Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 25.
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Emmanuel, smiling, turned to the two boys-presidents:
In General, you are already well trained and know a lot. And we learned a lot.
The girl winked at the Queen of eternal adolescents and the presidents of the superpowers continued:
- In short, I think it is already possible, and send you into a parallel universe, make history, and find the phallus, the giver of life in the universe.
Putin and trump together exclaimed, and even threw up his fists:
- We are ready about great!
The girl is the Queen of twisted index finger, appeared a fiery ball. And again landscape around them has been replaced. They were in the center of a colossal stadium. So huge that it's almost impossible to see.
And there were trillions of almost naked and very beautiful girls on it. Warriors were with weapons. And the most different: and swords, and bows, and blasters, and machines, and muskets. And the decorations on them with a variety of barely covered body. And in the form of fish, insects, small animals, flowers, birds and other things... and many other, very different profile. Almost all the girls are also barefoot, but some are still shod in precious shoes with high heels.
Very beautiful, and all young. Differ only colors hair. There is with emerald hair and a ruby, and opasnymi, and sapphire and so on. And color of course eye. The skin is also vary, from light copper to dark bronze. All girls, without exception, slender and muscular, quite high. And none ugly. And with bracelets and watches and computers and lots of naked strawberry nipples.
And imagine many, many trillions of beauties in one place. It's crazy! These are the girls, this is the Colosseum!
The girl-Queen has grown in size, becoming as mount Chomolungma. Stamped his bare foot and said:
- And now the girls wish success and victory to our future saviors!
Warriors all chorus, and stomping barefoot, and occasionally shod legs roared:
- Thank Trump and Putin! Save life in the universe! Without The divine phallus, no one can reproduce!
What beautiful girls - the horror as well! Boys-presidents very excited, their masculine perfection is swollen and protruded. So many girls and how beautiful they are. And the smells... the Aromas of fine spirits and muscular female bodies. How all this can excite young and athletic flesh.
The girl-Queen winked at the guys-presidents, and said: :
- Now you will go to another universe! But before that, we allow you to make love to girls... But it will not be carnal love. No! It will be an energy exchange!
And the girls raised their fists in agreement. And raised their bare feet. Many trillions naked bottom of the girl's limbs.
Donald trump noticed:
"Well, how wonderful!
Putin, this red-haired boy-President jumped:
- Yes hunting more!
From BOS, round, elegant heels girls flew the lightning and beams of light. They dug into the muscular boys presidents. And they flashed in the halo of plasma. And glowed as if the sun shining. Shining like stars. And the bright dawn was rising. These here girls are delightful and beautiful. From them emanate stunning, incomparable wave.
Gorgeous girls-super class! And flies from butterflies plasma class Hyper! And great ... half-Naked boys in their trunks were overwhelmed by a tsunami, a whole cascade of orgasm. And it's so great that you can not even admire. Trump and Putin were shaking, as if they were pierced by electricity, and glowing body. And this is like two suns, which are covered by halos of light. And they burn and burn like pulsars. And jumping in young bodies orgasms, like herds of stallions. And how amazing is that?...
Both young body, but wise experience of the President-the United States and Russia, almost went crazy with aplomb and Nakata. But nothing-stood, carried and charged. Although every fiber and every cell of the body they have and shook, and shuddered. And don't stop the beating of young hearts. Under no circumstances.
But that's all ended... Otbelivala furious tornado of orgasms. Have agrohotel tears, and bursts of super energy, trillion beautiful and muscular female bodies. All this huge pantomime that unfolded in front of the universe and eternally young two presidents.
And now trump and Putin finally charged. Bulging and pouting.
Emmanuel said with delight:
- Now, my young knights embark on a journey to another universe!
Trillions of girls raised again, this time other legs. Gave up the sheaves violent flame, these vortices orgasm. And giperplaziei raging tornado picked up guys. Around them glittered the quasars, and enormous garlands of jewels. And flashed, rising to the horizon and the surrounding area with flames.
All the particles of the bodies of the presidents of the adolescent volcanoes and bubbling geysers. Their new physical constants raced through the universe. Carried away in the unknown, incomprehensible, and very even wildly unpredictable.


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