyone, I mean any swinging dude.

Can I have a room, please?

Девушка впервые снимает комнату в гостинице.

«Penelope», Mark Palansky, 2006

Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, 7,1

– I can check you in over here.

– Hi… Can I have a room, please?

– Shouldn’t be a problem. Room 8 is available.

– Thank you.

– You don’t want the room?

– No, I, I want the room.

– Then would you mind coming back here so I can check you in? Thank you. And how will you be paying for your room? Thank you, Jessica.

I really appreciate it

Постоялец гостиницы принимает знакомого своей подруги за служащего отеля.

«Notting Hill», Roger Michell, 1999

Comedy, Drama, Romance, 7,3

– To be able to do that is such a wonderful thing.

– You’ve got to go.

– Why?

– Because my boyfriend who was in America is, in fact, now in the next room.

– Boyfriend?

– Yes.

– Baby, who is it?

– Uh, it’s, uh…

– Uh, room service.

– Oh. How you doing? I thought you guys always wore those, uh, penguin coats.

– Usually we do. But I was just, uh… just changed to go home. And, um, then I thought I’d take this final call.

– Oh, great. If you don’t mind, I would like something too. Could you bring me up some really, really cold water?

– I’ll see what I can do.

– Still, not sparkling.

– Absolutely. Ice-cold still water.

– Unless it’s illegal in the U. K. to serve beverages below room temperature. I wouldn’t want you going to jail just to satisfy my whim, now.

– No, I’m sure it’s fine.

– Thank you.

– Hey, one more thing. Could you adios these dirty dishes and take out that trash too?

– Uh…

– Right.

– No. No. Um, don’t… don’t… don’t do that. I don’t think it’s his job to clear.

– Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. What’s your name, man?

– Bernie.

– Oh, listen, Bernie. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Hey, you.

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