Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
Назад: Глава 19. Relative clauses. Придаточные предложения
Дальше: Глава 4


Глава 1

Упражнение 1

1) Where is Kate? I don’t know

2) What is funny? Why are you laughing?

3) What is your sister doing? She is a dentist

4) Where does he work?

5) What are the children doing now?

6) I am wearing jeans and a black t-shirt

7) They are going for a walk. They go for a walk every Sunday

8) It is raining now, I do not want to go out

9) Where are you from?

10) How much does it cost to call to Canada?

11) Steve is a good tennis player, but he does not play often

12) Where is Tom? He is taking a shower

13) Listen, somebody is singing

14) Pat is speaking on the phone now. She always speaks for a long time with her friend

15) Where are you? I am sitting at the doctor’s reception

16) Where does your family live?

17) Where does your brother live?

18) Where are you living now?

19) Sandra is tired and wants to go home

20) Are you going with me?

21) I am sorry, buy you are sitting on my place

22) It is late and it’s time to go home for me. Are you going with me?

23) When does your father finish his work?

24) You can turn off the radio, I am not listening to it

25) Where is Paul? He is in the kitchen, he is cooking something.

26) Martin usually does not drive to work, he walks

Упражнение 2

1) Julie is reading in the garden

2) She has two daughters

3) I am living in Spain these two weeks

4) He often comes to dinner with us

5) How many languages does she speak?

6) The lesson starts at nine everyday

7) I do not work on Sundays

8) I am studying now, and she is watching TV

9) How often do you go to restaurant?

10) I am sorry, I do not understand you

11) Who are you talking with now?

12) This summer she is working as a waitress

13) Who are you living with now?

14) She goes to dancing classes every Tuesday

15) It is cold here in winter

16) Take an umbrella, it is raining

17) This cake is delicious

18) Who does this bag belong to?

Упражнение 3

1) What books does your sister like to read?

2) Who is this person standing next to the door?

3) How far is it from here to New York?

4) Why aren’t your children at school?

5) How much does it take you to get from the subway to the shop?

6) Who do these gloves belong to?

7) What is your mother’s favorite flower?

8) What are you reading now?

9) How old are her children?

10) What subject at school do you like most?

11) What is this material?

12) What language are you studying?

13) How much does it cost to call to Moscow?

14) What does your brother do? Is he working now?

15) How may beds are in this room?

16) Is there an air conditioning in this room?

17) I am having lunch now, can you call back later?

18) When do you close?

19) I am thinking of selling my car

20) When does your father finish work?

21) Why don’t we go for a walk?

22) What is this cat’s eyes color?

23) When is it your birthday?

24) How well does he know history?

25) Who do these books belong to?

26) Is anybody sitting here?

27) Who are you talking with?

28) What do you eat for breakfast?

29) Is there a table in this room?

30) Are there good restaurants nearby?

31) How much time do you have?

32) How can I get to Oxford?

33) Are there any buses from here to Oxford?

34) What films do you like to watch?

35) Why is the fridge empty?

36) How often does it snow here?

37) Is it raining now?

Упражнение 4

1) He is reading now

2) When does your working day start?

3) Is mr. Johns working in the garden?

4) When does the shop open?

5) Is Nancy painting the kitchen?

6) Does your sister wake up early?

7) Where is the supermarket?

8) Are you neighbors washing their car?

9) What books does your brother like to read?

10) Are you cold?

11) Whose is this bag?

12) Are they having dinner now?

13) What do you usually do in the evenings?

14) What does this word mean?

15) Usually he does not have breakfast

16) How old are your children?

17) Where do your parents live?

18) How much does this shirt cost?

19) What are their names?

20) What is she doing now?

21) Does it snow often here?

22) Does he do sports every morning?

23) Is it raining now?

Глава 2

Упражнение 1

Once I was buying a new alarm clock when I saw a thief. I just paid for my watch when I saw an elderly woman, who was slowly putting a silver plate into the bag she was carrying. Then she went to the opposite side of the shop and took an expensive watch. She thought that nobody was looking at her and dropped it in her bag. Before I could tell the police about it, she noticed that I was watching her and hurried to the entrance. Unfortunately for her, two policemen were passing by and she ran right into them.

Упражнение 2

1) I was reading at this time yesterday

2) I read three books yesterday

3) I went to the cinema yesterday

4) I was going to the cinema when I saw my friend

5) She was working with documents all day

6) He was writing a letter all day

7) I finished my work at six

8) What were you doing yesterday in the evening?

9) Where were you yesterday?

10) When I was travelling around Europe, I bought many presents for my family

11) We were bathing in the river when it started to rain

12) They were drinking tea when I came home

13) When I came into the class, they were doing exercises

14) There were going to leave when they remembered that they forgot their tickets

15) When I met Tom, he was going to the shop

16) Where did you spend your last weekend? I was doing shopping

17) The moon was shining and the night was warm and pleasant

18) They seemed nice people and we were talking all night

19) What were you doing when it happened?

20) They invited me and I agreed gladly

21) He lost his keys when he was running in the park

22) She was writing an account when I left for the meeting

23) We were talking when he called

24) I did not hear what he said

25) I was listening to music when I remembered that I had to call her

26) The report was so boring that he was falling asleep while listening to it

Упражнение 3

1) Early in the morning I woke up and looked at the wakening city. The sun was shining and someone was talking in the yard

2) He was looking at the leaving train until it disappeared completely. He started to walk fast to warm up toward the city

3) Did they offer you a job?

4) They were talking about the weather and their plans for the Summer

5) He asked many interesting questions

6) He told his brother what he was doing in his absence

7) I was reading a book when he called

8) From three to five we were studying in the library

9) I was going down the road when I saw her

10) The sun was already setting when came to the village which was only a couple of miles from my native town. The working day was over and all the workers were coming back home. I approached a group of people and asked if I can find a place to stay for the night in the village. One old man agreed to help me. He took me to his house, which was at the end of the street. The fire was already burning in the stove, when we came in, and the hostess was dinner. Two girls were picking something up in the garden. The master offered to have dinner with them. They seemed very nice people and we were talking all night. After dinner we went to the garden. The night was warm, and the moon was shining brightly. We were walking for a long time until we finally went to bed

Упражнение 4

Aunt Polly was hoping that Tom would keep his promise and would not miss his lessons anymore. But the next say he found out that he missed again. «Do you want me to punish you, Tom?» asked aunt Polly angrily.

Aunt Polly decided to punish Tom and sent him to whitewash the fence. Tom was working very slowly at first, but when he noticed that Ben was approaching him, he pretended to enjoy the work. «What are you doing, Tom?» asked Ben. «Don’t you see? I am whitewashing the fence. It is a very interesting job». «Really? Give me the brush for a second. I will let you bite on my apple if you let me». «Sorry, Ben». Ben said that he would give Tom the whole apple if he gave him the brash. Tom agreed reluctantly. And while Ben was whitewashing the fence, Tom was sitting in the shade and eating the apple.

Глава 3

Упражнение 1

1) What’s happened? Why have you stopped?

2) Did you go anywhere last evening?

3) Have you eaten only one piece of cake?

4) Where were you yesterday? You were not at work?

5) We haven’t seen her for a long time

6) I saw her yesterday

7) Grandma and Grandpa have already visited their grandchildren. They went to see them last week

8) Have you ever been to Africa?

9) I went to Africa last year

10) The concert hasn’t started yet

11) The concert started 11 minutes ago

12) Wait for me, I haven’t taken the money

13) I have just had breakfast

14) He has just had lunch

15) He did not have dinner yesterday

16) The rain has stopped and the sun is shining. It stopped raining half an hour ago

17) Mary has bought a new flat

18) I bought these gloves yesterday

19) The weather has improved, we can go for a walk

20) We did not go anywhere yesterday

21) I have been to Europe many times

22) Where did you go last summer?

23) It seems that the waiter has forgotten about us

24) Tom has found a new job

25) Tom left his work last month

26) I haven’t seen your brother for a long time

27) I went to my parents last weekend

28) He has lived in this city since 1980

29) He moved here 33 years ago

30) You look sad. Has anything happened?

31) I was ill yesterday

Упражнение 2

1) Helen speaks Spanish so well because she has lived in Spain

2) She lived there last summer

3) The snow has stopped and the sun is shining

4) I have bought a new car, come look at it

5) He knows so much because he has read many books

6) I saw Julia yesterday

7) I haven’t seen Alex for three years

8) I have just met our teacher

9) I have not been to the gym for a long time

10) Where did you spent your vacation?

11) Have you ever been to France?

12) Tom has just called me

13) She has just returned from her vacation

14) When did you see him for the last time?

15) I haven’t eaten anything today

16) I was at a concert yesterday

17) Look at this table, Joe has made it himself

18) I have already finished my work and can go for a walk

19) Have you ever been to London?

20) He has just come

21) We haven’t solved the problem yet

22) He left the room three minutes ago

23) When did it happen?

24) The clouds have covered the whole sky

25) How many times have you been to Moscow?

26) My watch was not working this morning but it is working now

27) It was cold yesterday

28) I have not seen him since 1990

Упражнение 3

1) How many fish have already caught?

2) Have you already read today’s newspaper?

3) The new hotel opened a week ago

4) The rain has stopped, but a cold wind is still blowing

5) How long have you known Sue?

6) I have seen her a couple of times, but I have never spoken to her

7) Yesterday I finished working late

8) He has just finished working in the garden

9) She came over this morning

10) Have you already booked a table in the restaurant?

11) Yesterday we had a picnic

12) I haven’t bought the tickets for the concert yet

13) I watched an interesting program last evening

14) How many mistakes have you made in your test?

15) I lost my glasses this morning but I have already found them

16) He was ill last week, but he has got over it

17) I haven’t seen you since you moved to the USA. You have changed a lot

18) Last time I went to Paris last year

19) If everyone has seen the film, lets discuss it

20) Sorry, I was busy and couldn’t answer your call. But now I’m free

21) I have watched all the movies by this director

22) I read three interesting books last summer

23) It was very cold last winter

24) There has been almost no rain this week

25) I have always wanted to travel around the world

26) I had a very good time at a party

27) He has lived in this house for 10 years

28) He has worked in this company since 2000

29) Have you seen Bob?

30) I saw him five minutes ago

Назад: Глава 19. Relative clauses. Придаточные предложения
Дальше: Глава 4