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M. A. Nitsche and W. Paulus, “Excitability Changes Induced in the Human Motor Cortex by Weak Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation,” Journal of Physiology 527, no. 3 (2000): 633–639.


R. Lindenberg, V. Renga, L. L. Zhu, D. Nair, and G. Schlaug, “Bihemispheric Brain Stimulation Facilitates Motor Recovery in Chronic Stroke Patients,” Neurology 75, no. 24 (2010): 2176–2184; D. H. Benninger, M. Lomarev, G. Lopez, E. M. Wassermann, X. Li, E. Considine, and M. Hallett, “Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation for the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease,” Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 81, no. 10 (2010): 1105–1111; A. R. Brunoni, L. Valiengo, A. Baccaro, T. A. Zanao, J. F. de Oliveira, A. Goulart, et al., “The Sertraline vs. Electrical Current Therapy for Treating Depression Clinical Study: Results from a Factorial, Randomized, Controlled Trial,” JAMA Psychiatry 70, no. 4 (2013): 383–391.


M. F. Kuo and M. A. Nitsche, “Effects of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation on Cognition,” Clinical EEG and Neuroscience 43, no. 3 (2012): 192–199.


B. A. Coffman, M. C. Trumbo, and V. P. Clark, “Enhancement of Object Detection with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Is Associated with Increased Attention,” BMC Neuroscience 13, no. 1 (2012): 108; A. R. Brunoni and M.-A. Vanderhasselt, “Working Memory Improvement with Non-invasive Brain Stimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” Brain and Cognition 86 (2014): 1–9; T. Strobach, A. Soutschek, D. Antonenko, A. Floel, and T. Schubert, “Modulation of Executive Control in Dual Tasks with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS),” Neuropsychologia 68C (2014): 8–20.


J. Nelson, R. McKinley, E. Golob, J. Warm, and R. Parasuraman, “Enhancing Vigilance in Operators with Prefrontal Cortex Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS),” NeuroImage 85 (2014): 909–917.


Nelson et al., “Enhancing Vigilance in Operators,” 909.


W. Y. Hsu, T. P. Zanto, and A. Gazzaley, “Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Enhances Multitasking Performance,” paper presented at the Bay Area Memory Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013.


D. Reato, A. Rahman, M. Bikson, and L. C. Parra, “Effects of Weak Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation on Brain Activity: A Review of Known Mechanisms from Animal Studies,” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7 (2013): 687–687.


A. R. Brunoni, J. Amadera, B. Berbel, M. S. Volz, B. G. Rizzerio, and F. Fregni, “A Systematic Review on Reporting and Assessment of Adverse Effects Associated with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation,” International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 14, no. 8 (2011): 1133–1145.


T. Iuculano and R. Cohen Kadosh, “The Mental Cost of Cognitive Enhancement,” Journal of Neuroscience 33, no. 10 (2013): 4482–4486.


T. Pustovrh, “The Neuroenhancement of Healthy Individuals Using tDCS: Some Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects,” Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 12, no. 4 (2014): 270–279.


J. Mishra and A. Gazzaley, “Closed-Loop Rehabilitation of Age-Related Cognitive Disorders,” Seminars in Neurology 34 (2014): 584–590.


P. D. Bamidis, A. B. Vivas, C. Styliadis, C. Frantzidis, M. Klados, W. Schlee, et al., “A Review of Physical and Cognitive Interventions in Aging,” Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 44 (2014): 206–220.


C. D. Fisher, “Effects of External and Internal Interruptions on Boredom at Work: Two Studies,” Journal of Organizational Behavior 19, no. 5 (1998): 503–522.


Расширенный анализ литературы выявил лишь две статьи в рецензируемых научных журналах, где изучаются способы «цифровой детоксикации» и оценивается их эффективность: C. M. Paris, E. A. Berger, S. Rubin, and M. Casson, “Disconnected and Unplugged: Experiences of Technology Induced Anxieties and Tensions While Traveling,” in Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015 (New York: Springer International, 2015), 803–816; S. Y. Schoenebeck, “Giving Up Twitter for Lent: How and Why We Take Breaks from Social Media,” in CHI ’14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (New York: ACM Press, 2014), 773–782.


S. Turkle, Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other (New York: Basic Books, 2011); Y. T. Uhls, M. Michikyan, J. Morris, D. Garcia, G. W. Small, E. Zgourou, and P. M. Greenfield, “Five Days at Outdoor Education Camp without Screens Improves Preteen Skills with Nonverbal Emotion Cues,” Computers in Human Behavior, 39 (2014): 387–392; A. K. Przybylski and N. Weinstein, “Can You Connect with Me Now? How the Presence of Mobile Communication Technology Influences Face-to-Face Conversation Quality,” Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 30, no. 3 (2013): 237–246.






Современную информацию и исследования см. по адресу ; Governors Highway Safety Association, “Distracted Driving Laws” (February 2015), .


Governors Highway Safety Association, “Distracted Driving: What Research Shows and What States Can Do” (2011), . Here is a sampling of recent studies that have examined the impact of handsfree driving: M. M. Haque and S. Washington, “The Impact of Mobile Phone Distraction on the Braking Behavior of Young Drivers: A Hazard-Based Duration Model,” Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 50 (2015): 13–27; B. Metz, A. Landau, and V. Hargutt, “Frequency and Impact of Hands-Free Telephoning While Driving – Results from Naturalistic Driving Data,” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior 29 (2015): 1–13.


M. L. Aust, A. Eugensson, J. Ivarsson, and M. Petersson, Thinking about Distraction – A Conceptual Framework for Assessing Driver-Vehicle On-Road Performance in Relation to Secondary Task Activity, National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration Report, ; L. Nunes and M. A. Recarte, “Cognitive Demands of Hands-Free-Phone Conversation While Driving,” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior 5, no. 2 (2002): 133–144.


D. L. Strayer, J. Turrill, J. R. Coleman, E. V. Ortiz, and J. M. Cooper, “Measuring Cognitive Distraction in the Automobile II: Assessing In-Vehicle Voice-Based Interactive Technologies,” Accident Analysis and Prevention 372 (2014): 379; D. Strayer, J. Cooper, J. Turrill, J. Coleman, N. Medeiros-Ward, and F. Biondi, Measuring Cognitive Distraction in the Automobile (2013), AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, Washington, DC.


F. Manjoo, “Discovering Two Screens Aren’t Better Than One,” New York Times, March 19, 2014, .


C. Thompson, “End the Tyranny of 24.7 Email,” New York Times, August 28, 2014, .


K. Kushlev and E. W. Dunn, “Checking Email Less Frequently Reduces Stress,” Computers in Human Behavior 43 (2015): 220–228.


D. J. Levitan, “Hit the Reset Button in Your Brain,” New York Times, August 9, 2014, .


B. Thornton, A. Faires, M. Robbins, and E. Rollins, “The Mere Presence of a Cell Phone May Be Distracting: Implications for Attention and Task Performance,” Social Psychology 45 (2014): 479–488.


A. Mirelman, I. Maidan, H. Bernad-Elazari, F. Nieuwhof, M. Reelick, N. Giladi, and J. M. Hausdorff, “Increased Frontal Brain Activation during Walking While Dual Tasking: An fNIRS Study in Healthy Young Adults,” Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation 11, no. 1 (2014): 85; R. Beurskens, I. Helmich, R. Rein, and O. Bock, “Age-Related Changes in Prefrontal Activity during Walking in Dual-Task Situations: A fNIRS Study,” International Journal of Psychophysiology 92, no. 3 (2014): 122–128.


T. Lesiuk, “The Effect of Preferred Music on Mood and Performance in a High-Cognitive Demand Occupation,” Journal of Music Therapy 47, no. 2 (2010): 137–154; L. A. Angel, D. J. Polzella, and G. C. Elvers, “Background Music and Cognitive Performance,” Perceptual and Motor Skills 110, no. 3 (pt. 2) (2010): 1059–1064.


J. Blascovich, “Effects of Music on Cardiovascular Reactivity among Surgeons,” JAMA 272, no. 11 (1994): 882–884; D. N. Moris and D. Linos, “Music Meets Surgery: Two Sides to the Art of ‘Healing,’” Surgical Endoscopy 27, no. 3 (2013): 719–723; M. V. Thoma, M. Zemp, L. Kreienbuhl, D. Hofer, P. R. Schmidlin, T. Attin, et al., “Effects of Music Listening on Pre-treatment Anxiety and Stress Levels in a Dental Hygiene Recall Population,” International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 22, no. 4 (2015): 498–505.


S. Ransdell and L. Gilroy, “The Effects of Background Music on Word Processed Writing,” Computers in Human Behavior 17, no. 2 (2001): 141–148.


A. Ariga and A. Lleras, “Brief and Rare Mental ‘Breaks’ Keep You Focused: Deactivation and Reactivation of Task Goals Preempt Vigilance Decrements,” Cognition 118, no. 3 (2011): 439–443.


C. Popovich and W. R. Staines, “Acute Aerobic Exercise Enhances Attentional Modulation of Somatosensory Event-Related Potentials during a Tactile Discrimination Task,” Behavioral Brain Research 281 (2014): 267–275; M. T. Tine and A. G. Butler, “Acute Aerobic Exercise Impacts Selective Attention: An Exceptional Boost in Lower-Income Children,” Educational Psychology 32, no. 7 (2012): 821–834.


J. Kaldenberg, J. Tribley, S. McClain, A. Karbasi, and J. Kaldenberg, “Tips for Computer Vision Syndrome Relief and Prevention,” Work 39, no. 1 (2011): 85–87; Z. Yan, L. Hu, H. Chen, and F. Lu, “Computer Vision Syndrome: A Widely Spreading but Largely Unknown Epidemic among Computer Users,” Computers in Human Behavior 24, no. 5 (2008): 2026–2042.


R. M. Daniel, “The Effects of the Natural Environment on Attention Restoration” (doctoral dissertation, Appalachian State University, 2014).


J. C. McVay and M. J. Kane, “Why Does Working Memory Capacity Predict Variation in Reading Comprehension? On the Influence of Mind Wandering and Executive Attention,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 141, no. 2 (2012): 302–320; D. R. Thomson, D. Smilek, and D. Besner, “On the Asymmetric Effects of Mind-Wandering on Levels of Processing at Encoding and Retrieval,” Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 21, no. 3 (2014): 728–733; J. W. Schooler, M. D. Mrazek, M. S. Franklin, B. Baird, B. W. Mooneyham, C. Zedelius, and J. M. Broadway, “The Middle Way: Finding the Balance between Mindfulness and Mind-Wandering,” Psychology of Learning and Motivation 60 (2014): 1–33.


T. L. Signal, P. H. Gander, H. Anderson, and S. Brash, “Schedule Napping as a Countermeasure to Sleepiness in Air Traffic Controllers,” Journal of Sleep Research 18, no. 1 (2009): 11–19; J. S. Ruggiero and N. S. Redeker, “Effects of Napping on Sleepiness and Sleep-Related Performance Deficits in Night-Shift Workers: A Systematic Review,” Biological Research for Nursing 16, no. 2 (2013): 134–142; L. Moore, “High School Students’ Perceived Alertness in Afternoon Classes Following a Short Post-Lunch Nap” (doctoral dissertation, Northwest Missouri State University, 2014); A. Gardner, “‘Powernaps’ May Boost Right-Brain Activity,” CNN.com, September 25, 2013, .


B. Ditzen and M. Heinrichs, “Psychobiology of Social Support: The Social Dimension of Stress Buffering,” Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 32, no. 1 (2014): 149–162.


G. S. Bains, L. S. Berk, N. Daher, E. Lohman, E. Schwab, J. Petrofsky, and P. Deshpande, “The Effect of Humor on Short-term Memory in Older Adults: A New Component for Whole-Person Wellness,” Advances in Mind – Body Medicine 28, no. 2 (2013): 16–24.


C. Seiter, “Why You Need to Stop Thinking You Are Too Busy to Take Breaks: Inside the Science of Why Taking Breaks Can Make You Happier and More Focused and Productive. Still Think You’re Too Important?” Fast Company, September 2, 2014, .


C. Goldman, “This Is Your Brain on Jane Austen, and Stanford Researchers Are Taking Notes,” Stanford Report, September 7, 2012, .


M. Goyal, S. Singh, E. M. Sibinga, N. F. Gould, A. Rowland-Seymour, R. Sharma, J. A. Haythornthwaite, et al., “Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” JAMA Internal Medicine 174, no. 3 (2014): 357–368.


J. Yin and R. K. Dishman, “The Effect of Tai Chi and Qigong Practice on Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials,” Mental Health and Physical Activity 7, no. 3 (2014): 135–146; P. M. Wayne, J. N. Walsh, R. E. Taylor-Piliae, R. E. Wells, K. V. Papp, N. J. Donovan, and G. Y. Yeh, “Effect of Tai Chi on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 62, no. 1 (2014): 25–39; C. W. Wang, C. H. Chan, R. T. Ho, J. S. Chan, S. M. Ng, and C. L. Chan, “Managing Stress and Anxiety through Qigong Exercise in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials,” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 14, no. 1 (2014): 8; F. Wang, E. K. O. Lee, T. Wu, H. Benson, G., Fricchione, W. Wang, and A. S. Yeung, “The Effects of Tai Chi on Depression, Anxiety, and Psychological Well-Being: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 21, no. 4 (2014): 605–617; Goyal et al., “Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-Being.”


Przybylski and Weinstein, “Can You Connect with Me Now?”; S. Misra, L. Cheng, J. Genevie, and M. Yuan, “The iPhone Effect: The Quality of In-Person Social Interactions in the Presence of Mobile Devices,” Environment and Behavior 48, no. 2 (2016): 275–298; Thornton et al., “The Mere Presence of a Cell Phone May Be Distracting.”


C. Chambliss, E. Short, J. Hopkins-DeSantis, H. Putnam, B. Martin, M. Millington, et al., “Young Adults’ Experience of Mobile Device Disruption of Proximate Relationships,” International Journal of Virtual Worlds and Human Computer Interaction 3 (2015): 2368–6103.


Тест на номофобию можно пройти в онлайне: .


Арианна Хаффингтон – создательница и главный редактор влиятельного медиаресурса Huffington Post (прим. пер.).


C. Friedersdorf, “Arianna Huffington Implores You: Stop Taking Bright Devices into the Bedroom,” Atlantic, June 27, 2013, .


C. D. Watkins, P. J. Fraccaro, F. G. Smith, J. Vukovic, D. R. Feinberg, L. M. DeBruine, and B. C. Jones, “Taller Men Are Less Sensitive to Cues of Dominance in Other Men,” Behavioral Ecology 21, no. 5 (2010): 943–947.


M. E. Harrison, M. L. Norris, N. Obeid, M. Fu, H. Weinstangel, and M. Sampson, “Systematic Review of the Effects of Family Meal Frequency on Psychosocial Outcomes in Youth,” Canadian Family Physician 61, no. 2 (2015): e96–e106.


M. P. Judge, X. Cong, O. Harel, A. B. Courville, and C. J. Lammi-Keefe, “Maternal Consumption of a DHA-Containing Functional Food Benefits Infant Sleep Patterning: An Early Neurodevelopmental Measure,” Early Human Development 88, no. 7 (2012): 531–537.


M. Wood, “Bedtime Technology for a Better Night’s Sleep,” New York Times, December 24, 2014, .


Рекомендации Национального фонда сна см. по адресу .


Mayo Clinic, “Are Smartphones Disrupting Your Sleep? Mayo Clinic Study Examines the Question,” January 3, 2013, .




R. Pinkham, “80 % of Smartphone Users Check Their Phones before Brushing Their Teeth … and Other Hot Topics,” April 5, 2013, .


J. Stern, “No Internet for One Year: Tech Writer Tries Life Offline,” ABC News, July 19, 2012, ; ; W. Kagan, “Daring to Be Silent,” Chronogram – Hudson Valley News, January 1, 2015, ; W. L. Bjorklund, D. L. Rehling, P. S. Tompkins, and R. E. Strom, “The ‘Unplugged’ Project,” Communication Teacher 26, no. 2 (2012): 92–95; ; A. Isaacson, “Learning to Let Go: First, Turn Off the Phone,” New York Times, December 14, 2012, .


A. Fernandez, “The Business and Ethics of the Brain Fitness Boom,” Generations 35, no. 2 (2011): 63–69.


N. Jaušovec and K. Jaušovec, “Increasing Working Memory Capacity with Theta Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS),” Biological Psychology 96 (2014): 42–47.

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