Книга: Putin And Trump Save The Universe
Назад: CHAPTER 16.
Дальше: CHAPTER 18.


And in the voice of a horrible monarch sounded confident.
More the power of the enemy - the higher the value of the victory! - Confidently objected naked Emmanuel, proudly straightening the mill, and shaking almost naked, under a thin strip of fabric, tanned Breasts. - To beat weak, that chew sand-available everyone, but causes vomiting!
She's almost naked, and muscular, bloody and glistening with sweat, looks - amazing!
There was a crunch and a noise, like elephants stomping, two women entered the arena. They were so huge that they could be mistaken for titans. Look scary, got out of the vein and veins perekreditovanija muscles. Face tattoos, colorful dragons, starting with the neck, going on her cheeks, and pokes his head for wide foreheads. Ruby panties and bras in the skull, complete the picture, giving them a black with a purple tint the bodies of bloody hue. And feet, like a bear, caterpillar, and even emergency jet nozzles.
Leave footprints in the gravel.
That's terrible! Whispered, barely concealing the irony of a warrior-Queen. - To connect a snake and a hedgehog heard of, but that and of itself, is a mixture of a little tank and a great prostitute, only see now!
And quietly giggled - how funny it seemed a private joke.
Female terminators did the ritual strokes, playfully swiping swords over his head, it was evident that, despite its size it is very agile and fast creature. It is not the blades, and the blades of the modern helicopter, separating from the ground multi-ton mass.
And the balls roll the muscles under the tanned skin.
There was the sound of a horn that sounded like a tearing iron, the ladies-ambals began to move, they seemed to be unhurried, but they felt an irresistible power flowing from the mouth of the lava volcano.
Their bodies are hot and steaming.
Emmanuel took a step back as if frightened, ran barefoot, round heels, and when they approached, abruptly jumped forward, trying to take intake dual fan. Those, however, reacted immediately, one even managed, strike blow foot, with rapidly rotating the tracks and beating jet nozzles in full thumping shield-maiden-Queen.
It was like a heavy pile.
The girl-Queen screamed, and jumped back, ribs ached, bra burst, already completely exposing the high, with scarlet nipples Breasts, which were bruised and tiny blisters. Emmanuel understood what it means to the fighters of high class, burning with pain and shame retreated. The terminator women rushed after her, trying to finish as quickly as possible.
Warrior-Queen was backing up, first slowly, then almost running, too they quick. Two ruby thugs began to drive outwardly the young warrior, the most dangerous, from different angles, and at different levels, almost simultaneous attacks, forced her to move in a ragged, unpredictable rhythm and did not give not that attack, but even really defend.
The girl-Queen thought that the motley audience devoured her eyes, her naked and frankly gorgeous Breasts.
Flickering pink, round heels Emmanuel tried to break the distance, adding speed, but the divas were not asleep, a couple of times hooked fugitive. Their blades caused much more pain than ordinary steel. Even hot iron is not as painful as this obviously enchanted metal. Then the devil-Queen of the star Empire, tried to get closer, but bumped into the tip, getting a deep mark in the naked chest.
If not for the phenomenal reaction, it could break through and heart. Emmanuel swung, almost losing her eye, and the blade cut off her temple hair. A clipped strand of flame-like hair fell apart in the wind.
A little hooked and the skin in the ear blood came. She, pinching, crawled, scarlet trickle on his temple.
Amazon-titans moved and noticed everything, it was clear that this time it is really the best warriors, exhibited against a simple warrior-Queen, albeit in a magnificent, but still almost human body.
Emmanuel, glistening with sweat, felt tired. Hands and feet began to pour lead, it seemed that the gravity increased, swords heavier, and the air thickened. The bare soles burned like a hot pan.
Warrior Queen realized that she might need to leave this body and hope to ever get in the universe of fantasy and dreams. What's next? After all, if she dies here, she may not be able to incarnate in the former material world, which means... The girl-Queen was furious and suddenly ashamed of her bare Breasts, and burns and wounds. And a song sounded in my head. The one she read, while traveling to the future, in a novel by a science fiction writer, on the tip of which she is looking for good and justice: the warrior-Queen and was in such a mess. The song made a strong impression on the half-naked Emmanuel, and in this one most corresponded to her inner mood, and distress.
And the voice was as full as silver bells.
In the sea play sheep waves,
I'm in the arena naked sword fight!
Look at the enemy threw proud,
Troubles dashing and pain-transcend!




Yes, I was born once, a powerless slave,
Logs pulled, shook on a back boulders!
To be in tension, in the same vein native element,
Shoulders caress whip of the executioners-the rascals!


Someone is rich and in a shade with beer sleeps,
I'm under a scorching stream, waving a hammer!
It's a custom so terribly ancient,
Need obedience to princes to soak up the milk!


But lucky-if you can call, then lucky,
Sold the virgin from the mines and sent into battle!
It lit me up with a fabulous insight,
Was not just a slave, but a woman cool!


But it does not happen, believe me boundless happiness,
A terrible opponent got, and I was wounded!
Cut me in the battle of evil to pieces,
God charged me - fine!


But don't give up, the strength of the last fight,
Let her kill people, curse the gods!
This course is now racked with guilt,
And I can't find the right words here!


The song of the proud Gladiator girl calmed and allowed Emmanuel to gather, added cheerfulness.
The muscular, sweaty body of the beautiful Queen was filled with energy. Even sweat covering like butter body shone stronger and brighter, from which the royalty began to think of perfect beauty.
The warrior-Queen began to breathe more evenly, automatically protecting herself from the heavy blows of the divas, each of them four times heavier than her. The main thing is the search for weaknesses in the played pair, painted killers. It is difficult to do this, women tanks are real professionals. However, it is possible, one of them is possibly younger and hot slightly ahead of his girlfriend, because of this Amazon underworld for a very short period of time remains without proper protection.
Like the terrible tank "Tiger", revealing for a brief moment vulnerable joint between the hull and turret.
But it is so fleetingly subtle that the enchantress is the Queen of Emmanuel hesitated - she had enough reaction and speed. However, there was a chance if you force them to make one suitable for her is a sandal sequence of attacks, then appeared a Ghost of a chance to stab right under the breast. Although Emmanuel is a great risk to expose his light with the tiny horns in his head.
Usually these horns are impossible to notice, but the period of the highest tension, they protrude. Just as the bare soles of the legs begin to glow.
Lilac gravel is hot and severely burn bare feet all the pretty girls, the witch, and the temperatures rose quickly, as if under the arena turned on the burner. However the pain is stimulated, so move and maneuver much easier than in a Shoe, she feels bare foot every grain of sand. You can be a fast leopard or a swift Viper. Running away, she tried to imagine how to move to provoke their mad attacks. Cuts chest, forearms, thighs, the back at the devils and star of the Queen in one bottle became more and more poured a lot of blood.
She more resembled a partisan tormented by the executioners.
Here is one of the attacks cut panties, almost cut off the girl's leg. A deep cut appeared on the muscular thigh, and the devil Queen herself became completely naked in blood and sweat.
Emmanuel slowed, the shifts became sluggish, her legs gave way, she began to move from side to side. Blocks have become clumsy, women monsters strengthened the onslaught: it seemed the final protracted beyond any measure of combat, is close!
They were large chunks of trained meat, and seemed not to know fatigue.
Sly Emmanuel did not just pretend to be exhausted, she really was very hard. Who failed to shift from the blow, sturdy and smooth girls leg stained with blood: she really managed to shift and the cut was easy, but the opponents seemed that the warrior-Queen was wounded hard. A strong prick in the shoulder, painful, Amazon even tried to twist, even more provoked the attackers. They rushed forward to finish off the young Queen-she-devil, in appearance almost a child, but Emmanuel was to this just ready.
The right lady fighter threw up her sword, trying to finish the fight with a difficult turn, in order to cut the neck from left to right. The warrior-Queen suddenly rushed to meet her, diving like a young Tyson under the arm, almost losing consciousness, from the terrible pain in the pierced through shoulder, (even surprisingly from what blood does not beat a fountain) stuck her right blade under the watermelon-like chest.
Invested by penetrating the skin of a Rhino.
That diva-hero jerked, bra burst, fell rubies, knocking on the purple gravel, which for a moment distracted, the second warrior and allowed, falling backwards, the right sword to catch the calf.
Like hitting an oak tree.
Emmanuel barely moved from the crossing movement of their blades, fresh cuts appeared on the long-suffering back. The devil Queen, flashing her half-naked body, used a hooking blow under the knee of the woman-thug, there was a short groan, then she fell under her feet, frozen from his attack standing on the left Gladiator, smashed her head into the solar plexus.
Even Emmanuel shook, but the result on his face, a huge diva fell like mown grass.
Or rather a cut down pine tree...
Golden hair warrior-Queen turned red from blood, she was a terrible feeling of imminent victory, added strength. She managed to get ahead of the shocked woman, and the precise thrust of the sword fell on the bull's neck, the wounded Buffalo. Completely cut this trunk did not have the strength, but the carotid artery seems to have burst and that, reflectively reproducing a few strokes, subsided, not showing signs of life.
Bloody and sweaty, shiny bronze muscles beautiful, rugged and exhausted, believed in their victory.
The sword of another Amazon attacker-Hippo, Emmanuel parried with difficulty, it even knocked, so tried to plunge the blade into the chest of the warrior Queen, but "kladenets" stuck in the gravel. Emmanuel shifted in time, sliced her inner thigh, and even hooked a richly decorated skirt. Again fell like large hailstones red rubies, and the sliding movement of the sword cut through the tracks, the wheels fell, revealing a rather pretty leg.
Really big, and nails sparkled with the edge of diamonds.
The diva-giant snatched the sword and mad rage, in revenge for the murdered companion, fell upon Emmanuel. Then a huge warrior stepped his bare foot on the sharp ruby, he stared at the skin, forcing to oyknut the beautiful giantess. The bully muttered in annoyance:
- Oh my hoof-sting Wahhabi!
This funny, and laughter drives away fatigue.
Half-naked Emmanuel took advantage of her fleeting, split-second distraction, and abruptly extended her arm, hooked the blade of the giant woman inside the elbow fold. The veins were cut, and the right hand, as thick as the dancer's thigh, lost its mobility.
The witch had reason to be pleased.
- Bad luck to you baby in this life, maybe happiness is the warrior in the other worlds. However: from whom there is no mind in this light, in the future acquires darkness. Whispered, gasping and staggering knackered Emmanuel.
Hard warrior, a trickle of sweat and blood, lying on the hot gravel and hiss.
And then the Queen-enchantress almost paid for a second of distraction, the tip hit the heart, breaking up rib, a warrior barely moved and, in turn, also got its circular promenade on the ruby. Fortunately the puncture was painful, but not deep, although problems added, even as in spite of thumb feet on broken, metal caterpillar hurt, even mother of pearl nail turned blue.
Its terrible the opponent is a female dinosaur had still not been emotionally broken, but was losing blood at a slower pace. Realizing that she could quickly expire, the giantess on the move tried to bandage the wound, but Emmanuel already exhausted by the fight, didn't want to risk and give the enemy a chance. The girl-Queen had a complicated difficult resistible technique - "floating buoy", keeping the blade hit his head. Falling to her knees, the woman-hero released the sword from her weakened fingers, then raised her emerald eyes, glaring into the face of the beautiful and courageous face of Emmanuel, said:
"If you were my daughter, I'd be proud of you, but now please step away!"
The beauty looked really terrifying.
- Everyone wants have good children, but no one thinks about nurturing! The warrior Queen sighed. - Want to have a happy growth: dobrei care, water, attention, okusheva - instruction!
Beautiful can say eternally young enchantress.
Bloody warrior, a bit on resisting, seeking to cling to air, collapsed on gravel. Magnificent Emmanuel was sorry for her, even his heart ached. However, spirit is immortal, and she inflicted the suffering only its powerful flesh.
And her body - it is like a faithful Family and magic that will not lose their freshness and to recover.
The war witch ran a shaking hand over the strands of hair, they stuck together, became crimson, in such heat it is unpleasant to stand bloody and sweaty, salty liquid stings wounds, itches the head. And invisible for lush hair horns, cringed and became even smaller. Crystal sounds, the ringing bells of joy, the voice:
- You were magnificent, having won against the strongest our fighters. Truly you are worthy to enter our family and receive the key, boundless and unseen. To gain access to power.
Emmanuel raised up on the toes, soles torn, and finely chiselled legs badly ached.
The last proposal was quite tempting, however, this world seemed too crazy and irrational, but the prospect is not bad, only "sell" is not visible behind a terrible barrier.
But here to great disappointment rumbled:
"Now prepare yourself for the final test!"
It was like a vault of heaven falling on your head.
Emmanuel frowned, really have to fight for another... As it is sung in a song by space elves: a little more bare: the last fight he most difficult! I want to go to bed with a girl! I want the girl to be a mother! The defeated women were carefully placed on a stretcher, saluting. Burn this time were not soldiers of the elite, worthy of honor.
Emmanuel felt that she had no more strength.
Warrior-Queen lay down, or rather plopped down onto the spot where lay a great big the body is, there the gravel is not so badly burned naked, muscular body of the girl, though sticky from the blood, but the strength is already there. Stretched, raising her knees, the blood drained from burnt feet and relax. She was overcome by languor, did not want to move, pulled to sleep, falling into a heavy sleep. But subconscious anxiety did not allow to plunge into the realm of dreams. She brought watered wine, apparently for fear that the whole hops from the devil-Queen is finally knocked out, and then the girls splashed at Emmanuel, pure alcohol and some burning of herbs, disinfect the wounds.
Poured on wounds, burns and ulcers fire water.
How the witch-lady howled at this, but she was quickly silent, burning with shame: it is necessary to show weakness. Broken nails neatly trimmed, painted light bronze scissors, seductive legs shook a couple of sprained fingers. Curved clavicle also put in place, forcing him once again to protonate, just trim the hair, biting sprayed, smelled nice shampoo, but when hit in the eye... Warrior-Queen even quite nice thought: infernal torment-hard treatment. She was given a cloak soaked in oils and incense, and allowed to lie down for a few minutes.
Oh, I wanted to lie down for at least a few hours.
Terribly, but when the pain of disinfection was the warrior-sorceress felt much easier and more fun. She lay thinking about the fact that inherent in the living body fatigue there are advantages, as you blissfully happy when you rest!
Like you, Gerda, walked around barefoot half the light, and before the last transition relaxed. Only this girl was still and chilly, in the late autumn. And the legs on the sharp stones and coarse gravel of the road is also down. And you're lying warm. However, scarred and scratched by the swords.
Then from under the gravel crawled a funny creature, it resembled a mix of a racing car, a case of pineapple and sapphire in the emerald speckled a tail of a Fox. And the muzzle with the ears fold "Cheburashka" was comely, nose carrots ending the seven-colored Lily. Approaching Emmanuel, the animal pressed against her scratched cheek and began to lick her six thin tongues. The girl-Queen even purred with pleasure, the deep wound began to heal, blood was no longer pouring from her.
And the force has become much more. Fatigue receded.
- Who are you? The young witch Queen asked. - Organic or mechanical?
And carefully tried to pet him. Her palms tickled.
The creature did not answer, and Emmanuel, though you kill, or how could not remember where it saw, and what beheld, it is a miracle - exactly! In addition, in the process of perception of the information universe, many processes occur in the brain automatically, or under the guidance of intuition. So you had to guess what fauna inhabits the likeness, though a stranger, but quite real, even partly they created the universe.
Wounds on naked breast muscular girls-Queen, have become close.
"I wish I had something to feed you!" Are you reasonable?! - Emmanuel Whispered. - How many living creatures has intelligence, but has no conscience! Intelligence without conscience-a car without a steering wheel!
What is a good quote she came up with.
In response to the call came the same awakening from sleep to the alarm clock. An unpleasant trill, which could mean and, Yes and no. The girl-Queen gently stroked the animal, thought it was good to give birth to more children from Donald trump... However, to speak and sleep for a long time the devil or rather a good witch was not given.
And her muscular body, still ached with fatigue, rang every vein and bone of a beautiful, female body.
First the roar of the stands, which had become monotonous, was stilled, and some culinary monsters shook their naked curls, fanciful patterns, and offered money for the night. The animal-machine howled like a siren, scoring six wide movable wheels, suddenly his carrot parted and began to appear in the form of nuts teeth, they seemed to grow in a second. I had to raise myself on my elbow, pointing to the object of a heavy head, and watery eyes.
Well, she's a witch and a star Queen of the highest class, and let the energy flow through your veins.
Seen, could lead in shock even the most staunch of a soldier. From the gate in the shape of the skull came out three hefty, predatory similarity to the hybrid of a battleship and tank, though dotted with the muzzles of the guns and with a powerful clawed hand-paws of the excavator. Stimulated by the hunger and smell of blood spilled in the arena, they made a sound like the pressing of rusty metal and the roar of exploding bombs, and twirled three retractable periscope eyes . A little hesitated, but you can see the high fence inspired primitive brains that they do not reach the well-fed women and they reluctantly went to the only available food. Launch a small, but so nice smells of alcohol.
Warrior-Queen, finally became, depicted in the face of courage.
Back Emmanuel involuntarily shiver, to cope with three tanks, battleships, alone, unreal. She would not dare to join battle with such huge, almost like elephants giants, even when absolutely fresh, but with only one sword. Against them it would be best disatisfying universal princesses-annihilator. He shoots: graviola, gamma radiation, multi-laser, vacuum iscriviti, ultra-mega-sound, heat cascade, the radiation of the cold and hyperacusia and chinasquare, and giperplaziei tornado. A terrible weapon, and even creating a matrix protection and a force field around the fighter.
Many knowledgeable Emmanuel read a couple of chapters with the use of this tool, even purring with delight, bright battle scenes, and what swords? They only sandwich cut into. And when you consider that it is infinitely exhausted conducted contractions.
The girl-Queen angrily stamped her burned bare foot.
This is so not fair! Half-naked Emmanuel desperately shouted to the Empress.
And staggered, but stood on his feet.
- The more enemies, the more valuable victory! The Royal retorted. - Show yourself worthy, and live and die!
Emmanuel gritted her teeth and clenched her fists.
Well, if you die like that with music. The young witch-Queen began to jump, trying to regain her vigor and swiftness in motion. However, demonic or angelic or rather the body does not have enough time to recover his balance to date have been exhausted, to enter the martial status was not possible.
What animal gave only the illusion of power.
Half-naked Emmanuel trembled from exhaustion, heavy sweat dripped, battleship tanks were approaching, they were not in a hurry, seeing that the victim still did not leave. Warrior-Queen could feel their foul breath, the eyes forward, on the contrary failed. There was something that Emmanuel is least expected. The animal, terrified and trying to bury its wheels in the sand, roared like a volley of gun batteries, and rushed towards the monster. Tank-battleship for a moment, taken aback from such impudence - such a little one throws at him. He sat down on the rear caterpillar, pinning his tail, his eyes poked out, the nose of the battleship parted, exposing his mouth.
That's a giant crocodile.
Half-naked Emmanuel realized, that a new comrade on the brink of demise, new sense of partnership has reinvigorated it courage, suppressing fatigue. Warrior-Queen darted forward, barely managed to beat the sword nearly cut the animal's paw, released on full-length claws.
And where only forces are starting!
The blow was good, although it was given to the brush, the skin burst, viscous orange blood poured. The tank battleship jumped, trying to bring down the mass, and was hit in the fall. The second organic-mechanical monster caught his partner, trying to get his teeth, and got on the lip. Blades flashed like a lady's fan, it is difficult to break through the skin, but you can scratch. To get away from the third monster, the demon lady had to perform an army command: fell-pressed, walking blade on the belly. True, and it stung a little barrel, it is terrible when darn skin. And from the gun muzzles erupted a burning flame.
It swept up and licked the warrior's already torn skin.
Again Emmanuel jumped, she remembered the dance of the wild swans, and tried to save traffic. Large size tanks-battleships now played against them, big inertia problem with the reaction, it is difficult to gain just the right speed. You can go and rake blades, buckets, sliding the face, bristling with guns croup, tails, and steamboat pipes. To strike this terrible, surreal nightmare, inflicting minor but painful wounds and trying to avoid the huge jaws and a quick, strong buckets paws.
The second breath has opened, and the warmed-up muscles already not so painfully ache from fatigue.
While the devil Queen was lucky, she managed a couple of scratches, then a small jagged cut on her back. Then nearly managed to escape, and hooked on hip, breaking recently wearing the armband. Now such an incredibly beautiful and sexy Emmanuel was again completely naked girl. And it is a shame, and her feminine dignity was humiliated. Although this culinary hellhole for men to consider work. Isn't her naked body a pride and a crown of beauty?
Certainly a shame, a damned mechanical beast! The anger and frustration just bursting every molecule in my body!
And rage gives new forces!
A warrior-Queen in a rage jumped high, kicked in the neck, and then stabbed the sword deep into the periscope. In the same moment, she was thrown away by force, so much so that the caviar tearing the skin fell down. Completely disarmed, Emmanuel fell, colored circles floated in front of her eyes. The tank battleship leapt at her, another child of mechanical hell jumping at the same time. Warrior-Queen barely moved, getting a new burns from the spitting fire of the guns. The beasts collided, then the monster with the broken swords spat out a large clot of bloody parts, he hissed, collapsed on the sand, bent into a lamb... and quiet. Looks like the tank battleship's dead!
The warrior-Queen, shaking her blistered Breasts, and stomping her bare feet, screamed:
They're dying! Only stupidity is immortal!
And swept bare feet on the flames, almost feeling the heat. Outwardly indestructible monster was mortal!
Such a thought cheered Emmanuel, especially as it is much nicer to kill is not reasonable creatures than cute girls. However, the head was a brass band, and she became like a warrior in a trance fought, physical overload and exhilaration! The second tank-battleship received a hole in the armor shell.
The warrior Queen has rapidly shortened the distance. The enemy became more vulnerable.
Naked with muscles like cast steel, Emmanuel took advantage of this, expanding it with a few strong strokes, getting close to the cauldrons. A sharp jump she jumped on the shell, but burned bare girly feet, all she managed two swords to open the main artery of the mechanism that blew up the boilers, then the death of the tank-battleship was just a matter of time. From pipes even knocked the nastiest dirty-brown smoke.
Witch and star Queen in one bottle, bellowed:
Is going to win! Those who yearn to break the shackles!


Назад: CHAPTER 16.
Дальше: CHAPTER 18.