Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 24


Stalin-Putin still did not want to give up, but already understood that his song in this strategy is sung. That fell to Chelyabinsk, then to Sverdlovsk. Burned down the last quarters of Moscow and Leningrad... it Became obvious that the game suffered a final collapse. And that even girls with bare feet and bare Breasts won't help.
Trump gave orders, squeezing the enemy. And still believing in his star. Like, let's squeeze the enemy to the end. And the United States will be over the whole world. This is also a kind of AI.
Putin wanted to win, but still did not work...
Gerda and her tank crew entered the Kremlin. The last opponents of the Third Reich burned down.
Several of the pioneers of the prisoners stripped to their underwear and whipped with a whip. Then severely beaten and sent to a camp. The boys limped, and not only did they have their backs slashed, but they also had their heels beaten off with rubber truncheons. Well, no they are still alive and well.
The Kremlin is captured and Moscow fell. But Putin also has Siberia and the far East. Although it is clear that the capture of such territory, only a matter of time.
Emmanuel took a large, gilded cigar in her bare toes and held it to the light. Then leaned back in his chair and dragged on, asking Putin:
- Concede your defeat?
The former Russian President responded quickly:
- No!
Emmanuel suggested:
- Then how about a super game?
Putin grinned and asked:
- It's like?
Emmanuel smirked and released the ring from a huge cigar. After what cast:
- What would you like to do? Confess warrior President?
Putin said outwardly decisive tone:
- Any task!
Emmanuel according to has nodded her and confirmed:
I'll give you a job! You're gonna save me, and it won't take too long. The girl stamped her bare foot and confidently confirmed. - You do this and you get another chance for your country. And for yourself too!
The boy-President confidently responded:
- I'm ready! Quite ready!
Trump said with an innocent smile:
- But I haven't captured Siberia yet!
Emmanuel decisively shrugged it off:
You already won! What can I say! And your colleague ... I'll give him a chance to save Russia.
Donald trump logically noticed:
- There must be one master in the world! Otherwise people will destroy themselves!
Emmanuel shook her head and answered.:
- Unity should be in diversity! The Queen shook her bare foot and continued. Anyway, you people need to do to Mature to combine, and stop living in fairy tales!
Donald trump agreed with this:
Yes tales live, especially the Bible and the Koran - it makes no sense! We must live by the human mind!
Putin agreed with this:
- We have one planet, and it is to establish real world! And seek unity!
The boy President trump angrily replied:
- Then why are you for a multipolar world?
The boy-President Putin replied with a chuckle:
- A policy is when you say one thing and do quite another! And winked at their counterpart.
Emmanuel spun, spun. The boy President Putin was caught up and transferred to another dimension. In the world in which raged space war.
President-boy Putin was at a loss. To go, in this nightmare in a straight line there was virtually impossible. How many potholes, holes, faults, and cracks. All sorts of vile creatures were swarming. And there were animals who do not find analog on Earth. Hard, and yet the boy-President Putin went as usual in his reign. So as if his, Lord of Russia led invisible, but very rapid compass.
Vladimir Putin in the body of a boy of fourteen, average for his age growth, but very relief and muscular. And marches not naked, and in a fighting suit. And he has his own landmark!
Nothing now, but probably practically nothing in addition of the compass-the terminator, no longer had practical significance. You lost both strategies Donald Trump, proved to be unimportant to managers in time of war. And even after Stalingrad managed to merge the global battle of the Nazis. And he disgraced himself in front of the US by proving that he is a zero-sum strategist. And trump is really a genius.
So that the rest of the values almost given circumstance had not.
No, probably the ruler of the Empire of Russia, and not right. Actually in some sense had-the boy-President Putin understood that has no sovereign right, here to take and not to REACH. For the sake of Russia's homeland, which in this case was deprived of nuclear weapons. And became vulnerable, especially for China.
Because Russia will die, and then Emmanuel, this girl Queen will die or annihilate too.
The boy-President goes and exterminates monsters. His Blaster works, and crushes all consecutive. And there are nasty critters, the quintessence of a nightmare and obscurantism!
...The first kid President it's a strange feeling. Burning and alien gaze and obviously evil. After all, as a cool President of Russia, Vladimir Putin in certain circumstances could easily. And that it is not a novelty to feel such magic things. Even the children's heels of a young teenager stabbed, and his knees pinched.
Then soup with a cat, almost as soon as a tsunami wave, it is piercingly sharp, as the orgasm teenage feeling quite lethal, lethal danger. The boy's heart ached.
Not spending more time on empty reflections, the boy-President Putin boyish whirlwind bounced, flashing armor in right side. Felt like a coward, but ... on time! Where the President-boy Putin stood, or rather crawled, broke out from the level of quarks the sun. Very burning, though small, but deadly. Perhaps, for all, warriors and even tanks and combat starships, who fell in him. Just a moment before the powerful explosion, the sound of a gunshot reached the boy-President Putin. What did the enemy eat? The bullet in him, that cool sniper with quarks and miniature atomic bombs into bullets. Flashed holograms: to perform the girls.
Perfectly...What beautiful naked girls and their Breasts. Great, that is, perfect from the threat of annihilation, there is nothing, in fact is not. Truth girls simply whopping and at all super!
Soldier-girl-super! How many hoppers are there? That's how them girls barefoot called after the enormous demonstrations. When girls half-naked millions ran and bare heels flashed. Elves they are not released, as the weather, you know, now is not the same as desired Horny boys. After too many drops of fragrant flowers and roses with thorns... However, some may be very beautiful or beautiful enthusiast, still found or found. That that didn't spare time, and maybe, and steel or titanium health to kill, soak it, the President-Vladimir Putin's boy...
And again flashed a hologram of naked, barely covered with jewelry girls. Naked, luxurious thighs beauties hanging beads, and necklace, and flowing hair, of tiaras and brooches.
In vain, Oh you shouldn't do this, or even thinks, thought the boy President Putin, bypassing kruusimaa swords sniper position, on which the spinning holograms of almost naked girls, wide, clearly uneven arc. Girls are worried about masculinity and prevented focus.
I don't know - thought the terminator boy Putin. "That's why you attacked or attacked me, but if you were beautiful three times, there would be no mercy.
And the President of Russia sang:
- No mercy! No mercy for the enemy! Storm and Viking, hell demon, I will strike the enemy!
Even if you...- Then again, over the ruins flashed a hologram of a naked, slightly covered with a string of emeralds girls. - revenge for a brother, sister or mother and father, killed, maybe sprayed. Yesterday or today in the battle with us, so I don't care...The President-the boy shouted: - Yes whether you're: to perform and a little girl - but once you shoot me, it will be annihilation! You're still the enemy.
And the boy-President as will take and jump. Well, that's a Jumpy one.
Donald trump looked at him very skeptically.
At first glance, it might seem that the boy-President Putin has no real chance - a mercenary or a mercenary needed only one accurate shot, or a bunch of ruins. Or not very accurate-when you shoot quarks and atomic bullets, miss is not terrible. Damn it again girl in the ruins and jump, and round bare heels flashed. But the result will be really the same... But it is Vladimir Putin "FELT!"the mind of a mercenary or a mercenary. Let him not exactly, not completely, but he survived all his children's skin, felt his fear and cold, is not subject to precise calculation hatred.
And again jump around girls. And so beautiful, and some with roses in their hair.
No, it's not clearly a girl and not the avenger barefoot for the dead is a conscious, ideological enemy, the enemy is not one, Russian President Vladimir Putin, enemy of all, without exception, all earthlings.
And the girls from the space Empire, too.
Enemy of the blue Earth planets. The enemy admit a very dangerous. Although and wants to pretend, if it just half-naked and sexy girl.
But I almost do not see him, suddenly like an Apple hit Newton, understood the boy-President Putin. Feelings, developed in this the body, as if have knight of the Jedi assured his. Yes accurately, was, that mercenary or a mercenary is worth, or lies??????????? there, on street corner moreover, that is left of the streets or even prospect.
But the emerald eyes, the red-haired boy President, saw nothing. Vladimir Putin, tired as a wolf who ran a hundred miles, like a dog, the boy's eyes burned and stuck together. All flashed before eyes-especially girls. Stremno and wanted to colic in the abdomen, to believe that all this is just. Well trevelino some not too for girls-Amazons tricky glitch.
Beautiful girls here, and your perfection swells.
That's just a subtle sense of the ruler of the largest country in the world does not lie. Eyes the colour of emeralds, you can still deceive, to confuse, to put on the worlds.
The power of the paranormal - even monsters almost impossible to cheat. How many beautiful girls with bare Breasts would not flicker before my eyes.
The bastard or the bitch, standing there. Bares his teeth himself and not even aiming, enjoying it, Vladimir Putin, blindness - when the focus can not see the enemy. Really stretching the moment of total celebration. But why then?..
Cloak-invisible class Hyper! Remembering the skills of the electronic box, suddenly realized the President - the boy Putin. The invisibility cloak which had a super light. Here was a science fiction thing quite ordinary: since it was used by the military, police, secret agents of the government, beautiful whores, gang fighters and rebels. It could simultaneously absorb and transmit electromagnetic radiation, making its owner invisible in the ultraviolet, visible, infrared and microwave areas. It also served as a phased array laser. Here is the miracle of technology so powerful that the owner of the cloak of darkness usually needed no additional, though steep outer arms. The invisibility cloak was much more reliable than the usual chameleon suit, but it required a powerful built-in computer. However, even cloak-invisible class Hyper not gave full protection. Here again, jump beautiful girls.
Even it could be detected by either gravity radar or acoustics or interferometry.
Or with phenomenal and cosmic Power.
Not too smart you thought Vladimir Putin about a mercenary or a mercenary, which is literally beamed with satisfaction. You don't even know anything about earth-ruling presidents except the local bad stories. Don't know what we were even African sorcerers are mighty mental fighters, even you, is not sufficiently developed individuals. Now, I think you'd better be beautiful and die. That's enough.
Short, but juicy barked plasma with magnetic trap a grenade launcher. And there was silence in the mental space... Just flew stunned already completely naked girl.
Still mercenary, and so beautiful... what a pity such a heavenly beauty to annihilate.
...Further on the presidential way there was nothing too interesting. Even a fairly large gang of beautiful girls in chameleon suits distracted Vladimir Putin only for a short time.
But girls let's face it - the best and the most fervent in the world. And their feet are so bare and pretty.
Chameleon-a suit represented on naked girlish, and typically muscular bodies, a the combination of micro-cameras and film screens.
Although the beauty of girls is not belittled.
Cameras filmed the background on one side of the suit, screens projected it on the other, making the owner of the chameleon suit invisible. It wasn't as reliable as the invisibility cloak-most security systems could easily detect it with traffic analysis systems - but it was cheap and popular even among street gangs. But the boy President did not care. Whether the bandits, more beautiful bandidas in cloaks of invisibility, or without them - they still could not hide, they were given the stench of his own thoughts.
The terminator President Vladimir Putin killed them, as if walking, with boring disgust. Yes, this is not a war, although beautiful. Or even not hunting, just like cleaning looks very attractive, and erotic similarity of feces. And girls are so beautiful here, with them great. And they even want to kiss between your legs.
No, anyway, for him, serious weapons they have, the beauties of Scripture was not. However, pity girls, one thing consoles can be they not real. Don't even mercenaries, or mercenary, normal, though very sexual predatory and pretentious band. And a lot of them are really whores, having lost control of the lust of impunity, and the indiscriminate firing with the help of bare toes sexy legs, Gauss rifles and hand lasers harm "Ilya Muromets" cause, of course could not. The President-the boy Vladimir at all didn't spend on them and it is a pity to tear similar beauties, gravitational grenades. The terminator kid was firing a plasma grenade launcher. Here when a boy with a special, very strong and trained body thrashes. After all, even on the most nimble, swift half-naked beauties, one shot was actually enough.
Vladimir Putin even felt something like a brave tailor. A strong reputation for good reason - in seven in one blow. He's a fast and cool boy President. So give... And trump will get his, would know how to beat the strategy.
The survivors, half-naked girls, soon quite confused. They lost all cool interest in dangerous hunting too big for them game. Warriors burst out laughing, screamed and fled flashing, naked, round and slightly dusty heels.
Why would such beauty even kill? After all very aesthetic warriors. And their knees are shining. And how you want to kiss them literally everywhere.
Champion-terminator giggling, he is not actively pursued.
Sorry for the girls, so sexy and militant. They were, of course, already perfect, and even absolutely unimportant.
Here he proved that not only is Donald trump a warrior. And that he also knows how to fight. Whatever they say. He'll fight and fight. And girls pity. And their Breasts are full, round, nipples like ripe strawberries. And how the legs will be lifted up, and how their grotto of Venus will sparkle. And as reflected from the soles of the reflections of the fires and stars.
How wonderful it is, and incredibly, amazingly cool. These girls you will not meet anywhere. They are beautiful angels in the world!
Vladimir Putin stopped and began to blink.


Yes here can be and go crazy, you froze not believing, that all -??? Fund. Ahead, just about a hundred meters away, was or should be a storage module.
This is a massive and durable bunker, firmly welded from the old coal and placic ship armor. Like the one on the space battleships. Surprisingly, these citadel there is often used for storage of especially valuable goods. The module was very strong, but half covered with a collapsed wall. Like and he slammed racquets, based on the principle of a merger of quarks. Yes, seriously damaged, but quite intact.
The mercenary girls fluttered in the distance.
This bunker or module, almost lost in the ruins, but the boy-President Vladimir Putin felt, albeit with the help of forces that Emmanuel - there, inside. Only...
Here is a hologram of a girl with very red hair stretched out in a smile.
Only here it is Russian President Vladimir Putin WAITED.
That was scary, and the shit hits the fan? Girls what if you don't mind!
There's a trap and a steep trap!
And not mercenaries, and especially: to perform and almost naked mercenary. Oh no. Most of all, the colossal proportions of the creature resembled a monstrous spider. Although most spider mutant, so she was eighteen jointed clawed legs and a massive whole in the thorns and warts and also the curves of the blades, the carcass between them. Tall she was, probably sixteen meters, but because of the scope of their sharp claws paws seemed squat.
German tank of series "E", Grozny, with a low profile and impenetrable for almost all anti-tank tools.
Despite its size-a thousand two hundred and forty-five tons of armor and weapons - Yes, the giant is still! But it moved amazingly quickly, sticking up the joint of each foot was placed paired extremely powerful laser capable of punching Battlestar. Yes, the power is enormous, and another hefty and killer gun, plasma class Hyper and ultra. And something altogether incomprehensible, but terrible, that replaced the creature, monstrous in size and arrangement to the mastodon head.
If only such a gigantic job had a head.
Her cybernetic head was covered with clusters of unnaturally bright red-eye sensors. Yes, very much a terrible, unique in beauty and elegance thing. And that's not all the smaller spiders, but also with lasers and guns on each leg, ran on the tile shell. A lot of insects from hell, and around curled swarm of some creatures, the boy-President Vladimir Putin without much difficulty learned in them drones from star wars and kamikaze.
Yes, with girls of different degrees of nudity is much better and easier to do business. And here the devil knows that!
Throughout the charismatic face of this monstrous, mechanical creature was something eerily alien - neither the Americans nor even the space of the Amazon to create that he could not. Perhaps this is the Gods of Olympus - or rather, war machine, built on technologies of the Gods of Olympus, I thought the boy President. And it will be extremely creepy, space Amazons and did not know that it is annihilation in the square. And killing someone is the same thing... That and all time! So, then, they are not zeros, and what...cool! Yeah, warriors, almost naked and pretty girls, do not envy... After all, no missile, not even the nuclear bullet, or a bomb pumped quarks, this thing will not take.
The creature is also large in armor, and it, a rocket or a bomb, simply will not fly through a laser, quark, molecular and plasma protective grid. What a monster, three-faced hell! That's why that space Amazon took the annihilator... and that's who he shot... everyone has their own war...
Vladimir Putin is the boy-President has thrown "Ilya Muromtsa" unthinkable as flip Olympic champion in gymnastics somersault. Nimbly, moving away from shot being fired. But it did, and under it spaglo thick and roasting boyish heels, dazzling cloud of plasma. But the Geiger counter was silent this time, like a fish. Though strange, but the boy-President Putin realized that he met with another technical novelty. Killer and creepy. You don't remember? What a sucker!
Remember all about it he had just told the Princess of the women conducting the training.
Don't forget the boy President.
The disintegrator was a terrible thing, but in its essence quite simple: just a beam of bosons, carriers for the qualification of the physics of weak interaction.
It seems to be not so terrible, but they broke the atomic bonds. Like a Jack of thread, and turning the target into a huge ball of superheated and ionized gas.
Again girls jump on ruins, and shake naked Breasts, and rotate magnificent, slightly covered with threads of jewels hips.
The range of these disintegrators, redder than murderous things, in practice, never, and it certainly did not exceed two hundred and fifty meters, and usually no more than seventy. Well, how many Nude and barefoot the girls are going to rock. In short, they are tools, were almost as dangerous to any shooter. And alas as for the victim. Bad, too lethal weapon for a man. Yes is true the very you will tear. However, if you look, not the worst device for a killing machine... Especially if you want to fry a cocky teenage President!
Shock, burning and aggressive wave, very significantly gave the boy-President from below, twisting the boy-terminator in the hot air.
And holograms from half-naked girls giggled and jumped around the kid of the managing Director once Russia.
The time for shooting, of course, was not the most suitable - but Vladimir Putin already knew that he would not have a second chance.
It was Donbass, when cranky, but really somehow loved Putin's fortune was revealed to him one chance after another. So you can include Ukraine in Russia. Yes, Putin was incredibly lucky.
But now a different - a second chance this cosmic thing anyone, even a pet, it is unclear which gods Putin does not. This is not a stupid, shot in the movies about "Star wars" battle of the fairy tale drone. Oh no it's a cybernetic killer with an incredibly evil and extremely powerful mind...
Almost childish, but a wiry hand, as if by itself, like a Cobra. That took, reached out to the Department of military and quite a progressive costume.
Don't back down and don't give up!
Nimbly opened it, took out a dangerous annihilator-Vladimir Putin seemed that everything is terribly slow, he even had time to remember the past, which he regretted. It is not introduced on time the troops in the Donbass, killed thousands of Russians. As the war in Syria is increasingly delayed and is more expensive for the Russian Treasury. How sharply raised the retirement age and taxes. Yes, and with America should not be so involved in a confrontation. And maybe it's better that two such controversial politicians have disappeared from the horizon.
Yes, it looks slow, but actually his eyes couldn't keep track. The boy-President took aim, again flashed thought. Including what a rare stroke of luck that we managed to overcome the Crimea without a fight and gunfire. Mentally crossed himself, and pressed the descent.
Like Caesar crossed the Rubicon.
In an armored gauntlet, so large for the hands of a young teenager, it would not have happened: but, in addition to the usual fingers, he had the Strength.
One that's in Star wars, maybe even cooler. And also gave it to the girls of the space Empire. Not without reason, Putin in the Bible where the heavens have hardness of a mirror, and mirrors at that time became, from metal did not believe. But in the paranormal force, such as star wars quite. Moreover, the FSB is also checked and researched. And convinced that there is POWER!
And the monstrous mechanical spider melted like an icicle in the fire. But Vladimir Putin himself swept on space dust.


Назад: CHAPTER 24