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О Пажитнове и «Тетрисе»: Jeffrey Goldsmith, «This Is Your Brain on Tetris», Wired, 1 мая, 1994, archive.wired.com/wired/archive/2.05/tetris.html; Laurence Dodds, «The Healing Power of Tetris Has Its Dark Side», Telegraph, 7 июля, 2015, www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/video-games/11722064/The-healing-power-of-Tetris-has-its-dark-side.html; Guinness World Records, «First Videogame to Improve Brain Functioning and Efficiency: Tetris», n.d., www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/first-video-game-to-improve-brain-functioning-and-efficiency; Richard J. Haier and others, «Regional Glucose Metabolic Changes after Learning a Complex Visuospatial/Motor Task: A Positron Emission Tomographic Study», Brain Research 570, nos. 1–2 (январь 1992): 134–143; Mark Yates, «What Are the Benefits of Tetris?», BBC, 3 сентября, 2009, news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/magazine/8233850.stm; документальный фильм о Пажитнове и истоках «Тетриса»: OBZURV, «Tetris! The Story of the Most Popular Video Game», YouTube, 3 июня 2015, www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yeSnoYHmPc; Robert Stickgold and others, «“Replaying the Game: Hypnagogic Images in Normals and Amnesics», Science 290, no. 5490 (октябрь 2000): 350–53; Emily A. Holmes, Ella L. James, Thomas Coode-Bate, and Catherine Deeprose, «Can Playing the Computer Game ‘Tetris’ Reduce the Build-Up of Flashbacks for Trauma? A Proposal from Cognitive Science», Plos One 4, 7 января 2009.
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