Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
Назад: Глава 15
Дальше: Глава 18

Глава 17

Упражнение 1

1) I read a book and listened to music

2) I need money, I want to buy food

3) We met some interesting people at the party

4) I met an interesting person at the party

5) She had an apple and some bread for breakfast

6) We live in a big house. There is a beautiful garden with nice trees

7) I am going to buy a table and chairs

8) I need a pen and paper

9) I have a car

10) Can I ask you a question?

11) Is there a hotel nearby?

12) Do you have children

13) Paris is an interesting city

14) Lisa is a student

15) Jane is an interesting person

Упражнение 2

1) What is the name of this street?

2) I am looking for a job?

3) Who is the best player in your team?

4) Kate is wearing a new dress today

5) Can you tell me what time is it now?

6) This is an interesting book

7) My office is on the first floor

8) He is an engineer

9) Kate’s husband is a doctor

10) Do you live in the city center

11) He is such an honest child?

12) Excuse me, were is the nearest bank?

13) There is a mistake in the sentence

14) The sky is blue and the sun is shining

15) We were in an excellent restaurant yesterday

16) My brother is in the army

17) You need rest!

18) Write your name at the top of the page

19) I have a daughter

20) There is a table in the center of the room

21) Paula is learning how to play the piano

Упражнение 3

1) Where is the bus station? The bas station is next to the gas station

2) Tv antenna is on the roof

3) There is a post box between the building and the bus stop

4) The dog is lying in front of the fire place

5) Do you speak English at work?

6) She had a bad day today

7) I have a color TV set. The TV is on the small table in the corner of the room

8) There is a pen, a book and paper on my table

9) My brother is a teacher. He works at school

10) There is a guitar on the chair next the piano

11) There was a piano in the corner of the room. He was sitting for hours at the piano, playing his favorite pieces of classical music. He was a wonderful pianist

12) Who will he do in the future?

13) The weather was very bad yesterday in the morning. The sky was grey and it was raining. But in the middle of the day the weather started to change. It stopped raining and the sun came out of the clouds. It was very warm after lunch. I didn’t want to stay at home and went for a walk in the garden. There were many girls and boys in the garden and we were playing all evening. I came home, drank tea, had a sandwich and went to bed. I was sleeping very well at night

14) I get up at half past seven in the morning and go to bed at a quarter to eleven in the evening

15) There are three rooms and the kitchen in our new flat

16) If you want to write something on the board, you will need a piece of chalk

17) May is the fifth month in a year

18) Saturday is the sixth day in a week

19) What day is it today? IT is the 9th of May

20) The third lesson today is English

21) After school I usually go home

22) I usually come home at a quarter to five

23) My friends live in a small town. This is a new town. All the streets are wide and straight. There are beautiful buildings and many trees, so the air here is very clear. There are many beautiful parks and gardens. People like to go there in the evenings. There are schools, libraries, supermarkets, a hospital, a theatre, movie theatres, etc.

24) I get up early in the morning, go to the bathroom, get the water running and wash myself up

25) I have lunch after the third lesson

26) There is a new school at the corner of the street

27) My colleague told me that there will be a big meeting on the 10th of February

Упражнение 4

1) Slow down! You can’t drive at 50 miles an hour!

2) Life is full of surprises

3) The Philippines are situated in south-east Asia

4) I don’t know much about literature and art

5) He told us a lot about France and the French

6) Who will give a speech at the next meeting?

7) Professor Newman gives lectures on chemistry

8) I need advice and he is the only person who can help me

9) The day was hot

10) She was working in a hospital and took care of the sick

11) This is good music. I like such music.

12) The dog is a friend of man

13) Aunt Ann appeared by the noon

14) The expected a cold winter

15) After dinner, the family gathered in the garden

16) I am looking forward to my vacation on the coast of the Atlantic ocean

17) It is a question of big importance1

18) I need good advice

19) The USA has an area of 3,5 million squared miles

20) President Roosevelt was the only one to serve three terms

21) Are the Tailors coming for lunch?

22) Look at the sky! The moon is full.

23) Can you think of a better way to get to the city?

24) She chose a vase of stone

25) They have a nice country house with a beautiful garden

26) Come in to the house through the back door

27) Little Billy often wakes up at night

28) The climate of Crimea is mild

29) Plastic can’t resist fire

30) What sunny weather we have today!

31) Where are they staying? At the President Hotel

32) The Wests bought the villa on the Hawaii

33) Can you as for a Coke and a sandwich?

34) The Netherlands border on Germany and Belgium

35) She studies science and I am interested in history

36) Have you already been to the Pushkin museum and the Bolshoi Theatre?

37) Friday night is the best time for me!

38) They had to spend the night at the airport

39) Central Park in New York has an area of 85 acres

40) I don’t want brandy. I want plain water

41) I get «The Daily Express» and «The Financial Times»

42) Kilimandjaro is a mountain the top of which is always covered with snow

43) The title of the book seems interesting to me

44) Even though the air was warm, the water was cold

45) The sleeves of this shirt are short

46) He has big experience and deep knowledge

47) Did you understand the end of the story?

48) Add sugar to the pie

49) Sand and salt are often used to melt ice

Упражнение 5

1) Moscow is situated on the Moscow river

2) The Moscow is a river that flows very slowly. There is a channel that is called «the Moscow-Volga», which connects the Volga with the Moscow and flows into the Moscow river.

3) A few rivers flow out of New York to the ocean. The main river is the Hudson, which flows into the Atlantic ocean. Except the Hudson, there are also two other rivers: the East River and the Harlem river.

4) There are many rivers in Siberia: The Ob, the Irtish, the Lena.

5) The Altay mountains are higher than the Urals.

6) My friends travel a lot. This year they are going to the Canary islands.

7) There is beautiful scenery on lake Geneva out of this hotel

8) Which river flows through London? The Thames.

9) Which country is Washington the capital of? The USA

10) The United Kingdom consists of a few countries including England and Northern Ireland

11) Chicago is on lake Michigan

12) Michigan is a very beautiful lake

Упражнение 6

1) There is a mail box between the building and the bus stop

2) The dog is lying in front of the fire place

3) Do you speak English at work?

4) She has had a bad day today

5) I have a color TV. The TV is on a small table in the corner of the room

6) There is a pen, a book and paper on my desk

7) My brother is a teacher. He works at school.

8) There is a guitar on the chair next to the piano

9) There was a piano in the corner of the living room. He was sitting at the piano for hours, playing his favourite pieces of classical music. He was a great piano player.

10) Who is he going to be in the future?

11) The weather was very bad yesterday morning. The sky was grey, it was raining. But in the middle of the day the weather started to change. It stopped raining and the sun came out of the clouds. It was very warm after lunch. I didn’t want to stay at home and decided to play in the garden. There were many boys and girls in the garden, and we were playing all evening. I came home, drank some tea, ate a sandwich, and went to bed. I was sleeping very well during the night.

12) I get up at half past seven in the morning and get to bed and a quarter to eleven in the evening.

13) There are three rooms and a kitchen in our new apartment.

14) If you want to write something on the board you will need a piece of chalk.

15) May is the fifth month in a year.

16) Saturday is the sixth day in a week

17) What day is it today? Today is the ninth of May

18) The third lesson today is English.

19) After school I usually go home

20) I usually get home at a quarter to five (at four forty five)

21) My friends live in a small town. It is a new town. The streets are wide in straight in it. There beautiful buildings and many trees, this is why the air is very clean. There are a lot of beautiful parks and gardens. People like to go there in the evenings. Sometimes you can hear the sounds of music from the parks. There are libraries, supermarkets, a hospital, a theatre and movie theatres

22) I get up very early, go to the bathroom, switch on the water and wash myself

23) I have lunch after the third lesson

24) There is a new school at the corner of the street

25) My colleague told me that there is going to be a big meeting on the 10th of February

Exercise 7

1) He is the only person I know here

2) What did you discuss at the last meeting?

3) She is such a nice person!

4) All students must learn the following rules

5) I looked through the books on the upper shelf, but I didn’t find the necessary one

6) Go straight and turn left

7) I didn’t understand the main idea of the story

8) It is the same question you asked me last time

9) We will talk about it next time

10) They are such clever students!

11) I didn’t understand the last word

12) You are the very person I need to talk with

13) What is it on the floor?

14) Look out of the window

15) I see a post office, let’s go buy some envelopes

16) I am going to the post office, I need stamps

17) The end of the film is interesting

18) He is going to the army next year

19) The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

20) What do you call it in English? A ceiling!

21) There is a fly on the ceiling.

22) Look at the sky. The moon is full today.

23) The kitchen in my flat is too small. I need a flat with a larger kitchen.

24) It’s a lie and I want to know the truth!

25) I would like to go the west and to the east, I would like to travel the world

26) How can I get to the station? You should turn left.

27) He is such an honest child. He always tells the truth

28) He will show me the centre of the city next week.

29) There is a comfortable chair in the corner of the room

30) My table is by the wall to the left of the window

31) Let’s put the table in the centre of the kitchen

32) Look for your documents on the lower shelf and next time don’t forget where you put your things

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Дальше: Глава 18