Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
Назад: Глава 6
Дальше: Глава 11

Глава 8

Упражнение 1

1) I can speak five languages

2) I was able to persuade him to go with us

3) I haven’t been able to focus on my job recently

4) I will be able to help you tomorrow

5) It’s good that you have been able to come on time

6) You will not be able to persuade her that you are right

7) I have been able to leave work earlier recently

8) I have been able to read more this month

9) We all were able to finish our work on time

10) He was not able to come to yesterday’s meeting

11) I havent been able to meet him recently

12) I was able to swim well when I was a child

13) At the end of this course I will be able to speak English fluently

14) He was able to persuade her to move to Italy

15) They won’t be able to help you

16) I haven’t been able to find my glasses recently

17) He was able to explain all the rules clearly

18) I wasn’t able to get through to her

19) Thank you for your invitation, but I wont be able to come to your weeding

20) I will be able to explain my point of view

Упражнение 2

1) I have never been able to understand him

2) I will be able to come to you tomorrow

3) I haven’t been able to sleep well recently

4) Despite the traffic jams, I was able to get to work on time

5) I could sing well when I was little

6) I wasn’t able to explain the essense of the problem to her

7) Of course I will be able to come to your birthday

8) I will be able to bring this docuents tomorrow

9) I haven’t been able to find anything good to read recently

10) I haven’t been able to focus on my work recently

11) He was able to persuade me to go with them

12) I wasn’t able/I couldn’t to start my car for a long time

13) Finally, I was able to start my car

14) I will be able to finish this work without your help

15) He hasn’t been able to work well recently

16) How long hav eyou been able to play the piano so well?

17) She will not be able to get to the station on time

18) I was sure you were able to translate it yesterday

19) He wasn’t able to prove that he was innocent

20) She is studying well and will be able to go to a good unviersity

21) He girlfriend came to visit her, so she hasn’t been able to study well recently

22) Will you be able to give me a li to the airport?

23) He won’t be able to help you with this problem

Упражнение 3

1) He was able to read when he was three years old

2) He was able to finish this task faster than everyone else

3) He could play the trumpet and the guitar

4) She was able to go to a good University last year

5) She was able to write an essay better than anyone else

6) I could have gone to Harvard but I chose Oxford instead

7) He could swim faster than anyone else in my class

8) She could have moved to another country, but she didn’t do this

9) They could have bought a house here, but they didn’t do this

10) He was able to persuade him to stay

11) You could have called me to warn about this

12) She wasn’t able to find a suitable size in the shop

13) They could have helped me, instead of just sitting here

14) They didn’t have a map, but they managed to find the way anyway

15) I could have met you at the station

16) You could have broken your neck, jumping from such height

17) I could have passed the exam better

18) I could have made more working as an accountant, but it’s to boring for me

19) He lost his key, but he was still able to get in

20) He could have become the Prime Minister if it wasn’t for the financial scandal

Упражнение 4

1) He can’t be busy now

2) He can’t have come to the meeting yesterday

3) She can’t be at home now, she doesn’t answer the phone

4) She can’t have been at school yesterday, she was ill

5) It can’t be mister Johns!

6) We can’t be late!

7) They can’t have cancelled the concert yesterday

8) They can’t have agreed on everything without me

9) She can’t have really agreed to it

10) He can’t have finished everything yesterday

11) This building can’t be closed

12) They can’t have been late for their plane yesterday

13) They can’t have come on time yesterday

14) It can’t be the truth

Глава 9

Упражнение 1

1) When I was a child, I could run faster than anybody

2) She wasn’t able to explain her point of view

3) I haven’t been able to slept well recently

4) She can’t be in the office now, she doesn’t answer the phone

5) She can’t have been in the office yesterday, she was ill

6) When I broke my leg, I couldn’t walk well

7) She can’t have liked yesterday’s concert

8) He can’t be busy now

9) They can’t have worked abroad last year

10) The movie theatre can’t be open now

11) She can’t like this meal

12) I wasn’t able to come to their party

13) I wasn’t able to watch this film till the end

14) He wasn’t able to pass his exam from the first attempt / from the first time

15) He can’t have pass his exam, he isn’t preparing

16) You can’t have seen yesterday, she wasn’t in the city

17) I haven’t been able to find time to finish this work over the last several days

18) I haven’t been able to come to the lesson recently because of my illness

19) I haven’t been able to find my watch all day

20) Because of my illness I haven’t been able to eat anything greasy this week

21) I haven’t been able to go on the internet because my internet went off

22) My dog has lost its appetite and hasn’t been able to eat for the last several days

23) He can’t have been hungry yesterday

24) He can’t have been at that meeting, he was on a business trip

Упражнение 2

1) He can’t be busy now

2) He can’t play the piano

3) He can’t have come to the meeting yesterday

4) I haven’t been able to go to the gym recently because of my illness

5) We can’t go to this part of the building

6) She won’t be able to help you

7) He broke his leg and wasn’t able to walk for a long time

8) She can’t be at home, she doesn’t answer the phone

9) We haven’t been able to keep the sales up to a usual level this month

10) He wasn’t able to explain what was the essence of the problem

11) They can’t have been invited to the party yesterday

12) We haven’t been able to contact them for a long time

13) We forgot the key so we weren’t able to enter the building

14) She can’t have been at school yesterday, I would have meet her

15) It can’t be mister Johns

16) He won’t be able to fix this computer

17) She couldn’t sing well and she wasn’t admitted to the choir

18) We can’t be late

19) I haven’t been able to finish my report recently

20) The concert can’t have been cancelled yesterday

21) He can’t have come to the meeting yesterday

22) I haven’t been able to focus on my studies this semester

23) They can’t have agreed on everything without me

24) He wasn’t able to pass his exam

25) She can’t have really agreed to that

26) He can’t have finished everything yesterday

27) I haven’t been able to get my things out of the laundry this week

28) He wasn’t able to persuade them that he was right

29) This building can’t be closed

30) They can’t have been late for their plane yesterday

31) They can’t have come on time yesterday

32) I haven’t been able to find the necessary type of tea recently

33) She couldn’t swim before she was five

34) He won’t be able to come to this meeting tomorrow

35) It can’t be the truth

Глава 10

Упражнение 1

1) I must finish all my things to do by the evening/ have to?

2) I had to meet my sister at the airport yesterday

3) He must be in the office now

4) He must have been ill and didn’t come

5) She must be at home, there is a light

6) She had to finish everything yesterday

7) She must have not known about this meeting yesterday

8) They must be at work now

9) This plane must have been delayed yesterday

10) I had to wake up early last weekend

11) I have to tell my colleagues about this/I must tell my colleagues about this?

12) You must watch this film/ you have to watch this film?

13) It must be our new director

14) He must have been appointed yesterday

15) He must be studying now

16) I have to read these books / I must?

17) I had to answer all the questions

18) They must have prepared for the test well

19) She must have forgotten about this

20) You have to call me/ you must call me

21) I had to solve this issue

Упражнение 2

1) They must be working abroad

2) They can’t be working abroad

3) They must have worked abroad

4) They might have worked abroad

5) They can’t have worked abroad

6) They must be at work

7) He must have been at work

8) He might have been at work

9) He might be at work

10) He can’t be at work

11) It could have been worse

12) May I come in?

13) Children may take books at the library

14) I might have left this umbrella on a bus

15) He might be writing an article now

16) He was upset yesterday, he might have got a bad mark

17) They must have sold this problem yesterday

18) We had to cancel our meeting yesterday

19) He must be reading now

20) John can’t have woken up at sic o’clock this morning

21) It can’t be Kate/ it can’t have been Kate (если в прошлом)

22) He can’t have done this task yesterday

23) They can’t be playing in the yard now, it’s late

Назад: Глава 6
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