Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
Назад: Глава 11
Дальше: Глава 17

Глава 15

Упражнение 1

1) He used to be fat, but he has lost weight

2) He isn’t used to working in such conditions

3) How did you get used to working in such a mess?

4) Did you use to write poetry in your youth?

5) I need time to get used to living in this city

6) Sting used to work as a teacher before he became a famous singer

7) I am not used to doing the washing by hands

8) She will have to used to living in the extreme Siberian cold

9) My mother didn’t use to drink coffee

10) There used to be many trees in this garden, they have all been cut

11) We were not used to using this operational system. We have got used to it only recently

12) Did you use to work together?

13) There used to be a restaurant before

14) I will have to get used to working far away from home

15) I got used to waking up early when I got a new job

16) I am used to going to bed early

17) He is used to drinking a glass of whiskey before bed. He got used to it when he was working in Scotland

18) They will soon get used to living in this area

19) They haven’t got used to the new payment system

20) My grandmother cant get used to using a mobile phone

21) He has got a promotion and always busy now. He isn’t used to having so little free time. He will have to get used to it quickly

22) I had to get used to working late at the new job

23) I have moved to Mexico recently and am trying to get used to hot cuisine

24) Computers used to be very expensive

25) Engilsh has become an international language. Business people will have to get used to speaking it at the business meetings

26) Maria thought that she would never get used to living in New York. She got used to the hectic lifestyle soon enough, but she is still not quite used to the fact that the subway works so badly

27) I used to have eggs for breakfast. I was used to it. Now I am used to having cereal/porridge

28) My brother is used to working in a big company

Упражнение 2

1) I used to run every Saturday

2) I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes every day

3) There used to be a cinema here

4) She used to have long hair

5) She didn’t use to go to trainings

6) Did you use to wake up early every morning?

7) She used to go to the sea every autumn

8) I used to live in a small village

9) I didn’t use to read a lot, but now I do it often

10) She use to drink a lot of coffee

11) Did you use to read a newspaper every morning?

12) I didn’t use to go to parties

13) I use to drive to work, I walk now

14) She is used to running for an hour. She got used to it when she was living in the USA

15) He use to study English. But he didn’t get use to doing homework regularly

16) German used to seem very difficult to me but I have got used to it now

17) I am getting used to driving at night

18) He hasn’t got used to this weather

19) I used to work in a bank, but then I left my job and became a gardener

20) I used to read a lot

21) I used to dislike this city, but then I got used to it

22) I used to often come to England I used to always stay in this hotel

23) I am used to drinking so much coffee

24) Ben used to travel a lot for his work

25) I am used to driving to work by car

26) At first I didn’t understand their accent, but then I got used to it

27) She started to work at nights and she is getting used to sleeping during the day

28) Did you use to do sports regularly?

29) She doesn’t like this small town, but he will get used to it

Упражнение 3

1) I am used to living in the north of Canada, despite the cold weather

2) I am used to driving long distances

3) I used to run almost every morning

4) We used to go camping every spring

5) I was used to living alone, but now I am enjoying family life

6) We used to wake up early and go fishing

7) My father used to always read me stories before bed

8) I am used to drinking coffee in the morning

9) Tom is used to this noise

10) Lisa is used to working a lot

11) Anna used to go to ballet lessons when she was little

12) She wasn’t able to get used to walking on high-heels for a long time

13) She had to get used to working late

14) She is used to constant business trips

15) We aren’t used to listening to such music

16) She will soon get used to working here

17) When we came to Japan we couldn’t get used to sleeping on the floor

18) It was difficult for them to get used to eating such hot food

19) They soon got used to their new boss

20) I have got used to his strange behavior

21) I had to get used to eating with chop sticks

22) I didn’t use to smoke

23) We used to pay chess on Fridays

24) Before I bought my car, I used to go everywhere by bike

25) They are used to using the new computer

26) I soon got used to the strange smell at the factory

27) I will never get used to the heat of India

28) I used to always visit my parents at the weekends

29) You will soon get used to cooking for a big family

Упражнение 4

1) I soon got used to going to bed early

2) They had to get used to the new working schedule

3) You will have to get used to living on such a noisy street

4) There used to be a shopping center

5) I am getting used to working on Saturdays, but it isn’t going well yet

6) I am used to sleeping for 6 hours, it’s enough for me

7) My friend is used to his old car

8) I haven’t got used to drinking tea with milk

9) I am a postman, I am used to walking long distances

10) When you become a mother, you will have to get used to not having much free time

11) I used to smoke, but I gave it up when I move to the USA

12) When I came to Australia, I was getting used to for a whole week to the time difference

13) I used to eat a lot of chocolate, but I got used to doing without it

14) They used to always go on vacation by the sea

15) There used to be a bridge

16) It was difficult for me to get used to dark evening in winter

17) It’s difficult to get used to doing sports every day

18) I was getting used to speaking Norwegian fluently for a long time

19) I got used to my new diet

20) He isn’t used to working in such conditions

21) Have you got used to your new colleagues?

22) My mother didn’t use to drink a lot of coffee

23) Have you already got used to such a cold winter?

24) I am used to the shops closing so early

Глава 16

Упражнение 1

1) Working at this text, I made many corrections

2) Having made all the corrections, I checked the document once again

3) Giving a speech, he made a lot of digressions

4) Having given his speech, he thanked everybody for their support

5) The person giving a speech is a Prime Minister

6) He fell running in the garden

7) Having come home, I called my friend

8) Going home, I was thinking about work

9) She put the book away and look at the children, running in the garden

10) Having translated the article, I lay down to rest

11) Having bought all the groceries, I went home

12) The person, going down the street, suddenly stopped

13) The students, listening to the lecture, were writing everything down

14) We woke up before dawn and were able to see the rays of rising sun

15) The room overlooking the garden is more comfortable than the others

16) He was standing, looking at the people, gathering at the square

17) You should be careful crossing the street

18) Having crossed the road, we ran

19) The boy crossing the street looked to the left and to the right

Упражнение 2

1) The shirt, bought one year ago, is too small for me

2) The dog, tied to the tree, wasn’t able to run away

3) He fell running across the field

4) Going home from work, I kept thinking about the upcoming meeting

5) The reported made by him had to be rewritten

6) He came out to the street and was looking to the cars passing by

7) She looked out of the window and looked at the playing kids

8) The redone room looked great

9) Having said goodbye, he left

10) They were drinking tea, talking about the last vacation

11) Having handed out the task, the teacher said to start doing it

12) Working on their essays, the students were trying not make any mistakes

13) Having finished the conversation, they went home

14) He used to run listening to music

15) Having discussed all the problems, they decided to have a snack

16) Working on this text, I was making a lot of corrections

Упражнение 3

1) Having made all the preparations, the army started the attack

2) The information given to us was very useful

3) Having seen that the weather has changed, we decided to stay where we were

4) The books written by him reflect the life of English society in the 19 century

5) He was standing looking from the bridge into the water

6) All the done tasks were on the table

7) Having raised his hand, the spoke person addressed the audience

8) He was sitting looking at the newspaper

9) The cooked cake looked wonderful

10) Having finished with the packaging, the girls went to the station

11) The pictures written by him are now sold at a very high price

12) Having been late for half an hour, they decided not to go to the lecture

13) Having decided not to go anywhere, everybody decided to stay home

14) We put all the bought books on the shelves

15) Going camping, we always take a first aid kit with us

16) Having passed all the exams, they went to the country

17) When travelling, we always visit many museums

18) Having rad the rules, we started the game

Упражнение 4

1) Having done all the tasks, the students handed in the work

2) Having done all the errands, he came back to the office

3) Giving the speech, he made many references to the articles

4) Having drunk the tea, they set off

5) Having bought everything they needed, they came back home

6) Doing the work, the were making many breaks for coffee

7) Having explained the task to us, the teacher told us to start doing it

8) Reading the book, she was making notes

9) Having been tired after a long working day, they decided to have a rest

10) Cleaning the house, she was listening to music

11) Having invited all the acquaintances, she went on to do other preparations

12) Having read the account, he went to the meeting

13) Looking from the window, he was thinking about his future plans

14) Having seen this picture, he decided that he wanted to be a painter too

15) Having finished the performance, the artists came for the bow

16) Preparing the dinner, she was speaking on the phone

17) Having noticed her in the distance, he decided to call her

18) Having seen all the sights, we went to the museum

19) Listening to the lecture, the student were making notes

20) Having had a snack, we went on with our trip

21) He was nervous answering the questions

22) Having checked-in, we went to the duty-free

23) Walking down the main road, they were going to different shops

24) Having washed himself up, he went to get dressed

25) Translating the text, he was often looking some words up in the dictionary

26) Having come back home, she switched on the TV

27) Listening to music, she forgot about everything

28) They were enjoying the summer day, resting on the beach

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Дальше: Глава 17