Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
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Глава 4

Упражнение 1

1) Scientist claim that influenza has taken more than 50,000 lives in this country. Only in 1957 more than 6,000 people died. But over the last 20 years we in the center has reached significant progress in studying this virus. We have released more than one hundred books and articles where we have been telling about the results of our researches. In 2012 one of my colleagues was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine. On our recent works we have been looking into a possible connection climate change and the recent increase in the number of cases of influenza. It is a tragedy that the government has decided to cut the funding now.

2) The previous government was spending a lot of money on the Center and I think it is terrible that the present government has announced the cut in funding, especially if we take into consideration the cut in funding. The center has been working successfully for several years. And I have to say that this decision is quite typical for this government. It has been ignoring the problems of public health and has been cutting the spending on science in general. Despite the fact the politicians claim the necessity to decrease the spending because of the recent economic crisis, I have found evidence that they have been planning this program for a long time. I have already talked to the minister and am going to write the Prime Minister that this decision must be revised.

Упражнение 2

1) How long have you been waiting for me?

2) I have been writing this report for three hours

3) I have already written three letters

4) How long have you been learning Spanish?

5) Have you found the necessary book?

6) Who have you been talking with for so long?

7) She has been travelling in Europe for three months

8) She has been to London twice

9) She has told us an interesting story

10) The have asked us several questions

11) The interview has just ended. We have been talking for half an hour

12) What have you been doing? I have been reading a newspaper

13) Have you ready heard the weather forecast for tomorrow?

14) I have read this book twice

15) They have been playing tennis for one hour

16) He has been looking for a job for five months

17) Has Mark already left his job?

18) Come in, we have been discussing your question

19) Who has been drinking from my cup?

20) I have been walking in the park with friends, we have just come home

21) I have been watching shows all day

22) I have just had dinner

23) We have always had cats. We love pets

24) They have been working since early morning

25) You look tired. I have been working without stopping.

26) Have you been living here for a long time?

27) Have you already sent the letter?

28) How long have you been speaking on the phone?

29) Who have you been speaking with?

Упражнение 3

1) It has been raining for three hours

2) He has been living in France for five years

3) Who has written it?

4) How long have you been watching the TV?

5) He has just bought a new coat

6) The have been married for 10 years

7) They have known each other since their childhood

8) I have had this car since I was 18

9) I have been learning English for five years

10) She has been working in this company for 20 years

11) She has made great progress in learning Germa

12) I have just got a new job

13) How long have you been going to this gym?

14) It has been raining since morning

15) I haven’t seen him for a long time

16) I have been thinking for a long time about this but I have not come to an univocal decision

17) I have bee looking for my glasses for half an hour

18) I have never trusted him

19) I have been going to this shop for one year

Упражнение 4

Joe has been interested in cinematography since his parents gave him a video camera. He has already made five movies. Over this time he has been working with his friends who has been working as actors, lighters, assistants and so on. Joe has been travelling a lot over the last few months and he has been trying to shoot most interesting places and people he has met.

Eva loves classical music and most of all she likes playing the piano. She has been working on the piano since she was given it for her twentieth birthday. She has already won important competitions and started to give concerts with a local orchestra. They have been to many cities and not going to stop on what they have achieved.

Глава 5

Упражнение 1

1) His father is watching television

2) He is going to bed because he is tired

3) They have been travelling around Asia for five years

4) My cousin is looking for a job but he has not found anything yet

5) She is till typing her article

6) The concert hasn’t started yet, we are sitting in a café and talking

7) It has stopped raining and the sub is shining

8) Mary has been living in this flat for three years

9) Tom and Mary has been building this house for three years

10) My parents are still living in Paris

11) It seems that the waiter has forgotten about us. We have been waiting for half an hour and nobody has taken our order. He is running from one table to another one. Are you hungry? Yes, I haven’t eaten all day.

12) Hello! What are you doing?/what have you been doing? I have been reading today’s newspaper and there is an interesting article about the pollution of the environment

13) It has been raining since I woke up

14) Mary is working long hours this month. She has saved a lot of money

15) Tom has been trying to find a new job since October

16) I have not seen your brother Tom for a long time

17) He has been living in this city since 1980

18) He has been listening to this band since he heard their hit on the radio

19) You look sad. Has anything happened?

20) How long have you been collecting old books?

21) What are you doing now?

Упражнение 2

1) What is funny? Why are you laughing?

2) She has been watching TV for three years

3) How long have you been speaking on the phone?

4) What are the children doing?

5) Who has been drinking from my cup?

6) Why do you have dirty hands? I have been working in the garden

7) I am wearing a jacket

8) You look sad. Yes I have been working all day

9) She is out of breath. She has been running for an hour

10) Where is Tom? He is taking a shower

11) Where have you come from? I have been doing shopping

12) Are you busy now? Yes, I have been writing an article

13) Pat is speaking on the phone now. She always speaks with her friend for a long time

14) She has been reading for three hours

15) Where are you? Am sitting at the dotor’s reception

16) Why are you late? I have been waiting for you for half an hour

17) I have been studying for two hours. It’s time to take a break.

18) What are you doing here?

19) Where have you come from?

20) I’m sorry, you are sitting on my place

21) How long have you been learing English?

22) Have you been going to this gym for a long time?

23) It’s late, it’s time to go home. Are you going with me?

24) You can switch off the radio, I am not listening to it

25) Where is Paul? He is in the kitchen, he is cooking something

26) Are they drinking tea now?

Упражнение 3

1) She has been doing shopping for three hours

2) She is still having dinner

3) You have been watching TV for three hours

4) I am still reading the book you gave me

5) I have been working on this report for three weeks

6) You have been working on the phone for one hour

7) I am looking TV now

8) What have you been doing today?

9) I am still playing tennis with my friend

10) He has been working in this company for 10 years

11) This summer he is working in France

12) Nick is showing the picture to a teacher, which he has drawn

13) My brother is saving money to go travelling around the world

14) My father has been working at university since 2010

15) My mom is cooking lunch now

16) My sister has been sleeping since three o’clock

17) My brother has been cleaning his flat since morning

18) He is still studying German

19) They are still living by the sea

20) They have been already living in London for four months

21) My friend is still doing his homework

22) She is playing in «Monopoly» for two hours

23) They have been playing volleyball for 40 minutes

24) They have been walking in a park for three hours

25) She is still writing a letter to her friend

26) She has been writing an essay for half an hour

27) My daughter is still getting changed

28) She is still working on her new book

29) He is still learning this poem

Упражнение 4

1) He has been writing books since he was 15

2) He is working on a new novel now

3) What are you doing now?

4) What have you been doing all day today?

5) Ira has been helping her mom since morning

6) They are cleaning the kitchen now

7) He has been running for half an hour without stopping

8) I am still looking for my notebook

9) I have been looking for my notebook since morning

10) I have been waiting for a reply from my friend for a month

11) I am writing a letter to my friend now

12) I have been for you here for a long time

13) I am feeding my cat now, can you call me later?

14) We have known each other for 10 years

15) I have been watching you for half an hour

16) He has been studying literature for three weeks, he wants to get a good mark

17) I have wanted to watch this movie for a long time

18) Has your aunt come back from her trip? Yes, she is already working

19) My sister is drinking tea with milk now

20) My brother has been doing sports for 12 years

21) They have been solving this tasks for an hour

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