Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 6. Как покупают в магазинах и заказывают по телефону
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I was gonna pay for it

Продавец ловит мальчика на попытке воровства.

«Bad Santa», Terry Zwigoff, 2003

Comedy, Crime, Drama, 7,4

– Find everything you’re looking for?

– Um, yeah. Thank you.

– Nothing I can help you with, huh?

– No. I’m just looking at the games ’cause I have an Xbox. Get your hands out of my pants, man!

– You’re stealing from the store, you’re stealing from me. What is this?

– I was gonna pay for it.

– Wrong answer. When I look at you, you know what I think? I think America has a sad future ahead of it. And you’re part of this sorry-ass generation. What you want to be when you grow up?

– I don’t know.

– This MP3?

– Yeah.

– Take it off.

– But my grandmother gave…

– Take it off. I don’t care who gave it to you. Take it off. I don’t care if it choke you to death. Now, I want you to get on out of here. Get!

– But can I have…

– Get!

No thanks, I’ll get them

Доставка продуктов.

«Bonnie and Clyde», Arthur Penn, 1967

Action, Biography, Crime, 7,7

– Groceries, ma’am.

– How much?

– Six dollars and 43 cents.

– Let me help you, those bags are heavy.

– No thanks, I’ll get them. Uh, just get the door.

Watch your feet

Ребёнок рассыпал банки в магазине.

«Brokeback Mountain», Ang Lee, 2005

Drama, Romance, 7,6

– It’s okay, come here… Oh, oh, Jenny!!

– Oh boy, okay…

– Monroe, I’m so sorry!

– Well, it’s ok, it’s ok, Alma.

– I’ll clean this up just as soon as I call my sister to come get the girls.

– Really, Alma, it’s ok. I’ll get it.

– Alma, come with me.

– Watch your feet.

– Alma!

I dropped my glasses off this morning

Женщина пришла за своими очками.

«Employee of the Month», Mitch Rouse, 2006

Comedy, Romance, 6,0

– Excuse me.

– How can I help you?

– I dropped my glasses off this morning. Are they ready?

– No.

– Isn’t this «Glasses in an Hour»?

– No. This is «Glasses in About an Hour».

– So when can I pick them up?

– In about an hour.

– Are you staring at my breasts?

– I don’t know.

– Freak.

We’re closing in five minutes

Объявление по громкой связи о скором закрытии магазина.

«Employee of the Month», Mitch Rouse, 2006

Comedy, Romance, 6,0

– Attention Super Club shoppers. We’re closing in five minutes. So if you could please finish in five minutes, that would be great.

I apologize for disturbing you at this hour, but I need your help

Главному герою очень нужен костюм.

«Eyes Wide Shut» (1999) Stanley Kubrick

Drama, Mystery, Thriller, 7,5

– Yes? Who is it?

– Peter, this is Bill Harford. I apologize for disturbing you at this hour, but I need your help.

– Who is it that you want?

– I’m very sorry. I’m looking for Peter Grenning the owner of Rainbow Fashions.

– What’s your name?

– My name is Bill Harford. I’m Mr. Grenning’s doctor.

– You are Grenning’s doctor?

– Yes.

– Okay. Just a moment.

– You are looking for Peter Grenning?

– Yes, I am.

– He moved to Chicago over a year ago.

– He moved to Chicago? I wasn’t aware of that. Then are you the present owner of Rainbow Fashions?

– Yes, I am.

– Well, first of all please let me apologize again for disturbing you at this hour, Mr…

– Mr. Milich.

– Mr. Milich. Just to let you know that I really am Dr. Harford this is my New York State Medical Board card.

– Okay, so you are Dr. Harford. If I see Peter, I tell him you were looking for him.

– Oh, no, wait. Please, please. Listen, the reason that I came here tonight was… Basically, the reason is that I need a costume. And I’d be happy to pay you $100 over the rental price for the inconvenience.

– A hundred dollars?

– Yes.

– I don’t think so.

– How about $200?

– Two hundred dollars over the rental price?

– Yes.

– Okay.

– Come in. Can’t be too careful these days. Please. Is it any special costume you are looking for?

– I need a tux, a cloak with a hood and a mask.

– A cloak with a hood and a mask? I think we’ll find something for you.

– Follow me, please.

– Good.

– Looks like alive, huh?

– It’s wonderful.

– Come. So what color cloak? Red, brown, red?

– Black.

– The good doctor wouldn’t like something more colorful?

– I don’t think so.

– Clowns, officers, pirates?

– No, just the tux, the black cloak… With a hood and a mask.

– May I take your coat?

– Mr. Milich, I’ve obviously left things a bit late tonight. So if you don’t mind – I’m in hurry too, to get back to bed.

– I understand. So black cloak?

That will be one adult and…

Покупка билетов в кино.

«Groundhog Day», Harold Ramis, 1993

Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, 8,1

– I thought we were going to a costume party.

– Sorry, Bronco.

– My old fiance. They never remember me. That will be one adult and…

– Two adults.

I was going to eat light tonight anyhow

«Just Add Water», Hart Bochner, 2008

Comedy, Romance, 5,6

– Dirk’s boys held up the delivery truck again. All we got left is ’n Bake, aisle five. But… we’re out of chicken.

– These’ll do me. I was going to eat light tonight anyhow.

– Pork rinds and a large bag of ranch-flavored sunflower seeds. Anything to drink with that?

– Nah. Plenty of water in the tap, I always say.

– I bet you could use home-cooked meal one of these days.

– Yeah, well…

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