Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 5. Как посещают кафе и рестораны
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Your waiter will be right over

Метрдотель встречает гостей ресторана, забронировавших столик.

«No Reservations», Scott Hicks, 2007

Comedy, Drama, Romance, 7,3

– Good evening. Do you have a reservation?

– Yes, Matthews.

– Matthews. Yes. May I take your coats, please? Let me show you to your table. Excuse me. Your waiter will be right over.

There’s a reservation under Wallace

Посещение ресторана при предварительном бронировании столика.

«Pulp Fiction», Quentin Tarantino, 1994 Crime, Drama, 8,6

– Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Now, how may I help you?

– There’s a reservation under Wallace.

– Wallace?

– We reserved a car.

– Oh, a car. Why don’t you seat ’em over there in the Chrysler.

I’m still waiting

Напоминание официанту о заказе.

«The Game», David Fincher, 1997

Drama, Mystery, Thriller, 8,3

– Cancel my lunch. Make a reservation at the City Club for myself and Mr. Butts. My usual table. Maria, put the reservation under my name.

– You ready to order, sir?

– No, I’m still waiting. This was ice tea…

Как сделать заказ

We don’t want any dessert

«A Scanner Darkly», Richard Linklater, 2006

Animation, Crime, Drama, 7,3

– Hey, how is everything?

– Everything is super good.

– Not with me. I got a lot of problems nobody else has.

– No, no, come on. More people than you’d think. And more people each day. This is a world getting progressively worse. Can we not agree on that? What’s on the dessert menu?

– Would you like to order some dessert?

– Like what?

– Well, we have fresh strawberry pie and fresh peach pie that we make here ourselves.

– No, we don’t want any dessert.

– All right.

– Fucking fruit pies are for old ladies.

Need big table, please

Заказ большого стола в индийском ресторане.

«Along Came Polly», John Hamburg, 2004

Comedy, Romance, 6,7

– Oh, what are you doing here?

– We’re having an early supper.

– I wanted your father to try new cuisines.

– Really? lt’s only 3:00.

– lt’s a crime to beat the dinner crowds? Who is this young woman?

– This is Polly Prince.

– Polly, these are my parents.

– No!

– lrving and Vivian Feffer.

– Polly, it’s so good meeting you.

– How are you?

– I can’t believe you’re eating lndian. You hate spicy food.

– No, I don’t, Mom.

– [No Audible Dialogue]

– Well, l’m gonna… Psst! l’m gonna ask… [Snaps Fingers] l’m gonna ask this nice Native American man to get us a bigger table.

– Mom, they’re lndian.

– You can call them lndian. lt’s okay.

– Hi. Need big table, please. Four people. Many thanks.

Coffee and a biscuit, please

Официант пытается отказать женщине в обслуживании (действие происходит в 1882 г. в США, штат Нью-Мексико).

«Appaloosa», Ed Harris, 2008

Crime, Drama, Romance, 6,6

– Coffee and a biscuit, please.

– No sell.

– But it’s on the menu.

– With breakfast.

– Chin. Sell the lady a biscuit.

– Menu say…

– Sell her a biscuit.

– One time.

– Thank you.

– My pleasure.

We’ll take hot cakes and sausage…

Главный герой (Адам Сэндлер) опаздывает с заказом утреннего меню в Макдональдсе.

«Big Daddy», Dennis Dugan, 1999

Comedy, Drama, 7,5

– How you doing?

– What can I get for you?

– What do you want?

– Cheerios.

– They don’t got Cheerios.

– Lasagna.

– What’s the matter? We’ll take hot cakes and sausage…

– Sorry. We stopped serving breakfast.

– We’re four seconds late.

– You’re 30 minutes and four seconds late. Breakfast stops at 10:30.

– Horseshit!

– Don’t cry. Sorry. I was cursing at the lady, not you.

– Nice parenting.

– Thanks. Are you my therapist? Take a walk. Do you want a Happy Meal? You got a Happy Meal? Will somebody get the kid a Happy Meal?!

I’ll have a hot dog with the mustard and a knish

Заказ хот-дога.

«Big Daddy», Dennis Dugan, 1999

Comedy, Drama, 7,5

– I’ll have a hot dog with the mustard and a knish. Frankenstein, what do you want?

– Thirty packets of ketchup.

– All right. Thirty packets of ketchup.

Not as good, but it’ll have to do

Заказ алкоголя в баре.

«Big Stan», Rob Schneider, 2007

Action, Comedy, 6,9

– What do you want, doll?

– Put some Scotch in this.

– We got whiskey.

– Not as good, but it’ll have to do.

– All right. That’ll be 75 cents.

– Good deal. Keep the change.

– Ooh! Well…

– Ah! Give me another one, honey.

Give me a Pepsi Free

Главному герою нужно сделать звонок из кафе.

«Back to the Future», Robert Zemeckis, 1985

Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, 8,6

– I just want to use the phone.

– It’s in the back.

– Do you know where 1640 Riverside…

– Are you going to order, kid?

– Yeah, give me a Tab.

– Tab. I can’t give you a tab unless you order something.

– Right. Give me a Pepsi Free.

– You want a Pepsi, pal, you’re going to pay for it.

– Just give me something without any sugar in it, okay?

– Something without sugar.

All I want is a Pepsi

Главный герой заказывает «Пепси».

«Back to the Future III», Robert Zemeckis, 1989

Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi, 8,2

– All I want is a Pepsi.

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