Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 5. Как посещают кафе и рестораны
Назад: I’ll have… ice water
Дальше: I’ll have a Long lsland iced tea

We’ll have two of your finest scotches

Главный герой (Джордж Клуни) заказывает два скотча.

«Intolerable Cruelty», Joel Coen, 2003

Comedy, Crime, Romance, 6,8

– Barkeep, we’ll have two of your finest scotches.

I would like a drink, please

Главный герой (Роберт Дауни мл.) заказывает алкоголь.

«Iron Man», Jon Favreau, 2008

Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, 7,9

– I would like a drink, please.

– Got it, ok.

– I would like a vodka martini, please. Very dry with olives, lot of olives, like at least three olives.

– Two vodka martinis, extra dry, extra olives, extra fast. Make one of them dirty.

I would like the lumberjack and coffee

Семья заказывает обед.

«Little Miss Sunshine», Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2006

Comedy, Drama, 7,5

– Mom, how much can we spend?

– I would say four dollars. Anything under four dollars.

– Hi. You ready?

– Yeah, I’m gonna have the, uh, number five with coffee, please.

– All right.

– A number seven, over easy, and a grapefruit juice.

– Grapefruit. Okay.

– I would like a fruit plate. And do you have chamomile?

– Yes.

– With honey, please.

– [Frank] I would like the lumberjack and coffee. And extra bacon.

– Extra.

– Now, Dad, you should probably…

– Richard, don’t start.

– He’s gonna kill himself.

– Well, it’s his life.

– Thank you, Sheryl.

– [Waitress] Garden salad?

– And you.

– I… I’m sorry. I, um… Sorry.

– Take your time.

– Don’t apologize, Olive. It’s a sign of weakness. Um, well, I want… Okay, okay. I know what I want. I know. Okay, can I get the waffles and, uh… I don’t… What does «alamodey» mean?

– Oh, that means it comes with ice cream.

– Okay, «alamodey» then.

– [Sheryl] Olive, for breakfast?

– You said four dollars.

– Okay. You’re right. Thank you.

– Okay. Be right back.

What do you recommend

Молодой человек специально хочет выглядеть грубым перед девушкой.

«My Best Friend’s Girl», Howard Deutch, 2008

Comedy, Romance, 6,7

– What can I get for you tonight?

– Is the corned beef quesadilla, is that any good? Or what do you recommend?

– Do you mean unspoiled? For example, if you said, «Is this milk any good?» your concern would not be with taste but rather your personal safety.

– Hi, my name is Pedro O’Malley. I’ll be your server for tonight. Something to drink?

– Two Baja Car Bombs on the snap.

– Okay, no, I don’t drink but thank you.

– I wasn’t ordering for you.

Please don’t trim the fat

Просьба не обрезать жир.

«Norbit», Brian Robbins, 2007

Comedy, Romance, 5,6

– Moniqua!

– Yes, Daddy.

– Can you get King Kong three large buckets, extra sauce? Please don’t trim the fat.

– Yes, Daddy.

– Please don’t trim that fat. She will kill me.

Maybe the chef could prepare…

«O Brother, Where Art Thou», Joel and Ethan Coen, 2000

Adventure, Comedy, Crime, 7,4

– You’re gonna have to excuse my rusticated friend unaccustomed as he is to city manners.

– Hmm?

– I guess we’ll have ourselves a couple of steaks and some, uh, gratine potatoes and wash it down with some of your finest bubbly wine. Oh, and I don’t suppose you have any… Maybe the chef could prepare… Just bring us a couple of leaves of raw cabbage.

– Yes, sir.

– Thank you.

How is the Pizza of Nazareth?

Молодой человек специально привёл девушку в то место, которое ей наверняка не понравится.

«My Best Friend’s Girl», Howard Deutch, 2008

Comedy, Romance, 6,7

– Welcome to Cheesus Crust, where pizza is a religious experience. How can I ordain your order?

– How is the Pizza of Nazareth?

– People worship it.

– I’m deeply offended.

– Me too. These prices are outrageous. Which is why I carry my Flavor Savior card. Fifteen percent off, all who eat here religiously.

– Do you think this is funny? Good night.

Would you go get me two?

Заказ в магазине сэндвичей.

«Point Break», Kathryn Bigelow, 1991 Action, Crime, Thriller, 7,8

– It’s time for lunch.

– Angelo, it’s 10.30!

– Around that corner is a sandwich shop. They sell meatball sandwiches. Best I’ve ever tasted. Would you go get me two? Come on, partner. Two. Thank you. Utah? Get me two.

– Hi. How ya doing?

– Hi. Two meatball sandwiches, a tuna on wheat and two lemonades, please.

– OK, that’s two meatballs, one tuna on wheat, two lemonades. That’s $7.84.

– Thank you.

I’ll have whatever he’s having

Главный герой (Брэд Питт) заказывает то же самое, что и его спутник.

«The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», David Fincher, 2008

Drama, Fantasy, Romance, 8,0

– Evening. What will it be, sir?

– I’ll have whatever he’s having.

– A Sazerac for both of us. With whiskey, not brandy. You don’t drink, do you?

– It’s a night for firsts.

– How’s that?

– I’ve never been to a brothel, either.

– It’s an experience.

– Certainly is. There’s a first time for everything.

– Sure enough.

– Your drinks.

Сan we afford this place?

Муж (Николас Кейдж) удивил жену, приведя её в дорогой ресторан.

«The Family Man», Brett Ratner, 2000

Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, 7,7

– Jack, can we afford this place?

– I’m taking my baby out for our anniversary. Damn the costs. We’ll have the Terrine of Quail Breast with Shiitake Mushrooms to start. Then the Veal Medallions in Raspberry Truffle Sauce. And the Sea Scallops with Pureed Artichoke Hearts.

– Very good, sir. And may I say, those are all excellent selections.

– You may. Also, we’ll have a bottle of Lafite, ’82.

– Honey, that’s an $800 bottle of wine.

– We’ll just have some red wine by the glass.

– You are so not off the hook yet, Slick.

– But I’m getting close, right? You wanna dance?

– I… I don’t think there’s dancing here, Jack.

– Sure, there is. Come on.

– Not bad for a tire salesman from New Jersey.

– I have my moments.

– You gotta try one of these.

– Ahh. God, I miss that taste.

Назад: I’ll have… ice water
Дальше: I’ll have a Long lsland iced tea