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Глава 1

1. Ramtha: The White Book. (1999) JZK Publishing Inc. ISBN 1578730171.

Глава 2

1. Schiefelbein S (1986) The powerful river. In R Poole (Ed) The Incredible Machine (99—156) Washington DC: The National Geographic Society ISBN 0870446207.

Childre D, Martin H (1999) The HeartMath Solution: The Institute of HeartMath’s revolutionary program for engaging the power of the heart’s intelligence. HarperCollins ISBN 006251605.

2. Popp F (1998 Fall) Biophotons and their regulatory role in cells. Frontier Perspectives Philadelphia: The Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University 7(2):13–22.

3. Medina J (2000) The Genetic Inferno: Inside the seven deadly sins. Cambridge University Press ISBN 0521640644.

4. A concept taught at Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. For a comprehensive list of readings and other informational materials visit JZK Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc., the publishing house for Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment, at http://jzkpublishing.com/ or http://www.ramtha.com.

5. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

6. Pascual-Leone D, et al (1995) Modulation of muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation during the acquisition of new fine motor skills. Journal of Neurophysiology 74(3):1037–1045.

7. Hebb DO (1949) The Organization of Behavior: A neuropsychological theory. Wiley ISBN 0805843000.

8. Robertson I (2000) Mind Sculpture: Unlocking your brain’s untapped potential. Bantam Press ISBN 0880642211.

Begley S (2001 May 7) God and the brain: How we’re wired for spirituality. Newsweek Pp. 51–57.

Newburg A, D’Aquilla E, Rause V (2001) Why GodWon’t Go Away: Brain science and the biology of belief. Ballantine Books ISBN 034544034X.

9. LeDoux J (2001) The Synaptic Self: How our brains become who we are. Penguin Books ISBN 0670030287.

10. Yue G, Cole K J (1992) Strength increases from the motor program-comparison of training with maximal voluntary and imagined muscle contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology 67(5):1114–1123.

11. Elbert T, et al (1995) Increased cortical representation of the fingers of the left hand string players. Science 270(5234):305–307.

12. Ericsson PS, et al (1998) Neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Nature Medicine 4(11):1313–1317.

13. Draganski B, et al (2004 22 Jan) Changes in grey matter induced by training. Nature (London) 427(6872):311—12.

14. Lazar SW, et al (2005 November 28) Meditation experience is associated with increased cortical thickness. Neuroreport 16(17):1893–1897.

15. Van Praag H, Kempermann G,Gage FH (1999) Running increases cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult mouse dentate gyrus. Nature Neuroscience 2(3):266–270.

Kempermann G, Gage FH (1999May) New nerve cells for the adult brain. Scientific American 280(5):48–53.

16. Restak RM (1979) The Brain: The last frontier. Warner Books ISBN 0446355402.

Basmajian JV, Regenes EM, Baker MP (1977 Jul) Rehabilitating stroke patients with biofeedback. Geriatrics 32(7):85—8.

Olson RP (1988 Dec) A long-term single-group follow-up study of biofeedback therapy with chronic medical and psychiatric patients. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 13(4):331–346.

Wolf SL, Baker MP, Kelly JL (1979) EMG biofeedback in stroke: Effect of patient characteristics. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 60:96—102.

17. Huxley J (1959) Introduction in The Phenomenon of Man by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Translation by BernardWall NY: Harper.

18. Lutz A, et al (2004 16 Nov) Long-term meditators self-induce high-amplitude gamma synchrony during mental practice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 101(46):16369—73.

19. Kaufman M (2005 03 Jan) Meditation gives brain a charge study finds.

Washington Post (A05) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/ A43006-2005Jan2.html Accessed 08/09/06.

20. Ramtha (2005 Sept) A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Reality. Yelm,WA: JZK Publishing ISBN 1578730279.

21. Stevenson R (1948) Chiropractic Text Book. Davenport Iowa: The Palmer School of Chiropractic.

22. Ramtha (2005 Sept) A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Reality. Yelm,WA: JZK Publishing ISBN 1578730279.

Глава 3

Guyton A (1991) Textbook of Medical Physiology 8th. London: WB Saunders and Co ISBN 0721630871.

Snell RS (1992) Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students. Little Brown ISBN 0316802241.

Ornstein R, Thompson R (1984) The Amazing Brain. Houghton Mifflin ISBN 0395354862.

Глава 4

1. Restak R (1979) The Brain: The last frontier. Warner Books ISBN 0446355402.

2. MacLean PD (1990) The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in paleocerebral functions. NY: Plenum Press ISBN 0306431688.

3. Glover S (2004) Separate visual representations in the planning and control of action. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27:3—24.

Grafman J, et al (1992) Cognitive planning deficit in patients with cerebellar atrophy. Neurology 42(8):1493–1496.

Leiner HC, Leiner AL, Dow RS (1989) Reappraising the cerebellum: What does the hindbrain contribute to the forebrain? Behavioral Neuroscience 103(5) 998—1008.

4. Heath R (1997 Nov) Modulation of emotion with a brain pacemaker: Treatment for intractable psychiatric illness. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 165(5):300—17.

Prescott JW (1969 Sep) Early somatosensory deprivation as an ontogenetic process in abnormal development of the brain and behavior. In IE Goldsmith & J Moor-Jankowski (Eds) Medical Primatology 1970: Selected papers 2nd conference on experimental medicine and surgery in primates New York NY (357–375) Karger.

5. Amen D (2003 Dec) Healing Anxiety, Depression and ADD: The latest information on subtyping these disorders to optimize diagnosis and treatment. Continuing Education Seminar, Seattle,WA.

6. Tulving E (1972) Episodic and semantic memory. In E Tulving & W Donaldson (Eds) Organization of Memory (381–403) NY: Academic Press ISBN 0127036504. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

7. Vinogradova OS (2001) Hippocampus as comparator: Role of the two input and two output systems of the hippocampus in selection and registration of information. Hippocampus 11:578–598.

8. Pegna AJ, et al (2005 Jan) Discriminating emotional faces without primary visual cortices involves the right amygdala. Nature Neuroscience 8(1):24–25.

9. BBC News: UK Version: Wales (2004 12 Dec) Blind man ‘sees’ emotions.

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10. Amen DG (2000) Change Your Brain Change Your Life: The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety depression obsessiveness anger and impulsiveness.NY: Three Rivers Press ISBN 0812929985.

11. Allen JS, Bruss J, Damasio H (2004May-June) The structure of the human brain: Precise studies of the size and shape of the brain have yielded fresh insights into neural development differences between the sexes and human evolution. American Scientist 92(3):246–254. Peters M, et al (1998) Unsolved problems in comparing brain sizes in Homo sapiens. Brain and Cognition 37(2):254–285.

12. Fields, RD (2004 Apr) The Other Half of the Brain. Scientific American 290(4):54–61.

13. Penfield W, Jasper H. (1954) Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain. Boston: Little Brown.

14. Schwartz JM, Begley S (2002) The Mind & the Brain: Neuroplasticity and power of mental force. Regan Books ISBN 0060393556.

15. Weiskrantz L (1986) Blindsight: A case study and its implications. Oxford Psychology Series ISBN 0198521928.

Глава 5

1. Lipton BH (2005) The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the power of consciousness matter and miracles. Santa Rosa CA: Mountain of Love/Elite Books ISBN 0975881477.

Davis EP, Sandman CA (2006 Jul-Sep) Prenatal exposure to stress and stress hormones influences child development. Infants & Young Children: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Special Care Practices 19(3):246–259.

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2. Endelman GM (1987) Neural Darwinism: The theory of neuronal group selection. NY: Basic Books ISBN 0192850895.

3. Winggert P, Brant M (2005 15 Aug) Reading your baby’s mind. Newsweek CXLVI(7):32–39.

4. Shreve J (2005Mar) The mind is what the brain does.National Geographic 207(3):2—31.

5. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

6. Agnes S, Chan Y, Mei-Chun C (1998 12 Nov) Music training improves verbal memory. Nature (London) 396(6707):128.

7. LeDoux J (2002) The Synaptic Self: How our brains become who we are. Penguin Books ISBN 0670030287.

8. Sadato N, et al (1996) Activation by the primary visual cortex by Braille reading in blind subjects. Nature 380:526–528.

9. Pascual-Leone A, Hamilton R (2001) The metamodal organization of the brain. Глава 27 in C Casanova & M Ptito (Eds) Vision: From Neurons to Cognition: Progress in Brain Research 134. San Diego CA: Elsevier Science ISBN 0444505865.

10. Pascual-Leone A, Hamilton R (2001) The metamodal organization of the brain. Глава 27 in C Casanova & M Ptito (Eds) Vision: From Neurons to Cognition: Progress in Brain Research 134. San Diego CA: Elsevier Science ISBN 0444505865.

11. Pascual-Leone A, Torres F. (1993) Plasticity of the sensorimotor cortex representations of the reading finger in Braille readers. Brain 116:39–52.

12. Sterr A, et al (1998 08 Jan) Changed perceptions in Braille readers. Nature 391(6663):134–135.

13. Schiebel AB, et al (1990) A quantitative study of dendrite complexity in selected areas of the human cerebral cortex. Brain and Cognition 12(116):85—101.

14. Jacobs B, Scheibel AB (1993 Jan) A quantitative dendritic analysis of Wernicke’s area in humans. I. Lifespan changes. Journal of Comparative Neurology 327(1):83–96.

15. Mogilmer A, et al (1993 April) Somatosensory cortical plasticity in adult humans revealed by magnetoencephalography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90:3593–3597.

Глава 6

1. Krebs C, Huttman K, Steinhauser C (2005 26 Jan) The forgotten brain emerges. Scientific American 14(5):40–43.

2. Ullian EM, et al (2001 Jan) Control of synapse number by glia. Science 291(5504):657–661.

3. Abrams M (2003 June) Can you see with your tongue? Discover 24(6):52–56.

4. Tulving E (1972) Episodic and semantic memory. In E Tulving & W Donaldson (Eds) Organization of Memory (381–403) NY: Academic Press ISBN 0127036504.

5. Goleman D (1994 11 Oct) Peak performance: Why records fall. New York Times (Late Edition) (East Coast) C1 NY.

Chase WG, Ericsson KA (1981) Skilled memory. In J R Anderson (Ed) Cognitive Skills and Their Acquisition: Symposium on cognition (16) 198 °Carnegie-Mellon University Hillsdale NJ: Erlbaum.

6. Merzenich MM, Syka J (2005) Plasticity and Signal Representation in the Auditory System. Springer. ISBN 0387231544. Robertson 1 (2000) Mind Sculpture: Unlocking Your Brain’s Untapped Potential. ISBN 0880642211. Steinmetz PN, Roy A, Fitzgerald PJ, Hsiao SS, Johnson KO,Niebur E (2002)

9 Mar) Attention modulates synchronized neuronal firing in primate somatosensory cortex. Nature (London) 404(6774):187—90.

7. Richards JM, Gross JJ (2000 Sept) Emotion regulation and memory: The cognitive costs of keeping one’s cool. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 79(3):410–424.

8. Rosenzweig MR, Bennett EL (1996 Jun) Psychobiology of plasticity: effects of training and experience on brain and behavior. Behavioural Brain Research 78(1):57–65. Bennett EL, Diamond MC, Krech D, Rosenzweig MR (1964) Chemical and anatomical plasticity of brain. Science 146:610–619.

9. Goldberg E (2001) The Executive Brain: Frontal lobes and the civilized mind. NY: Oxford University Press ISBN 0195156307. Goldberg E, Costa LD (1981) Hemisphere differences in the acquisition and use of descriptive systems. Brain Language 14(1):144–173.

10. Martin A, Wiggs CL, Weisberg J (1997) Modulation of human medial temporal lobe activity by form meaning and experience. Hippocampus 7(6):587–593.

11. Shadmehr R, Holcomb HH (1997) Neural correlates of motor memory consolidation. Science 227(5327):821–825. Haier RJ, et al (1992) Regional glucose metabolic changes after learning a complex visuospatial/motor task: a positron emission tomographic study. Brain Research 570(1–2):134–143.

12. Bever TG, Chiarello RJ (1974) Cerebral dominance in musicians and nonmusicians. Science 185(4150):537–539.

Глава 7

1. Lomo T (2003 3 Mar) The discovery of long-term potentiation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London 358:617–620. Bliss TVP, Lomo T (1973) Long-lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in the dentate area of the anesthetized rabbit following stimulation of the perforant path. Journal of Physiology 232:331–356.

2. LeDoux J (2001) The Synaptic Self: How our brains become who we are. Penguin Books ISBN 0670030287.

3. LeDoux J (2001) The Synaptic Self: How our brains become who we are. Penguin Books ISBN 0670030287.

4. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

Глава 8

1. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

2. Ramtha (2005 Sept) Beginners Guide to Creating Reality. Yelm, WA: JZK Publishing ISBN 1578730279.

3. Schwartz GE,Weinberger DA, Singer JA (1981 Aug) Cardiovascular differentiation of happiness sadness anger and fear following imagery and exercise. Psychosomatic Medicine 43(4):343–364.

4. Rosch P (1992 May) Job stress: America’s leading adult health problem. USA Today Pp 42–44.American Institute of Stress. America’s #1 health problem. http://wwwstress org/problem htm Accessed 11/03/06.

5. Cohen S, Herbert T (1996) Health psychology: Psychological factors and physical disease from the perspective of human psychoneuroimmunology. Annual Review of Psychology 47:113—42.

6. Thakore JH, Dian TG (1994) Growth hormone secretion: The role of glucocorticoids. Life Sciences 55(14):1083–1099. Murison R (2000) Gastrointestinal effects. In G Fink (Ed) Encyclopedia of Stress 2:191 San Diego: Academic Press ISBN 0122267389. Flier JS (1983 Feb) Insulin receptors and insulin resistance. Annual Review of Medicine 34:145–160. Ohman A (2001) Anxiety. In G Fink (Ed) Encyclopedia of Stress 1:226 San Diego: Academic Press ISBN 0122267362.

7. Ader R, Cohen N (1975 July-Aug) Behaviorally conditioned immunosuppression. Psychosomatic Medicine 37(4):333–340.

8. American Heart Association: Risk Factors and Coronary Heart Disease. http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=500 Accessed 11/10/06.

9. Arnsten, A.F.T. (2000) “The Biology of Being Frazzled,” Science 280: 1711–1712.

Wooley C, Gould E, McEwen B (1990 29 Oct) Exposure to excess glucocorticoids alters dendritic morphology of adult hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Brain Research 531(1–2):225–231.

10. Restak R (1979) The Brain: The last frontier. Warner Books ISBN 0446355402.

Lupien SJ, et al (1998 01 May) Cortisol levels during human aging predict hippocampal atrophy and memory deficits. Nature Neuroscience 1:69–73.

11. Sheline Y, et al (1996 30 April) Atrophy in recurrent major depression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Medical Sciences 93(9):3908–3913.

12. Eriksson PS, et al (1998 Nov) Neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus. Nature Medicine 4(11):1313–1317.

13. Santarelli L, et al (2003 8 Aug) Requirement of hippocampal neurogenesis for the behavioral effects of antidepressants. Science 301(5634):805–809.

14. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

15. Sapolsky RM (2004) Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers: The acclaimed guide to stress, stress-related diseases and coping. Henry Holt and Company LLC ISBN 0-8050-7369-8.

16. Pert C (1997) Molecules of Emotion: Why you feel the way you feel. NY: Scribner ISBN 0684831872. NOTES 487

Глава 9

1. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

2. Pert C (1997) Molecules of Emotion: Why you feel the way you feel. NY: Scribner ISBN 0684831872.

3. Plutchik R (2002) Emotions and Life: Perspectives from psychology, biology, and evolution. American Psychological Association ISBN 1557989494.

4. Guyton A (1991) Textbook of Medical Physiology 8th. London: WB Saunders and Co ISBN 0721630871.

5. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

6. Beck A (1976) Cognitive Therapy and Emotional Disorders. NY: International Universities Press ISBN 0823610055.

7. Dispenza J (2000) The Brain: Where science and spirit meet: A scientific lecture. (Video). Yelm,WA: Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

8. Dispenza J (2000) The Brain: Where science and spirit meet: A scientific lecture. (Video). Yelm,WA: Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

9. National Institute of Mental Health (2006) The Numbers Count: Mental disorders in America: A fact sheet describing the prevalence of mental disorders in America. NIH Publication No. 06-4584. http://www.nimh.nih.gov/publicat/numbers.cfm#readNow Accessed 11/01/06. Kessler RC, ChiuWT, Demler O,Walters EE (2005 Jun) Prevalence, severity, and comorbidity of twelve-month DSM-IV disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication (NCS-R). Archives of General Psychiatry 62(6):617—27.

10. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

11. Ibid.

12. RosenwaldM(2006May) The spotless mind. Popular Science 268(5):36—7.

Глава 10

1. Macmillan M (2002) An Odd Kind of Fame: Stories of Phineas Gage. MIT Press ISBN 0262632594.

2. Damasio H, et al (1994 20 May) The return of Phineas Gage: The skull of a famous patient reveals clues about the human brain. Science 264(5162):1102—4.

3. Fulton JF, Jacobsen CF (1935) The functions of the frontal lobes, a comparative study in monkeys, chimpanzees and man. Advances in Modern Biology (Moscow) 4:113–123.

4. Tierney AJ (2000) Egas Moniz and the origins of psychosurgery: A review commemorating the 50th anniversary of Moniz’s Nobel Prize. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 9(1):22–36.

Kucharski A (1984 June) History of frontal lobotomy in the United States, 1935–1955. Neurosurgery 14(6):765—72.

5. Amen DG (2001) Healing ADD: The breakthrough program that allows you to see and heal the 6 types of ADD. Berkley Books ISBN 039914644X.

6. Lemonick M (2005 17 Jan) The biology of joy: Scientists know plenty about depression, now they are starting to understand the roots of positive emotions. Time (US Edition):12—A25.

7. Fuster J (1997) The Prefrontal Cortex: Anatomy physiology and neuropsychology of the frontal lobe. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven ISBN 0397518498.

8. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

9. Nauta WJ (1972) Neural associations of the frontal cortex. ActaNeurobiologiae Experimentalis (Warsaw) 32:125–140.

10. Raichle ME, et al (1994) Practice-related changes in human brain functional anatomy during nonmotor learning. Cerebral Cortex 4(1):8—26.

11. Gold JM, et al (1996) PET validation of a novel prefrontal task: Delayed response alternation (DRA). Neuropsychology 10:3—10.

12. Walker EH (2000) The Physics of Consciousness: Quantum minds and the meaning of life. Cambridge MA: Perseus ISBN 0738202347.

13. Giedd JN, et al (1999 01 Oct) Brain development during childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal MRI study. Nature Neuroscience 2:861–863.

14. Amen DG (2000) Change Your Brain Change Your Life: The breakthrough program for conquering anxiety depression obsessiveness anger and impulsiveness.

NY: Three Rivers Press ISBN 0812929985.

15. Begley S (2001 7 May) God and the Brain: How we’re wired for spirituality. Newsweek. Religion and the Brain 51–57.

Newberg AM, D’Aquili EG. Rause V (2002) Why God Won’t Go Away: Brain science and the biology of belief. Ballantine Books ISBN: 034544034X.

16. RSE (see reference 4, Глава 2).

17. Amen DG (2001) Healing ADD: The breakthrough program that allows you to see and heal the 6 types of ADD. Berkley Books ISBN 039914644X.

18. Goldberg E (2001) The Executive Brain: Frontal lobes and the civilized mind. NY: Oxford Press ISBN 0195156307.

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Глава 11

1. Yue G, Cole KJ (1992) Strength increases from the motor program-comparison of training with maximal voluntary and imagined muscle contractions. Journal of Neurophysiology 67(5):1114–1123.

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Глава 12

1. Singer RN (2000 Oct) Performance and human factors: Considerations about cognition and attention for self-paced and externally paced events. Ergonomics 43(10):1661–1680.

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2. Ramtha (2005 Sept) A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Reality. Yelm,WA: JZK Publishing ISBN 1578730279.

3. Restak RM (1979) The Brain: The last frontier. Warner Books ISBN 446355402.

4. McCall N (1995) Makes MeWanna Holler: A young black man in America. Vintage Books ISBN 0615004962.

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2. Radin D (1997) The Conscious Universe: The scientific truth of psychic phenomena. HarperSanFrancisco ISBN 0062515020.

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