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Anderson, Elin. We Americans: A Study of Cleavage in an American City. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1937.

Bandler, James. “The Perkins Solution.” Vermont Sunday Magazine, Rutland Herald, April 9, 1995.

Dann, Kevin. “Playing Indian: Pageantry Portrayals of the Abenaki in the Early Twentieth Century.” From a talk presented at a UVM conference, Burlington, Vermont, November 1999.

Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York. “Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement.” Online resource, www.eugenicsarchive.org.

Eugenics Survey of Vermont and the Vermont Commission on Country Life. Papers, Public Records Office, Middlesex, VT.

Gallagher, Nancy L. Breeding Better Vermonters: The Eugenics Project in the Green Mountain State. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1999.

Gallagher, Nancy L. “Vermont Eugenics: A Documentary History.” Online resource, www.uvm.edu/~eugenics.

Kincheloe, Marsha R. and Herbert G. Hunt, Jr. Empty Beds: A History of Vermont State Hospital. Barre, VT: Northlight Studio Press, 1988.

Laws of Vermont. 31st Biennial session (1931): 194–96. No. 174 – An Act for Human Betterment by Voluntary Sterilization.

Oatman, Michael. “Long Shadows: Henry Perkins and the Eugenics Survey of Vermont.” Exhibit at Mass MOCA, Spring 2001.

Wiseman, Fred. The Voice of the Dawn: An Autohistory of the Abenaki Nation. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2001.

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