Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
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Глава 6

Упражнение 1

1) He passed his exam so well yesterday because he had been preparing for several weeks

2) I did not catch her our yesterday because she had already left

3) I met John yesterday. I had not seen him for a long time, he had changed a lot

4) Joe moved into his new flat yesterday. He had been looking for something suitable for several weeks.

5) I came home very tired, I had been working hard all day

6) I was upset when I had to cancel my holiday. I had been looking forward to it

7) By the moment I came there, he had been waiting for half an hour

8) I was tired because I had been playing football

9) When we came, the concert had already started

10) I had been living in America for three years until I moved to London

11) We were tired, we had been travelling all day

12) They had been playing for three hours when it started to rain

13) Harry wa lying on his back and breathing heavily. He had run 7 kilometers. He had been running for half an hour

14) When I woke I tried to remember what I had been dreaming about

15) I had been reading all evening yesterday until I fell asleep

16) When I came in everybody was sitting around the table. They had been having dinner and had just finished

Упражнение 2

1) John had come home by six

2) I had been doing my homework for two hours when he came

3) When he came, his mom had already cooked dinner

4) Mom saw that Nick had not washed his hands before dinner

5) When we came to the office we found out that we had been robbed

6) When he came home we had already finished watching this film

7) Yesterday I found the glassed that I had lost yesterday

8) When we came to the airpot, the registration had already closed

9) On my way to work I realized that I had left some important documents at home

10) I had been reading for three hours when she came home

11) I had been waiting for two hours when I realized that we agreed to meet on another day

12) I had been talking on the phone for two hours when he came

13) We had been walking all day until we got to the destination

14) Yesterday I remembered that I had not congratulated her with her birthday

15) He was living in France for a year until she started to speak French

16) Gaudi did not finish the cathedral on which he had been working last years of his life

17) She had rewritten the essay five times before she gave it to a teacher

Упражнение 3

1) She had been typing the exercises when he came

2) She had typed two articles befire he came

3) I had been waiting for three hours when the flight was delayed

4) When I came to the airport I realized that the flight had been delayed

5) I saw many puddles. Had it been raining?

6) Nancy was talking with her friend for half an hour when electricity went off

7) Nancy told her friend that she had just returned from vacation

8) Clair looked tired because she had run a long distance

9) When I met Clair, she said that she had been running for half an hour

10) Lisa failed her test because she had been preparing poorl for her exam

11) How long had he been working before he quit the job?

12) How long had he been writing the text before he sent it to the publisher?

13) How long had he been learning German before he went to Germany?

14) I had already written the letter when you came home

Упражнение 4

1) When I came, they had already discussed everything

2) When she was going to sleep, she realized that she had not called her friend

3) I had been waiting for her all evening, but she didn’t come

4) When I started to study all other students had already learnt the whole system of tenses

5) He hadn’t been studying English before he came to the US

6) Before he got this job he had been jobless for a long time

7) Nick showed to picture to his teacher which he had painted

8) My brother had been saving money the whole year before he went travelling around the world

9) By the moment I came home, he had been working for five hours

10) Before I came to the park I had finished my job

11) They had been working for two hours when it started to rain

12) When we came to the cinema she sad that she had seen this film

13) Had you had dinner before you came to the theatre?

14) When I saw our daughter, Karen, I realized that she had been crying

15) How long had you been painting the wall before the ladder fell off?

16) We had been waiting for a long time before he finally came

17) We had been driving along the road for half an hour when we saw an accident

18) I wanted to sleep because I had woken up early yesterday

19) When we came to the party, almost everybody had already left

20) The children had been doing their homework for half an hour when their mother called them for dinner

21) When we came to the station, the train had already come

Глава 7

Упражнение 1

1) He had been working for seven hours when Nick came

2) We were playing cards when he came

3) He had been working in the company for three years when it closed

4) Carol had been listening to the radio when electricity went of

5) Ben was washing his car when he saw his neighbor

6) How long had you been waiting to get on a bus yesterday?

7) My sister was feeding her dog when she heard a strange noise

8) Mary wanted to sit because she had been standing all day at work

9) When I came in, Linda was looking for her ring

10) Elis was walking around the lake when she saw a deer

11) She had been teaching at University for several years before she left Asia

12) Fiona and Sam had been walking around the castle when they realized that they got lost

13) Kim and I had been waiting in a park when he came

14) How long had you been learning Turkish before you moved to Ankara?

15) It was getting dark wen the bus came

16) John was tired because he had been running

17) When we went out, we sat that the snowman was melting in the sun

18) She gained some weight last month because she had been eating too much

19) The students were still writing the test when they herd the bell

20) Betty did not pass her last test because she had been studying poorly

21) The students were discussing the USA

22) I had been trying to find tickets to the yesterday’s concert for several weeks

23) When I came, they had been waiting for three hours

Упражнение 2

1) Henry was living in London last year

2) We were all very surprised when she came. We did not expect to see her

3) Annie was working at a restaurant last summer

4) I finally got through to my mom. I had been trying to call her all day

5) John was waiting for Holly

6) It had been raining heavily until the weather improved

7) We had been trying to find a key for 15 minutes when she finally found a key

8) Joe was reading a book lying on a beach

9) What was Betty doing at this time yesterday?

10) It was snowing for a long time when we set out

11) We had wanted to buy a new house for some time, but then decided to stay here

12) Where was he going when you met him?

13) There was a smell of cigarettes, someone was smoking/had been smoking

14) What was he working on at this time yesterday?

15) I had a bad headache yesterday because I had been working at my computer all day

16) How fast were you going when the accident happened? / had you been going?

17) I had been looking for a job for a long time until I got a position at this company

18) She had been taking private lessons for a long time before she tried scuba diving

Упражнение на все изученные настоящие и прошедшие времена

– Hello, everyone! Guess who is sitting next to me? They are Susie and Guy from «Style» band. Welcome to our program!

– Thank you!

– You have been very busy this year, haven’t you? You have your new album released, you have been on a tour. How are you feeling?

– We are tired a little. We have just returned from Holland. In April we went to Japan and Australia, so yes. We have been travelling a lot this year. But we have made a lot of friends and we had a lot of fun.

– Tell me something about what you had been doing before you formed «Style»?

– We had been both playing in different bands before we met.

– Susie, who have you been working with?

– Over the last years I have been working with such musicians as Lionel Riche, Phil Collins and a band called «Ace».

– How about you, Guy?

– I have recorded with Genesis, UB40, and, of course, Happy Mondays

– Why are Happy Mondays so important for you?

– Because my first hit came out when I was working with them. This song was called Mean Streets and it became a hit all over the world. It was in 1995.

– And how long have you been working together as «Style»?

– Since 1997. We met in a studio, when I was working with Bon Jovi. We spoke and Guy asked me if I wanted to work with him.

– Where have you been over this time?

– Sometimes it seems like we have travelled the whole world. We have been on a tour in Europe, Italy, Holland, we have been to Japan and Australia, but we have never been to America.

– You forgot about Sweden. We went there two years ago.

– Right!

– How many albums have you released over this time?

– I do not know, maybe 25?

– And how long have you been in musical business? I have always been a musician, since I was 16.

– I have been doing many different things. After I finished college I was working as a waitress, seller, gardener… I can go on and on.

– Ok, stop here, because now you a member of a band!

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