Книга: Английский для умных. Учебное пособие для тех, кто хочет и может разобраться в тонкостях грамматики и повысить уровень своего языка. Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное
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Глава 18

Упражнение 1

1) The room is cleaned every day

2) The room was cleaned yesterday

3) Newspapers are read by the English every morning

4) The newspaper was read yesterday

5) A big number of clients are served in this restaurant every day

6) 100 clients were served here yesterday

7) These bushes are cut every spring

8) This bush was cut yesterday

9) These streets are cleaned every day

10) This street wasn’t cleaned yesterday

11) These flowers are planted here every year

12) These flowers weren’t planted last year

13) Home tasks are handed in by the students everyday

14) One task wasn’t handed in at the last lesson

15) These accounts are checked by specialists every day

16) Many accounts were checked yesterday

17) Most part of the profit is spent on the company’s development

18) Much money was spent on development last year

19) Many American shows are shown on TV

20) A good film was shown yesterday

21) These toys are made by hand

22) This toy was made by hand

23) All complaints are considered during one week

24) My complaint was not considered

Упражнение 2

1) This room was being cleaned all day yesterday

2) This house is being build now

3) Our conversation was being recorded

4) The dinner is being made now

5) This computer was being used all day yesterday

6) This article is being translated

7) The car was being repaired all morning

8) This church is being reconstructed now

9) He was being told one long story yesterday

10) He is being taken to school now

11) This book was being written during many years

12) These discs are being recorded now

13) This meeting was being held by the director of the company

14) The president of the company is being elected now

15) The hospital was being built for half a year

16) Important rules are being explained now

17) This house was being repaired for two months

18) This letter was written by hand

19) These goods are being sold with a discount now

Упражнение 3

1) These books are read

2) Who are these letters written by?

3) The letter has just been written

4) She showed me the picture which had been painted by her father

5) He was told about everything

6) This door cant be left open

7) The girl wasn’t allowed to go to the concert

8) She said that the new schedule was not hanged on the wall

9) The chicken cooked by her was eaten with pleasure

10) It was so dark that the house couldn’t be seen

11) The light wasn’t switched off

12) By three o’clock everything had been repaired

13) Her dress was washed and ironed

14) This house was built last year

15) The letter has just been sent

16) When will these books be returned to the library?

17) The invitations were sent to all the relatives

18) All the passengers were listening to the story about a boy rescued by the driver

19) The child is being taken care of

20) Which article was translated by his brother

21) Her name was mentioned in his novels

22) They were taught how to draw all lesson

23) I am often told about this

24) When was it done

25) This summit has never been climbed

26) She said that these newspapers have to be taken away from the table

27) Nick was told to go home right away

Упражнение 4

Slowly but surely the coastline of Britain is being worn away by an advancing sea. The country which once ’ruled the waves’ now is being ruled by them, with huge forces threatening to destroy vast areas of human and wildlife habitat. Already some of Britain’s last wild, natural areas have disappeared, and experts fear that this is just the beginning. It is estimatedthat there will be a 38—55 cm rise in average sea levels by the year 2100. According to the Department of the Environment, during the next 50 years at least 10,000 hectares of farmland will be turned into mud flats and salt marshes by the increases in sea levels. Rather than trying to prevent the erosion, the present government is using a method of ’managed retreat’ by creating new defences further inland and allowing low-lying coastal farm land be abandoned to the sea. However, many of the country’s major cities could also be affected. London, Bristol and Cardiff all are expecting severe flooding as our sea defences are being destroyed by the rising tides.

Глава 19

Упражнение 1

1) The architect who is working on our project is a very nice person

2) The girl who has been injured in an accident is in hospital now

3) The company where Barbara works makes furniture

4) What happened to the picture which were on the wall

5) John, who is working as a doctor, always looks very tired

6) The books, which are on the top shelf, belong to me

7) Her husband, who is on a business trip now, is a very nice man

8) The woman who he fell in love with left in one month

9) Mary, who lives next door, is my friend

10) Colin told me about his work, which he likes very much

11) John, who speaks English and French, works as a tourist guide.

12) We stayed at the park Hotel, which was recommended to us by our friends

13) We stayed at the hotel that you recommended

14) I met Hon this morning, who I haven’t seen in ages

15) This morning I met a man who I haven’t seen for a long time

Упражнение 2

1) She likes people who are fun to be with

2) My friend Andrew, who is Scottish, plays a bagpipe

3) The politicians telling lies are disgusting

4) Politicians, each of whom tells lies, are disgusting

5) My favorite building in Colone is a church which was being built for 800 years

6) Did you like the present I gave you?

7) Who was the person who you were speaking with?

8) What I especially like in Dave is his sense of humor

9) I met with a person who work in advertising

10) I will give you a book which has changed my life

11) What helped me most is the feeling that I wasn’t alone

12) This is the funniest film that I have ever seen

13) Come in and meet the people I work with

14) This is the book I told you about

15) She is a friend you can always rely on

16) Paul, who has written many books, addressed the audience

17) His last book, which received many praises, has become a success

18) This is the woman whose sun got in jail

19) If you have questions, ask the girl standing next to the door

20) This is the chair which was repaired by the carpenter yesterday

21) This is the swimming pool where I used to go swimming

22) This is the man whose wife is a famous actress

23) This is the woman whose car was stolen

24) The restaurant where I went last week was very expensive

25) The film I watched yesterday evening was not interesting

26) Michael, whose father is a judge, works as a police officer

27) The dog I was given is very friendly

Упражнение 3

1) The car that broke down yesterday now works again

2) Everything they said was true

3) I gave her all the money I had

4) My brother showed us the car, which he is very proud of

5) This is a picture of our friends Chris and Sam, who we went travelling with

6) The wedding, to which only relative were invited, took place on Saturday

7) Helen has two brothers, neither of them is married

8) They were given the information, most part of which was useless

9) Ten people send their resumes, none of whom was suitable

10) Mike won $100,000, half of which he gave to his parents

11) Julie has two sisters, both of whom are lawers

12) I sent her two emails, neither of which she received

Глава 20

Упражнение 1

1) He sais that his parents were doing well

2) He said that he was going to learn how to drive

3) He said that he wanted to buy a car

4) He said that John had a new job

5) He said that he couldn’t come to the party on Saturday

6) He said he didn’t have enough free time

7) He said he was leaving for a couple of days

8) He said he was living in Moscow

9) He said his brother was ill

10) He said that Joe and Camilla were getting married next month

11) He said that his friend had had a baby last week

12) He said that he didn’t know what Frank was doing

13) He said that he had seen my friend at the party yesterday

14) He said that he hadn’t seen Diana recently

15) He said that he was enjoying his job recently

16) He said that I could stay with him If I came to Moscow

17) He said that his car had been stolen a few days ago

18) He said that he would tell Joe he had seen me

19) He said that he was working in London next week

20) He said that he would finish this work by Friday

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