Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 5. Как посещают кафе и рестораны
Назад: We’ll have two of your finest scotches
Дальше: Do you have any straws?

I’ll have a Long lsland iced tea

Заказ алкоголя.

«The Girl Next Door», Luke Greenfield, 2004 Comedy, Drama, Romance, 7,1

– Like, where are we going?

– Hey, there.

– What can I get for you?

– We’ll get two Scotch rocks and…

– Make it three. Actually, I’ll have a Long lsland iced tea.

You order, I’ll have what you have

Главная героиня (Кейт Уинслет) заказывает то же самое, что и её спутник.

«The Reader», Stephen Daldry, 2008

Drama, Romance, 7,9

– Hello.

– Do you know what you’d like?

– What are you having?

– You order, I’ll have what you have.

– Ok. Two frankfurters, two potato salads, and two beers, please.

– Thank you.

– Thank you.


Make that two

Молодые люди делают заказ и идут танцевать.

«A Walk to Remember», Adam Shankman, 2002

Drama, Romance, 7,9

– This is for you.

– Thank you very much.

– Would you like something to drink?

– Sweet tea, please.

– Make that two.

– Right away.

– This place is really nice. Is this okay?

– Don’t even worry about it, okay?

– Okay.

– Choose whatever you want. So, what’ll it be? Is everything okay?

– Thank you very much.

– Yeah, me too. Thanks.

– Would you like to dance?

– Sorry, I don’t dance.

– Me neither. I mean, not usually in front of anybody.

– Well, no. I mean, I don’t at all. As in, I can’t.

– Everybody can dance. Come on, you can’t be that bad. Please? For me? Come on.

It’s not the same

Покупательница интересуется натуральностью продуктов.

«Gremlins 2: The New Batch», Joe Dante, 1990

Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, 6,9

– Okay, that’s a Kona praline with kiwis and peanut butter cups?

– Wait. Are the peanut butter cups all-natural?

– I’m not sure. Are the peanut butter cups all-natural?

– I know they’re pesticide-free.

– It’s not the same. They put other things in.

– It comes off when they roast them.

– Roasting is the worst. Where they don’t roast, they have 70% less death. Sure that isn’t pickling?

– How can you work with this and not read studies?

– It’s a rat!

– Oh, my God!

– What’s going on?

– Did she say there are rats?

– No rats.

– That’s not what she said.

I’ll take care of it

Официант приносит заказанное вино.

«Intolerable Cruelty» , Joel Coen,  2003

Comedy, Crime, Romance , 6,8

Int. fancy restaurant.

Waiter: Le Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin, 1997.

Miles: Yes. Thank you. I’ll take care of it. Marylin, this is a moment to savor.

Would you like some bread?

Предложение хлеба.

«Kit Kittredge: An American Girl», Patricia Rozema, 2008

Drama, Family, 7,1

– Would you like some bread?

Do you have any peanut butter?

Главный герой (Брэд Питт) спрашивает официанта, есть ли арахисовое масло.

«Meet Joe Black», Martin Brest, 1998

Drama, Fantasy, Romance, 8,0

– Can I get you anything, sir?

– No. Do you have any peanut butter?

– Uh, I don’t think so, sir.

– Mmm. Thank you anyway.

– You’re welcome.

Will we see you next week, not?

Посетители ресторана благодарят шеф-повара.

«No Reservations», Scott Hicks, 2007

Comedy, Drama, Romance, 7,3

– You are a magician, Kate. And you know that my husband never stops to eulogize you. In fact, it could become jealous.

– I adore anyone that it can surprise my palate.

– It is always a pleasure to cook for you.

– Will we see you next week, not?

– Of course.

– Good night.

– Good night.

I’m a fruitarian

Человек, питающийся только фруктами, делает заказ.

«Notting Hill», Roger Michell, 1999

Comedy, Drama, Romance, 7,3

– Some woodcock?

– No, thank you. I’m a fruitarian.

– Ah.

– What is a fruitarian, exactly?

– We believe that fruits and vegetables have feelings, so we think cooking is cruel. We only eat things that have actually fallen from the tree or bush, that are, in fact, dead already.

– Ah. Oh, right.

– Right.

– So, um, these carrots?

– Have been murdered, yes.

– Murdered. Poor old carrots.

– That’s… That’s beastly.

– Delicious coffee.

– I’m sorry about the lamb.

– No. I thought it was… really, you know, interesting. Interesting means inedible. Really inedible.

– Yes, you’re right.

– Well, maybe we’ll meet again.

– Yeah, yeah. That would be, uh… be great.

– Bye.

I’ll take a scotch on the rocks, please

Журналист встречается для взятия интервью.

«Resurrecting the Champ», Rod Lurie, 2007

Drama, Sport, 7,0

– Hey. Hey. Boy Wonder. You were terrific. Sit.

– Thanks, Miss Flak. I, uh… That was fun. That was a lot of fun.

– Do you mind?

– No, not at all.

– What a city. The only place where you can do harm to yourself and others and smile all the way. Fun. That’s good. Fun is what it’s all about. I’m glad you had a good time.

– I did. I did. I’m not…

– You want a drink?

– Sure, yeah. I’ll take a scotch on the rocks, please.

– Yes, sir.

– Thank you.

– They’re all watered down. But they keep ’em coming, God bless.

Назад: We’ll have two of your finest scotches
Дальше: Do you have any straws?