Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
Назад: Глава 8
Дальше: Глава 15

Глава 11

Упражнение 1

1) You should have done this before

2) She might not have been at home, she would have answered the phone

3) You should have bought a fire alarm, the fire would not have started then

4) You should have warned me about this in advance

5) They might have discussed this yesterday

6) You should have called me yesterday

7) You should have gone by bike, you wouldn’t have got stuck in a traffic jam

8) I wouldn’t have been able to so this without your help

9) Our neighbors might have gone away, I didn’t hear from them for a long time

10) I might have left my phone in a café

11) They might not have known about the meeting yesterday

12) You should have dressed up warmer, you would not have caught a cold

13) She might have done this job yesterday

Глава 12

Упражнение 1

1) You can’t come into this room

2) You don’t have to come to this conference

3) You can’t leave the table until you finish eating

4) You don’t have to do this today

5) You can’t just leave like that

6) I didn’t have to wake up early yesterday

7) You can’t act like that

8) I wasn’t allowed to read this letter / I can’t have read this letter

9) You weren’t allowed to park here

10) I can’t be late for this meeting

11) You can’t eat it, you are allergic

12) You shouldn’t have done this

13) I cant’ walk without a hat

14) You didn’t have to shout like that

15) You can’t enter this room

16) I cant forget about this

17) You can’t tell anybody about this

18) You weren’t allowed to miss yesterday’s lecture

19) I can’t be late for this meeting

20) I didn’t have to buy bread yesterday, we have enough bread

21) You can’t refuse this offer

22) You can’t speak on your mobile here

23) It was raining yesterday, and I didn’t have to water the flowers

Глава 13

Упражнение 1

1) You should call Petrov one more time. If you had gone through to him, he would have come one hour earlier and we would not have waited

2) Could you swim when you were 10?

3) Your friend should have gone to the doctor. If he had gone through the treatment course, he would be healthy already

4) We weren’t able to come to the meeting on time because our train was delayed

5) He might have tried to prove her that he was right, but he wasn’t able to

6) My grandmother could speak five languages

7) She is only three, but she can read already

8) The delegation can come any minute

9) We have a lot of work to do tomorrow. You can’t be late

10) Your sun must be studying for five hours in a row. You should make him go for a walk. He might have a headache if he keeps working without rest

11) The museum is free. You do not have to pay to get in

12) If he had been told, he would have been here already and contacted you

13) He mihgt have not known about the meeting. He would have come

14) You should not have raised this question at the meeting

15) You should work more on your pronounciation.

16) We mustn’t forget to close all the windows before we go out

17) We can’t miss this train, otherwise we will be late

18) She might have been at this concert, but I didn’t see her

19) I should not have eaten so many sweets at that party

20) He shouldn’t be home at this time. He must be at work

21) You shouldn’t have told her about this. It would have been better to keep quiet.

22) He must not have time to read this book or he couldn’t find it

23) He wanted to warn you that you might wait for a couple of days before he will be able to see you. You should think carefully about what you are going to talk about

24) I’m sorry, I should not have got angry and shouted like that

25) You have to meet all the colleagues. It is important to make a good first impression

26) Professor felt sorry that he didn’t asked who had recommended him. It might have been someone from his colleagues

27) She had to come half an hour ago. She can’t have forgotten about this concert, it’s not like her at all

28) Our vacation could not have been better

29) He could read when he was five

30) He was able to do this task faster than everyone else

31) He could play the horn and the guitar

32) She was able to write an essay better than everyone else

33) I could have gone to Oxford, but I chose Harvard

34) He could swim faster than everybody else in his class

35) She could have moved to another country, but she did not do this

36) They could have bought a house here, but they did not do that

37) He was able to persuade him to stay

38) You could have called me to make me stay

39) She wasn’t able to find the right size in the shop

40) They could have helped me instead of just sit here

41) I would not have been able to manage without you

42) They didn’t have the map, but they managed to find the way anyway

43) She could have got on the train that came earlier

44) He can’t have seen you

45) It was so dark that he couldn’t see anything

46) You could have broken your neck, jumping from such height

47) I could make more money as an accountant, but its too boring for me

48) I must wake up earlier in the morning

49) I had to speak with her yesterday

50) She must have been ill and, therefore, didn’t come to the meeting

51) I will have to come to this meeting tomorrow

52) She must have not finished the report yesterday

53) I have to explain everything to the new colleagues

54) I will have to pick up my sister from the kinder garden

55) Somebody called you an hour ago. It must have been Mary

56) You must watch this film, you will like it

57) This book must be very interesting, I had heard a lot about it

58) They must be playing tennis now

59) He must have not heard your call and, therefore, didn’t answer

60) I will have to leave the meeting earlier

61) This restaurant must be good, there are always many people here

62) All the workers have to follow the safety regulations

63) The fire must have been caused by the electrical fault

64) You must be mister Johnson?

65) This must be the task we need

66) The exam must have been very hard, not many passed it

67) All students will have to pass the examination at the end of the course

68) I will have to write the report by Friday

69) He can’t be at work

70) Everything could have been much worse

71) May I come in?

Глава 14

Упражнение 1

1) If you do more sports, you will feel better

2) If you add more salt, the soup will be tastier

3) If I had enough money, I would go on vacation

4) If you buy groceries, we will be able to have dinner at home

5) If I had time, I would call her

6) If she was here, she would explain everything to us

7) If you get cold, we will turn the heater on

8) If I knew the answer to this question, I would tell you

9) If I had time, I would help you

10) If you want, we will go for a walk

11) If I was in your place, I wouldn’t buy this bag

12) If he doesn’t get better yesterday, we will have to call a doctor

13) If I had more free time, I would read more

14) If you are in London, you can stay with us

15) If I liked exhibitions, we would of course visit this museum

16) If you go by train, you will come faster

17) If you did more sports, you wouldn’t be ill so often

18) If you don’t want to get stuck in a traffic jam, you whould leave now

19) If we had their address, we would come over

20) If I asked you, would you do something for me?

21) If you are healthy food, you would feel better

22) If you gor for a swim, I will go with you

23) If you buy this computer, you will get a good warranty

24) If you don’t tell him about this, I will do it

25) I would call her, if I had her number

26) If you start to read more, you will know more

27) I don’t now what I would do if something like that happened to me

Упражнение 2

1) If you had visited us yesterday, we would have had a great time

2) If you lived nearby, we would see each other more often

3) If I am in this neighborhood, I will come to you

4) If you get ready quickly, we will go out on time

5) If we hadn’t got stuck in a traffic jam, we wouldn’t have been late for the meeting yesterday

6) If I had had a metro map, we would have found the way faster

7) IF had planned everything in advance, we would have had a better vacation

8) If I wanted to go on vacation, I would do it

9) If I hadn’t been busy yesterday, I would have come to you

10) If I have time, I will definitely come to you

11) If you go to London, you will be able to visit the famous Tate gallery

12) If I find your bag, I will, of course, tell you

13) If I had had money yesterday on me, I would have bought that coat

14) If they offer me this job, I will take it

15) If you hadn’t been nervous during the interview, you would have got the job

16) I would have warned you about this yesterday if I had known

17) Will you come to the party, if I invite you?

18) If you had done this job yesterday, we wouldn’t have problems now

19) Im sure, that if you explain the situation to her, she will undertand

20) If the weather had been good yesterday, we would have spent more time outside

21) If you go out without an umbrella, you will get wet

22) If I knew how to play chess, I would play with you

23) If I wasn’t allergic, I would get a cat

24) If I had trained more, I would not have lost the yesterday’s race

25) I would go for a walk with you, If I wasn’t sick

26) I wouldn’t hurry with this decision if I was/were in your place

27) Even if they had invited me to the yesterday’s party, I wouldn’t have come

28) If I hadn’t taken the pills, I wouldn’t have got better so fast

Назад: Глава 8
Дальше: Глава 15