Книга: Разговорник английского языка по кинофильмам. Часть 6. Как покупают в магазинах и заказывают по телефону
Назад: I was gonna pay for it
Дальше: I’ll take these as well

Where’s your UFO section?

Главный герой интересуется книгами на эзотерическую тему.

«Just Like Heaven», Mark Waters, 2005

Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, 7,6

– Can I help you with anything?

– No. I mean, do you believe in this stuff?

– Well, you don’t until you do. That’s a little dated. I recommend the Rosemary Preston. It’s totally seminal.

– Excuse me. Where’s your UFO section?

– It’s back and to the left. Ufology. It’s not even a real science. So, what kind of encounter have you had?

– Encounter? Ectoplasm? Soniferous ether I have a killer sance book if you’re into communication.

– Communicating is not her problem.

– Righteous. I have exactly what you need.

– Yeah.

– Crap! There.

I would like that one

«Little Miss Sunshine», Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, 2006

Comedy, Drama, 7,5

– Uh, that one. Yes. And that one. [Bell Chimes] And I would like that one… No, down. Yes. Yes. Yes. I would like that one. And, uh, I will have a… a blue raspberry Slushee.

That’s a lot

Продавщица подумала, что главный герой (Николас Кейдж) хочет не заплатить за копию Декларации независимости, в то время как он украл из музея оригинал.

«National Treasure», Jon Turteltaub, 2004

Action, Adventure, Mystery, 7,7

– Are you trying to steal that?

– Oh, uh…

– It’s $35.

– For this?

– Yeah.

– That’s a lot.

– Hey, I don’t make the prices.

– It’s, um… I have $32…

– We take Visa.

Do you want something?

«National Treasure», Jon Turteltaub, 2004

Action, Adventure, Mystery , 7,7

– You want something? Do you want something?

– Shut up.

Somethin’ like that

В оружейном магазине.

«No Country For Old Men», Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, 2007

Crime, Drama, Thriller, 7,7

– Twelve gauge. You need shells?

– Yeah. Double ought.

– They’ll give you a wallop.

– Y’all got camping supplies?

– Tent poles? You already have a tent?

– Somethin’ like that.

– Well, you give me the model number on the tent, I can order you the poles.

– Never mind. I want a tent.

– Well, what kind of tent?

– The kind with the most poles.

You sell socks?

В обувном магазине.

«No Country For Old Men», Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, 2007

Crime, Drama, Thriller, 7,7

– Can I help you?

– Yeah. You got a pair of Larry Mahan’s, shoulder size 11.

– I’ll check.

– You sell socks?

– Just white.

– White is all I wear. You got a bathroom?

Will you take 30?

Покупка овощей и специй в китайском квартале.

«No Reservations», Scott Hicks, 2007

Comedy, Drama, Romance, 7,3

– Excuse me.

– Yeah.

– Do you have any kaffir lime leaves?

– Over there. You touch, you buy.

– I know, I know.

– What do you need those for?

– You’ll see. Here they are. One for you.

– Smells good.

– Like it? One for you.

– How do I know this smell? Is this your saffron sauce? Apparently we have no secrets anymore.

– You touch.

– I know. I buy.

– You buy.

– Two dollar.

I was looking for something for my wife

В ювелирном магазине.

«Ocean’s Twelve», Steven Soderbergh, 2004 Crime, Thriller, 7,7

– May I show you something specific?

– Well, I was looking for something for my wife.

– What is it, a special occasion?

– It’s our second third anniversary. Excuse me. Hello, Mrs. Diaz,

we were just talking about you.

I’m just checking things out

Продавщицы элитного магазина не захотели обслуживать недостаточно подходяще выглядящую посетительницу.

«Pretty Woman», Garry Marshall, 1990

Comedy, Romance, 7,9

– May I help you?

– I’m just checking things out.

– Are you looking for something particular?

– No… Well, yeah. Something conservative.

– Yes.

– You got nice stuff.

– Thank you.

– How much is this?

– I don’t think this would fit you.

– Well. I didn’t ask if it would fit. I asked how much it was.

– How much is this, Marie?

– It’s very expensive.

– It’s very expensive.

– Look, I got money to spend in here.

– I don’t think we have anything for you. You’re obviously in the wrong place. Please leave.

We are going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here

Богатый клиент (Ричард Гир) заставляет продавцов магазина одежды крутиться вокруг его женщины (Джулия Роберт).

«Pretty Woman», Garry Marshall, 1990

Comedy, Romance, 7,9

– I am Mr. Hollister, the manager. May I help you?

– Edward Lewis.

– Yes, sir.

– You see this young lady over there?

– Yes.

– Do you have anything in this shop as beautiful as she is?

– Oh, yes. Oh, no. We have many things as beautiful as she would want them to be. That’s the point. I think we can all agree with that.

– You know what we’re gonna need? We’re gonna need more people helping us. I’ll tell you why. We are going to be spending an obscene amount of money in here. We need more help sucking up to us. Cos that’s what we really like.

– Sir, if I may say so, you’re in the right store, and the right city. Anything you see here we can do. Get ready to have fun. OK. Mary Pat, Mary Kate, Mary Francis, let’s see it. This is absolutely divine.

– Excuse me, sir. Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about? Profane, or really offensive?

– Really offensive.

– I like him so much.

– Mr. Lewis, sir. How’s it going so far?

– Pretty well, I think.

– I think we need some major sucking up.

– Very well, sir. You’re a handsome and powerful man. I could see you were someone to reckon with…

– Hollister?

– Yes, sir?

– Not me. Her.

– I’m sorry, sir.

Назад: I was gonna pay for it
Дальше: I’ll take these as well