Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 5. Как посещают кафе и рестораны
Назад: Your waiter will be right over
Дальше: We’ll have two of your finest scotches

I’ll have… ice water

Главный герой заказывает воду со льдом.

«Back to the Future III», Robert Zemeckis, 1989

Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, 8,2

– What will it be, stranger?

– I’ll have… ice water.

– Ice water?

– Water? You want water, you better dunk your head in the horse trough out there in here, we pour whiskey.

A Big Mac and a large Coke

Заказ Биг-Мака и большой колы.

«Bedazzled», Harold Ramis, 2000

Comedy, Fantasy, 7,3

– Hi, what can I get you?

– A Big Mac and a large Coke.

– Fries?

– No.

– Comes to $3.47.

– Do you have $3.47? I left my purse in the underworld.

Let’s have a drink

Заказ в баре.

«Closer», Mike Nichols, 2004 Drama, Romance, 7,3

– Do you want to go stand in the back?

– No, let’s have a drink.

– You look flushed. You have no need to run.

– Vodkatonic?

– Yes.

– Vodka tonic and a Guinness, please.

– Sure.

– How was it?

– Fine.

– You had lunch?

– Then what?

– And then we left.

I’d like a table

Главный герой (Том Круз) между столиком и барной стойкой выбирает первое.

«Eyes Wide Shut», Stanley Kubrick, 1999

Drama, Mystery, Thriller, 7,5

– Would you like a table, or would you like to sit at the bar?

– I’d like a table.

– Please follow me. Can I take your coat?

– Thank you.

– Could I get you anything to drink?

– I’d like a beer.

– Certainly.

I’ll just have a cappuccino, please

Главный герой (Том Круз) заказывает капучино.

«Eyes Wide Shut», Stanley Kubrick, 1999

Drama, Mystery, Thriller, 7,5

– I’ll just have a cappuccino, please.

– I’ll bring it over to you.

– Thank you.

I’ll just have a coffee, thanks

Заказ бесплатен из-за двойной жизни главного героя (Эдварда Нортона).

«Fight Club», David Fincher, 1999 Drama, 8,6

– I’ll just have a coffee, thanks.

– Sir. Anything you order is free of charge, sir.

– Why is it free of charge?

– Don’t ask.

– Whatever. I’ll have the clam chowder, fried chicken and baked potato and a chocolate chiffon pie.

– Clean food, please.

– In that case, may I advise against the clam chowder.

– No clam chowder. Thank you.

Let me handle this

Главный герой (Билл Мюррей) делает заказ полицейскому.

«Groundhog Day», Harold Ramis, 1993

Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, 8,1

– Let me handle this. Three cheeseburgers, two large fries, two chocolate shake and one large Coke.

Can I buy you a drink?

Главный герой (Билл Мюррей), проживающий во временной петле, делает заказ, максимально подстраиваясь под главную героиню (Энди МакДауэлл).

«Groundhog Day», Harold Ramis, 1993

Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, 8,1

– Can I buy you a drink?

– Okay.

– Jim Beam, ice, water.

– For you, miss?

– Sweet vermouth on the rocks with a twist, pIease.

– Can I buy you a drink?

– Okay.

– Sweet vermouth, rocks, with a twist, pIease.

– For you, miss?

– The same. That’s my favourite drink.

– Mine too!

– It makes me think of Rome. The way the sun hits the buiIdings in the afternoon.

– What shouId we drink to?

– To the groundhog!

– I aIways drink to worId peace.

– Can I buy you a drink?

– Okay.

– Sweet vermouth, rocks, with a twist, pIease.

– For you, miss?

– The same.

– That’s my favourite drink.

– Mine too! It makes me think of Rome. The way the sun hits

the buiIdings in the afternoon.

– What shouId we drink to?

– I’d Iike to say a prayer and drink to worId peace.

– To worId peace.


Главная героиня (Одри Хепбёрн) делает такой же заказ, как и главный герой (Питер О'Тул).

«How to Steal a Million», William Wyler, 1966

Comedy, Crime, Romance, 8,2

– Good evening. I didn’t recognize you. You look, somehow, different. Scotch.

– Likewise.

– I was surprised to hear from you. Surprised and pleased, Miss…

– Please, no names.

– If it’s all that private, I’ve got a bottle in my room upstairs.

– This is a business meeting.

I’ll just have a salad, please

Заказ салата.

«Intolerable Cruelty», Joel Coen, 2003

Comedy, Crime, Romance, 6,8

– Yeah?

– Uh, I’ll just have a, um, salad, please. Um, baby field greens.

– What did you call me?

– Uh, no, I – I… I… I didn’t call you anything.

– You want a salad?

– Yeah. Do you… Do you have a, uh, green salad?

– What the fuck color would it be?

– Why are we eating here?

– What’s his problem?

– Just bring him an iceberg lettuce and a mealy tomato wedge smothered with French dressing.

– And for you?

– Ham sandwich on stale rye bread. Lots of mayo, easy on the ham.

– Slaw cup?

– What the hell.

Назад: Your waiter will be right over
Дальше: We’ll have two of your finest scotches